The BEST episodes written by Robert L. Mccullough

#1 - Symbol of Death
Baywatch Nights - Season 2 - Episode 18
The aliens are here! Teague is missing, so Mitch and Ryan follow his trail with the help of a man who claims to have been tracking the aliens for several years and knows they are here.
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Falcon Crest - Season 3 - Episode 25
When the cartel begins to carry out its plans to make a public spectacle of Richard's assassination at the grand opening of the racetrack, Richard, making a switch with the bomb, causes the cartel to explode its own limousine. Eager to please Angela, Lance promises that he and Melissa will produce a grandchild. Melissa learns, however, that she can no longer have children because of injuries sustained from the car accident. While the Giobertis believe that Michael and Terry are traveling to Mexico, they are surprised when the two announce their marriage. At Falcon Crest, Angela agrees to marry Philip. As detectives discover Julia's hideout, Lucas discovers Julia's true identity and murderous acts as she heads for Tuscany. Meanwhile, Lance secretly executes his plan for power using The Globe as his tool.
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Falcon Crest - Season 2 - Episode 22
At the Tuscany Hospital, Chase pushes Maggie's wheelchair toward their car. As it has only been a week since Maggie's accident, the doctor orders her to be careful because she had suffered a severe concussion. Chase tells Maggie that he is not taking her to the hotel, but home. At the Falcon Crest meadows, Lance and Melissa ride horses and gaze at the land that they hope will be theirs someday. Lance shows Melissa the divorce papers that he had intercepted before Julia could see them. Over at The Globe office, Phillip discovers that Richard has not been seen for ages, nor has Diana Hunter. Emma sees Phillip leave Richard's office, which piques her curiosity. At the Gioberti's house, Chase tells Maggie that her close call with the barrels was not an accident because he had heard someone running away. Angie arrives and insists on having Vickie's wedding at Falcon Crest, while Chase is still concerned with the accident and Richard Channing's disappearance.
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#4 - In His Father's House
Falcon Crest - Season 1 - Episode 1
Jane Wyman and Robert Foxworth star as conflicting head members of a traditional California wine-producing family reunited by the mysterious death of one of its members. When Emma is involved in Jason's accidental death, Angela covers for her. Emma withdraws to struggle with her feelings of guilt and her sense of loss. As Chase and Maggie travel to the valley to attend Jason's funeral, Chase is caught up in childhood memories and a renewed draw to the land on which he was born. When Cole suspects Vicky is having an affair with one of her teachers, he is arrested for breaking and entering. Chase realizes that his long absences from his family have taken their toll. He and Maggie decide to move the family west to Falcon Crest, while Angela vows to be rid of them by first earning their friendship.
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Falcon Crest - Season 3 - Episode 1
At the Tuscany Valley Cemetery, a funeral is in progress that will drastically affect the lives of everyone at Falcon Crest. After admitting to the murder of Carlo Agretti, Julia pulls out a gun, critically wounds Chase and fatally wounds his mother Jacqueline. At Jacqueline's funeral, Chase's cousin, Dr. Michael Ranson, appears for the first time and is taken into the Gioberti household. At the prison, Julia fights Angie's attempts to help prove her innocence, believing prison is better than living under Angela's tyrannical control. Lance feverishly pursues Melissa, who is horrified that his mother murdered her father and who vows never to forgive any of the Channings. Back at the hospital, Chase finally comes out of his coma, only to discover that the bullet lodged in his spine has left him paralyzed.
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#6 - Conundrum (3)
Zorro - Season 4 - Episode 9
The Alcalde blames Zorro for Hidalgo's death and tries to use Victoria to bait a trap. When Zorro goes after Victoria, Toranado is taken captive. Ricendo tries to put a rift between Don Alejandro and his son by using forged letters, but Alejandro isn't fooled. When Zorro attempts to rescue Toranado all does not go smoothly and he ends up injured while Ricendo falls from the rooftops. While the Pueblo celebrates Ricendo's death, his mother arrives in Los Angeles to see the final distruction of the De la Vegas. She is determined that the De La Vegas must die.
