The BEST episodes written by Sebastián Parrotta

#2 - Violetta and Tomas's kiss
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 79
Herman breaks up with Jade in the middle of her wedding, much to her dismay. But the problems aren't over yet when Herman decides to move out with Violetta to Qatar. After saying goodbye to her friends, Violetta shares a kiss with Tomas.

#3 - Kiss
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 34
The Studio's students have a concert at Resto Band to earn money for the show. After this, Violetta sang a song with Rock Bones and then, she finally shared her first kiss with Leon.

#4 - Goodbye, Everybody
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 32
On their date, Violetta receives bad news from Tomas: He's going back to Spain. Tomas tells Violetta that they have to forget about each other, which may be impossible for both of them.

#5 - Make a Friend Suffer...
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 20
Violetta has different feelings for both Tomas and Leon. She feels comfortable when she's with Leon, but her relationship with Tomas becomes more complicated because she can't reveal her feelings since Francesca also likes Tomas, and she doesn't want to hurt her best friend's feelings.

#6 - Show
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 40
On the eve of the big show, Ludmila is forced to drop out because she has to fulfill her job to appear as a spokesperson for the pig food commercial. Everyone tries to convince Violetta to be in the show because she's the only one who can save it. What will Violetta do?

#7 - The Pact
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 42
With Gregorio as the new director, the students are facing difficulties when he gives them a very hard assignment. Violetta has a big problem because she wants to be only with Leon, but her feelings for Tomas are standing on the way. Also, there's a new student at the Studio, Broduey

#8 - You Were Born to Dream
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 22
Tomas is confused of that Violetta wants him to stay away for her. But he doesn't know that if Francesca finds out that Violetta has feelings for him, it'll be worse.

#9 - Passion
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 36
Upset because she had her first kiss with Leon and that she stole Ludmila's idea to hire his father (actually, it was the other way around), Tomas gives Violetta the cold shoulder. When Antonio cancels the show due to not having enough money, Violetta comes up with a plan to make him change his mind.

#10 - Tomas or Leon?
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 39
Violetta's dreams are shattered because of that she can't hurt her father's feelings. But, when it's revealed that Violetta still has feelings for Tomas despite dating Leon, and that Tomas still has feelings for Violetta despite being friends with Ludmila, will something change?

#11 - Beautiful
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 24
After the misunderstanding has been cleared, Violetta feels more than ready for a relationship with Tomas, but when it turns out that she never had her first kiss, will it work or not?

#12 - A Fatal Fruit Juice
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 23
Wanting to regain her reputation, Ludmila wants to be the best on Angie's assignment when she decides to prevent Violetta from singing and ruin Francesca's life by telling her to who Tomas has actually written the song for.

#13 - A Song for Her
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 21
When Violetta's feelings for Tomas seem to win a big fight, she decides to ask him if he really wrote a song for her, which he denies, but then he decides to tell Violetta the song was written for her.

#14 - In my own world
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 80
After Violetta and Tomas finally shared their first kiss, Violetta decides to stay alone. Herman wants to leave urgently for Qatar, but will they ever leave Buenos Aires?

#15 - The Duel
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 51
Violetta challenges Ludmila to a duel which will conclude who will do the song they will be singing together.

#16 - A Disappointment
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 38
After Jade discovered her secret, Violetta is forced to give up her dreams for the sake of her father's happiness.

#17 - Tomas's Reaction
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 25
Violetta freaks out when Tomas tries to kiss her and runs away. After this, Violetta refuses to look at Tomas' face, so she doesn't show up at the Studio. But Leon comes to cheer Violetta up and supports her.

#18 - Jade Discovers Everything
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 37
Tomas is still mad at Violetta because he thinks that her feelings for him were only a lie. But Violetta has the worst problems because her father and Jade's engagement party and the mid-term show are taking place on the same day!

#19 - Ultimatum
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 77
Violetta cannot make up her mind between Leon and Tomas and asks her grandmother's advice. There's a confrontation between Violetta, Herman and Jade. Herman sees a poster for the show.

#20 - Birthday Kisses
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 47
Feeling terrible because they all forgot Francesca's birthday, Violetta and the others plan a surprise party. Tomas explains to Violetta that Ludmila is not his girlfriend.

#21 - Talk If You Can
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 41
After the show has been ruined, Pablo quits from his job as the director and he's replaced by Gregorio, much to the students' dismay. Meanwhile, Violetta doesn't know what to do because she has feelings for both Tomas and Leon.

#22 - Duets
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 50
Gregorio gives the members of his special group an assignment that they will do in duets. Unfortunately, he decides that Violetta and Ludmila will be singing together in a duet.

#23 - A Work
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 35
After Leon kissed Violetta, they are now a couple. Despite this, Violetta still can't let go of Tomas and is still determined to prevent him from going back to Spain.

#24 - The Anger of Francesca
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 46
Violetta and Ramallo come up with a plan to bring Angie back together. Also, Violetta feels that her heart beats stronger again whenever she looks at Tomas, even though she's dating Leon.

#25 - Fright
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 45
Violetta tries to convince her father that Angie isn't the bad person he thinks she is and tries to get her back. Tomas tries to talk with Violetta about the state of their relationship, but what will come out of it?

#26 - Bad Partition
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 43
Still dealing with having to choose between Tomas and Leon, Violetta has written a song that can help her.

