The BEST episodes written by Seishi Minakami

#1 - You, Me, and Her
Heaven's Memo Pad - Season 1 - Episode 12
Narumi rushes over to Alice's place to find the other NEETs there waiting for him. Alice manages to find Ayaka's cell phone, which leads to the Fourth's club. They find the phone and a crazy guy on Angel Fix there, but no Hakamizaka. Narumi leaves with Major, but on the way, he notices a strange flashing when the light hits the packaging of the Angel Fix. Later, he shows everyone and it turns out to be angel wings. Alice concludes that the flashing wings are coupled with the visual enhancement from Angel Fix to serve as a guide. Narumi offers to take the drug in order to find a dealer. However, when he takes the drug, he becomes annoyed at the other NEETs talking to him through the receiver and takes it off. He has a vision of Ayaka as an angel and rushes towards her, managing to find a dealer. The other NEETs trail the dealer, while Tetsu tries to calm Narumi. Narumi wakes up to find Alice, who tells him that Ayaka committed suicide because she took Angel Fix, which amplified her regret from growing the flower components of the drug. Everyone joins the Fourth in a search for the dealers' hideout, and they manage to find Hakamizaka. Hakamizaka is high on Angel Fix and admits to forcing Ayaka to take the drug to stop her from going to the police. Hakamizaka starts to hallucinate that Alice is an angel, which Alice uses to tell him that he isn't going to heaven. Meanwhile, the Fourth finds Toshi, choosing to offer him to Narumi, who beats him up. However, Tetsu stops him before he can kill Toshi. Finally, Angel Fix is finished. However, seasons pass, but Ayaka doesn't wake up. One morning, Narumi finds Alice at the school waiting for him. Alice tells him that Ayaka jumped from the roof to prevent the cultural festival from violating her special ground with Narumi. At that moment, the sun rises, and all of flowers bloom, forming the symbol that Narumi made for Ayaka's armband. The series ends as Ayaka opens her eyes.
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#2 - The Full Account of Hanamaru Soup
Heaven's Memo Pad - Season 1 - Episode 4
Minli's sarashi is stolen by a stalker and so the gang decides to go out and find the culprit. Alice attempts to act arrogant when Minli asks for her help, but Minli quickly stops this by picking her up. Minli initially refuses Alice's help, but after some comments from Narumi, she changes her mind. They start by investigating the strange man that has been coming into the ramen shop. He buys a ramen, takes one sip, then pays and leaves. They try to tail him, but lose him. Later, Narumi is telling Alice about a lock that Minli refuses to have changed. Alice realizes something and tells everyone to drop the security around the shop. Major gives Narumi a strange ball and tells him to use it if he sees the intruder. Narumi throws it at the suspicious man and it turns out to be a flashbang. The man turns out to be an executive from a lingerie department. He proceeds to go on a tirade about Minli's breasts, which prompts her to beat the crap out of him. Alice stops her from touching him, though, wanting to first explain the case to her. She reveals that there was another person entering and exiting the house, which left the door unlocked for pervy stalker to come in. Turns out, ramen guy was actually Minli's father, who had left the shop to her when she was young. Because Minli had refused to change the locks, he was still about to get into the shop. He gives her the recipe for his soup and leaves a note asking to try some of her ice cream the next time. The next day, pervy stalker leaves a bra for Alice at her door. Alice believes that it was Narumi's doing, as he brought it in, and gets mad.
