The BEST episodes written by Robert Engels

The Rescue
3 votes

#1 - The Rescue

The Adventures of Sinbad - Season 1 - Episode 15

A rich merchant asks Sinbad to help rescue his missing wife.

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Pride Before the Fall
451 votes

#2 - Pride Before the Fall

Andromeda - Season 5 - Episode 12

Beka's new boyfriend turns out to be more than she suspected. He will play an important role in the development of the original CommonWealth. Beka learns a secret that should help them if they can ever escape from Seefra.

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Arbitrary Law
1643 votes

#3 - Arbitrary Law

Twin Peaks - Season 2 - Episode 9

Albert returns to examine Maddy. Cooper asks for twenty-four hours to finish his case. James and Donna reaffirm their love. Andy accidentally leads Donna and Cooper back to Mrs. Treamond's house. Cooper is given a missing page from Laura's diary, describing the same dream he had. The One Armed man is ill, tells Cooper he has all the clues he needs. Catherine reveals herself to Ben, and he signs the mill back over to her. Leland and Donna learn of Maddy's death. Cooper calls together everyone for a final confrontation. James leaves town. Cooper tricks the killer into revealing himself after decoding the various clues from his dream. The spirit of BOB flees from the killer's body, who dies in Cooper's arms and is welcomed into the next life by Laura. Truman, Cooper, Albert and Major Briggs ponder the existence of Bob, and where he has gone to…

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Beyond Life and Death
1481 votes

#4 - Beyond Life and Death

Twin Peaks - Season 2 - Episode 22

Agent Cooper follows Windom Earle and Annie into the depths of the Black Lodge. Big Ed and Norma get a shock when Nadine suffers head trauma. Andrew and Pete unlock Eckheart's final box while Audrey stages her act of civil disobedience. Dr. Hayward and Ben Horne have a final confrontation. Shelly and Bobby plan their future. Dr. Jacoby and Mrs. Palmer have a message for Major Briggs. Cooper faces his destiny in the Black Lodge.

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The Dissonant Interval (2)
434 votes

#5 - The Dissonant Interval (2)

Andromeda - Season 4 - Episode 22

Beka decides to leave the crew to fight for themselves, but after all of the promises that everyone will be reunited, Trance tells them that they will never be as they are again. When the Magog Worldship finally re-encounters the Andromeda after two years, Rommie and Harper race to take the Arkology to slipstream, Rhade must teach the inhabitants to defend themselves, and Dylan and Trance fight off the invading Magog. But as the Andromeda becomes covered in swarmships, Trance tells Dylan that he--and only he--may escape this alive.

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The Heart of the Journey (2)
445 votes

#6 - The Heart of the Journey (2)

Andromeda - Season 5 - Episode 22

The Earth explodes before Harper makes his visit, the Andromeda manages to save Harper from destruction and runs from a Nietzschean attack fleet coming from the ruins of the planet. Analyzing fragments of the destroyed planet, Romy finds radical isotopes, proof that the Abyss aided the Nietzscheans in the destruction of Earth. Dylan consoles Harper for his loss, then prepares for the battle against the joined Nietzschean fleet, comprised of the Drago-Kazov, Mandau, and Sabra-Jaguar fleets.

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1586 votes

#7 - Demons

Twin Peaks - Season 2 - Episode 6

James saves the girls from a tormented Harold. Cooper brings Audrey home. Bobby and Shelly learn that their insurance plans have backfired. Donna tries to convince Truman that Harold Smith has Laura's secret diary. Cooper's boss, Gordon Cole, arrives with an upsetting message for Cooper. Hawk finds the One-Armed Man, who reveals himself as the spirit, Mike. Maddy decides to go home. Jonathan says he's taking Josie back to China. Ben calls Leland back into work. The One Armed Man vows to stop BOB, pointing Cooper towards the Great Northern Hotel.

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Delenda Est
515 votes

#8 - Delenda Est

Andromeda - Season 3 - Episode 11

The Andromeda tries to stop mysterious attacks occurring on nearby planets and outposts.

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Answers Given to Questions Never Asked (2)
513 votes

#9 - Answers Given to Questions Never Asked (2)

Andromeda - Season 4 - Episode 1

The crew encounters some ships, the remainders of the Commonwealth Fleet. The leaders went into hiding when the fighting broke out. They need to find them to restore order to the Commonwealth.

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Shadows Cast by a Final Salute (1)
539 votes

#10 - Shadows Cast by a Final Salute (1)

Andromeda - Season 3 - Episode 22

When the Andromeda is attacked by the Dragons to receive the bones of Drago Mussevni something seems array. Dylan then discovers that Tyr has united all of the Neitzian people under his son, the genetic reincarnation of Drago Mussevni. Will Tyr make the right decision and help the crew of the Andromeda or lead his new people into battle?