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#7 - Black Ops
JAG - Season 1 - Episode 17
Harm is called in to probe the death of Navy pilot Lt. Marion, son of US Senator Grace Marion, while training with the Navy SEALS. As he was there only for two days, it seems that the death was due to gross negligence. With the reports given by his superior and comrades, combined with the results of how how he died, it seems that the actual incident is a cover-up. Analyzing his equipment and learning that it was a combat mission (and not a training mission as stated), the facts then point at murder. The key to all this could be General Behnke. Locations: Washington D.C.; NAS Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico; Carribean Sea; Colombia

#8 - The Candidate
Falcon Crest - Season 1 - Episode 13
After Ed McKay, a member of the County Board of Supervisors, is assassinated, Carl Reed, one of the county supervisors, encourages Chase to run for the office. When Chase begins campaigning against Angela's virtual monopoly of the water rights in the valley, she does everything in her power to see Chase defeated, but nonetheless, Chase wins the election. After Emma is caught shoplifting in a jewelry store, Angela threatens the owner that she will destroy him if he decides to prosecute.
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#9 - High Ground
JAG - Season 1 - Episode 16
GSgt. Crockett, instructor for snipers at the Boot Camp in Quantico, should be transferred to Bosnia. But there's a deal existing between him and his former commanding officers which says he won't be used in combat missions any longer. After shooting at the colonel 'to get his attention,' he is arrested. Since Crockett once saved Adm. Chegwidden's life, the Admiral orders an investigation to help him. But GSgt. Crockett escapes from the brig and hides in the mountains. Some marines, accompanied by Harm, go out to find Crockett, who's a well-trained and experienced sniper. Locations: Quantico, Va.; Washington D.C.

#10 - In This Corner, Jaime Sommers
The Bionic Woman - Season 2 - Episode 3
While searching for a missing OSI agent, Jaime must compete as Savage Sommers, a professional lady wrestler.
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Falcon Crest - Season 2 - Episode 21
In the morning, Chase encounters Sheriff Robbins, who is running out of the county building. Robbins has obtained the forensic report on Henri Denault and wants to ask Richard Channing some questions. Chase explains that he has evidence that Carlo Agretti was blackmailing Richard. Richard is dictating Denault's obituary to Diana for the newspaper when Robbins and Chase arrive at Richard's house. After Robbins informs Richard that there were signs of struggle on Denault's body, Robbins wants to examine Richard's clothing from that day. In response, Richard tells them to get search warrants and slams the door in their faces. Later, Richard decides to give Lance all the information on Tony Cumson. At Falcon Crest, Lance tells Melissa that Diana Hunter called to tell him that Tony is working in San Diego as an offshore consultant for an oil company. Lance tells Melissa that if Julia travels to San Diego, she will never be able to show her face at Falcon Crest again. On the veranda, Angie q
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Falcon Crest - Season 3 - Episode 10
Railroaded by Angela, Dr. Lantry is jailed, but now he poses a bigger threat to the wine baroness who fears he will turn the state's evidence against her in court, implicating her in the attempted murder of Chase. Philip arranges Lantry's bail and plans to have him sent out of the county, but Chase and Michael are determined to prove that Lantry is allied with Angela. Angela investigates Terry's dark past with plans of using her to destroy the Gioberti family. After discovering that Terry had been a prostitute in New York, Angela uses this fact to force her into stopping Cole's custody suit. Meanwhile, Terry, scheming to gain wealth, plans to overtly flirt with the men of Falcon Crest. At the same time Richard is incensed to learn that the cartel demands 100 percent control of his racetrack and will stop at nothing to get it.