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#3 - I Don't Believe in Fate
Heaven's Memo Pad - Season 1 - Episode 8
Narumi rushes to the hospital in response to his call telling him that the Fourth was attacked. He is in unstable condition and unconscious, which Narumi relays to Alice. Maki calls from the concert to ask Narumi to email her the concert documents. However, when Narumi goes to do it, he finds an email from the Fourth addressed to him, half done and telling him that he's in charge if something were to happen to the Fourth. Narumi goes back to the ramen shop to find the rest of the guys ready to go out and kill Renji, but he is able to stop them from dirtying the Fourth's name and they acknowledge him as leader. Later, Alice warns Narumi that Renji had miscalculated because of Narumi and that he will come after him soon. Narumi goes back to his job helping with the concert and the day of the concert arrives. Narumi isolates himself and has the vocals of the band wear a replica of Renji's shirt to lure him out, which succeeds. Alice appears to reveal that the embroidery on Renji's real shirt is the same as that of Narumi's concert shirt. She concludes that they must have been made by the same person. Alice reveals that Hison survived, but lost her womb in the incident, and that she is actually the owner of the shop Narumi had visited so many times, having taken the name Yoshiki. Renji asks why the Fourth hid everything and Alice responds that he was trying to protect Renji from the information that Hison was with the Gotouda Group's leader and pregnant. The Fourth then shows up in his injured state to confirm everything. The Fourth and Renji get into a fistfight and finally resolve their issues. The concert goes off without a hitch and Narumi later returns to the ramen shop to find Renji's sunglasses there. Narumi grabs them and rushes off to Alice, who tells him where Renji is and gives him Renji's shirt. Narumi finds Renji, asking him to stay in Tokyo, but Renji insists on leaving. Narumi returns Renji's shirt, but with the embroidery finally finished, and Renji leav
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#4 - Everything I Can Do
Heaven's Memo Pad - Season 1 - Episode 7
Narumi meet Renji to talk. Renji tells Narumi that he will kill him if he sees him again, but Narumi tries to convince Renji to tell him the story between the Fourth and him. Renji starts to tell him, revealing that the Fourth and him lived together with a girl named Hison before. The two men had an agreement that neither would make a move on Hison and that both would protect her from other men. Renji tells Narumi that the Fourth used Hison as a shield in a fight against the Gotouda Group, causing her death. Renji vows revenge and tells Narumi to stay out of it. Narumi later talks with Yoshiki, who tells him a bit about the Fourth. Narumi realizes how much the Fourth cared about Renji and calls him to beg him to ask Alice for help. The Fourth later comes by the ramen shop to finally ask Alice to help him out, and he finds out that the other NEETs were already on it. Narumi confronts the Fourth about Hison, but the Fourth refuses to tell him more. He later asks Alice, who warns him that investigating may cause him to lose a friend, but he chooses to do so anyway. Narumi later finds out from Hiroaki that on the day of Hison's death, the Fourth was seen with a bleeding shoulder as well. More importantly, there were reports of another woman's voice coming from the apartment. He rushes over to the Fourth to find that the butterfly tattoo on his shoulder actually covers that scar, so he concludes that the men were actually after Hison, not the Fourth. The Fourth refuses to tell him anything, so he goes to talk with Alice again, who tells him that the Gotouda Group's leader divorced his wife right after Hison's death, which leads her to conclude that the culprit is the ex-wife. She also concludes that Hison was pregnant, due to the fact that she was stabbed in the abdomen. Alice tells Narumi that he needs to hurry and tell Renji the truth about the incident, but Narumi gets a call as he leaves that the Fourth has been attacked.
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#5 - Pieces of Me
Heaven's Memo Pad - Season 1 - Episode 11
Ayaka is hospitalized and unconscious with low chance of recovery. Everyone is noticeably shaken with what happened until Narumi finally returns to the ramen shop, asking Tetsu to teach him how to fight properly. Narumi then asks Alice to help him, with her once again warning him about the burden of this knowledge. Alice tells him that she knows why she would want to kill herself, but doesn't know why she chose the school roof, which was too low to ensure death. Just like Narumi, Alice blames herself for not stopping Ayaka, but Narumi is able to comfort her. She then officially makes Narumi her assistant for this case. The next day, Alice orders Narumi to go to the greenhouse, where the Fourth is waiting. Narumi finds out from a teacher that Ayaka was growing some rare flowers in the greenhouse, but there were none there when he was in the greenhouse. Narumi realizes that they may have something to do with Angel Fix and rushes to Alice to check. However, Alice first shows him a picture of Hakamizaka Shirou, who Narumi recognizes as the person who was talking with Toshi last episode. She concludes that he is the man who created Angel Fix, having mutated a flower that he found while studying abroad to create it. Toshi was one of Hakamizaka's distributors, using Ayaka to grow the raw ingredients. The Fourth mobilizes everyone under him to create a giant search party for those responsible for Angel Fix. Narumi later tells the other NEETs his theory that Ayaka overheard what they were talking about before and realized that she had been helping grow narcotics. He believes that it is possible that Ayaka spoke to Toshi that night, so he resolves to find out, sending the NEETs out to find him. That night, Narumi receives a call from Toshi from Ayaka's phone, confirming his theory that they met. Toshi sounds crazed, but he tries to arrange a meeting with Narumi. Then, he suddenly starts to regret what has happened, begging Narumi to help him before Hakamizaka beats him up. Ha
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#6 - What Can I Do for the Two of Them
Heaven's Memo Pad - Season 1 - Episode 3
The Yakuza show up for the money that Meo has, but Minli, owner of the ramen shop where Alice sets up HQ, refuses them. The next day, Narumi finds that Meo has disappeared with the money. Despite Alice's warnings, he rushes off to find her. When he finds her, they are attacked by the Yakuza. Narumi is getting beaten up, but then the guys from the dojo show up to dish out some pain. Realizing his weakness, Narumi asks the Fourth, leader of the dojo, to perform a sake ritual with him to formally induct him into the dojo. With that done, there is still the problem of the money Meo has. However, Narumi gets the idea to split the money into small portions and transfer them all into Kusakabe's bank account (Kusakabe is Meo's father), scheduling all of it to be transferred to the corporation that's after Meo, the Kishiwada Corporation. Because the money is dirty, it will cause problems for the Yakuza members. The Yakuza freak out, but Narumi later reveals that it was just a bluff. However, the company is forced to bring Kusakabe to stop the “transaction”, as the account is in his name. When they show up, the Fourth and the guys from the dojo proceed to beat the crap out of them. Meo shows up, and Kusakabe breaks free after seeing her. Distracted by the touching scene, Narumi gets punched in the face by Tetsu (his own ally). The next day, Narumi arrives to find Meo preparing to go out with her father in Alice's room, much to Alice's dismay. However, the case is closed and everyone lives happily ever after.