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The One-Armed Man
2177 votes

#11 - The One-Armed Man

Twin Peaks - Season 1 - Episode 5

Cooper questions Dr. Jacoby, who suspects Leo Johnson is the killer. Cooper's supervisior, Gordon Cole, calls in with Albert's report. Josie Packard spies on Ben Horne and Catherine Martell. Hawk tracks down the One Armed Man. Mrs. Palmer shares her vision of the killer, the same man Cooper saw in his dream (BOB). Truman and Cooper find the bird who attacked Laura belonged to Leo's friend, Jacques Renault. Hank Jennings has his parole hearing and makes a threatening phone call to Josie.

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The Torment, the Release
434 votes

#12 - The Torment, the Release

Andromeda - Season 4 - Episode 11

Dylan and the crew are put on trial by the Commonwealth. The Collectors now control the Commonwealth. The crew wants to escape, but Dylan wants to stick out the trial, to determine if he still has ANY allies in the Commonwealth he helped to rebuild.

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The Man Behind the Glass
1547 votes

#13 - The Man Behind the Glass

Twin Peaks - Season 2 - Episode 3

Ronette is attacked in her hospital bed by an unseen person. Jean Reanult, brother of Jaqcues and Bernard, plans to blackmail Ben Horne for the release of Audrey. Donna meets with Harold Smith, a shut-in who had befriended Laura. Albert and Truman have a strange confrontation. Lucy reveals that there's been another man in her life, Dick Treymane (Horne's Department Store, Men's Fashions). Shelly decides not to testify against Leo. Leland offers a clue in the search for Killer Bob. The One-Armed Man leaves Cooper the giant's final clue. Nadine wakes from her coma a changed woman. Jacoby leads Cooper and Truman to Jacques's killer. Donna discovers the secret diary of Laura Palmer.

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The Weight (1)
497 votes

#14 - The Weight (1)

Andromeda - Season 5 - Episode 1

Dylan exits the route of ages and ends up on Seefra. The beings on Seefra have limited technology and no escape from the system. Dylan finds Rhade, who's not too thrilled to see his former Captain.

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Laura's Secret Diary
1685 votes

#15 - Laura's Secret Diary

Twin Peaks - Season 2 - Episode 4

Leland confesses to killing Jacques Reanult. Andy wants to take a new sperm count test. Rumor spreads that a food critic is coming to Twin Peaks. Jean asks Ben to set a trap for Cooper in exchange for Audrey's life. Cooper agrees to Ben's requests, unaware of the trap. Harold Smith reads from the diary to Donna. Josie returns to Twin Peaks. Cooper asks for help from the Bookhouse Boys, and Harry comes through. Donna and Maddy plot to steal the diary. Judge Sternwood arrives for the trials of Leo and Leland. Dick Tremayne makes a shocking offer to Lucy. The Asian man comes after Josie and Hank.

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If the Wheel is Fixed (2)
517 votes

#16 - If the Wheel is Fixed (2)

Andromeda - Season 3 - Episode 1

The Andromeda is on the edge of a dimensional portal searching for Beka and Tyr, but when they return things may not be as they seem.

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On the Wings of Love
1279 votes

#17 - On the Wings of Love

Twin Peaks - Season 2 - Episode 18

Harry is attacked by Jones in his sleep. Audrey and Wheeler begin a relationship. Gordon Cole returns with a report that Windom Earle worked with Major Briggs on Project Bluebook. Cole reinstates Cooper in the FBI. Earle plans to kill the winner of Miss Twin Peaks. Donna spies Eileen Hayward paying a mysterious visit to Ben Horne. Gordon Cole believes Shelly can cure his hearing loss. Annie recognizes the two tattoos are coming from Owl Cave. Earle visits Audrey. Cooper, Truman, Hawk and Andy visit Owl Cave. Cooper learns Annie has had a difficult life and offers to help her. Earle uncovers a petroglyph in Owl Cave.

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The Path to the Black Lodge
1322 votes

#18 - The Path to the Black Lodge

Twin Peaks - Season 2 - Episode 20

Bobby and Shelly reaffirm their love. Cooper calls Shelly, Donna and Audrey together to warn them about Earle. Briggs shows Cooper a tape of Windom Earle making a report on his quest for the Black Lodge. Donna discovers pictures of her mom and Ben Horne. Wheeler is called away on an emergency. Leo worries about Shelly. Doc Hayward tells Ben to stay away from Eileen. Townsfolk have strange tremors in their hands. Pete has a vision of Josie. Windom Earle takes Major Briggs captive. Andrew and Catherine open the next box, only to find another one inside. A drugged Briggs tells Earle how to open the lodge doorway. Big Ed is able to break up with Nadine and ask Norma to marry him. Audrey and Pete chase after Wheeler…Audrey and Wheeler make love before he leaves. Cooper takes Annie dancing, and convinces her to run for Miss Twin Peaks. The Giant visits Cooper with a warning. Windom Earle discovers the cave painting is a map. BOB reappears.

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Greed for a Pirate's Dream
236 votes

#19 - Greed for a Pirate's Dream

seaQuest DSV - Season 1 - Episode 16

When a top-secret UEO project shows the approach of a catastrophic volcanic eruption, the crew of seaQuest must convince treasure seekers on the island to abandon their lifelong search or face certain death.

