The BEST episodes written by Yumiko Suzuki

Mirai Captured
114 votes

#1 - Mirai Captured

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 18

Four sneaks off the Garuda to track down the (to her) unknown pilot of the Mark-II who touched her mind so deeply. Amuro escorts Mirai and the children aboard a cruise ship that will take them to relative safety until the Kalaba can find a way to reunite them with Bright on the Ahgama. Four comes ashore near the marina and notices Camille waiting for Amuro. After hearing Amuro's name called, she hitches a ride with Camille to get a line on the Mark-II pilot. Mirai and the children are kidnapped while Camille and Four are driving around Hong Kong. The Titans will release them for the surrender of the Audomura, but Amuro trades himself instead. Camille goes to the rescue in the Mark-II, surprising the submerged Marine Hizack (MS-06M) ambushers by coming in underwater himself.

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Amuro Flies Again
118 votes

#2 - Amuro Flies Again

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 14

Still under surveillance, Amuro goes to the airport to see the Kobayashis off. He and Katsu hijack the airliner and divert it to rendezvous with the giant transport plane Audomura. Rosamia Vadam, an enhanced Newtype produced by Augusta Laboratory, attacks Audomura in the new variable Mobile Suit Gaplant (ORX-005). Camille is appalled at the power of the Gaplant -- it takes the combined power of the Mark-II and the Type-100 to defeat it. Braun, angered by Rosamia's failure, attacks Audomura in the Asshimar. Camille and Quattro again combine forces to repel the attack. Even so, Braun is about to smash the bridge of the Audomura when Amuro and Katsu arrive. The passengers have been let off en route, so they are free to ram the Asshimar with the hijacked airliner. Katsu flies to safety using a "Homo Avis" (jet-propelled strap-on wings) while Camille rescues Amuro from the falling plane. He then comes face to face with his former enemy in the One Year War, Char Aznable.

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The Day of Dakar
171 votes

#3 - The Day of Dakar

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 37

Jared is aboard the Garuda super plane pursuing the Audomura, which is en route to Dakar to interrupt an Assembly meeting and use its global broadcast facilities to voice AEUGO and Kalaba grievances. Irma charms her way past the young Titan pilot Eiji to rendezvous with Quattro, airlifted by Amuro's Dijeh and flying sled. While Irma holds the Assembly at gunpoint, Quattro takes the podium and reveals his true identity, saying he speaks not as Char Aznable of the Zion Empire but as the son of Deacon Zion. Zion didn't set out to satisfy personal ambitions, like the Zabi dynasty that murdered him and stole his name, but to step into the sky for the true advancement of mankind. "Not to abandon Earth, as Earth is our mother, we must now go out on our own!" The broadcast is seen by Eiji, who spots Irma, and by Sayla Maas, the alias of Char's younger sister Artesia. Eiji and his cohort launch their Asshimars just as Jared takes off in the Byarlant with a squadron of Custom Hizacks (RMS-106CS). During the dogfight over the city, one of the Asshimars is hit and only Eiji's timely assistance keeps it from crashing in downtown Dakar. Eiji can't hold it and both are about to crash when Camille rescues them in Z-Gundam. Jared attacks viciously, tearing up a downtown city block to get at Z-Gundam. As he closes in for the kill, he is attacked in turn by Eiji' Asshimar -- his way of repaying Camille's earlier rescue. Irma hears the battle raging outside the Assembly and takes a cameraman to the roof. There they broadcast evidence of Titan ruthlessness as Jared attacks Eiji's Asshimar. The Kalaba and AEUG forces make a safe retreat as the EUG Assembly and the world at large officially condemn the Titan's actions. Amuro and Quattro are now truly on the same side.