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#7 - Concerning You
Heaven's Memo Pad - Season 1 - Episode 10
The other NEETs ask Toshi where he's been and what he's been doing. He starts to cough, but pushes Ayaka away when she tries to help. Narumi goes out to talk with him alone. Toshi insults Ayaka a bit, but has another coughing fit and pulls out some strange pills. When asked, he calls it “Angel Fix” and wanders off. Narumi talks with Tetsu about it later, but Tetsu tells him not to tell Ayaka that her brother is taking drugs. The next day, Narumi walks into Alice's room to find Ayaka trying to fix up her hair, but she is kicked out when the Fourth arrives with a job. The Fourth is there to ask Alice about Angel Fix. Alice calls the rest of the NEETs up and Narumi tells them about Toshi having Angel Fix. They all set out to find Toshi, but the Fourth stops Narumi from helping this time. Later, Ayaka is grilling Narumi because she is being left out, which causes Narumi to remember what her brother said about being his replacement. He asks her if he is her brother's replacement, which causes her to run off. He tries to apologize the next day, but she just brushes him off. The next day, Narumi skips school, and Ayaka starts to worry. The two apologize to each other, and Narumi gives her a new armband to replace the one he accidentally ripped the day before. Ayaka assures Narumi is not a replacement, and tells him that she originally started gardening on the roof just to have an excuse to meet him. A few days later, Ayaka is asked by one of the teachers to move the planters on the roof for a school event. She gets a bit depressed about this and stays late. However, when she gets back to the shop, she overhears Major and Tetsu talking about Toshi. Later, Narumi offers to confront the teacher about the planters on the roof, which makes Ayaka smile. However, the episode ends with a shot of her falling out of a school window into a bed of flowers.
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#8 - It Seems Like I'll Lose
Heaven's Memo Pad - Season 1 - Episode 6
Narumi ran into Renji at the zoo. The two have a nice chat about random things and Renji mentions a friend that he used to have in Tokyo. Narumi gets called to go back to work at the concert again, but Renji tries to stop him for some reason. He returns to see the fire trucks, as the venue has been set on fire. Also, Alice shows up, having worried about Narumi because he didn't pick up his phone and his GPS was by the fire. The Fourth also calls Narumi to ask him about the fire as well as tell him that they have found the one who stole their t-shirts in the last episode. Narumi shows up to see the culprit, and the culprit starts saying random things about angels and mentions Hirasaka. The Fourth then beats the crap out of him, but later tells Narumi that there was another person that had the key to the room with the t-shirts. He tells Narumi that the true culprit is none other than Hirasaka Renji. Later, Alice asks Narumi about his strange behavior and he tells her about his meeting with Hirasaka Renji. The next day, he confronts the Fourth and tells him that he met Renji. The Fourth starts to question him, but Narumi refuses to talk, telling him to seek Alice's help. The Fourth refuses, telling Narumi to stay away from Renji. Narumi goes out with Ayaka and a couple of the guys from the dojo join them for protection. Narumi is able to lose them easily, though, but they end up getting attacked by some guys. However, Tetsu shows up in time to help them out. That night, Narumi gets a call from Renji asking him to meet up and return his shirt. Before he goes, he visits Alice, who tells him about the evil of Hirasaka Renji. Narumi still intends to return the shirt, though, which causes Alice to start throwing things at him. She then gives him one of her stuffed animals, an owl that will “protect” him, and lets him sleep on her bed that night with her. The next day, Narumi leaves without the shirt, knowing that Renji will just disappear if he just gives it up. The epi
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#9 - Two or Three Things I Know About Her
Heaven's Memo Pad - Season 1 - Episode 1
Narumi, a high-school freshman, accidentally crosses paths with a group of NEET when a young girl jumps from a hotel window and lands in a trash pile right in front of him.
