The BEST episodes written by Walter Allen Bennett Jr.

#1 - Detention Peddler
The Steve Harvey Show - Season 4 - Episode 1
In the fourth-season opener, Steve applies for the vice-principal position at the school, much to the chagrin of Regina. Meanwhile, Cedric comes up with creative ways to propose to Lovita. - - - With a new vice principal position opening at the school, Regina suggests Cedric apply. Cedric declines but suggests Steve do so, despite Regina's reservations. Lydia is Steve's new teaching assistant while Romeo and Bullethead are the school's new audio/visual technicians. Cedric plans to surprise Lovita with a marriage proposal on the radio and enlists helps from Romeo, Bullethead and Steve. As Cedric readies to ask the question live on the air, Steve asks Lovita to help him win tickets in a radio trivia contest. The plan backfires when Lovita changes the station and misses the proposal. Cedric believes her screams of delight are in response to his question, but are really because she won the concert tickets. When Steve sees the other applicants' resumes, he concludes he isn't qualified to
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#2 - For Men Only
The Cosby Show - Season 8 - Episode 9
Cliff teaches a "for men only" class at the community center.
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#3 - Bully Call
The Steve Harvey Show - Season 2 - Episode 3
School tough Coretta "The Ox" Cox takes a liking to Romeo and scares off his regular honeys. - - - When Romeo can't find a date for the school dance, Bullethead and Aisha mention Coretta "The Ox" Cox, the toughest girl in school, has scared off the rest of the her classmates. When Coretta finally finds Romeo and asks for a date, despite his objections, he can't muster the courage to refuse her. Steve invites Regina to watch the Luther Vandross concert on cable and to dinner at his apartment. Overhearing, Lovita invites herself as well and informs Cedric of their new plans. With everyone now present, Lovita unveils her homemade chocolate chip cookies. They taste horrible. Having accepted the date, Romeo finds himself in an uncomfortable position: Coretta makes him carry her books and walk her to class. When Romeo asks Steve for advice on how to break the date, Steve simply encourages him to be honest with Coretta. Romeo then tells Coretta he doesn't want to go to the dance with her. A
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#4 - The Play's Not the Thing
The Steve Harvey Show - Season 1 - Episode 8
Sophia wins the role of Juliet in the school's production of "Romeo and Juliet," but Romeo is not chosen to play opposite her as his own namesake. Now Romeo must deal with watching another man play Romeo to Sophia's Juliet. - - - When auditions for the school's production of Romeo and Juliet are announced, Sara, Sophia and Bullethead all plan to audition for lead roles. With some encouragement from Sophia, Romeo agrees to audition for the part of Shakespeare's Romeo, too. As Steve and Regina watch the auditions, the performances do not seem to be going well. Cedric agrees to take care of his infant niece, Denise, thinking it won't be difficult. Steve is surprised to find the infant with Cedric when he arrives home. All goes well until Steve and Cedric are kept awake all night by the baby's crying. With the auditions complete, the kids learn the results: Sophia is Juliet, but Romeo, expecting to be the male lead, discovers their charming, handsome classmate, Lawrence, has won the
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#5 - Dead Dog Walking
The Steve Harvey Show - Season 1 - Episode 2
Bullethead is at the end of his rope when his dog gets impounded and he doesn't have the cash to bail him out. Meanwhile, Cedric gets the boot from his mama's apartment and looks to Steve for a place to live. - - - When Steve gets his first paycheck, he is shocked and wonders just how he'll be able to live on his teacher's salary. Cedric has problems of his own: living at home with his mother and her new boyfriend is getting very difficult. However, Regina isn't interested in hearing about Steve's financial problems and only wants him to finish the personal profile he's supposed to write for the PTA newsletter. Meanwhile, Steve gives the kids an assignment to write a blues song. Although they initially object, Steve shows them just how easy it can be when, on the spot, he creates the "Teacher with a Teeny-Weeny Paycheck Blues." Romeo comes up with his own song, but Bullethead refuses and walks from the classroom. Steve goes after him to find out what is wrong, but Bullethead will
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#6 - Big Brothers
The Steve Harvey Show - Season 1 - Episode 9
Cedric volunteers to be a "big brother" to a fatherless teenage boy and tries to get Steve involved in the organization. - - - Cedric has volunteered to be a "big brother" to a fatherless teenage boy. As Cedric speaks the virtues of opening one's heart to a child in need, Steve makes it clear has no intention of being a big brother. However, when Cedric's "little brother," Junior, arrives with his friend, Vincent, Steve discovers they are both big fans. Cedric and Junior have tickets to a big wrestling match, leaving Steve to entertain young Vincent. At school, as Romeo passes out invitations to his birthday party, Sara and Bullethead suggest he invite Sophia. Apparently, Romeo has mixed feelings about their recent breakup, so he extends Sophia an invitation. In the office, Regina receives flowers from a secret admirer. The card leads her to believe Steve is the sender, but he denies it until Regina says flowers make her melt. Cedric enters with Vincent and Junior, who have dropp
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#7 - And Injustice For All
The Steve Harvey Show - Season 3 - Episode 5
When the television set Steve sold Lovita goes on a fritz, she sues him and they go before a judge he once courted -- and dumped. - - - When Regina shows off her latest prize - a basketball autographed by none other than Michael Jordan - Cedric wants to use it to inspire the school's losing basketball team. Though Regina refuses and locks it inside her file cabinet for safekeeping, Cedric won't take no for an answer and steals it. However, when her unexpected return to the office forces Cedric to stash the souvenir in the hallway, Bullethead and Romeo unwittingly donate it to the school's time capsule. When Steve purchases a new big screen television, Lovita begs him to sell the old one to her. Steve agrees. When the used TV doesn't work, Steve refuses to refund her money claiming the television was in working order when she took it. Realizing how much Regina treasures the ball, Cedric has no choice but to find or replace it before she discovers it's missing. And though Steve sugges
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#8 - Warning: A Double-Lit Candle Can Cause a Meltdown
The Cosby Show - Season 8 - Episode 5
When Rudy and her friends lie to their parents to get into an age-restricted club, Pam, Lance and Charmaine spy on them.

