The BEST episodes written by Ranko Božić

Episode 12
1 votes

#1 - Episode 12

The Storks Will Return - Season 1 - Episode 12

Švaba od Duleta Pacova dobija ponudu da bude menadžer njegovih poslova u Barandi. Švaba prihvata ponudu i Dule mu daje oko 2500 evra. Međutim, Švaba ne shvata da Dule polaže sva prava na Tozinu kuću. Nadica se nada da će joj Filip pomoći da otvori frizersku radnju u Beogradu. Krlja i Švaba pakuju sve stvari Krljinog pokojnog brata koje su bile u kafiću i spremaju se da krenu u Barandu. Ekser prvi put ozbiljno razgovara sa Švabinim ocem i njih dvojica uspevaju da izglade odnose. Batrić nagovara Simu da zatrpa kaljugu, ali bezuspešno. Simina žena sve vreme prati njihov razgovor držeći pušku u rukama. Dule dovodi dizajnera u Tozinu kuću i zahteva potpuno i luksuzno preuređenje. Smatra da bi tetka Ruža morala da napusti kuću što ona i čini...

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#2 - Tandem

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 1 - Episode 2

Upcoming derby between city rivals BSK and Yugoslavia becomes the main topic in the city. Everyone is arguing about which team is better and who will win the Sunday derby. Knowing that the win is the only thing which can help his financial situation, Mosa Marjanovic offers Tirke the chance to make a debut in derby game for BSK. Beautiful girl Rosa is moving from province to the city and she will stay with Rajko and his wife. Rosa meets Tirke and sparks fly. The papers are writing more and more about the World Cup in Uruguay.

1 votes

#3 - Derby

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 1 - Episode 3

The day for derby has come. At Cubura the excitement gets to a peak. For Tirke, this match has a deeper meaning. This is not only a chance for him to show what he can do, but also to win a suit if he scores a goal. Mosa is also hoping to score a goal. He is paid by every goal scored and his debt is piling. Yugoslavia players can’t stop Tirke. The games is becoming more violent and a scandal and a fight break out.

There is Luck
1 votes

#4 - There is Luck

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 1 - Episode 4

There is a big celebration at Cubura hosted by Rajko to praise the win by BSK in the derby. Main guests are Mosa and Tirke. Rajko uses the opportunity to introduce his cousin Rosa to Mosa, but Mosa is not taking this serious, nor is Rosa who now openly shows her sympathies towards Tirke. Their relationships takes a hit when Valeria decides to play with Tirke. Josip Riboli, football representative from Zagreb informs Andrejevic that Croatian players will not take part in the national team for the upcoming World Cup in Uruguay.

The Team
1 votes

#5 - The Team

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 1 - Episode 6

Tirke and Rosa are not finding their moments, and the same is with Mosa and Valeria. On the way back from movies, Mosa is attacked by hooligans from Radom Pasic. In the fight which breaks out, to Mosa’s rescue come his teammates, but also the players from opposing team. Everyone ends up in prison right before the reception at the King’s palace. At the reception, King declines to finance incomplete Yugoslavian national team.

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Taste of a Dream
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#6 - Taste of a Dream

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 1 - Episode 8

In the season finale our heroes are faced with the biggest chelenge so far. How to beat them self and become better man. Friendly match with Bulgaria is a perfect opportunity for that. The game which will change the history of Yugoslavian football is starting.

In Foreign Land
1 votes

#7 - In Foreign Land

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 2 - Episode 5

The train makes a stop in Liechtenstein. Andrejka spends the evening entertaining older duchess. Mosa has a love adventure and Boza is making up for the lost time with young duchesse. Back home, Rajko and his wife are sad about Rosa’s leaving. They get a visit from Fridrih Pops who brings them unexpected news.