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#10 - He Knows About Me
Heaven's Memo Pad - Season 1 - Episode 5
Alice's annoyed at Narumi for trying to wash her stuffed animals. The Fourth walks in to ask Narumi to help him run a concert. Alice shows off a little tsundere at the thought of Narumi being away and busy with the concert. The Fourth later talks to Narumi alone and tells him that the job is more dangerous than he let on. Turns out one of the band's former promoters is the Yanagihara Group, who have ties with the Yakuza. The band didn't want that group to sponsor them, so they turned to the Fourth. However, it's possible that the Yanagihara Group bites back. Narumi starts to promote and help out with the concert. While he's out alone, he runs into a man named Hirasaka, who is being threatened by some thugs. He starts to beat the crap out of them, but Narumi stops him by pouring his drink on Hirasaka's shirt. He later introduces himself as Renji and forces Narumi to buy him some clothes. While they're at a restaurant, Renji notices some thugs out the window and runs off. Later that day, Minli asks Narumi to go out and pick up an apron for her, but he runs into the Fourth at the shop. The Fourth gets really angry seeing Narumi and orders him not to tell anyone about the shop. The shop's owner, Yoshiki, starts to tell Narumi embarrassing things about the Fourth, which greatly annoys him. However, this ends when the Fourth gets a call that the venue for the concert has been attacked. When they return, they are informed that the shirts have been stolen from the storeroom. They are unable to figure out who it was that broke in, though. The next day, Narumi goes to Ueno for concert business and Alice asks him to go to the zoo to take pictures of capybaras for her. The episode ends with Narumi running into Renji while he's there.
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#11 - That Summer's 21 Pitches
Heaven's Memo Pad - Season 1 - Episode 9
Narumi introduce an online game called Power Play Ball, or Powerebo for short. While he's at the arcade playing this game, a few men barge in, one of whom Narumi recognizes as Nemo. The men are trying to raise the rent for the arcade, which would likely lead to it closing down. Major argues against them, and they propose a gamble with the loser backing off, which Tetsu agrees to immediately. They point at a Powerebo machine and say they will use baseball to decide the winner and Major accepts. However, Major doesn't realize that they are talking about a real baseball game. Major starts to try to round up a team, and the Fourth shows up with some guys from the Hirasaka Group to fill up the remaining slots. Alice decides to become the coach for the team. The day of the game approaches, and Alice reveals that their opponents are quite the tough bunch. Narumi reveals to the rest of the NEETs that Nemo was formerly a baseball player. The day of the game arrives, and the NEETs start strong with the Fourth's pitching, but Nemo comes out to hit a home run on the first pitch. The NEET Teddy Bears are able to stay relatively even with the Yakuza team, but Nemo has yet to pitch. The Fourth is reaching his limit, and Alice laments the lack of data on Nemo, so Narumi rushes back to the arcade to check if the game has any information. Finally, Nemo comes to the mound. With the Fourth out of commission, two outs, and a runner on first, Narumi steps up to bat in the Fourth's place. However, Alice finally comes out into the open to take Narumi's place. Nemo has trouble with the first couple of pitches, but gets three strikes on Alice. However, the last pitch is not caught and Alice makes a break for the bases. Narumi then finally steps up to bat, hitting foul ball after foul ball. Finally, on the 21st pitch, Narumi is able to hit the ball cleanly and win the game. When Nemo comes to demand how Narumi knew his style, Narumi reveals that it was all present in Powerebo. The next day, M
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#12 - A Travel Bag and You
Heaven's Memo Pad - Season 1 - Episode 2
Alice's new case is another missing person, but this time it's a guy who's having problems with the Yakuza. The case is brought to her by his daughter, Meo, who is worried after receiving a phone call from him that's quite grim. Narumi, the new assistant, is tasked with some investigating, but doesn't find much.