#9 - Ring Around the Piggy
The Steve Harvey Show - Season 2 - Episode 22
Rumors of a big announcement from Warrington has everyone thinking he's going to propose to Regina. Romeo and Bullethead send a strict teacher anonymous love letters hoping to help their grades. - - - While inviting everyone to help celebrate his parents' 40th wedding anniversary, Warrington says he also will make a surprise announcement at the party that will change both his and Regina's lives. Romeo and Bullethead plant an anonymous love note into Ms. Pittman's mailbox hoping to help their grades and soften the elderly, strict teacher at the same time. The note seems to have to right effect. Although Lovita believes Warrington is going to propose, Regina tries to convince herself, and Steve, otherwise. Steve is clearly uncomfortable with the thought of Regina's marriage. When Ms. Pittman recognizes Cedric's cologne as the very same as that sprayed on her love letters, she mistakenly thinks Cedric is trying to seduce her. Accompanying Cedric to an exclusive jewelry store, Steve sees
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#10 - Liar, Liar, Your Versace's on Fire
The Steve Harvey Show - Season 3 - Episode 18
Cedric and Steve test out a "lie buster," but the device backfires for Cedric when Lovita catches him in a string of white lies. Meanwhile, Lydia gets her own TV show and asks Bullethead and Romeo to help. Also, Regina gets competitve with her new beau. - - - In order to earn $500 each, Steve and Cedric agree to test "The Lie Buster," a bracelet which beeps when the wearer isn't telling the truth. As the test gets underway, the guys quickly learn just how much they routinely lie to everyone around them. Meanwhile, Lydia asks Steve to borrow his classroom to prepare an audition tape for the job as host of "Teen TV." Steve says he would be happy to help, only to hear his bracelet beep. Lydia soon enlists Bullethead to work as director and Romeo as her sidekick. Regina's boyfriend buys her golf clubs for a couples tournament. Regina, returning from the course, brags about beating her boyfriend. Steve suggests she stop humiliating him so his feeling won't be hurt. When Lovita asks Cedric
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#11 - Papa Don't Take No Mess
The Steve Harvey Show - Season 1 - Episode 7
Romeo's old-school father enrolls him in vocational-training classes, much to Romeo's dislike. Meanwhile, Steve and Cedric try to catch a mouse running loose in their apartment. - - - Cedric loses his composure when he discovers a mouse in the kitchen cabinet. Despite his brave front, Steve turns tail from the kitchen when the mouse jumps from the cabinet. To combat the unwelcome guest, Cedric and Steve agree to get a cat to take care of the problem. Cedric heads to his mother's house to pick up Freddy the Cat. Upon getting his best grade ever on an exam, Romeo's excitement is short-lived when Regina announces his father is moving him from the college prep curriculum into vocational training. While his friends are upset, Romeo convinces them wood shop classes aren't too bad. However, it is clear Romeo's carpentry skills leave much to be desired when no one can identify his project as a spice rack. In private, Romeo tells Steve he hates his new schedule and asks for help getting i
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#12 - Can't Buy Me Love
The Steve Harvey Show - Season 1 - Episode 21
Steve gives a birthday gift to Regina on her birthday, to show her he cares. But Regina also gets a gift from another admirer, an expensive gift, and believes the expensive gift is from Steve. - - - Regina reminds Steve his supervision of two junior high students, participating in a Fine Arts exchange program, begins today. Steve is excited at the prospect of shaping two new minds until he discovers Junior and Vincent, boys whom he and Cedric mentored in the Big Brother program, are the students. Upon their arrival, Junior makes it clear he has a crush on Regina. Steve warns the two youngsters they are in for a tough day, only to find they are better prepared to discuss the lesson than are his own students. Meanwhile, Romeo and Bullethead try to save a frog from a biology class experiment. Cedric wins a cooking contest when he enters his chocolate chip cookies. The victory results in a local television appearance, which he hopes will launch a new business venture. While Vincent,
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#13 - Big Daddy Meets the Man of Steele
The Steve Harvey Show - Season 2 - Episode 10