#27 - Impossible Love
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 18
While working on duet songs as a part of Angie's assignment, Violetta finds it hard to practice with Leon when she can't stop thinking about Tomas.

#28 - The Official Reception of All the Dangers
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 52
After a big fight, Violetta and Tomas completely give up on each other. After Violetta accidentally sends Leon an e-mail on which she wants him back, they soon get back together.

#29 - Usually "Dad"
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 17
Violetta and Tomas made it to the Studio. On the first day, a misunderstanding begins when Francesca thinks that Tomas wrote a song for her, but it was actually written for Violetta.

#30 - Hard Luck!
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 44
After Leon discovered Violetta's song, she decided she'll be with him, even though Tomas is close to her. Problems arise when Jade accidentally tells Herman that Violetta is going to the Studio, causing him to go there.

#31 - Random Volunteer
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 33
Not wanting to let Tomas go back to Spain, Violetta comes up with an idea to have her father hire Tomas' father. After Leon quit the show because of Ludmila acting like a diva, Tomas (whose return to Spain has been delayed) is back in.

#32 - Secret
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 14
Refusing to hurt her father's feelings, Violetta changes her mind and decides to not audition for the Studio. Knowing that Violetta cannot waste this chance because she's a natural singer, everyone tries to convince her to change her mind.

#33 - A Threat, a Song
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 7
A jealous Ludmilla tries to humiliate Violetta by convincing her there is a costume party at Studio 21.

#34 - A Trap, a Song
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 8
After she showed up in an angel costume, Violetta is laughed at by the Studio's students. Leon then brought her home. In an attempt to split Violetta and Tomas up, Ludmila edits the video from her recent conversation with Tomas.

#35 - Her Fate is Now
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 15
After finding out that her father hid her mother's things from her, Violetta becomes angry at him. When it seems that no one can't convince Violetta to audition for the Studio, there was one person who can convince Violetta to do it, and that was Tomas, with a little help from Voletta's mother, because she read her diary and realized that she is a singer and music is her passion.

#36 - A Secret, a Song
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 2
Violetta falls in love with Tomas after he rescued her and he also falls in love with her. Violetta meets her new tutor, Angie, who actually is her aunt but Violetta doesn't know it.

#37 - We can...
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 73
One night, Violetta and Leon both dream about a beautiful and romantic song and the next day, they try to remember that song because they're worried if they forget it, they'll lose something important.

#38 - Plot
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 26
Violetta and Tomas are out for their first date together. But Ludmila is there to ruin it. An unexpected arrival of Angie's mother may complicate some things and situations.

#39 - Surprise Meeting
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 27
Thanks to Ludmila, Violetta has stood Tomas up on their first date. Violetta's feelings for Tomas have changed when Ludmila sends a message from his phone that says that he doesn't want to have anything to do with her.

#40 - A Deception, a Song
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 6
Violetta convinces her father to let her have private piano lessons with Roberto Benvenuto "Beto". What Violetta doesn't tell her father is that she will be taking the lessons at Studio 21

#41 - Jealous
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 16
The entrance tests are almost reaching their end. After passing the singing test, Violetta still needs to pass the dancing test if she wants to join the Studio. But Ludmila is there to make sure that Violetta will miss the test and be unable to join the Studio. So she and Naty made a plan, they locked Violetta in the janitor's room and stole her phone and diary, so she won't make it to the test.

#42 - Goodbye the music...
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 78
After discovering Violetta's secret, Herman forbids her from singing and studying or doing anything related to music. With Herman and Jade's wedding approaching, Violetta is determined to put a stop to it because she knows that her father loves only one person and that's Angie.

#43 - Pirate or Princess?
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 48
After seeing Ludmila kissing "Tomas" (actually, it was Andres dressed in Tomas' costume), Violetta decides to catch Tomas in his lie by pretending to be Ludmila and wearing her costume. What Violetta doesn't know is that she's putting her relationship with her boyfriend Leon in danger by doing that.

#44 - Observed by Everywhere (1)
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 61
Violetta is about to tell Herman the truth when a fan recognizes her. She denies being on a reality show and then is forced to continue lying. Tomas accuses Ludmila of destroying Violetta's entry form, which leads to them having a fight. Later on, Violetta finds comfort in Tomas' arms, but they don't realize that Marotti has recorded it all.

#45 - Falling in Love, a Song
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 3
Violetta can't stop thinking about Tomas and follows him one day, all the way to Studio 21, where she gets a big surprise.

#47 - Lie to Do Good
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 12
The entrance test is in full swing. For the sake of her friendship with Francesca, Violetta refuses to reveal her true feelings for Tomas, so she won't hurt her best friend's feelings. Also, Violetta faces an opportunity to join the Studio, but she is not sure if she should do it or not.

#48 - A Chance, a Song
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 10
Everything between Violetta and Tomas is cleared up when Francesca, Camila, Maxi and Braco discover the full video. While working on a song for the entrance test to the Studio, Violetta and Tomas become even more closer.

#49 - Inscription
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 59
Federico's failed attempt to kiss Violetta puts him in a confrontation with Leon. Federico quickly comes clean saying that he shouldn't have tried to kiss Violetta. The auditions for the show begin.

#50 - The truth comes out on Angie
Violetta - Season 1 - Episode 71
Thanks to Ludmila, Violetta finds out that Angie is her aunt. At first, Violetta is angry with Angie, but then forgives her. When Angie decides to tell Herman the truth, Violetta considers it a bad idea because he'll separate them again.