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#13 - AIM Burst
A Certain Scientific Railgun - Season 1 - Episode 12
The girls work to stop the monster before it reaches a nuclear power plant! Uiharu’s efforts slow the abomination down, but Mikoto might be the only person able to stop the creature’s rampage!
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#14 - Deep Blood (Vampire Killer)
A Certain Magical Index - Season 1 - Episode 9
Aureolus finds his plan to turn Index into a vampire thwarted and learns that Kamijo has already saved Index’s memory. Overwhelmed by anger and jealousy, the alchemist attacks Kamijo in a fit of murderous rage.
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#15 - When Working Under a Hot Sun, Rehydration is Essential
A Certain Scientific Railgun - Season 1 - Episode 2
Mikoto and Kuroko get in trouble for using their powers in the dorm. Their punishment: pool cleaning duty! Later, Kuroko finds herself feeling frisky after accidentally ingesting a powerful aphrodisiac!
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#16 - After All
Birdy the Mighty: Decode - Season 2 - Episode 1
Birdy is informed of a break-out from an intergalactic prison, and manages to track down one of the rogue prisoners. Although she is ordered to apprehend the criminals alive, he was killed by the time she arrived on the scene. The only clue is a disguise chip, which dissolved the body.
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#17 - Tears Are Not Enough
Birdy the Mighty: Decode - Season 2 - Episode 4
Birdy tracks down the illegal Virtual Reactor Chips purchaser, who is Nataru's father, Mr. Dusk. Dusk reveals he is a member of an Alterian freedom group, and that he helped disguise the escapees. Birdy goes after the nearest, but the escapees kidnap Dusk and interrogate him on the attacks on their number. He is murdered, which angers Nataru and upsets Birdy. Nataru kills another of the escapees, but not before learning Valic killed his father. Birdy promises to catch Dusk's killer.
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#18 - Somewhere in Time
Birdy the Mighty: Decode - Season 2 - Episode 3
Senkawa and the journalism club go investigate a refugee camp. While Hayasumi is just trying to get a good story, Birdy is hoping to get a lead on another alien living in the camp. Two young children, Takumi and Marina, give the club a tour of the camp. They run away into the ruins so that they don't have to be separated, but get attacked by a group of thugs. Nataru, volunteering at the camp, goes after the children, but isn't strong enough on his own. Birdy arrives to rescue him.
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#19 - Both Sides Now
Birdy the Mighty: Decode - Season 2 - Episode 11
The School Festival opens where Hayamiya gives her piece on the disaster refugees. Nataru finds and severely wounds Gatoru before he and Moss escapes. Hoping to cut a deal with Revi Moss kills him but is rejected and decides to fight Nataru win or lose.
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#20 - Before Long
Birdy the Mighty: Decode - Season 2 - Episode 12
Nataru and Moss fight but Moss is nearly killed before being rescued by Birdy who attempts to convince Nataru to surrender and receive treatment before his Iksiola state kills him. He refuses and nearly kills Birdy before Senkawa switches in and convinces Nataru that being an Iksiola means more than just killing. Nataru relents and jumps back in time to the moment of the tower attack becoming the man who saves a young Birdy via a time-loop.
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#21 - We Will Meet Again
Birdy the Mighty: Decode - Season 2 - Episode 7
Continuing the memory dive, Tsutomu learns more of the Central Tower attack and Birdy's part within it.
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#22 - A Wicked Wind Blows
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 49
After Kai's first round loss to the Demolition Boys in the World Beyblade Finals, it's Ray's turn to take on Bryan in a best-of-three match. Ray learns the hard way that Bryan is a nasty competitor who'll do anything to win - including putting Ray himself through the wringer. When it's discovered that Bryan's attack includes the ability to manipulate air itself into a weapon, Ray faces a troubling realisation. To negate Bryan's fury, he must put his own well being at risk. But Ray's Bit-Beast Driger has other ideas, and it offers up selfless act of its own.
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#23 - First Strike
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 46
Now that Kai is finally loyal to the 'Bladebreakers', he returns Black Dranzer to Boris, doing severe damage to the enemy headquarters in the process. Voltaire orders the operation to proceed, and Boris brings in the Demolition Boys to get the job done. It is revealed that Biovolt is creating a breed of powerful, savage, Bit-Beasts that are designed for War... and the plan is to use them to take over the entire World. The Demolition Boys attack the BBA bus, and Max bravely battles to save his friends. Unfortunately, he loses his Bit-Beast Draciel in the process.
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#24 - Live and Let Kai!