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Through the Haze of Darkness
173 votes

#4 - Through the Haze of Darkness

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 16

The Audomura is en route to Hickory by way of the Kalaba launch site where Camille, Quattro and Katsu will make their way back to the Ahgama. Amuro has been given the Rick Dias. Irma talks to him, trying to rekindle his fighting spirit and maybe spark a little romance. Quattro also takes him aside, to allay their mutual guilt over the death of Lela Sun, who sacrificed herself to keep them from killing each other during the One Year War. Irma takes off in her biplane to direct the Mobile Suits to the launch site. As they reach the site, Braun leads a squad of Hizacks against the Audomura. Amuro has a change of heart and attacks Braun's Asshimar. Camille gives Katsu a gun with instructions to get Quattro on the shuttle and keep him there, then takes off to assist Amuro in the Mark-II. Camille and Amuro keep the Titan forces at bay while the shuttle lifts off. The battle ends when they team up to catch the Asshimar in their crossfire.

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Storm Over Kilimanjaro
110 votes

#5 - Storm Over Kilimanjaro

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 35

The Radish leaves the Ahgama with La Vie en Rose. Petty quarrels ensue aboard Ahgama: Shinta and Qum break Haro, Camille is too busy writing reports for Bright to be bothered fixing it at first and snubs Quattro on his way to repair it later, Fa is upset with Camille for his childish actions toward Quattro since Reccoa's loss. Quattro and Bright meet to discuss an assault on the new Titan base atop Kilimanjaro. The Kalaba will attack it with Dijeh (MSK-008) and Dodai Sub Flight Units (flying sleds) while the Ahgama supplies orbital and aerial reconnaissance and high-altitude air support. As the Ahgama departs, Won Lee stays behind at La Vie en Rose. During the mission briefing, Camille interrupts Quattro with an angry outburst about Reccoa. Fa shuts him up, prompting him to walk out. Alone in the corridor, he has a vision of Four that mellows him enough to apologize to Fa later. Near Earth, Yazan attacks the Ahgama with the Barzam (RMS-154) developed at Kilimanjaro. Yazan cripples Quattro's Type-100, sending it plunging into the atmosphere, but Camille uses Z-Gundam in Wave Rider mode as a re-entry shield.

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The Mirror of Rosamia
111 votes

#6 - The Mirror of Rosamia

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 48

The asteroid Axis, last seen plowing into the Titans' asteroid headquarters in episode 45, has made a semi-orbit of Earth and is now heading for an imminent collision with the moon. It's on course to plow directly into Granada, a major base of support for AEUGO and the home of its sponsor Anaheim Electronics. The AEUGO forces are ordered to drop whatever they're doing and save the corporate headquarters from imminent destruction. While the AEUG fleet consolidates around the colony laser, the Agama is sent to Axis for some reason that currently escapes me. Camille, nosing about the asteroid, runs into the mighty Psyco Gundam Mk.II, piloted by "sister" and artificial newtype Rozamia Badam. The Psyco Gundam gets stuck in the asteroid's innards, and Camille, Rozamia and Fa begin chasing each other around on foot. Rozamia is a total basket case (still), and Camille keeps getting these Four vibes from her. Fa tries to talk the addle-brained artificial newtype down, but no dice; she rushes back to the Psyco Gundam and the battle is resumed. In the end, Camille has no choice but to kill Rozamia; she thanks him for releasing her from her torment. Meanwhile, Scirocco eliminates his only remaining rival for control of the Titans. Basque Om's flagship, the Dogos Gear, is guarded by artificial newtype Geits Kappa, who is simultaneously "coaching" Rozamia; when she dies, the psychic backlash kills Geits as well, and Scirocco's forces (led by Reccoa) swarm over the Dogos Gear and blow it to bits. AEUGO uses the colony laser to fire at the asteroid Axis and divert it from its collision course.

