The BEST episodes written by Takashi Suhara

Each One's Feelings
77 votes

#1 - Each One's Feelings

Tales of Zestiria the X - Season 1 - Episode 7

Sorey listens to Lailah explain about the Shepherd's true mission when a dragon appears. It goes away without attacking Sorey, but the townspeople who see this are overcome with gratitude, and even Barltow himself invites Sorey to his mansion. On the way there, Sorey see miasma from the Malevolence rising up among the people. He resolves to pursue the dragon in order to stop the Malevolence before it can spread in Ladylake. Meanwhile, Mikleo begins to ponder what he must do to inspire Sorey who is now a Shepherd.

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The War
67 votes

#2 - The War

Tales of Zestiria the X - Season 1 - Episode 11

Sorey and the others leave Rohan the seraph and Atakk the Normin seraph to watch over Marlind, and head for Glaivend Basin at the border of Hyland and Rolance, where Bartlow is attempting to incite a war. Sorey warns Alisha that if war has begun, he will side with neither Hyland nor Rolance. But as a Shepherd, he wants to stop the fighting. Sorey and company reach Glaivend, only to find a battlefield teeming with Malevolence. Alisha sets out to convince Hyland’s General Landon to stop the fighting, but Sorey tells her “I am going to do what I can.”

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Alisha Diphda
69 votes

#3 - Alisha Diphda

Tales of Zestiria the X - Season 1 - Episode 10

Sorey pursues the elusive Drake to Marlind and reunites with Mikleo who has acquired a Divine Artifact in the form of a bow. Entering into a Sub Lord pact, they armatize and successfully purify the Drake with an arrow. Later, they go to help with the reconstruction and set about purifying the town’s water. Sorey accompanies Alisha to disperse emergency supplies that have arrived from Ladylake and encounters Rose, the Sparrowfeathers merchant who helped him when he first arrived in Ladylake. Her group has also brought supplies from Ladylake.

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A World Without Malevolence
0 votes

#4 - A World Without Malevolence

Tales of Zestiria the X - Season 1 - Episode 13

Accompanied by Rose and the Sparrowfeathers, Sorey and friends head for a new land, Rolance. On the way, some rogues try to sell Rose stolen herbs. When she sees through them, they threaten her, but Rose thrashes them easily. Sorey is impressed with her sharp business acumen. At night, he continues to train with Lailah, learning to recognize and stop the Malevolence; honing his skills to confront the powerful mass of Malevolence known as "The Lord of Calamity." The party arrives in the commercial city of Lastonbell and meet Mayvin the storyteller.

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The Ideal World
0 votes

#5 - The Ideal World

Tales of Zestiria the X - Season 1 - Episode 21

With the help of his friends, Sorey purifies the dragon that resides inside the tornado headed for Ladylake. Alisha and Rose had absorbed some of the Malevolence from Sorey. This takes its toll and causes them to fall into a deep slumber, but they awaken with no ill effects. They resolve to continue to help Sorey as his squires. Meanwhile, Dezel battles Symonne who declares that her master, the Lord of Calamity, can no longer be stopped, and that the world will end. Symonne shows Sorey an illusion of the Lord of Calamity and despite feeling the impact of his overwhelming power, he decides to head for the northern land to find the Lord of Calamity.

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