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4 votes

#20 - Sanctuary

Wiseguy - Season 3 - Episode 21

Depressed, Vinnie contemplates suicide, then hears church bells. He goes to confession and breaks down, begging Father Pat to help him. Frank goes to Seattle to look for Vinnie. Vinnie tells Father Pat about the toxic dumping, and the priest arranges a press conference. Frank finally finds Vinnie at the church. Kousakis overhears the plan to expose him on the news and shoots at them, wounding Frank and Father Pat. Vinnie and Dan chase Kousakis. Dan finds out Frank is in critical condition and goes to the hospital. After trying to revive Frank, the doctors give up when he flat lines.

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The Black Widow
1432 votes

#21 - The Black Widow

Twin Peaks - Season 2 - Episode 12

Ben takes Bobby under his wing in a hope to destroy Hank and Jean. However, Ben's mental state is starting to crack. Cooper starts to look at buying real estate. Major Briggs's supervisor reveals that Briggs was studying transmissions from the woods. Andy and Dick learn of Little Nicky's troubled life. James meets Malcom, the chauffer for the Marsh family. Dougie Milford dies on his honeymoon, and the major blames Lana. Cooper finds drugs at Dead Dog Farms. Dick thinks Nicky is trying to kill him. Evelyn starts an affair with James. Ben begins to reenact the civil war. Audrey produces photos that may save Cooper. Hank catches Ed and Norma in an embrace. Denise and Cooper enlist Ernie Niles to ensnare Jean Renault. Major Briggs returns as mysteriously as he had vanished.

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Slaves and Masters
1361 votes

#22 - Slaves and Masters

Twin Peaks - Season 2 - Episode 15

The police look for James in the Marsh murder. Bobby and Shelly tell Truman Leo escaped and Bobby reveals that he saw Hank shoot Leo the night the mill burned. Albert returns to Twin Peaks with information on Windom Earle, and ends up looking at Josie for the murder of Jonathan and the attempted murder of Cooper. Nadine ‘breaks up' with Ed. Dr. Jacoby, Audrey, Bobby and Jerry try to end Ben's fantasy life. Donna and James escape from the Marsh home. Pete offers to help Cooper force a stalemate with Earle. Earle holds Leo as a slave. Shelly comes back to work. Eckheardt tells Catherine he wants Josie back. Earle leaves a 'present' and another omnious message for Cooper.

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His Master's Voice
3 votes

#23 - His Master's Voice

Wiseguy - Season 3 - Episode 17

When the bodies of two missing deputies turn up, it points to a serial killer who has been terrorizing the northwest. Volchek assigns the investigation to Vinnie when Stem loses control. Frank warns Vinnie he has to leave after Dan tells him there's a 40 man task force on the way to Lynchboro. As Volchek tries to eliminate possible suspects, Stem confesses to the murders, then electrocutes himself. Vinnie flashes back to Sonny killing himself, then snaps and takes off, stealing Frank's car.

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4 votes

#24 - Brrump—Bump!

Wiseguy - Season 3 - Episode 22

Frank has an out-of-body experience, then briefly awakens when he hears Vinnie calling him. Kousakis kills Harriet, then hides out at the church while waiting to kill Boden. Vinnie decides to try repairing the church bells in the hopes that they will awaken Frank from his coma. Vinnie discovers Kousakis in the bell tower, but Kousakis jumps to his death before Vinnie can summon the police. Vinnie repairs the bells and rings them, waking Frank.

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Masked Marauders
2 votes

#25 - Masked Marauders

The Adventures of Sinbad - Season 1 - Episode 13

Sinbad and his crew are challenged by Carpet-riding thieves in Mirhago.

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Hide and Seek
209 votes

#26 - Hide and Seek

seaQuest DSV - Season 1 - Episode 19

A Servo-Croat dictator takes Drs. Westphalen and Lansdowne hostage in order to gain entrance into seaQuest in the hopes of using the ship's technology to rehabilitate his autistic son.

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Let Them Eat Cake
4 votes

#27 - Let Them Eat Cake

Wiseguy - Season 3 - Episode 19

Vinnie takes a job hauling hospital waste as he continues to hide out in Seattle. Frank finds out Volchek is going to bribe a state official to get the license for his hospital and plans to arrest them after dinner. Roger uncovers Volchek's cryogenic vault. Lacey talks to Roger about how important Volchek is to the town, causing him to throw the arrest.

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Episode 6
0 votes

#28 - Episode 6

On the Air - Season 1 - Episode 6

A plumber runs some pipes in the backstage area, in less than convenient places. A bum hanging around backstage, turns out to be a once famous Gypsy magician, that was booked on the show. When the gypsy doesn't appear to be ready to go on, Lester tries learning magic, his latest attempt to steal the spotlight from Betty.

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Episode 7
0 votes

#29 - Episode 7

On the Air - Season 1 - Episode 7

Lester demands that a beatnik (without a name) must be allowed to perform the on the show. Betty tries to remember her mother's first name. Lester invest in an inventor's device that will disintegrate Betty's voice. All he needs is a recording of her voice.

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