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Scirocco Rises
81 votes

#7 - Scirocco Rises

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 46

With the Axis-Titans alliance on the ropes (what with Hamaan having double-crossed the Titans, captured the colony laser, and smashed the asteroid Axis into the Gate of Zedan), the leaders of both sides (Jamitov, Hamaan and Scirocco) meet aboard Hamaan's flagship to see if they can't work things out. Meanwhile, Katsu sneaks aboard the ship with the hare-brained notion that he's going to whack Scirocco and win Sara's love. He meets up with Char (still hanging out aboard Hamaan's ship), who improves on Katsu's plan by breaking into the conference room and trying to kill *everyone* involved. As luck would have it, Scirocco has meanwhile pulled a gun on Hamaan; Char breaks in, draws a bead on Scirocco, Sara senses the threat and fires her mobile suit's beam guns through the ship and into the conference room. Total chaos ensues, and everyone flees; Scirocco finds himself alone in the room with Jamitov, and shoots him just for kicks. Then he flees the Axis flagship, telling the Titans fleet that Hamaan had Jamitov whacked. The Titans open fire on the ship and destroy it. Now that everybody's outside in their mobile suits, Hamaan and Scirocco face off in one of those newtype staring matches. Reccoa and Sara, watching from the sidelines, decide to take out Hamaan while she's distracted - but Katsu has the same idea in regards Scirocco, and comes zooming in to shoot him in the back. Sara takes the hit, saving her purple-haired Humbert Humbert.

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The Call of Darkness
81 votes

#8 - The Call of Darkness

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 34

On the Radish, Emma makes a date with Henken. In the Ahgama Mobile Suit launch bay, Camille asks Quattro how Reccoa is doing. This surprises Torres, who laughs at the idea of Quattro and Reccoa as an item. Camille asks Fa to check up on Reccoa for him. Fa and Reccoa talk -- Reccoa recalls her youth fighting the EUG and the death of her first love. Aboard the Dogoth Gear, Yazan is unhappy with the alliance with Axis and leads another attack of his own against the Ahgama, deploying inflatable "dummy" Marasai to confuse the AEUGO forces. Camille in Z-Gundam, Quattro in the Type-100, Emma in the Mark-II and Reccoa in the Methuss launch to defend the Ahgama. Reccoa is still hampered by her injured arm and is quickly ambushed. Quattro saves her, but is called off with Camille to counter what appears to be another squad of Mobile Suits. Reccoa is still in a daze, but Camille snaps her out of it. Aboard the Ahgama, Bright appraises the situation and countermands Won Lee's orders as Reccoa and Camille discover the Titan trick. Reccoa and Yazan experience a Newtype reaction as he destroys her Methuss. She ejects, allowing herself to be captured by Yazan and taken to Scirocco. As the Ahgama docks with the maintenance ship La Vie en Rose, Reccoa is presumed dead and Camille is furious with Quattro for allowing her to fight before she had fully recovered from her wounds.

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Colony Drop
82 votes

#9 - Colony Drop

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 25

Hizack approaches the Ahgama under a flag of truce. Scirocco, humiliated by Jamaican's reprimand, has sent Sara to betray Jamaican's plan to push the deserted Side 4 out of its orbit and crash it into Von Braun City. Camille learns that Scirocco has been behind all the recent attacks. Sara is put under house-arrest and held hostage in the event that this is a trap. The Ahgama and Radish set out to intercept the falling space colony while Won Lee warns the mayor of Von Braun City -- the Titans are the real threat. Sara plays on Katsu's trust to recover her Hizack and escape. Emma activates one of Side 4's attitude jets, which alters the space colony's trajectory enough to miss Von Braun City.

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The Gate of Zedan
82 votes

#10 - The Gate of Zedan

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 44

Haman requests a meeting with Jamitov on the asteroid fortress Zedan's Gate (formerly known as A'Bao'A'Qu). The Ahgama follows the Gwadan as a backup. Aboard the Jupiteris, Scirocco assigns Sara to an attack mission in the new Bolinoak Samaan (PMX-002) while he and Reccoa go to defend Zedan's Gate. The Ahgama detects Sara's approaching Mobile Suit and Camille intercepts it in Z-Gundam. He and Sara battle until he corners her in an abandoned outpost. Meanwhile, Haman meets with Jamitov aboard the battleship Hario. Jamitov offers an alliance with Zion, but Haman is skeptical. Her suspicion is justified by an assassination attempt, which she escapes in part because she expected it. Jared in the Byarlant leads an attack on the Gwadan and Haman summons the Ahgama for reinforcements. Camille joins the fight with Sara imprisoned at his side aboard Z-Gundam. Sara senses Katsu piloting the Methuss. The battle is violent, with heavy losses on both sides. Sara and Katsu meet again as she is interned aboard the Ahgama but, even though they are separated by great distance, Sara is still subject to the power of Scirocco's will.