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#13 - Family Reunion
Falcon Crest - Season 1 - Episode 12
After an eleven-year absence before the camera, Lana Turner, one of Hollywood's brightest film stars, makes a special guest appearance as Jacqueline Perrault, Chase's wealthy mother who mysteriously returns to Falcon Crest. When Jacqueline warns Chase of Angela's treacherous nature and tries to persuade him to leave Falcon Crest, hatred erupts and Jacqueline argues with both Angela and Chase. However, through their conflict, the mother-and-son relationship is strengthened; Jacqueline is convinced that Chase will survive and prosper in the valley.
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Falcon Crest - Season 3 - Episode 9
Angela desperately protects herself when she discovers that Chase and Michael's investigation into Dr. Lantry's underhanded past points to her. After Angela reveals to Lance that Melissa and Richard Channing are having an affair, Lance, boiling with anger, sets out to find them. Melissa covers by telling Lance that she's trying to maintain Richard as an ally, while Richard has his eyes set on Pamela. Linda's father refuses to acknowledge Cole as part of his family, while the newlyweds start a custody battle for baby Joseph with Melissa and Lance. Maggie's sister Terry seeks her fortune in Tuscany Valley by manipulating her way into the Gioberti's home.
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Falcon Crest - Season 2 - Episode 1
Angela resists Chase's claims to half ownership of Falcon Crest. Lance, already bitter over the prospect of sharing his inheritance with Melissa, gladly accepts the assignment of keeping Chase off the vineyard property. Richard Channing, illegitimate son of Angela's late husband, prepares to take control of The Globe as the new chairman of the board, while Angela looks for a way to block him. The newspaper is only a small part of the vast portfolio called ""The Company,"" held by Henri Denault, Richard's mentor and stepfather. Adopted at a young age, the desire to finally learn his mother's identity has motivated Richard to make the move to California and take over The Globe. When Cole shows up at the Agretti's demanding that Melissa acknowledge that she is carrying Cole's child and not Lance's, Carlo punches him in the face. After Gus dies in a gas explosion, Chase threatens Angela with an affidavit accusing her of complicity in Gus's death. He then forces Angela to agree in sharing the
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Falcon Crest - Season 3 - Episode 15
Michael Ranson must face his fears from a dark past and perform surgery on Sheriff Robbins to save his life. In the operating room, Michael is unable to perform the surgery and later confesses to Terry about the guilt he's felt ever since his wife died. The floodgates open as Michael tells Terry how his wife was in an accident and died when Michael had attempted to operate on her. Meanwhile, Terry spies on Maggie for Angela and at the same time, makes plans to marry Michael. A cartel gangster attacks Richard Channing while Angela plans to crush Chase with the help of Calvin Kleeger, the Falcon Crest wine distributor. Kleeger informs Chase that with Angela out of Falcon Crest, he will no longer serve as distributor unless Chase offers the winery as collateral.
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Falcon Crest - Season 3 - Episode 14
Richard has won the election to build his racetrack while Chase is madly driven to stop him, which results in an explosive disaster. In the mental institution, Julia becomes hysterical when Richard malevolently tells her Melissa's baby is his, thus pushing her into a catatonic state. Angela promises Lance that they will be kicked out of Falcon Crest if they lose Joseph's custody suit to Cole. However, when Melissa is grilled on Lance's affair with Terry while giving her deposition to Cole's attorney, she explodes and admits that their marriage is a farce. Angela attempts to stop Chase's plans to market a line of champagne by buying up the grape harvest he needs.
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#18 - Penultimate Questions
Falcon Crest - Season 1 - Episode 17
While Emma draws closer to revealing the truth about Jason's death to outsiders, Chase steadily draws closer to learning the truth through his investigation. No longer speculating over his father's mysterious death, Chase finally gathers enough concrete evidence to go to the D.A., who in turn, calls for a coroner's inquest into Jason's death. While Angela attempts to impede this, she is forced to testify. Following his release from the hospital, Douglas tries to help Emma and escorts her to the inquest. However, before she can testify, Douglas has a fatal seizure and dies. After witnessing this, Emma runs off while Angela blames Chase. Angela learns of Melissa's pregnancy following a disastrous honeymoon and assumes Lance to be the father, despite his denial.
