The BEST episodes written by Tow Ubukata

#1 - Symbiosis (The Final Battle)
Fafner in the Azure - Season 1 - Episode 25
Kazuki, Maya, Kenji, and Canon, all accompanied by Kyouhei, charge straight towards the entrance of the core in order to rescue Soushi, who is revealed to be inside the core. During the operation, Tsubaki is experiencing the death process to complete the learning process for the Festums to understand life and death. Moreover, she will need to return to the core to complete this process. Kenji maps out a plan of attack, Canon confirms the battle formations, and Maya reminds that all pilots will return back to the island alive. Soushi is being controlled by Idun, who uses the Siegfried System to exploit the weaknesses of the pilots, that being to break their battle formation.
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#2 - Age
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 26
The Silver Tribe, the Bronze Tribe, and the Iron Tribe fleet travel to Elysion. Peato Ou helps repair the Argonaut. Prome Ou and Dhianeila reunite. The Silver Tribe decides to go through the portal along with the Bronze Tribe and the remaining Nodos. Before leaving, Prome gives Dhianeila the power of the Golden Tribe held by the Silver Tribe. Dhianeila decides to remain and work to restore the galaxy. Dhianeila becomes queen and unites all of humanity. The crew of the Argonaut, use the Golden Tribe's power to end all war and destruction. Finally, the Argonaut returns to Oron to fulfill Age's wish. Four years pass, and Oron has been completely restored to its former glory. Dhianeila stands on the shore of the ocean and longs to see Age again. As she begins to leave, a portal appears above Oron and a beam of golden light descends to the ocean surface. Within the light, Age appears, saying that by restoring the planet, Deianeira created a path for him to return. He extends his hand to Dhianeila, who rushes to him with tears in her eyes. At the moment their hands meet, they are engulfed in a blinding light. The portal above Oron disappears and the camera pans away to reveal countless galaxies.
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#3 - Future (Sakura)
Fafner in the Azure - Season 1 - Episode 21
After the pilots relax in the bathhouse, they are told that a training camp will be conducted during the weekend. Meanwhile, Fumihiko deduces that the recent strings of alien invasions may be a diversion to a separate agenda. As the pilots later defeat eight Festums spotted coming towards the island, sunflowers and cherry blossoms spontaneously begin to bloom. During the second phase of the training camp, the pilots are given assigned cleaning duties. They each then deal with their personal feelings and fears after the training camp.
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#4 - Power (Protection)
Fafner in the Azure - Season 1 - Episode 22
Sakura has revealed to have undergone assimilation, due to the recent alien invasion when she was caught by one of the Rare Type Festums. After the pilots defeat three Festums, they all react upon seeing Sakura hospitalized. Fumihiko confronts Tsubaki about the string of alien invasions and the island's change of weather and wildlife. The idea of integrating the Siegfried System within the Fafner Mark Sein is mentioned and discussed at the base. A new Festum appears and counters each attack of the pilots, leaving them unable to fight. Mamoru desperately attempts to immobilize the Festum, while Kazuki successfully runs the lance sword through the Festum. However, Mamoru is killed in the process.
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#5 - Decoy (Pillage)
Fafner in the Azure - Season 1 - Episode 23
At a Neo UN development base, Yukie is being tested to pilot the Fafner Mark Nicht, however Idun, who has taken human form, assimilates Yukie and destroys the development facility. Kazuki, Maya, and Canon are unable to bring Kenji back to the Alvis base, following Mamoru's death. Soushi, still in the Siegfried System, faces his past. Kazuki, assisted by Tsubaki, tries to save Soushi. However, Idun suddenly attacks the island and attempts to assimilate the entire base. Though Maya, Michio, and Canon intercept, they are easily defeated. Michio then activates the self-destruction sequence and attempts to ejects, but he is captured and dies in the blast. Also, Soushi disappears, along with the Siegfried System, infuriating Kazuki.