Episode 16
2 votes

#8 - Episode 16

The Storks Will Return - Season 1 - Episode 16

Dule Pacov dovodi prostitutke (Maru, Barbaru, Kristinu i Emanuelu) kod Bosanca gde će boraviti dok se ne završi renoviranje kluba u Tozinoj kući. Otkrivši da su pasoši prostitutki kod Švabe, Ekser ga optuži da je postao makro. Švaba Ekseru daje pasoše i on ih vraća prostitutkama, koje su zbunjene, jer misle da neće zaraditi novac. Mara pokuša da ode, ali je Dule Pacov i Aki vraćaju. U Borinoj porodici i dalje svađa oko prodaje zemlje, a Nadica odlazi na jezero sa Švabom. Vode ljubav i Švaba pominje Marinu. Nadica je veoma razočarana. Deša je odbio da nasledi Tozinu zemlju, jer je siguran da je Toza ubio njegovog oca. Ali, Ruža zna da to nije istina...

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The Roads of The People
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#9 - The Roads of The People

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 1 - Episode 5

The feelings about the derby have not yet settled in. That is what everyone is talking about, and the most abut the new tandem, Mosa and Tirke. National championship is paused because of the boycott by Croatian football federation. Andrejevic anounces the begining of preparations for the World Cup, but there are still lots of questions. Where to get money for the trip, who will be the national coach, who will play for the national selection.

2 votes

#10 - Farewell

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 2 - Episode 1

Last preparations for the World Cup are in progress. Players are saying goodbye to their families. Tirke visits his fathers grave. Balerina just graduated from university so his teammates prepare a surprise for him. Loan sharks intercept Mosa before the trip, while Rajko is roasting a pig for farewell. Andrejka let’s Boza take Radoje on the trip. The team arrives at the train station at the last minute and due to some circumstances, Tirke didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to Rosa.

Deciding Moment
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#11 - Deciding Moment

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 2 - Episode 4

The bag with the money is missing, so the trip may be cut short. New problem arises when they find out that Stanoje is on board without anyones permission, ticket or any personal document. After the duchess shows her affection towards Boza his secret from the past is revealed. In the meantime, Rosas father comes to take her to the village and prepare her for the wedding.

Other Side Of The Equator
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#12 - Other Side Of The Equator

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 2 - Episode 8

Payers are spending their days on the ship training and running on the deck. Bora is writing about his impressions rather like a poet for daily Politika. Guys arrange a prank for Ivica Bek with the help from Keti. Everyone finds a point of interest during this trip. Tirke, Milutinac and Mosa help Stanoje overcome the sadness due to his sympathies for a girl from the first class. Rajko is conducting preparations for Tirke’s and Rosa’s wedding, without their knowledge. The Russian Kiril is occupying Rosa’s attention more and more.

Episode 13
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#13 - Episode 13

The Storks Will Return - Season 1 - Episode 13

Švaba, Ekser i Krlja stižu u Barandu i otkrivaju da je Dule Pacov isterao baka Ružu iz Tozine kuće. Bezuspešno je traže, dok se baka Ruža useljava kod Bore i Angeline. Njihova ćerka Nadica želi da ode iz sela, dok Slavica veruje da će se nešto promeniti na bolje. Na benzinskoj pumpi neko puca na Duleta Pacova i njegovog poslovnog ortaka, Mikija. Ekser se sprijateljuje sa Vidinim sinom, dok Rakina deca zajedno sa majkom zauvek napuštaju Barandu...

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What is The Cost of Dreams?
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#14 - What is The Cost of Dreams?

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 1 - Episode 7

Preparations have begun, but the management of national team decides to give their spot to Bulgaria due to lack of finances. They organize a friendly game with Bulgaria in Belgrade. The news about them dropping from the competition brings everyone together in an attempt to raise enough money for the trip.

Checkmate in One
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#15 - Checkmate in One

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 2 - Episode 3

The train to Marseille suddenly stops and is boarder by duchess Helena Klodovska and her mother. While there is chaos on train because of the two beautiful women, Zivkovic and Hadzi are trying to charm the duchess, but she is showing affection towards someone totally different. While the players are learning Spanish, Stanoje is still hiding in the cargo part of the train. Back home, Eli is inviting Rosa to go with her to the sea side.

