The BEST episodes written by Sara Hess

#1 - The Green Council
House of the Dragon - Season 1 - Episode 9
While Alicent enlists Cole and Aemond to track down Aegon, Otto gathers the great houses of Westeros to affirm their allegiance.
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#2 - The Dig
House - Season 7 - Episode 18
Thirteen has been in prison for the past year, but the real mystery for House is what she did to get there. At the hospital, the team treats a science teacher suffering from severe respiratory illness. Taub tries to get back into the dating scene, but winds up retreating to his old habits.
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#3 - It Was the Change
Orange Is the New Black - Season 2 - Episode 12
Tensions run high as a prison power outage forces several issues to come to light; Piper finds herself compromised and is forced to think on her feet.
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#4 - Fool Me Once
Orange Is the New Black - Season 1 - Episode 12
Painful truths reorient several relationships and careers; Pennsatucky feels disrespected by Piper, which is not good; Larry delivers an ultimatum.
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#5 - Epic Fail
House - Season 6 - Episode 2
House returns home to Princeton where he continues to focus on his recovery, but surprises Cuddy with the news that he's making a big change in his life. Meanwhile, the team is unable to diagnose a loud-mouthed video game creator who posts each new symptom on the internet and opts for treatments suggested by the online community rather than by the doctors, and Foreman angles for House's job, but the pressure to solve the case creates tension in his relationship with Thirteen.
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#6 - The Down Low
House - Season 6 - Episode 10
When drug dealer Mickey mysteriously collapses while negotiating a sale, his partner-in-crime, Eddie, accompanies him to Princeton Plainsboro for treatment. But with a major deal pending, Mickey is not forthcoming with the necessary personal information the team needs to treat him. As Mickey's condition worsens, the team resorts to old-fashioned detective work to solve the case. Meanwhile, House and Wilson compete for the affection of a new neighbor, and Chase, Thirteen and Taub attempt to play a practical joke on Foreman.
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#7 - Lucky Thirteen
House - Season 5 - Episode 5
Thirteen brings her one-night stand to the hospital after the woman has a seizure. However, the woman admits she slept with Thirteen just so she could get to House and have him diagnose her condition. Meanwhile, House continues to pay Lucas to spy on Wilson.
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#8 - Rhaenyra the Cruel
House of the Dragon - Season 2 - Episode 2
As Otto schemes to turn the public against her, Rhaenyra questions Daemon’s loyalty. Meanwhile, Ser Criston Cole concocts a misguided plan for revenge.
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#9 - Don’t Make Me Come Back There
Orange Is the New Black - Season 3 - Episode 12
Daya goes into labor. Sophia suffers a hate crime. Stella helps Piper with a business snag. Taystee takes on a new role.
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#10 - Advances, None Miraculous
Deadwood - Season 2 - Episode 10
The camp waits vigil for Doc Cochran's prognosis of William Bullock. Martha regrets her move to Deadwood after her son is severely injured. Commisioner Jarry returns to Deadwood to discuss possible annexation with Swearengen, who then asks Sol Star to school Silas Adams on Montana policy. Trixie forces Alma to make a decision on Ellsworth's proposal.
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#11 - Man of the House
House - Season 8 - Episode 13
House's green-card wife, Dominika, will return in order to prove to the proper authorities that she and House are actually married. This in turn will lead to a crash course in which both will learn a little something about love and marriage.
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#12 - Turn Table Turn
Orange Is the New Black - Season 4 - Episode 9
Ramos and Flores figure out ways to rebel against authority. A news item has an unexpected effect. Red and Lorna face personal disappointment.
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#14 - Spin
House - Season 2 - Episode 6
A professional bicyclist is brought in after collapsing during a race, but House doesn't want to treat him because he thinks the athlete is taking performance-enhancing drugs. House only becomes interested when the patient admits to taking the drugs.
