The BEST episodes written by Rik Mayall

Mr. Jolly Lives Next Door
4 votes

#1 - Mr. Jolly Lives Next Door

The Comic Strip Presents... - Season 3 - Episode 3

Two boozers who run the Dreamytime Escort agency are in for the night of their lives when they accept a job to "take out" popular TV entertainer Nicholas Parsons.

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358 votes

#2 - Demolition

The Young Ones - Season 1 - Episode 1

Rick, Neil, Mike and Vyvyan learn that the council plans to rip down their home. Vyvyan tries to demolish it himself from the inside and Neil wants to commit suicide.

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301 votes

#3 - Oil

The Young Ones - Season 1 - Episode 2

Mike, Neil, Vyvyan and Rick move into their new home. Vyvyan thinks he has found oil in the basement and Mike quickly takes control of the situation by ordering the others to do the digging.

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244 votes

#4 - Bambi

The Young Ones - Season 2 - Episode 1

The reprobates from Scumbag College test their mental dexterity against Footlights College on a TV quiz show - but not before Vivian loses his head.

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284 votes

#5 - Accident

Bottom - Season 1 - Episode 6

It's Richie's birthday and he has a big party planned, Eddie's friends and all the birds' Richie knows are coming. As he prepares for the party, putting up the decorations, Richie falls and horribly breaks his leg. Will having his leg in plaster and being in a wheelchair ruin his party, will it heck as like!

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Summer Holiday
85 votes

#6 - Summer Holiday

The Young Ones - Season 2 - Episode 6

The housemates are trying to find ways to amuse themselves during the summer holidays, but then Mr Balowski turns up and evicts them. Now it's a matter of survival, so they decide to rob a bank.

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436 votes

#7 - Smells

Bottom - Season 1 - Episode 1

Richie and Eddie return home after another depressing night down the pub trying to pick up women and failing miserably. Richie is beginning to think that he is never going to get the chance to do it' until Eddie suggests that he puts an ad in the local paper. This idea revitalizes Richie and he begins to read through the dating pages of the local rag. There he spots an ad for a pheromone spray that women are unable to resist, this is something that appeals to him even more and the two of them decide that they are going to have to try this out!

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463 votes

#8 - Gas

Bottom - Season 1 - Episode 2

The gasman calls to read Eddie and Ritchie's meter. Not a problem? It is when you are getting your gas from an illegal connection to your next-door neighbors gas. Can the boys persuade the meter reader that they don't use gas and stall him until they can disconnect their supply from next door?

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246 votes

#9 - Boring

The Young Ones - Season 1 - Episode 3

Oblivious to terrorists, dancing vegetables, and card-playing mice, the boys complain of being bored.

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239 votes

#10 - Bomb

The Young Ones - Season 1 - Episode 4

The students wonder what to do when an unexploded bomb lands in their house. Mike sees an opportunity to make money, Rick wants to use it as a blackmail tool and Vyvyan tries to detonate it, but Neil's just worried about surviving the inevitable blast.

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191 votes

#11 - Cash

The Young Ones - Season 2 - Episode 2

The gang are desperately short of cash, forcing Neil to get a job. The army turn him down but he gets on surprisingly well being a police officer instead. Meanwhile, Vyvyan announces he's pregnant.

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201 votes

#12 - Interesting

The Young Ones - Season 1 - Episode 5

The boys decide to throw a party, but before long it descends into chaos. A preachy Christian turns up, Rick gets annoyed when their guests arrive early, Cinderella appears, and Vyvyan tries to impress some girls.

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142 votes

#13 - Carnival

Bottom - Season 3 - Episode 6

It is the annual Hammersmith carnival, where the local residents take part in riots, and Richie and Eddie find their flat window to be the best place to watch from. After going looting, Eddie learns Richie has stolen a BBC camera, and they decide to make money recording their own films. They are unaware that the camera contains a dirty video of the Prime Minister.

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123 votes

#14 - Finger

Bottom - Season 3 - Episode 5

After coming home from a cricket match, Richie learns Eddie has stolen 'Cannonball' Taffy O' Jones car keys, and learn that he is getting married to a woman who looks like Ted Rogers. Richie and Eddie steal the car and end up at a hotel where they pretend to be husband and wife.

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245 votes

#15 - Hole

Bottom - Season 3 - Episode 1

Richie and Eddie are stranded on the big wheel at the fairground. It gets worse - the wheel is due to be demolished the next day!

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Bottoms Out
239 votes

#16 - Bottoms Out

Bottom - Season 2 - Episode 6

After losing a bet, Richie and Eddie are forced to spend a week camping in Wimbledon Common, and the only supplies they have are a tin opener and a packet of chocolate Hob-Nobs. However, their food problems may soon be solved, as Eddie plans on eating a Womble!

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390 votes

#17 - Contest

Bottom - Season 1 - Episode 3

Eddie and Richie have an argument over whether or not to watch the Miss World contest on their TV. An argument started by Eddie having spent most of the £11.80 they had to last them two months on a second hand copy of Parade magazine.