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 43
It's the first day of the Beyblade World Championships in Moscow, and as our heroes leave their hotel, they still haven't been able to locate Kai who's been missing for some time now. Regardless, they arrive at the tournament and meet up with both the White Tigers and the All Starz who invite them to watch their first match against the Demolition Boys. At first things seem fairly normal, that is, until they start to battle. Things go from bad to worse for the All Starz who are no match for the Demolition Boys who quickly go up 2-0 in the best of five events. In the next match, Michael has to square off against a mystery member of the Demolition Boys and it turns out to be none other than Kai, who has defected from the Bladebreakers. In the final battle, Kai takes on all the All Starz at once... and wins!! After his victory, he commands the All Starz Bit Beasts to enter his blade and he announces to the world that he now possesses the most powerful Beyblade in the world!!
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#25 - A Knight to Remember!
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 37
Enrique and Oliver decide to take our heroes on a dirigible ride to visit Robert's castle. The reason - Tyson hopes to avenge an earlier loss to Robert that happened onboard the ship coming to Europe. Tyson's patience, however, is tested when they have to sit and wait for their host who is 'not to be disturbed'. So, Tyson decides to find Robert on his own and ends up getting lost in the medieval castles many eerie secret passages. Finally, everyone converges in the room where Robert is playing chess against Johnny and it's here where Tyson throws down the gauntlet and challenges Robert to a rematch. Robert refuses and goes into a whole history lesson about how 'once you've defeated your enemy, the battle is over'. Meanwhile, arrogant little Johnny decides to pick a battle with the most-worthy opponent in the room and chooses Kai. As the fight begins, it appears to be even, but then Johnny calls out his Bit Beast Salamulyon and totally destroys him. In the end, the Bladebreakers resolve that they have their work cut out for them to become the world champion Beybladers.
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#26 - Cruising for a Bruising
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 30
Travelling by boat across the Atlantic, the Bladebreakers must not only deal with Kenny's seasickness, but a gut-wrenching revelation. Tyson's on-board defeat at the hands of a mysterious foe - one wielding a Bit-Beast larger and stronger than any they've ever seen - exposes the team's vulnerability going into the Russian Tournament.
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#27 - Enter Lil' Slugger
Paranoia Agent - Season 1 - Episode 1
Tsukiko Sagi is a shy character designer who created the extremely successful Maromi, a cute pink dog with eyes as big as Tsukiko's. However, her company wants another character very soon and Tsukiko is out of ideas. Stressed out from the pressure and the jealously held by her co-workers, Tsukiko becomes depressed and wishes for a miracle. Her wish comes true as she is suddenly attacked with a golden baseball bat! She describes the suspect as a 6th grade boy wearing golden roller blades and a red hat to the detectives, Ikari and Maniwa. However, Ikari doesn't buy Tsukiko's story while Akio Kawazu, a sleazy tabloid reporter, tails Tsukiko trying to get a story out of her.
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#28 - Space,Time,and You
Birdy the Mighty: Decode - Season 2 - Episode 9
Nataru jumps through time to just before he was shot, and manages to disarm and chase off Moss, injuring her in the process. She uses the injury to gain entrance to where Nataru works in the hospital, again trying to kill him. Nataru jumps through time, ending up a few days ahead of the event, his eyes turning red and bleeding in the process. Muroto finds him and takes him in. Nataru then asks Birdy to retrieve his medicine from his old apartment, and she discovers the blood from the fight.
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#29 - New and Cyber-Improved...
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 50
After a devastating match puts Ray in the hospital, Tyson trains his heart out to prepare for his battle against Tala, leader of the Demolition Boys. What Tyson doesn't know is that Tala has become one of Boris' weird experiments, uploaded with dangerous Biovolt technology. Meanwhile, Max’s parents work together to come up with an improved Beyblade that can combat the existing threat of the Demolition Boys' prowess. Can it even come close to competing against...Cyber-Tala?
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#30 - Olympia Challenge
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 38
The Bladebreakers have made themselves at home at Robert's mansion, refusing to leave unless the Europeans agree to a final Beybattle. To teach his guests a lesson, Robert agrees to a match at his new stadium. But there's one condition: If the Bladebreakers lose, they have to forfeit their berth at the world Championship. Ray and Oliver battle fiercely and the first round ends in a tie. Johnny and Kai, bitter rivals, step to the bowl. But can Kai get revenge for his previous loss? Or will he once again fall at the hands of Johnny?
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#31 - A Majestic Battle... A Majestic Victory?