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Crisis at Side Two
82 votes

#11 - Crisis at Side Two

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 29

Radish orbits the Moon over Von Braun City as Ahgama goes on alone to Side 2, where a minor revolt is in progress and a Titan raid is expected at any time. Quattro takes the Type-100 to Von Braun City to brief AEUG's backers on his mission to Earth. Bright gets word that the Alexandria carries the same G-3 nerve gas used on Bunch 30. Camille is teased for hanging around waiting for Reccoa and goes to see Fa, who has been given charge of the refugee children Shinta and Qum now that Reccoa has returned. Jared briefs his troops on their mission at Bunch 25 (Side 2) -- they will indeed be using G-3. The mayor of Bunch 25 is having second thoughts now that the Titan force is known to be on the way. The Alexandria approaches the colony disguised as an asteroid. The Ahgama opens fire on it and launches Camille in Z-Gundam and Reccoa in the Methuss as the Titan Hizacks attach the G-3 canister to Bunch 25's hull. Jared's Gabthley goes after Z-Gundam, taking the battle into the colony. Katsu, in a Nemo, prevents Moira's Gabthley from destroying Z-Gundam. Reccoa destroys the G-3 canister and the Titan forces withdraw. The Ahgama docks with the colony and Bright lectures the mayor on the futility of trying to deal with the Titans.

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Moon Attack
81 votes

#12 - Moon Attack

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 23

The Titans begin Operation Apollo to take control of Von Braun City. Quattro, Henken and Katsu leave the city in a space cruiser to prepare for the expected attack. Scirocco gives his troops their final mission briefing and leads the fleet from the Dogoth Gear. Quattro in the Type-100 and Camille in Z-Gundam engage the Titan Mobile Suits near the lunar surface while the Ahgama is attacked by the Titan fleet. Fa reluctantly enters the battle and Camille backs her up. Quattro's damaged Type-100 almost destroys Jared's Gabthley, but Moira rescues him. Scirocco very selectively launches his troops as the Dogoth Gear descends unopposed toward Von Braun City, having diverted the defenders away from his true target: the spaceport. Later, Jamaican reprimands Scirocco for his unorthodox tactics, even though they were totally successful. Scirocco's apology is sincere on the surface, but he clearly won't forget this incident. Fa is ashamed of her panic during the battle, all the more so because everyone insists on crediting it to her youth and inexperience.

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Entering the Atmosphere
83 votes

#13 - Entering the Atmosphere

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 11

Bright Noah, who commanded White Base during the One Year War, is appointed Captain of the Ahgama for the invasion of Jabrow. Paptimus Scirocco, pilot of the Messala, leads a surprise counterattack. Emma turns back to defend the Ahgama. The increased mobility of the booster packs developed for the Mark-II helps Emma's Rick Dias repel the assault force. Scirocco is not used to fighting this deep in the gravity well and is forced to pull out, but the Alexandria launches reinforcements. Emma's Rick Dias is damaged enough to prevent safe re-entry, so she reboards the Ahgama while the rest of the AEUG Mobile Suits begin their atmospheric descent. Corcoran pursues the AEUG force in his Marasai, but a ballute failure sends him plummeting out of control to a fiery death.

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89 votes

#14 - Departure

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 2

The Titans believe that Quattro is the Red Comet. Kamille steals one of the three new Gundams and escapes with him. Bright challenges Bask Om about running military tests in civilian colonies but the Titan Kacricon Cacooler doesn't have respect for Bright.