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219 votes

#18 - Culture

Bottom - Season 2 - Episode 2

The boys' television has been repossessed and they are at a complete loss, they cannot find anything to keep them occupied, they have tried to do the crossword. Richie decides to challenge Eddie to a game of chess, even though they don't have all the pieces in their set! They decide to improvise and use various odd items to replace the missing pieces.

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357 votes

#19 - Apocalypse

Bottom - Season 1 - Episode 4

After inheriting £600 from Richie's Auntie Olga, the two decide to spend it down the Funfair, where Richie learns that he is destined to die in three nights time. He goes to the lengths of kicking Eddie out to escape his fate, but can't do anything when the Grim Reaper comes knocking!!!

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127 votes

#20 - Time

The Young Ones - Season 2 - Episode 4

Neil gets kidnapped by a medieval knight, while Rick believes he's finally managed to seduce a woman.

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Dirty Movie
9 votes

#21 - Dirty Movie

The Comic Strip Presents... - Season 2 - Episode 2

A theater owner waits for the mail to deliver his dirty movie

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310 votes

#22 - Digger

Bottom - Season 2 - Episode 1

Eddie and Richie join Mrs. Lineker's Love Bureau hoping to find their perfect women. Richies video tells the viewers that he is, in fact, a Duke and this gets him a date with a countess from Moldavia. He invites her to his place and arranges for Eddie to pretend to be his butler for the evening.

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205 votes

#23 - Flood

The Young Ones - Season 1 - Episode 6

A spell of bad weather means the friends must find ways to amuse themselves inside the house. As they play hide-and-seek, Jerzy Balowski is transformed into an axe-wielding maniac.

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288 votes

#24 - Holy

Bottom - Season 2 - Episode 5

Eddie and Richie celebrate Christmas by inviting Spudgun and Dave Hedgehog around for Christmas dinner and a day of fun and games. After a knock at the door Richie finds a baby left on their doorstep. Due to a few misperceptions Richie believes the baby is the Second Coming of Jesus.

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182 votes

#25 - Burglary

Bottom - Season 2 - Episode 3

A burglar breaks into Richie and Eddies place and manages to get caught by them. Once they have him tied up they have to decide what to do with him and the loot he has stolen from other houses.

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Bottoms Up
289 votes

#26 - Bottoms Up

Bottom - Season 1 - Episode 5

When Richie and Eddie's landlord has to leave to attend his mother's funeral, he leaves the two in charge of their shop, but something like this isn't going to stop Richie and Eddie from relaxing on Sunday, as the two decide to watch some cricket.

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173 votes

#27 - Break

Bottom - Season 3 - Episode 3

Richie and Eddie are going on holiday to Bridlington! Well, actually to Doncaster only 25 miles away . Excited about the holiday, Richie and Eddie begin planning their holiday and decide what they are going to do and what they are going to take with them.

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148 votes

#28 - Dough

Bottom - Season 3 - Episode 4

Eddie has been spending a lot of time in his room and Richie finds that he has been printing fake money. Unfortunately local counterfeiter "The Skullcrusher" is not amused and demands money. Luckily the pub quiz night could be their salvation.

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130 votes

#29 - Sick

The Young Ones - Season 2 - Episode 5

A bout of illness puts a strain on Vivian's usual easygoing approach to communal living. The somewhat delicate matter of Rick's lost virginity raises further consternation.

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189 votes

#30 - Terror

Bottom - Season 3 - Episode 2

It is Halloween. After losing the "Spot the Balls" competition and visited by trick or treaters. Richie and Eddie decides to put on their own Halloween party. Where they go off trick or treating, Richie is dressed up as a devil and Eddie is dressed up as a banana, armed with a electric cattle prod, they go to get some money for beer. When Richie and Eddie invite Spudgun and Hedgehog, Richie decides to raise the Devil, so he can have sex with girls in exchange for his soul. But the Devil arrives in the form of Dave Hedgehog's daughter Doreen.

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139 votes

#31 - Nasty

The Young Ones - Season 2 - Episode 3

It's an ordinary evening: Neil's having a bath, Rick's reading Cosmopolitan, and Mike and Vyvyan are trying to watch video nasties. But before the night is over, the gang will have to bury a vampire.

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205 votes

#32 - Parade

Bottom - Season 2 - Episode 4

Richie and Eddie are taken to the Police station to take part in an identity parade and find themselves in an argument with a Falklands war veteran over their participation in the war.

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A Fistful of Travellers' Cheques
11 votes

#33 - A Fistful of Travellers' Cheques

The Comic Strip Presents... - Season 2 - Episode 4

Carlos and Miguel are Englishmen obsessed with the mystique of the Old West-- would-be gunmen ever in search of a brawl. Traveling the countryside by public rail on a fantasy holiday, in costumes straight out of a Spaghetti Western, they hook up with spunky Australian tourists, a hippie hitchhiker, and a mass-murderer who works in an abattoir but dresses as a matador.

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