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Falcon Crest - Season 3 - Episode 2
Angela jeopardizes Chases recovery by telling him about his mother's death. After Maggie confronts Angela, Angela declares that it's time to go for the jugular. When Angela learns that Dr. Lantry augments his income by illegally selling pills, she uses this information to blackmail the doctor into signing an affidavit about Chase's incompetence to manage Falcon Crest. As Lance helps his grandmother in her scheme, his wife, Melissa, is turning to Richard for affection. Back at Falcon Crest, baby Joseph is rushed to the hospital after swallowing the pills that Lance had procured for Angela's blackmail scheme. With hatred and fear in her eyes, Melissa coldly accuses Lance of trying to destroy her baby.
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#20 - Perfect Pair
Time Trax - Season 2 - Episode 9
When Lambert has tracked down a fugitive and prepares to send him to the future, the criminal draws his weapon. Suddenly another man fires against the criminal, incinerating him completely. It turns out that it's one of Lambert's old buddies, Mace. He's sent to catch a crooked police chief, who uses the police force as his private army. Lambert protests against Mace's violent and impatient methods, but on this case they have to co-operate. To his help, Mace has brought his own version of a SELMA, CINDI - with a sexy blonde holographic image. But it takes a SELMA to trace the fugitive. On the road to the fugitive's whereabouts, a man highjacks the plane their on. Mace overpowers the highjacker, which makes their arrival less inconspicous. With Lambert's more thoughtful approach, they manage to sneak away. They decide to talk to one of the police chief's enemies - a good cop in a bad force. But the officer in question is bugged, and soon a SWAT team attacks his trailer. How will they get
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#21 - Jaime and the King
The Bionic Woman - Season 2 - Episode 19
Jaime becomes a tutor to a difficult young prince in order to protect his father from assassins.
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Falcon Crest - Season 2 - Episode 14
At Chase's office, Sheriff Robbins warns Chase to stop interfering with the Agretti investigation or he will be charged with obstruction of justice. Chase informs him that he intends to keep digging for leads. When Chase relates his run-in to Sheriff Robbins, Maggie pleads with Chase to drop the issue. At Falcon Crest, Angie demands that Lance never mention Joseph's test results again. To Angie, Lance is the child's legal father. Emma has been tracked down somewhere in Texas and her exact location should be verified in about a week. Attempting to avert Angie's anger, Phillip points out that Lance is where Angie wants him, Melissa will soon be forced to sell the Agretti vineyards, Chase is having both personal and political problems (vindicating Cole's complicity), and Jacqueline is finally gone for good. Reconsidering her accomplishments, Angie invites herself to go sailing with Phillip the next day. Later in the lab, Lance complains to his mother about Angie's ignoring Joseph's te
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#23 - Ultimate Answers
Falcon Crest - Season 1 - Episode 18
When Douglas is buried, Angela tries to keep Emma sedated to prevent her from testifying. Angela could lose Falcon Crest to Chase if his attorney can prove that Jason died under suspicious circumstances. When the coroner's inquest resumes, the D.A. mounts a circumstantial case that is easily rebutted by Erikson when Emma is unable to testify. Defying her mother, Emma manages to escape Falcon Crest and arrives to take the stand, confessing how she accidentally pushed Jason to his death while he fought with Turner Bates. The jury rules that Jason ""died at the hands of another,"" thereby giving Chase control of Falcon Crest, but he magnanimously offers fifty percent of the vineyard to Angela. Though Angela detests the thought of sharing Falcon Crest with anyone, she has no choice and accepts. Another threat looms as Angela learns of Douglas's illegitimate son, Richard Channing, who has inherited fifty percent of The Globe.
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Falcon Crest - Season 2 - Episode 2
In his new role on the Tuscany Valley County Board of Supervisors, Chase meets resistance in his efforts to break Angela's grip on county water supplies. When Melissa tells Carlo about her ambitions to control Falcon Crest, Carlo informs his daughter that she faces a powerful rival in Richard Channing, who is rumored to have ties to the C.I.A. and the British Parliament. Richard shows his ruthlessness by firing The Globe's longtime editor-in-chief, Herb Talmadge, who was only a year from retirement and a pension. After Angela tells Richard that he looks nothing like his father Douglas, Richard explodes after she leaves, vowing to ruin her.