Steve has competition for Regina's affections when her college beau comes back to town to take a job as a sportscaster and to renew their relationship. - - - As the student body pummels the school mascot with paper balls, a school tradition at pep rallies, Bullethead moves in to protect it. Only when the mascot takes off the costume head does he learn Kim, a beautiful new student, has taken over the job. Romeo encourages Bullethead to ask Kim on a date. When retired football star Warrington Steele arrives at the high school, Steve and Cedric usher him to see Regina, where, to Steve's surprise, he passionately kisses her. Warrington now lives in Chicago and works as a TV news sportscaster. After Warrington exits, Steve learns he and Regina were once romantically involved and she almost married the star. Steve is insulted that Regina never told him about the relationship. Meanwhile, only after Bullethead gets himself a date with Kim does he learn that she has a weight problem. Bearing
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In the House - Season 2 - Episode 8
Milton begs Jackie to pretend that the house is their happy home for his visiting grandmother, but Marion isn't too happy when Nanna begins to give him orders. Elsewhere, Marion's idea to throw his old friend Darryl a bachelor party lands Darryl in hot water with his bride-to-be.
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In the House - Season 2 - Episode 20
When Marion coordinates a charity basketball tournament, Jackie and Tonia organize a team to challenge Marion, whose teammates include a tall, athletic postman. Sportscaster Fred Roggin and former professional basketball player Reggie Theus provide play-by-play coverage for a live television broadcast. Meanwhile, when Jackie's ex-husband Milton expresses concern that Marion has more of a positive influence on Austin than he does, Marion allows Milton to coach the basketball team. However, Milton's efforts only embarrass Austin. Also, Jackie is concerned when Tiffany dates a young rap musician who influences her language and wardrobe.
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#16 - Y2K
The Steve Harvey Show - Season 4 - Episode 9
New Year's Eve plans go awry for both Steve and Regina, while Cedric frets over the new millennium hoopla. Meanwhile, Romeo is invited to a party under false pretenses.
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#17 - African-American Gigolo
The Steve Harvey Show - Season 4 - Episode 20
Regina sets Steve up with his dream date, while Steve finds a man for Regina who's not what he appears to be. Meanwhile, Cedric follows a bizarre pregame ritual to keep his basketball team's winning streak alive. - - - The realization that neither of them had a date over the weekend prompts Steve and Regina to bet they can find someone for each other to go out with next Friday night. But once Regina comes through as promised with the lovely Margo Hampton, the pressure to make good forces Steve to enlist the aid of an escort service to get Regina's date, Julian. Meanwhile, the school basketball team's unprecedented two game winning streak makes Coach Cedric very superstitious about his game day routine. On the night of their big double date, things seem to go well with Regina, Steve, Margo and Julian. But as the expense of keeping up the ruse taxes Steve's finances, Julian insists that Regina be told the truth. And once she learns what Steve has done, Regina enlists Julian to give Ste
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#18 - Pam Applies to College
The Cosby Show - Season 8 - Episode 4
Pam realizes that her poor grades will prevent her from attending the same college as her best friend.

#19 - Guess Who's Not Coming to Dinner?
The Steve Harvey Show - Season 1 - Episode 18
Since Regina's sorority sister is visiting from out of town, Regina decides to impress her by lying about having a wealthy handsome boyfriend, and enlists Steve to help her out with her deceit. - - - Steve explains to the students the rules for their upcoming field trip to the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. Steve is uncomfortable with the trip because the Hi-Tops have received numerous nominations, but have never been inducted. A visit from her college rival, Tiffany, has Regina upset, especially since the principal has lied about having a wealthy doctor for a husband and her skill as a gourmet cook. To help Regina to impress Tiffany (who is also a successful author with a high-priced lawyer for a husband), Steve agrees to pose as the doctor while Cedric promises a delicious home-cooked meal for her guests. Steve promises he will be back from Cleveland in time for dinner, but on the day Tiffany and Sterling are to arrive, Steve is snowed in at the airport. When Steve can
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In the House - Season 2 - Episode 11
After Austin gives Marion computer-aided financial advice, a computer mix-up gives Marion a large sum of money.
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