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83 votes

#15 - Awakening

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 41

Rosamia refuses to see the doctor until Shinta and Qum convince her by example that there's nothing to fear. Aboard the Dogoth Gear, Basque orders Reccoa to prove her new loyalties by leading an attack on Bunch 21 (Side 2). Reccoa's Messala and the pair of Hizacks with the G-3 nerve gas bomb are detected by the colony and intercepted by a squad of Nemos. Camille in Z-Gundam and Emma in the Mark-II take off to join them, but Quattro stays behind to keep an eye on Rozamia. Using the children as a diversion, Rosamia takes a Nemo (which she derisively calls "A simple machine!") and chases after her "brother" with Quattro close behind in the Type-100. Meanwhile, the G-3 is released into Bunch 21 with deadly effect. Camille senses the deaths of the eight million inhabitants. Battle is joined. Camille sees Reccoa in the Messala, but is accosted by Rosamia before he can confront her. Camille and Rosamia enter Bunch 21 through a breach in the hull. Rosamia witnesses the mass murder as Camille exacts a measure of revenge by blasting the Hizacks. Quattro confronts Reccoa, but can't bring himself to stop her. Rosamia, like Four, falls victim to her programming and suddenly sees Camille as the Enemy. Emma keeps Rosamia from killing Camille, who stops Emma from killing Rosamia. Reccoa and Rosamia escape, leaving Camille and Quattro to reflect on the consequences of their actions.

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By the Lake
81 votes

#16 - By the Lake

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 39

The Ahgama returns to Bunch 25 (Side 2) for supplies. Camille and Fa take the children on a sightseeing excursion of the colony. The Titans regroup at Grips 2 (Side 7) while Jamitov and Basque plan their next move against AEUGO with Scirocco. Rosamia is sent as a spy to Bunch 25. She is drawn to Camille, whom she insists is her brother, and forces herself on the party, refusing to part company with him. During a rustic wagon-ride, Rosamia shows Camille a picture of her family, from whom she was separated during the One Year War. The boy she identifies as her brother could easily be mistaken for Camille. Quattro, patrolling in the Type-100, is attacked by a pair of Custom Hizacks. Camille senses Quattro's situation and takes everyone on a boat ride on the lake -- Camille and the children in one boat, Fa and Rosamia in the other. A stray shot holes the colony and the battle moves inside. At the lake, Camille and Rosamia trade places and he and Fa row into the reeds. Rosamia gets Minerva to join her and the children, much to Haman's dismay. Haman and Camille catch sight of each other as the battle enters their area. Another wild shot blows a hole in the "bottom" of the lake, with life-threatening results for everyone. Haman reclaims Minerva and gets away while Quattro repairs the hull. Aboard the Ahgama, Camille introduces Rosamia while Fa looks on with obvious jealousy for the sexy newcomer's open displays of sisterly affection.

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Rendezvous with Char
53 votes

#17 - Rendezvous with Char

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 27

The Ahgama and Radish proceed to geosynchronous orbit to rendezvous with Quattro. Camille and Fa argue over her status as a Mobile Suit pilot and Appori kids Camille about the boy's apparent lack of skill with women. Bright and Henken make plans for Reccoa to infiltrate Jupiteris. Aboard the Dogoth Gear, Yazan and Jared get into an argument that disrupts the Mobile Suit launch bay. Moira takes Jared aside and cautions him on the danger of crossing Yazan -- look what happened to Jamaican. She reminds him of Scirocco's plan and their part in it. The Ahgama descends toward the atmosphere as the Audomura ascends toward space -- Quattro will fly a shuttle between them. Titan Mobile Suits, led by Yazan's Gaplant, attack as the shuttle comes in range. Emma leads a counterforce in the Mark-II, but Bright is still forced to move the Ahgama ahead of schedule. Jared and Moira lead a squad of Hizacks in their Gabthleys. Sara is in a Hizack armed with a Mega Bazooka, Moira has the booster pack for it. Sara is so intent on destroying Z-Gundam that she unconsciously broadcasts her intentions in a wave of Newtype energy. Katsu and Emma respond, forming Super Gundam and sending a warning to Camille, who's attention is being distracted by Jared until Sara is ready to fire. Camille disrupts Sara's concentration with the same Newtype mental contact he used on Four in Psyco Gundam. Sara's shot goes wild, destroying Quattro's shuttle. The crew compartment is intact, however, and the Ahgama picks it up as the Titans retreat. Sara, like Four, is both disturbed and intrigued by the intimate contact with Camille, who is now trying to make up with Fa. Quattro brings Bright a message from Mirai and the children, relayed to him by Hyato aboard the Audomura.