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#6 - The Cemetery Belt
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 6
With news of the battle at Titarros spreading across the galaxy the Argonaut has been completely alienated by the other planets and now cannot rely on the Spaceway as a means of transport. Without help, they have no other choice but to follow the princess’ orders and have faith in Age. The Silver Tribe is already making their move and this time they are sending to Nodos and this time the battle will take place in an asteroid belt better known as the "Cemetery Belt".
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#7 - Occupation (Awakening)
Fafner in the Azure - Season 1 - Episode 14
Maya and Kyouhei go on a mission to rescue Kazuki at Moldova base. At the same time, the Neo UN fleet invades the Alvis base, trying to secure the island by taking control of the red female core, revealed to be a Coagula Type Festum, however it has left its container. Meanwhile, Yoji manages to persuade Mjolnir, the Master Type Festum which has assimilated Akane Makabe, to give the Fafner Mark Sein to Kazuki. Yukie, as well as Col. Dudley Barns, questions Fumihiko and Soushi concerning the whereabouts of the female core, but the latter two are unaware of its current location. While Kyouhei fends off the Festum in the laboratory, Yoji gives Maya the research data of the Fafner Mark Sein.
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#8 - When The Light Falls
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 15
Currently engaged in battle, the Bellcross (in Mental Chaos) and Arutemia are fighting in the starway and causing a fair deal of damage of along the way. With Commander Nilval back in control of the fleet, their previous dire situation is beginning to improve. When all of a sudden something unexpected has occurs and it seems that a star is about to explode. Is there even a ray of hope to get them out of this despair?
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#9 - Welcome Home (Friends)
Fafner in the Azure - Season 1 - Episode 16
The Neo UN fleet, taking control of the Alvis base, is faced with a new Festum that begins to assault the island. It is shown that Seri Tatekami was with the female island core, recognized as Tsubaki Minashiro, before she returns back to the base. Chizuru later finds Tsubaki and takes her to the lighthouse. Tsubaki leads Fumihiko and Soushi into a second command center. Mamoru, Kenji, and Sakura barely put up a fight against the Festum, as they are consequently defeated. Kazuki, in the Fafner Mark Sein, arrives in time, synchronizes himself with Soushi, and eradicates the Festum using a rifle gun and then a lance sword.
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#10 - MIR (Conversation)
Fafner in the Azure - Season 1 - Episode 24
Akane, still assimilated with Mjolnir, is rejected from merging with Meir, as she proceeds to the island. Kazuki and Maya visit Kenji with Kiyomi Kaname, in which Kenji challenges Kazuki to a match. Fumihiko decides to join the Neo UN fleet in an operation to take the the core of the Festums, much to the dismay of Kyouhei. Before the deployment of the remaining pilots, Mjolnir arrives on the island, explaining Fumihiko how Akane has accepted and blessed the Festums. Mjolnir then gives them data to reduce the assimilation process and to restore people who have been assimilated. Both Koyo and Mjolnir fend off the Festums attacking the island, as the pilots prepare for departure to the final battle.
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#11 - Sight (Maya)
Fafner in the Azure - Season 1 - Episode 19
Maya, after showing progress during her training session, is assigned to be a sniper with the other pilots. Both Kazuki and Fumihiko are later invited by Michio and Yumiko to eat dinner with Maya and Chizuru. A notice is sent to inform of a bone festival that will take place in the evening to honor those to have been deceased. However, a group of Rare Type Festums soon approach the island, in which all pilots engage in battle against them. Sakura is caught by one of the Festums, and Kazuki manages to save her. Moreover, when another Festum attacks Maya from above, she shoots it at point blank, achieving victory.
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#12 - The Agreement of Death
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 22
After the negotiations between Princess Deianeira of the Iron Tribe and Purome of the Silver Tribe went well, the Argonaut is now on a journey to search for the birth place of the Golden Tribes "Elysion". The battle between the 3 Nodos rages on and if the situation weren't bad enough with Cerberus on the verge of Mental Chaos, Karukinus decides to rejoin the battle however this may end with a Nodos completing a clause in their contract.