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Falcon Crest - Season 2 - Episode 15
Cole's unconscious body is still limp on the floor as deadly exhaust fumes fill the closed Gioberti garage. Inside the house, Chase, in bed with Maggie, is distracted by a distant sound outside. After ripping open the door, Chase drags Cole out, shouts for Maggie, then desperately administers C.P.R. to his son. After Nick and Vicky make love, he is uncomfortable as he prepares to take her back to their meeting place in town. At Falcon Crest, sirens disrupt the silence of the household. When Nick's Packard instead heads to the Gioberti's to drop Vicky off, vehicles with red lights flashing, whiz past them. Realizing they are headed to the same place, Nick steps on the gas and arrives at the Gioberti's, right behind an ambulance and several vehicles. A team of paramedics revives Cole.
Watch Now:Apple TV#26 - Tests of Faith
Falcon Crest - Season 3 - Episode 20
Terry's dark, sordid past is exposed to Michael when Angela goes to extravagant lengths to run her out of Tuscany Valley. Angela pays Kate Mars, a former call girl buddy of Terry, to tell Michael the truth about Terry's past. Angela also exposes Philip's past indiscretions, producing a cuff link she found by the bed in the hotel room where Jacqueline claimed to have slept with Philip. Phillip denies everything and quits, fed up with Angela's manipulation. Chase seeks out another wine distributor and discovers that Calvin Kleeger served as a front for Angela. At the mental hospital, Julia, disguised as a janitor, escapes and starts hitchhiking her way back to Falcon Crest. Maggie discovers that the horrifying cause of her dizzy spells and headaches is a brain tumor. When Richard refuses to give the cartel control of his racetrack, hit men kidnap Pamela and force her to choose between loyalty to Richard and her life. Meanwhile, Lance stalks Richard, seeking revenge for his mother's menta
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#27 - Samaritan Snare
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 2 - Episode 17
Stardate: 42779.1 A race known as the Pakleds kidnap Geordi La Forge. Picard must face surgery when he is left in a near-dead state.
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#28 - Deadly Medicine
Highlander: The Series - Season 1 - Episode 8
MacLeod is struck and "killed" by a speeding automobile. When he revives in the hospital, he attracts the attention of a deranged doctor, who kidnaps MacLeod for his research on a miracle cure for trauma. When MacLeod escapes from the doctor, the doctor murders a potential witness and frames MacLeod for it.
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#29 - The Icarus Factor
Star Trek: The Next Generation - Season 2 - Episode 14
Stardate: 42686.4 Riker is promoted to Captain of another Federation ship. Worf must confront his past and his Klingon heritage.
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#31 - Space Croppers
Galactica 1980 - Season 1 - Episode 9
Troy and Dillon form a partnership with an immigrant farmer to produce crops to feed the Galactica refugees after the Cylons destroy the fleet's agroships.
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#32 - The Good, The Bad and the Profane
Falcon Crest - Season 1 - Episode 16
Pressured by Angela, Lance proposes to Melissa Agretti with the consolation in mind that they dislike one another and that he knows Melissa will reject his proposal. When she surprisingly accepts his offer, Lance, shattered, is forced to go through with the ceremony. Melissa has her own cunning reasons for marrying Lance, aside from her father and Angela's scheme to merge Falcon Crest with Agretti Vineyards. When Cole fumes about the arrangement, Melissa assures him that her marriage to Lance won't interfere with their relationship. Another wedding almost takes place as Vicky and Mario decide to elope, but they change their minds at the last minute. Lance discovers that Melissa is pregnant.
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#33 - The Creature
Baywatch Nights - Season 2 - Episode 2
A serial killer is a woman who is as much at home in the water as she is on the land; a mutant looking to procreate.
