The BEST episodes written by Sarah Dyer, Evan Dorkin, Joel Bergen, Eric Horsted, Eric Kaplan, Alex Muniz, Patric M. Verrone
#1 - Can't Abort 'em When They're Not Yours
Shin Chan - Season 1 - Episode 10
"By Dawn's Early Fight" - Their first morning in the Nohara apartment begins with considerably lower spirits. Shin can't find the new bathroom, Hiro's big meeting with the boss looks like it's going to have a few wrinkles and Mitzi doesn't know how she's going to get Shin to school. One sick call and… Shin's going to help with the unpacking? It's time to get their clean on! "Bug Thy Neighbors" - Fearing the fate of Whitey, Shin insists on tagging along as Mitzi sets out to meet their new neighbors. But they soon discover more than a fair share of jerk-off's in the neighborhood! As Shin learns about the hard knocks of ghetto living, Mitzi fears he's picking a fight with the new landlady. After all, there's no pets allowed… And this little monkey comes dangerously close! "Spin Georgie" - Shin's friends stop by to visit the new digs, being less than impressed by the majesty of "Falling Apartments." What they are impressed with is Georgie's ability to talk his way out of trouble. Shin decides to put his spin-doctor skills to the test, saving them all from his "Shin-anigans." Kids… Can't live with 'em, can't abort 'em when they're not yours!
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