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Half-Moon Love
54 votes

#18 - Half-Moon Love

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 31

Sarah plants a bomb in Von Braun City, but Kamille soon catches up with her. Sarah warns Kamille of the bomb and he attempts to retrieve it as the Argama plans its escape before the bomb is set to explode.

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Warrior, Once More...
17 votes

#19 - Warrior, Once More...

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 47

Hoping that a one-on-one battle with Haman will end the conflict, Judau launches in the Double Zeta. Haman too flies out to meet him alone in her white Qubeley. In the face of the Qubeley's furious assault, Judau's back is pushed to the wall. But protected by the wills of many people, he rises to face Haman.

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Kamille's Voice
14 votes

#20 - Kamille's Voice

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 34

Launching in the Double Zeta, Ple manages to drive off the enemy from the Argama, but now the federal forces are demanding that they disarm. When they hear from Fa that Kamille has disappeared, the Argama's crew divide up to help her search for him. While this is happening, Ple sorties alone in the Mk-II and finds herself in a tight spot. But then she hears someone's voice...

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Leina's Blood (Part 2)
14 votes

#21 - Leina's Blood (Part 2)

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 28

Ple spots Judau's crashed core fighter, which is carrying an injured Leina. Judau leaves Leina with Ple and flies back out into the battlefield in order to save his friends. But Ple wants Judau to love her and her alone, and hates Leina with a passion. One that's strong enough to kill.

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Falling Sky
14 votes

#22 - Falling Sky

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 35

Pressing on with her plan for rule through terror, Haman makes the decision to drop a colony. Receiving a message from Hayato aboard the Audhumla, the Argama joins with the Karaba and heads to Dublin to begin an evacuation. However, the Karaba rescue of the evacuees is interrupted when they're attacked by a mobile suit unit led by Rakan Dahkaran.

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Runaway Roux
13 votes

#23 - Runaway Roux

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 29

In shock over not knowing whether his little sister is alive or dead, Judau falls into a depression. Worried to see Judau in such a state, Roux takes it upon herself to administer some tough love. Just then, the Karaba base at El Goléa is attacked. Beecha and Mondo move to assist it, but misunderstanding Roux's motives, use her as a shield.

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14 votes

#24 - Vibration

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 46

Glemy plays his trump card and sends his Newtype unit into battle. He then makes to smash Axis's asteroid Moussa into Haman's fleet. Judau chases the now mentally unstable Ple Two into Axis and confronts both Glemy and Ple Two in the Queen Mansa.

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Ple-Two Under Gravity
14 votes

#25 - Ple-Two Under Gravity

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 36

Eager for a victory, Glemy awakens Ple Two from cold sleep in order to destroy the Argama. Sensing the evil presence of the Psyco Gundam Mk-II drawing near, Ple boards the half-disassembled Qubeley Mk-II to intercept it. However, she finds that both she and the mysterious pilot are able to anticipate each other's attacks perfectly...

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The Girl from Core 3 (Part 1)
12 votes

#26 - The Girl from Core 3 (Part 1)

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 42

Judau and the others infiltrate the docked mining asteroid Cicero in Core 3 sector. There they find Chara Soon commanding the workers. Although they join in a nascent revolt, the workers still don't entirely trust Judau. At the same time, Ple Two enters Cicero as well.

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Blue Corps (Part 2)
14 votes

#27 - Blue Corps (Part 2)

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 31

Searching for Roux, Judau and the others enter Galdaaya, where they run into Glemy, whom is now leading Blue Unit. Just then, August, who is commanding the Mindra, strikes a deal with Gadeb Jasin of the African Independence Front to attack and seize Galdaaya.

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To Earth
55 votes

#28 - To Earth

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam - Season 1 - Episode 6

The Titans' ship Alexandria continues to follow the AEUG ships Argama and Mont Blanc. The AEUG hold off an attack by Jerid and Lila Milla Rira while AEUG member Reccoa Londe leaves on a classified mission to Earth.

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Leina's Blood (Part 1)
14 votes

#29 - Leina's Blood (Part 1)

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 27

The Neo Zeon occupiers in Dakar invite people from the Earth Federation to a grand party they're throwing. Among them is Leina, brought there by Glemy. Taking advantage of the Gundam team's attack, Judau sneaks into the reception hall and finally gets his heart's desire when he's reunited with Leina. But...