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Falcon Crest - Season 3 - Episode 24
Just as Michael and Dr. Heller remove the last of Maggie's tumor, her heart stops. Working quickly, Michael and Dr. Heller manage to get a weak pulse, but Maggie is left in a coma. As Michael humbly admits that Maggie's fate is up to God, Angela prays for Maggie, Julia and Falcon Crest, and reunites with Philip, whom she believes she will be able to trust again some day. Meanwhile, Richard is crazed when he learns that Chase has turned over Jacqueline's fifty million dollar trust fund to St. Martha's convent in Paris at a time when Richard desperately needs the money. On top of this, the cartel's plot against Richard threatens Pamela's life. After Pamela is abducted by the cartel, Richard realizes that though he may have retained control of the racetrack, the cartel has the one thing he cares most about: Pamela.
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#35 - Vengeance
Baywatch Nights - Season 1 - Episode 18
A prison escapee vows to kill everyone associated with his conviction. Garner was one of the arresting officers.
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#36 - As Ye Sow
Zorro - Season 4 - Episode 5
When the sons of an eminent minister from Madrid move to the pueblo and then die horribly, the Alcalde sees it as an opportunity to frame Zorro. But Zorro soon learns that the actions of Luis Ramon, the previous Alcalde, have come back to haunt them.
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#37 - The Discovery (4)
Zorro - Season 4 - Episode 10
Inez Ricendo lied to her adopted son, leading him to believe that his true father, Alejandro De la Vega, rejected him in favour of Diego. The Alcalde and Mendoza are horrified to discover that Ricendo is alive and that their death sentence still stands. Ricendo allows them to wander free on their last day of life promising that if either of them tries to escape the other will die the most painful death he can invent. Ricendo sets a trap for Zorro, burying him alove in a rockfall. Then he goes to the Hacienda De La Vega to reveal himself to ALejandro as his first born son, convinced that he has been wronged by his father and determined to kill him.
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#38 - The Arrival (1)
Zorro - Season 4 - Episode 7
A special emmisary from the King, Gilberto Ricendo, arrives in Los Angeles and the first thing he does is arrest the Alcalde for treason. He brings with him a troop of Royal Cavalry, sentences the Alcalde to death and imposes martial law while he collects a special war tax. When Zorro spoils his plans Ricendo decides on a new plan. Either the Alcalde and Mendoza catch Zorro or they both die instead. Ricendo's real purpose in Los Angeles, however, is nothing to do with collecting taxes. He is out to destroy the De La Vegas.
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#39 - Takeover
Baywatch Nights - Season 1 - Episode 11
Mitch and Ryan investigate the people who would benefit from the hostile takeover of a company that includes the murder of certain key employees. Nights bistro hasbeen purchased by Donna Marco.
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#40 - Love Potion Number Nine
Zorro - Season 4 - Episode 4
Victoria finds a collection of bottles left by Dr Henry Wayne, including potions for Strength, Fear, Passion and Love. Frustrated by her wait for Zorro she decides to dose him with the Love potion. But when the Alcalde drinks the potion by mistake, Victoria only has eyes for him.
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#41 - Death & Taxes (2)
Zorro - Season 4 - Episode 8
Determined to get his taxes quickly, Ricendo confiscates church property. He makes it clear that he does this because wealthy land owners, like De la Vega, are exempt from paying taxes. The people insist that the De la Vega hacienda is given to Ricendo instead of the church. To add insult to injury, Ricendo impounds the De la Vega bank accounts so they cannot even buy their own lands back. While Don Diego goes to Santa Barbera to consult a lawyer, Zorro decides to teach Ricendo a lesson. But the Alcalde and Mendoza are waiting to catch Zorro as well.
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#42 - Ascension
Baywatch Nights - Season 2 - Episode 15
Teague asks if they have ever heard of Knights Templar and then we see Ryan and Mitch confined in torture devices which are controlled with modern electronics by an Asian woman.
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