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#13 - The Agreement
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 7
The battle between the Bellcross and Melnayer continues, the Argonaut and its mechs fend off the Bronze Tribe, but Yuti Raa persuades Mehitaka, another Nodos, to transform into Artemia and destroy the Argonaut. The princess has the Argonaut go to active warp to escape; Bellcross blocks Artemia’s immense energy blast to help it escape. They get back to the Starway but another Bronze Tribe nest is there to welcome them. However, the nest is destroyed by the planet’s defence fleet, whose female captain is an old acquaintance of Captain Mobead. After much discussion, the female captain decides to join the Argonaut in its quest.
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#14 - Scream (Memory)
Fafner in the Azure - Season 1 - Episode 15
The Neo UN fleet occupies the Alvis base, however the female island core is still reported missing. Back at the Moldova base, Kazuki receives the Fafner Mark Sein from Mjolnir. Idun, another Master Type Festum, consumes Mjolnir, enraging Kazuki as he continues to fight. Both Kazuki and Idun sink into a lava pit generated by the Fafner Mark Sein. Kazuki confronts his internal conflicts about his past of when Soushi's left eye was first injured and of how the green crystals were first implanted in his body. Maya and Kyouhei witness Kazuki defeating Idun in the lava pit. Kazuki later tells Maya and Kyouhei that he is looking forward to protect the island after knowing what he is dealing with.
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#15 - Device (Survival)
Fafner in the Azure - Season 1 - Episode 17
Maya gives Fumihiko the research data, while Kyouhei informs that Yoki sacrificed himself to destroy the Festums in the laboratory. Tsubaki, now in the Alvis base, is revealed to be Soushi's younger sister. Michio is ordered to depart from the island, while Canon is requested to stay. Yukie docks a submarine near the island, and she activates the Fenrir System self-activation sequence. Michio becomes aware of this and warns the base of the threat. Kyouhei attempts to disarm the sequence, but Canon overrides the system. Michio takes care of the missiles launched by the fleet, while Kazuki, now released from probation, confronts Canon, managing to convince her to disarm the sequence.
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#16 - Festum (Erosion)
Fafner in the Azure - Season 1 - Episode 13
Mitsuhiro Bertrand says that Japan was destroyed thirty years ago when toxins were emitted from the core, which prevented citizens unable to produce offspring, marking the beginning of the attempted genocide of humanity by the Festums. When the Alvis base was founded, children were able to become immune to the Festums through gene manipulation. Hester deceptively announces of a new weapon capable of defeating Festums, having the Fafner Mark Elf displayed. Yoji Hino, who revealed he had left the island five years ago to create weapons for the Neo UN fleet, offers Kazuki to work for him as a staff member. The Grendel Type Festums invade the Moldova, prompting Kazuki to fight back.
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#17 - The Planet Titarros
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 4
Following the attack from the Silver Tribe, the Argonaut docks at the planet Titarros to re-supply. To avoid any unnecessary chaos about news of the Nodos, they try to hide Age’s presence. Iolaus is having feelings of jealously from all the attention Age is getting from Princess Deianeira, so he’s angry when he out he has to take Age to the planet surface. Instead of remaining inconspicuous, Age confronts Karukinus another Nodos vessel.
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#18 - The Torch of Destruction
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 12
Lord Meleagros’ fleet has made it to the Solar System and as they reach Jupiter they are welcomed by the largest Bronze and Silver Tribe fleet, ever witnessed, in the history of mankind. The Altoria fleet is being forced back by the overwhelming Bronze and Silver Tribe, so the Yunos brothers now plan to something unthinkable and destroy the moon “Io”, which will engulf the battlefield however something more cataclysmic occurs.