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Blue Corps (Part 1)
14 votes

#30 - Blue Corps (Part 1)

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 30

Now so angry with the Argama that she's deserted, Roux enters the free-trade city of Galdaaya, where an artist named June proceeds to hit on her. Meanwhile, while wandering the desert, Glemy is rescued by the "Blue Unit" of the African Independence Front, who coerce him into being a spy sent to Galdaaya's underground city. There he meets Roux.

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The Battle of Axis
12 votes

#31 - The Battle of Axis

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 45

The final battle begins between Haman's forces with Mashymre and Glemy's. The Nahel Argama, taking this chance to first strike at Glemy, launches the Gundam team. Amidst the free-for-all, Mashymre in a Zaku III Custom loses control of his overenhanced mental powers and is lost to the stars.

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The Girl from Core 3 (Part 2)
12 votes

#32 - The Girl from Core 3 (Part 2)

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 43

The Neo Zeon forces move in to put down the Cicero uprising. Ple Two moves out, having received orders from Glemy to assassinate Haman Karn. However, she lets the captive Lucina escape. A change has come over her personality. Judau rescues Elle and the others from Haman's mansion, then confronts Ple Two in the Qubeley Mk-II.

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Nahel Argama
13 votes

#33 - Nahel Argama

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 37

Leaving the Argama on Earth, the crew returns to space in a shuttle to find the La Vie en Rose waiting with the new battleship Nahel Argama. But Judau and the others refuse when the kids are ordered off the ship. At that moment, they fall under surprise attack by Illia Pazom, a female soldier who has pledged her life to Mashymre.

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Sibling Love Blooming in the Southern Seas
11 votes

#34 - Sibling Love Blooming in the Southern Seas

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 24

With the Neo Zeon forces now in control of Dakar, Judau slips away from the Argama after it makes a water landing in the south seas, and meets Taman and his sister Anu. Taman takes a large sum of money from the Neo Zeon in exchange for attacking the Argama with the aquatic mobile suit Capule. Anu worries about what her brother is about to do.

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Afternoon in Dublin
11 votes

#35 - Afternoon in Dublin

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 33

The Argama rendezvouses with the Gundam team and sets course for Dublin. Bright heads off on his own for an interview with a federation high official at the Beech estate, but is followed by Judau. When Judau becomes violently angry with the official's lackadaisical response to the situation, he and Bright end up confined in the basement. They're saved from their predicament by Fa.

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Emary's Glory
13 votes

#36 - Emary's Glory

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 44

Using the revolt against Haman to take control of Axis, Glemy battles Chara's fleet. Judau and Roux use the chance to sneak into Core 3 in order to kidnap Mineva, but fail. As the Nahel Argama appears to be supporting Haman's side, Ple Two approaches in the new mobile armor Queen Mansa.

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Judau in Space
12 votes

#37 - Judau in Space

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 9

Having finally departed Shangri-La, the Argama sets course for the La Vie En Rose. Chafing against Bright's command, Beecha and Mondo try to send a message that they're willing to sell out the Argama. Receiving their signal aboard the Endra, Mashymre sorties in the new mobile suit Hamma-Hamma.

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Activate! Double Zeta
11 votes

#38 - Activate! Double Zeta

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 11

Now a prisoner aboard the Argama, Gottn takes Iino hostage and escapes. Chara Soon attacks in the mobile suit R-Jarja. Just then, under Roux's guidance, the core fighter, Core Top, and Core Base begin to transform and combine. The new mobile suit Double Zeta Gundam is born!

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The Funeral Bell Tolls Twice
11 votes

#39 - The Funeral Bell Tolls Twice

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 8

After sneaking into a meeting of the junk dealers association, Judau and his friends mistakenly signal that the ship can use the industrial airlock hatch to escape. Gemon and Yazan, piloting two Gezes, attack the Zeta Gundam, and the Endra has the Argama in its sights. But the hatch still isn't open...