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#15 - Bombshells
House - Season 7 - Episode 15
Tension reaches new heights when Cuddy faces sobering news that propels her to reevaluate her priorities. While House is distracted by his concern for Cuddy’s well-being, the team treats a teenage patient whose worsening symptoms and suspicious body scars indicate more than just physical illness. Sensing the teen’s troubled emotional and mental state, Taub turns to the patient’s personal life for clues and uncovers disturbing home videos that could put the lives of his peers in danger. Meanwhile, Cuddy remains hopeful that House will be fully present when she needs him most, and a series of dreams, including a musical scene choreographed by Mia Michaels, provide glimpses into her life and her relationship with House.
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#16 - Living the Dream
House - Season 4 - Episode 14
House is convinced one of the actors on his favorite soap opera “Prescription Passion” has a serious medical condition after observing his symptoms on television. House decides to intervene and take matters into his own hands, but both the actor and House's own team dismiss House’s assessment and do not believe there is anything wrong with him.
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#17 - Comic Sans
Orange Is the New Black - Season 2 - Episode 7
Piper starts a prison newsletter with the help of Healy and a few other inmates; Vee launches an entrepreneurial enterprise.
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#18 - Blood Donut
Orange Is the New Black - Season 1 - Episode 7
Piper wants the prison's outdoor running track reopened, but in order to get it, she'll have to give her corrections officer something he wants.
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#21 - The Greater Good
House - Season 5 - Episode 14
House and the team take on the case of a woman who collapsed in the middle of a cooking class, and they soon learn she is a highly-renowned cancer researcher who recently gave up her entire career in order to pursue her own personal happiness. Though the team struggles to understand how the woman could give up saving lives for the sake of her own contentment, each grapple with the pursuit of happiness (or lack thereof) in their own lives. As the patient’s condition continues to worsen, so does Thirteen’s as she begins to suffer serious and life-threatening reactions to the experimental Huntington’s Disease clinical trial. Meanwhile, Cuddy attempts to make House’s life miserable for him in retaliation for his part in her own unhappiness.
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#23 - Finding Judas
House - Season 3 - Episode 9
House takes the case of a young girl who has been diagnosed with pancreatitis. When he takes her divorced parents to court to force them to allow treatment because they can't agree, the judge awards guardianship of the girl to Cuddy. Meanwhile, Tritter continues his strategy to force House to admit to his drug use by offering one of the team members a deal.
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#24 - We Need the Eggs
House - Season 8 - Episode 17
House and the team take on the case of a man who starts tearing blood. Meanwhile, House is interviewing for a new favorite hooker, since his current favorite, Emily, has decided to get married and leave the business. Desperate for Emily "companionship," House teams up with his "wife" Dominika to sabotage Emily's budding relationship.
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#25 - Charity Case
House - Season 8 - Episode 3
House and Park treat a patient, Benjamin, who collapsed after making a surprisingly large charity donation, and come to suspect that the altruistic behavior is a symptom of a deeper disorder. When the patient offers to donate an organ for another patient, the doctors must convince Dr. Adams to help them confirm whether Benjamin is in his right mind or not.
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#26 - The Princess and the Queen
House of the Dragon - Season 1 - Episode 6
Ten years later. Rhaenyra navigates Alicent’s continued speculation about her children, while Daemon and Laena weigh an offer in Pentos.
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#27 - Power Suit
Orange Is the New Black - Season 4 - Episode 2
The newcomers stir up ethnic and domestic conflicts, but Maria sees an opportunity. Judy's special treatment raises eyebrows.
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#28 - Open and Shut
House - Season 6 - Episode 18
House and the team take on the case of a woman Julia, who is in an open marriage and becomes ill during a date with her on-the-side boyfriend. As perplexing as the case is, Julia's happy and healthy, yet polygamous relationship is equally baffling to the team. Meanwhile, House tests Wilson's relationship with Sam.
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#29 - The Queen Who Ever Was
House of the Dragon - Season 2 - Episode 8
As Aemond becomes more volatile, Larys plots an escape, and Alicent grows more concerned about Helaena’s safety. Flush with new power, Rhaenyra looks to press her advantage.
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