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#19 - The Nodos
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 5
This episode continues where the last one left off, five Bronze Tribe nest have appeared and are about to attack the Argonaut and Titarros in order to destroy them both. Meanwhile Age is on the planet, pursuing Karukinus, who doesn’t seem to have any obvious killing intent. The mind-blowing battle between Nodos has begun, but with the amount of destruction caused in what seems to be a test, what inconceivable thing will occur when it’s time for the real thing?
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#20 - Elysium
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 24
Something unbelievable has happen, all those lost in nothingness have returned to the universe. Also Deianeira has done what the Silver Tribe could not do and discovered the Golden Tribe's home planet Elysion. So now they must find the path to Elysion, through an abnormal magnetic storm; the true value of the journey is about to be tested.
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#21 - The Heroic Tribe
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 3
Age is being educated about the history of mankind, including the Bronze Tribe’s invasion less than a century ago that led to the fall of mankind and the loss of their home planet "Earth". While Age is exploring the Argonaut, the uneasy crew members watch idly, still in shock after witnessing the awesome power of the Nodos. While the Argonaut is on its way to Altoria, they are again attacked however this time it’s not the simple Bronze Tribe ants’ nest they are up against.
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#22 - The Ruined Planet
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 1
There was once a people who called themselves the "Golden Tribe" who possessed many powers, including creating planets and seeing into the future. They then called on primitave beings, telling them to explore the universe. Three races were able to reply to their call; "Silver Tribe" the "Bronze Tribe", and the "Hero Tribe". Long after, when the Golden Tribe were about to move on to another universe, a new race replied to their call. This new race, humankind, was referred to as the "Iron Tribe". Now the Iron Tribe is on the verge of extinction, when they are finally able to discover the Ruined Planet of “Oron”, the planet that holds the man who will become their saviour. They reach the planet only to find a boy that calls himself Age, but soon after this they are suddenly attacked by the Bronze Tribe.
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#23 - Desperation (Absence)
Fafner in the Azure - Season 1 - Episode 12
Mamoru Kodate, Kenji Kondo, and Sakura Kaname are among the candidates to pilot the Fafners. Meanwhile, Kazuki and Yukie are questioning the reason of their imprisonment. As a new Festum approaches, the new pilots are soon tested to defeat it. Mamoru devises a plan, ignoring Soushi's specified orders. The three collaboratively succeed in defeating the Festum, yet they are put in confinement for acting on their own judgment. Soushi learns from Fumihiko that Kazuki denies himself daily, bypassing any assimilation. Maya realizes that Soushi has feelings for Kazuki. Michio brings Kazuki to the deck of the ship, also encountering Canon, before arriving at the Moldova base.
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#24 - The Raging One
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 14
With the power of Alemantas now concerntrated in the present, the Bellcross ends up engulfed in the power, as it explodes however it also has an adverse affect on Lekti. The Bellcross decends into metal chaos and unleashes its fury on the nearby Neruneia. Meanwhile Meleagros' fleet has taken the battle to Mars, which doesn't turn out to be a wise decision. In order to save Age and the Yunos' family honor, the Princess Deianeira has finally decided to step in.
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#25 - Memory (Father)
Fafner in the Azure - Season 1 - Episode 18
Adjusting to life on the island, Michio stays with Yumiko Tomi, while Canon resides with Yoko Hazama. All the children enjoy a moment at the beach. However, Mitsuhiro visits the island, soon discovering that the results of Maya's pilot aptitude test was falsified. He takes the issue to trial and tries to claim custody of Maya. Nevertheless, he is prevented from doing so by the testimonies of other pilots about the skewing of the test data. Tsubaki verifies all the claims and admits her involvement as well. Mitsuhiro leaves the island, warning the pilots of what is to come.
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#26 - The Return
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 9
Due to the help of the princess, the Argonaut was able to active warp and escape from the Silver Tribe, however the princess had to risk her own well being to do so, rendering her unconscious. Age continues to battle Karukinus, as the Bellcross and Age seems to be winning however Mehitaka disappears from the Azu-Azu fleet to aid Karukinus. The Argonaut and Azu-Azu fleet use mankind’s hidden Starway in order to return to their Home Planet, "Ruui"; nonetheless will Age ever return to them?