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 39
Match two gets underway at the Olympia Coliseum, and with a little unsolicited help by his teammates, Kai walks away with a win. The match is tied and the Majestics grudgingly admit to themselves that the only way they will win the contest is to fight as a team, as the Bladebreakers do. Facing off against Tyson in the final match, will Robert be able to apply the fundamentals of teamwork? And will the Bladebreakers ever discover who sent them on their cross-Europe trip in the first place?
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#32 - Before It's Too Late
Birdy the Mighty: Decode - Season 2 - Episode 5
Iruma, Birdy's contact on Earth for information, is kidnapped by the escapees to lure her into a trap. She escapes being nearly killed by a long-range gun and fights to a draw. She collapses before she enters the portal to her ship, however. Tsutomu has a weird dream, a blend between his own memories and Birdy's. This is when he discovers he is trapped in Birdy's body. He is thus forced to follow her schedule, including a signing some of his classmates attend, a photo shoot and a reality contest where he has to eat bugs. At the end, he learns that personality merging has begun.
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#33 - Falling in Love with Love
Birdy the Mighty: Decode - Season 2 - Episode 8
Shouko catches Nataru and Birdy in an embrace, although only because of Birdy's clumsiness. As a result, she runs off out of the hospital, calling Nataru to come find her. But when she sees Birdy with him, she keeps running off.
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#34 - It Never Entered My Mind
Birdy the Mighty: Decode - Season 2 - Episode 10
The Escapees steal a nuclear weapon from an American Navy ship, and afterward Tesera tells them she will not contact them and wishes to remain as an Earthling. Capella is taken by a Federation Investigator after Irma convinces her to give up without a fight. Later, Nataru discovers a picture in Muroto's room of Tesera, and goes off to find and kill her. Muroto calls Birdy, and she finds Nataru just after he brutally murdered Tesera. She allows him to leave, and berates herself afterward.
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#35 - Sword Match at Sunpu Castle
Shigurui: Death Frenzy - Season 1 - Episode 1
Two damaged warriors share a twisted and violent past. Now they must face off within a brutal samurai tournament arranged to satisfy the bloodlust of a cruel tyrant overlord. The disfigured legends of the blade must summon the strength for one last battle, a final lesson in the artistry of violence where nothing is more beautiful than the kill.
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#36 - Simple Twist of Fate
Birdy the Mighty: Decode - Season 2 - Episode 2
Birdy meets up with her childhood friend, Nataru, and they talk for a bit. They are interrupted by a girl in a wheelchair, who treats Birdy coldly. A second of the criminals is tracked down, and she pursues him for a bit, but he escapes only to be killed in a violent manner Birdy is not familiar with.
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#37 - A Prisoner of the Past
Birdy the Mighty: Decode - Season 2 - Episode 6
In an attempt to reverse the personality merging process, Tsutomu delves into Birdy's past. In this episode, he learns what it means to be an Iksiola, and how Birdy met Nataru.
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#38 - Take It to the Max
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 3
Tyson and Kenny meet Max, the new kid in town, just before a puppy is washed away to a waterfall. Tyson attempts to save him, but fails. Max then tries, and succeeds. Max and Tyson battle in Max's dad's shop, but Max wins, due to his defensive-type Beyblade. Stanley A Dickenson (the Chairman of the Beyblade Battle Association) then arrives and informs them of the Beyblade Battle Tournament, and they are all looking forward to it. Kenny and Tyson argue over Tyson's cockiness that his Bey need not be improved. Tyson then attempts to control the Dragoon, and succeeds, while Kenny is watching through the window. They then become friends again.
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#39 - Darkness at the End of the Tunnel...
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 32
After their train is mysteriously hijacked, the kids find themselves in the dark recesses of a tunnel. This is where the Bladebreakers meet a foursome of zombie-like ghouls, the Dark Bladers! The team are soon forced into a Beyblade match to rescue Kenny from the monsters' evil clutches! But Kenny's not the only prize in this dark match-up. For if the Bladebreakers lose, their Bit Beasts are up for grabs...
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#40 - Out of the Past
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 41
The Bladebreakers run into some old friends in Russia when the All-Starz and the White Tiger Clan show up for an exhibition match. The Beybattle between the two teams ends in a tie and they become fast friends, except for Emily and Mariah, who refuse to speak to each other. Meanwhile, Kai returns to the Abbey to find out why it fills him with foreboding. He discovers a cruel Beyblade facility in the sub-basements, housing twisted science experiments and an army of children being molded into deadly Beybladers. Kai's lost memories come flooding back as he realises that he was raised in the abbey. But has he discovered the truth too late?