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Sayonara, Fa
11 votes

#40 - Sayonara, Fa

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 10

Fa worries about Kamille, whom they left behind on the colony. Beecha and Mondo send another message, prompting Mashymre to send Gottn to try and infiltrate the Argama and make contact with these collaborators. Judau sorties in the Zeta Gundam, but his beam rifle is still unplugged...

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The Knight of the Endra
13 votes

#41 - The Knight of the Endra

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 3

The Neo Zeon cruiser Endra docks at Shangri-La. Hoping to avoid conflict, Bright has the Argama retreat into the colony's interior. Just then, Judau successfully boards the Argama, hoping to take the Zeta Gundam for himself.

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Crybaby Cecilia (Part 2)
13 votes

#42 - Crybaby Cecilia (Part 2)

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 21

Torres agonizes over the knowledge that his old friend Cecilia is a spy for Gottn. Amidst the confusion of Chara's escape, Cecilia escapes on her own and goes to Gottn. Giving him phony information, she gets a ticket for an emigration ship. But the trunk supposedly containing her payment has a bomb set inside...

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Little Sister!
12 votes

#43 - Little Sister!

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 13

Leina is taken to Glemy Toto and held captive aboard the Endra. The now enraged Judau is confined to the Argama's mess hall, but escapes with Elle's help. The two of them launch in the Double Zeta and Gundam Mk-II to rescue Leina. But Gottn plans to use Leina as a hostage in order to defeat the Double Zeta.

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The Face of Rommel
12 votes

#44 - The Face of Rommel

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 25

While the Argama holds position to cooperate with Karaba, the Gundam team receives orders to go on ahead to Dakar. As the team heads for a desert base, they find themselves under attack by the Rommel unit, who have been biding their time for eight years awaiting the restoration of the Zabi family. One by one, the Gundam team crushes the Rommel unit's old mobile suits...

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Across the Salt Lake
12 votes

#45 - Across the Salt Lake

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 32

The Gundam team is attacked by August's mobile suit Dreissen unit at Chott Melrhir near the rendezvous point. Judau manages to repel the attack, but Beecha can't hide his jealousy. When August attacks them again, Beecha gets the jump on Judau and takes the Double Zeta out first. However...

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Gaza Storm
11 votes

#46 - Gaza Storm

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 7

At last, Judau Ashta is a member of the Argama crew. A team of three Gaza-Ds attack, but Judau is away negotiating with the junk dealers association for clearance to open an industrial airlock hatch. They're saved from this tight spot by a core fighter flown by a girl named Roux Louka from the La Vie En Rose.

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The Phantom Colony (Part 1)
11 votes

#47 - The Phantom Colony (Part 1)

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 14

Losing their bearings in a debris cluster, the Argama docks at Moon-Moon, an old colony which has been forgotten by everyone. However, there the Argama is attacked by the mysterious Light tribe Taken captive, Judau seeks help from a beautiful girl named Rasara Moon.

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The Second Coming of Sarasa
12 votes

#48 - The Second Coming of Sarasa

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 39

Heading for Side 3, the Nahel Argama rescues an old civilian transport being attacked by Zakus. Aboard the old transport is Sarasa and Rasara of the Light tribe. However, among the civilian refugees aboard are Neo Zeon soldiers and Haman in disguise, having secreted herself into the crowd in order to make contact with Judau.

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Leina Vanishes
11 votes

#49 - Leina Vanishes

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 12

En route to the La Vie En Rose, Judau and the others abandon their duty and begin salvaging the wreckage of a Zaku II. Feeling responsible for her brother's selfish behavior, Leina and Roux set out for the La Vie En Rose themselves. But when they're attacked by Chara, Leina is thrown out into space.

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Hot-Blooded Mashymre
13 votes

#50 - Hot-Blooded Mashymre

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ - Season 1 - Episode 4

Having been defeated by the Zeta Gundam, Mashymre Cello seizes an opportunity to strike back. As Judau Ashta and his friends search for the Argama, they happen to spot Mashymre launching into battle. Not wanting to be beaten to the prize, Judau grabs on to Mashymre's Galluss-J, hoping to stop it...

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