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#27 - The Star of Brilliance
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 11
Of his own decision, Age is now a part of Lord Meleagros' fleet to recapture their homeland Earth and Deianeira seems to be the most affected by this. The battle begins and there are some concerns about Meleagros' method of doing things; as he is only using Age to achieve his personal goal. The Silver Tribe are also planning on what action must be taken towards this threat; because when more than two Nodos fight, chaos and destruction are the only outcomes.
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#28 - The Battle in the Space-Time Continuum
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 13
The Bellcross is engaging Neruneia in a heated battle when all of a sudden a third Nodos joins the fight, known as Alemantas. How will the Bellcross end up, in this battle against the flow of time? With the Silver Tribe retreating to Mars Meleagros plans to use this opportunity to attack, with the remaining fleet.
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#29 - The Retributive Troops
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 17
With Mehitaka’s contract with the Silver Tribe terminated, he now decides to help Princess Deianeira, who is going to free his home planet from the Silver Tribes clutches. The split fleets are on route to the planet Nessus, when a terminal planet decides to resist the Iron Tribe.
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#30 - The Nodos of Darkness
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 20
The battles have come and with the poor organization of the Iron Tribe fleets, they quickly lose the upper hand nonetheless the situation only gets worse when the Silver Tribe's Nodos, Cerberus joins the battle. Will the Iron Tribe be able to survive as both their Nodoses join the battle, against the Nodos of Darkness?
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#31 - The Four
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 23
While Deianeira directs the Argonaut to Elysion, Age meets with Lekti and Mehitaka in Cereberus' nothingness. With his knowledge from the Golden Tribe, Age tries to convince Lekti they can get out. Will the Age be able to get the three of them out? Or will an unexpected arrival free them?
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#32 - Laelaps' Calling
Psycho-Pass - Season 3 - Episode 1
Tokyo, 2120. A massive transport drone crashes, and Unit One's new inspectors Arata Shindo and Kei Mikhail Ignatov head to investigate. Discovering that Hyper Transport Co. accountant Asahi Rick Fellows is missing, Arata performs a Mental Trace to track him, but finds only his waterlogged corpse. Arata and Kei suspect the crash was staged, and pursue the mastermind who tried to silence Rick.
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#33 - The Flashing Nodos
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 8
The Azu-Azu fleet is holding off the enemy giving time for the Argonaut to escape from the Silver Tribe however their plan turns into a dire situation when Mehitaka/Arutemia appears on the battlefield. While this is going on, the Bellcross is still battling the Melnayer and the Bellcross seems to have the upper hand, but the battle rages on, onto a planet close by. After the destruction of the Hirugoto star, the Argonaut tries to active warp but the Silver Tribe is there to block their path.
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#34 - Light (Lantern)
Fafner in the Azure - Season 1 - Episode 20
The preparation of the bone festival is underway. Canon and Sakura make amends for what happened during the recent alien invasion. It is seen that Koyo, in his assimilated state, is released by Tsubaki after Chizuru had froze him in the capsule. The islanders enjoy the evening at the bone festival. The following day, the pilots realize that Koyo has left the base. They barricade him in a shrine to protect him. Soushi spars with Kazuki, while Kyouhei prepares to snipe Koyo. When Canon arrives, Koyo is reminded of Shoko from her clothing, as he is brought back to normal from his assimilated state.
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#35 - The Hero of Solitude
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 10
With Age’s return, all the representatives of mankind are gathering together seeing that history is in the mankind, now that they have their Nodos. Now with the Nodos securely in the Iron Tribe's possession Princess Deianeira’s brother, Lord Meleagros is going to declare war against the Silver Tribe and all he needs is for Age to be a part of his fleet. Meanwhile Karukinus has just recovered from his injuries only to receive the order for all the Silver Tribe’s Nodoses to find and destroy the 5th.