How To Recognize Love
4 votes

#16 - How To Recognize Love

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 2 - Episode 7

The first night for the players on board the ship where people from all around the world are present. Ivica Bek thinks that he is the biggest star in the team and most important. While he is seducing beautiful American lady, little Stanoje is fascinated by a girl and wants to write her a letter. Same night, there is a storm, and lots of people on board get sick. Back home, Rajko and Bogdan have a fight.

Prayer For The Happy End
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#17 - Prayer For The Happy End

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 2 - Episode 9

After returning from Kotor, Rosa begins her new life. She gets a job in a Bank, apartment and she continues to meet with Kiril. Rajko sends a telegram to Tirke that the wedding is postponed. While the players are celebrating Stanoje’s birthday, Mosa gets seriously ill. Mosa’s illness brings big concern for everyone. Next morning the ship arrives to Uruguay.

Episode 17
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#18 - Episode 17

The Storks Will Return - Season 1 - Episode 17

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How Long Letters Travel
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#19 - How Long Letters Travel

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 2 - Episode 2

National team of Yugoslavian Kingdom starts their trip to Uruguay with the train to Marseille without knowing that little Stanoje has followed them onto the train. While the whole team is excited about the trip, Tirke is writing a love letter to Rosa. Back home, Rajko is having a party for farewell to players. The team travels through Croatia where they are joined by two pocket pickers, Bracika and Duka.

Ivica Bek
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#20 - Ivica Bek

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 2 - Episode 6

Back home, people have gathered at Rajko’s cafe to read Bora’s report from the trip in the newspapers. Only one professional player, playing in France, has agreed to play for the national team. He waits for the team in France and joins them on the trip. Train ride ends in Marseille, where they must board the ship. Little Stanoje is not on the travelers list, so them must think of a way to smuggle him on board.

Episode 20
3 votes

#21 - Episode 20

The Storks Will Return - Season 1 - Episode 20

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Episode 18
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#22 - Episode 18

The Storks Will Return - Season 1 - Episode 18

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Episode 14
29 votes

#23 - Episode 14

The Storks Will Return - Season 1 - Episode 14

Tražeći baka Ružu po selu, Švaba upoznaje prodavačicu Nadicu. Njihova simpatija je obostrana dok Nadica ne sazna da je on iz Beograda. Angelina, Borina žena, objašnjava baka Ruži zašto je bila samo jednom u Beogradu i nikada više. Krlja i Švaba upoznaju seosku učiteljicu, Slavicu. Ona se jako dopadne Krlji i on joj se lažno predstavlja. Švabinim roditeljima sin očigledno nedostaje. Ekser oduzima Švabi pištolj i odlazi u Borinu kuću. Uspeva da vrati baka Ružu tamo gde je živela. Švaba je oduševljen što je baka Ruža ponovo sa njima...

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Episode 15
3 votes

#24 - Episode 15

The Storks Will Return - Season 1 - Episode 15

Advokat dolazi u Klub koji je izgradnji i nalazi se u Tozinoj kući. Raspituje se kod Duleta i Krlje da li se i kako poštuje Tozin testament. Angelina i kćerke žele da Bora proda Tozinu zemlju, ali on je apsolutno protiv. Ekser od Milenka saznaje da je seosko blato lekovito. Švaba i Nadica se sprijateljuju. Krlja upoznaje Rakinu verenicu i daje joj pozivnicu za otvaranje Kluba, dok Milanka sa socijalnim službenikom dolazi da odvede Vidinog sina, Nemanju, u dom za nezbrinutu decu. Ekser ih sprečava. Musa u dogovoru sa Duletom stiže u Barandu dovozeći četiri prostitutke. Zaglave se u Siminoj kaljuzi...

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When Football Was Young
4 votes

#25 - When Football Was Young

Montevideo, bog te video - Season 1 - Episode 1

Young Aleksandar Tirnanic - Tirke is faced with a dilemma wether to get a job in a factory or to try to play football professionally. He visits a practice in BSK where he shows off his talent but also looses sympathies from teammates because of his immature behavior. Football Federation of Yugoslavia receives and invite to take part in the first ever World Cup in Uruguay.