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#41 - Under the Microscope
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 19
The Bladebreakers arrive in the USA for the American Tournament. During a tour of a BBA research facility, Max is shocked to learn that his Mom works there, and not at the college, like he thought. To make matters worse, the team discovers that they are being tested for weaknesses, by a competing team. Although Tyson and Ray easily beat their opponents, Max is easily defeated by his mother's assistant, Emily.
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#42 - Seimei
Garo: Crimson Moon - Season 1 - Episode 13
Abandoned by Raikou, Seimei moves forward to hunt Ashiya Douman down herself. The darkness grows within her as she heads to the Light Palace. At the same time, Raikou seethes with anger, blaming both himself and Seimei for the deaths of the innocent.
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#43 - Viva Las Vegas
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 24
The Bladebreakers have advanced to the second round of the American Tournament where they square off against the Savage Slammers. The winner of this round advances to the semi-finals. Their competition first appears to be a bunch of slackers, but when Ray loses out in the first round, they quickly realise what they're up against. Max is next, and for some odd reason, his rival folds under pressure, so the best of three is tied at one a piece with Tyson coming in for the deciding battle. At first it looks like a quick win for the Slammers simply because of the size of his opponents enormous Beyblade and things get even more tense when Tyson begins to lose his temper and his focus. The other Breakers convince him to concentrate and when he does, Tyson pull off the victory. Next, our heroes decide to check out the American Team who are competing in another stadium. That's where they get their first taste of the ultra-inflated ego of the All Starz's captain, Michael.
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#44 - The Battle of America
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 27
It's the finals of the American Tournament and the Bladebreakers are going head to head with the All Starz with the winner going to the World Championships. In the first round, Tyson is pitted against Steve and at first things don't appear to be going Tyson's way. But with sheer determination, Tyson pulls out a victory that puts the Bladebreakers ahead one to nothing in the best of three finals. The second round isn't quite so easy as Ray squares off against the NBA wanna-be Eddy whose blazing fast basketball style attack quickly knocks him out and evens the score at two a piece. It looks like the All Starz are shoo-ins to win because of their superior ability to collect data on their opponents. Now the stage is set for the final battle, but the question is, who from the Bladebreakers will take on the All Starz's number one player Michael? Kai or Max? In the end, it's Max who gets the nod.
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#45 - Vessel
Garo: Crimson Moon - Season 1 - Episode 19
Raikou realizes that Seimei is the vessel that the Watchdog Center ordered him to destroy. And though Kaguya is the key to the seal of the Crimson Moon, she is currently powerless. Torn between his duty and his emotions, Raikou slowly loses hope.
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#46 - Lurking Demon
Garo: Crimson Moon - Season 1 - Episode 6
Though parents worry over their children, the children themselves rarely realize. Seimei finds an exquisite item after a day of shopping around Touji Temple, only to have it stolen by a little brat! Raikou and Kintoki give chase and meet Gobeh.
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#47 - Worst
Garo: Crimson Moon - Season 1 - Episode 15
No matter what era, there are always problems between husband and wife. Especially when that husband is a man like Masamune, who is well-known for his cheating ways. Izumi Shikibu tries to help her friend and enlists the help of Raikou and Kintoki.
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#48 - A Score to Settle
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 17
The final match of the Asian Beyblade Tournament reaches an uncertain conclusion when Tyson and Lee’s decisive battle ends in a draw. The resulting sudden death session between Ray and Lee rekindles the pair's old hometown grievances. Ray manages to defeat Lee and the two of them make up.
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#49 - Play It Again, Dizzi!
Beyblade - Season 1 - Episode 29
After narrowly defeating the All Starz at the American Tournament, Kenny decides he should record a database of the highs and low points of the BladeBreakers since the very beginning. In fact, through a series of flashbacks, the Chief along with Dizzi, takes a trip down memory lane as far back to the first time he ever met Tyson. With clips from various shows, Kenny narrates the progress of his friends who eventually form the Bladebreakers and go on to the Asian Tournament. After watching the progress of his team, evaluating individual battles to eventually winning the American Tournament, Kenny concludes that they really have come a long way in a very short time. And just when he thinks they've reached the pinnacle of their success, Max, Tyson and Ray show up to take Kenny to meet the ship that's about to take them to the World Championships in Russia!
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#50 - First Taste
Kemonozume - Season 1 - Episode 1
Toshihiko dedicated his life to only one purpose, to hunt down and destroy the Shokujinki, until the day he met Yuka.
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