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#36 - The Forgotten Child
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 2
After the destruction of his ship which he refers as “Mom”, Age is invited onto the Iron Tribe’s ship the “Argonaut”. A huge ceremony is held in Age’s honour however Age disturbs the ceremony with his antics that better resembles a monkey, leaving everyone to question whether it’s rise to rely on him. They soon learn again how awesome a power Age is as they are attacked, once again, by the Bronze Tribe.
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#37 - The Final Labor
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 25
As Deianeira tries to figure out what happened to the Golden Tribe they are attacked by the Silver Tribe rebellion, which is led by Rom Rou. Just as things were bad enough Rom Rou is using the Cereberus, which is currently in mental chaos, to finally end this. In order to save Yuti (Cereberus) all 5 Nodos must enter battle and trust in their Heroes to not also fall into mental chaos, thus fulfilling their Contracts.
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#38 - Overcoming the Fates
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 16
The Argonaut has finally reached their destination, Earth however recovering on the ship is Age and surprisingly the enemy Nodos, Mehitaka. What will happen once the two awaken? The council of the Silver Tribe are in deep discussion about the actions of the Iron Tribe and what actions they must seize upon them.
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#39 - The Planet Kodomos
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 21
With the Flagship and it's fleet utterly destroyed and all the other fleets being surrounded, all seems lost. Princess Deianeira decides to continue to Kodomos, the home planet of the Silver Tribe, to try and find out why the Silver Tribe hates the Iron Tribe so much. Meanwhile Age and Bellcross, Mehitaka and Arutemia continue to fight Yuti and Cerberus. Do they have what it takes to defeat the two and can they keep from entering Mental Chaos?
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#40 - The Invasion Between The Planet Systems
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 19
Following their appalling victory on the Bronze Tribe's mother planet Taro the fleets are now heading towards the Silver Tribe's mother planet Kodomos, just as the Golden Tribe predicted. Trouble may occur for the fleets as they are up against the Silver Tribe, an enemy they do not know about. Meanwhile the Nodoses are discussing the labours of their contracts and the conflicting labours they each have.
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#41 - The Victorious Day
Heroic Age - Season 1 - Episode 18
The Iron Tribe is currently attacking the Bronze Tribe's mother planet, Taro however something seems to be amiss as the Bronze tribe is fighting with all they have, even without help from the Silver Tribe. It looks as if the Silver Tribe has abandoned this planet, which is doomed to destruction for the Iron Tribe's victory.
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#42 - Dreams Come Rued
RWBY: Ice Queendom - Season 1 - Episode 7
With advice from Team JNPR, Penny, and Sun, Ruby’s party decides to try a new plan. Along with Jaune, who had acquired immunity toward the “Nightmare”, the four sneak into Weiss’ dream. Using the train they had rescued from White Fang, they were able to approach close to the center of the empire. Jaune, not being affected by the “Nightmare”, was able to move freely, releases the Sillies, the residents of the dream who were locked away by the empire, and succeeds in obtaining a new relic. Suddenly, a large number of little Weiss jumps out…
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#43 - Red, White, Black, Yellow
RWBY: Ice Queendom - Season 1 - Episode 1
Ruby Rose, a girl who admires Huntsmen, along with her elder sister Yang Xiao Long enroll into Beacon Academy, a training school for Huntsmen. Her talents were discovered by Ozpin, the school’s Headmaster. Weiss Schnee, heiress of the world’s largest Dust manufacturing company, the Schnee Dust Company (S.D.C.), has disagreements with her father, defeats Arma Gigas, and leaves. Blake Belladona, a former member of White Fang, a terrorist organization and sworn enemy of the S.D.C., also leaves her organization. These two girls also become new students at Beacon. With hope and secret passion in their hearts, the story of these four girls who dream to become Huntsmen, now begin.
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#44 - My Dream, Your Dream
RWBY: Ice Queendom - Season 1 - Episode 9
In the dorm room, Weiss, smiling, hands Ruby a cup of coffee and the two talk. Weiss leave the room saying, “There is a reason for everything.” It was Ruby’s dream, who was possessed by the “Nightmare” due to her weakening spirit. Ruby awakes just in time with Jaune’s help. Meanwhile, Yang and Blake had been sent to a mansion, which looked like it was symbolizing the history of the conflict between the White Fang and the S.D.C. Ruby, who had returned to Weiss’ dream, and Blake each propose a new plan.
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#45 - A Nightmare Comes
RWBY: Ice Queendom - Season 1 - Episode 3
Based on the test results, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang form “Team RWBY”, and their school life beings. However, the four are not able to open up to each other just yet. Weiss, unaccepting that Ruby was chosen as team leader, appeals to the professor that she is more capable of the role, but is advised to "be the best teammate".
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#46 - This Is Beacon
RWBY: Ice Queendom - Season 1 - Episode 2
Young boys and girls wanting to become Huntsmen gather to attend Beacon’s entrance ceremony. As everyone gathers, a shy Ruby is being urged by Yang to make friends. However, after being dismissed by Blake and angering Weiss, she gets depressed.
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#47 - Light in Shadows
RWBY: Ice Queendom - Season 1 - Episode 11
As Yang fights the statue of Nicholas, Jaune and the Sillies fight the statue of Jacques. The robot army that had been created from Weiss’s nightmare fight the deformed White Fang which had been created from Blake’s nightmare. While battles are held in various places, Nega-Weiss clashes with Nega-Blake. Weiss is overwhelmed but tries to confront Nega-Blake, raging with Faunus’ anger who were being continuously oppressed. On the other hand, Ruby reaches the core of the dream and attacks the briar that covers the “Nightmare” but it quickly goes back to its original form and she is unable to destroy it. As she gets flustered, she remembers the words Weiss had said in Ruby’s dreams.
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#48 - Ice Queendom
RWBY: Ice Queendom - Season 1 - Episode 4
On her snowboard, Ruby slides down the snowy field. Weiss, possessed by the Grimm “Nightmare”, created a world in her dreams, which is a reflection of her mind. With the help of Shion, a Huntsman specializing in the Grimm “Nightmare”, Ruby sneaks into Weiss’ dream and heads toward the place where the “Nightmare” had taken root. Those possessed by the “Nightmare” will be entrapped in a nightmare where Aura and life will be deprived. Weiss was already in a dangerous condition. Ruby was so eager to quickly free Weiss from the “Nightmare” but the world reflecting Weiss’ mind, block’s Ruby’s way.
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#49 - Mirror of Darkness
RWBY: Ice Queendom - Season 1 - Episode 10
Blake’s plan was a much too dangerous one, making the “Nightmare” possess Blake so that they could confront Nega-Weiss. Yang objects but Blake was firmly determined. Shion and Ozpin decide to accept her plan, considering Weiss’s urgent condition. As Blake becomes covered with the “Nightmare”, an ominous herd of shadows appears. Blake gives the word of command, “Burry the Schnee Dust Company!” toward the shadows, which looked just like Adam, who she had left behind in her past. Blake attacks Nega-Weiss along with the herd, and Nega-Weiss confronts them with anger. It was indistinguishable if the herd was Grimm or the White Fang. Meanwhile, Ruby uses this chance to head toward the center core of the dream, where the “Nightmare” had rooted.
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#50 - Awaken in a Dream
RWBY: Ice Queendom - Season 1 - Episode 5
Attacked by Weiss and finding herself cornered, Ruby is rescued by Shion. Even after she had awakened from the dream, Ruby starts to feel uncertain having heard Weiss’ aggressive words. However, she decides to take on the challenge once again and returns to the dream, this time accompanied by Yang and Blake. In the dream, the empire, ruled by the Schnee family and protected by Nega-Weiss, had increased their alert levels due to Ruby’s escape. Seeing how important the Schnee family is to Weiss and also her fear and hatred toward the White Fang, the three girls get confused but nevertheless make their way into the dream.
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