The BEST episodes written by Predrag Antonijević

#1 - Episode 11
My Father's Murderers - Season 3 - Episode 11
Last episode this season solves the murder and the past of doctor Dimitrijevic, but Aleksandar and Mirko are awaiting the meeting with Ruza. Through all this, because of the new murder, the public and press are on their feet. Marjanovic because of all of this has to make a deal with the devil.
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#2 - Episode 2
My Father's Murderers - Season 3 - Episode 2
Obradovic pays Zoran a visit to congratulate him on becoming a chief and to inform him that she will soon be appointed a minister. Mirko with all the hardship tries to concentrate on work. He takes the kids to grandparents but avoids to tell the truth. One of the main witnesses is found dead and everything points to suicide. Aleksandar continues with his investigation of murder but Mirko’s behavior is troubling him.
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#3 - Episode 11
My Father's Murderers - Season 2 - Episode 11
Bad guys find Branka and Marjanovic is in hurry to help her. Branka is putting up a brave fight. Trial for Natalija Despotovic is about to begin and journalists are filling the court room. Aleksandar and Mirko are connecting the dots, and Sava is helping them with this.
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#4 - Episode 12
My Father's Murderers - Season 2 - Episode 12
Mirko and Aleksandar are still searching for justice. That said, someone is digging a hole for them. They find out about everything. Both of them are torn as to what to do next, but they are standing still. Justice...
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#5 - Episode 6
My Father's Murderers - Season 3 - Episode 6
While talking with Zika, Aleksandar finds out about some new details about the night when his father was murdered. This brings him to new fight with mother, past is again knocking on the door. Mirko is lying to his kids. Milanka realizes that she should forget everything which has happened between them. Zoran employs the new inspector to the department. With that employment Zoran is trying to undermine Aleksandar and Mirko
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#6 - Episode 10
My Father's Murderers - Season 2 - Episode 10
Baron is free, he wants revenge for abuse and to sue police. Aleksandar and Mirko continue to work on the case. Sava is not giving up on investigation of Bosnian car and Rada is following his every step.
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#7 - Episode 10
My Father's Murderers - Season 3 - Episode 10
Investigation on doctor Dimitrijevic's murder get a whole new twist and this confuses Aleksandar who is trying to stay sober since he can't count on Mirko. He orders new police raid which will complicate things. The case of doctors murder starts to unveil slowly. In the meantime there is a new murder.
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#8 - Episode 8
My Father's Murderers - Season 2 - Episode 8
Marjanovic is angry about Milanka missing, but he know what needs to be done to save her. Aleksandar is giving into the feeling of guild for everything that has happened. He becomes sloppy.
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#9 - Episode 9
My Father's Murderers - Season 2 - Episode 9
Aleksandar visits Banja Luka. Marjanovic will surely find out about this by the end of the day. We finally meet Mirko's wife. Mirko is asking Bane's father for forgiveness. Pressure to release Baron is getting bigger.
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#10 - Episode 1
My Father's Murderers - Season 3 - Episode 1
Aleksandar is not telling Marjanovic about DNA analysis which he had done. Hangover, he takes on the new homicide case of a well known doctor. Investigation starts with first witnesses. Mirko shows up in the middle of the day, but he can't reveal what happened to his wife. Zoran becomes new chief, and with Marjanovic's instructions he is keeping Aleksandar and Mirko away from the killings of Nemanja and his people. We meet the chief of narcotics department, Bogdan. Aleksandar gets suspicious of Mirko's behavior.
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#11 - Episode 5
My Father's Murderers - Season 2 - Episode 5
Aleksandar becomes aware that he is being followed and tires to find out who is following him. In the meantime something much worse is happening. He knows that he has to retaliate and together with Mirko, he works out a plot disregarding threats and advice from Marjanovic.
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#12 - Episode 6
My Father's Murderers - Season 2 - Episode 6
Aleksandar is yet again interrogating Lunes wife and manager, trying to squeeze them with new information and receives an unexpected call. Mirko gets news from hooligans, but not those which he was hoping for. Milanka is waiting for Nemanja's call. Marjanovic is following Aleksandar knowing that the is hiding something from him.
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#13 - Episode 9
My Father's Murderers - Season 3 - Episode 9
In this episode, forensics are at the gas station. Sava and Jelena have a lot of work on their hands, and Rada is not showing up. The investigation is being handled by Aleksandar and Mirko, to everyones surprise. Marjanovic is angry at Zoran and Bogdan for failed action, but not even he can put all the pieces together. Mirko is still not getting any news from Ruza, and he is getting more and more worried.
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#14 - Episode 4
My Father's Murderers - Season 2 - Episode 4
Suspended, Mirko is working on the ties of hooligans with the shooting at the coffee place. Tabloids and his wife are making his life hard. After new attempt to kill Zika in the hospital, Aleksandar has to dig through the past of his late father who was previously the head of Narcotics department. Marijanovic is following him as a shadow, even though Aleksandar is trying to cover his steps.
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#15 - Episode 10
My Father's Murderers - Season 1 - Episode 10
Unexpected turn in investigation, solving Milica's murder, minister Nikola resigned his post and Marjanovic is named minister of police. It turns out that Marjanovic is more involved in everything which has happened than Aleksandar thinks.
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#16 - Episode 3
My Father's Murderers - Season 3 - Episode 3
Mirko’s problems are getting bigger. Aleksandar, next to all his work has to figure out what is wrong with his best friend. Last thing he needs is Jelena to pressure him about kids, especially since he feels responsible for her injury. Rada is avoiding Sava. There is another corps, gang war is clearly in progress and Marjanovic has to do something about it.
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#17 - Episode 5
My Father's Murderers - Season 3 - Episode 5
Mirko is not himself after a failed attempt to free Dragana, in spite prepared police action. Marjanovic is angry with him for not telling, but is willing to help. He is protecting Mirko and Aleksandar from angry Zoran. This surprises even Aleksandar, but he knows that he can’t trust Marjanovic, and he knows what he must do. Mirko’s private life is getting complicated. Tijana is playing all or nothing.
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#18 - Episode 8
My Father's Murderers - Season 3 - Episode 8
Aleksandar is working hard on the murder case, aware that he is missing something. Mirko can't help him since he is only thinking about Dragana, wondering is she is alive. Aleksandar is worried about Jelena's behavior, distracted by the fact that he needs to attend the trial of Natalija Despotovic. Marjanovic meets with Zika, and Gordana Dimitrijevic receives a message which changes things. In the meantime, secret raid is being conducted at the border.
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#19 - Episode 7
My Father's Murderers - Season 2 - Episode 7
Mirko blames himself for Bane's death. Aleksandar realizes that they have done something which they shouldn't have, but they can't undo this. Nikola is pressuring him to help with solving kidnapping, but Aleksandar is still unsure if he can trust him. Milanka get a call...
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#20 - Episode 7
My Father's Murderers - Season 3 - Episode 7
Jelena is coming back to work and finally meets Rada. Aleksandar is truly confused after the meeting with Jovan Despotovic. Obradovic takes a huge step having her own interest in mind. Sava is preparing for trial of Natalija Despotovic together with Zoran and D.A. Misko. Ruza is trying to find the new hiding spot.
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#21 - Episode 3
My Father's Murderers - Season 2 - Episode 3
Young police inspector is faced with the hardest case of his career. Torn in emotion between two women, and pressed with serious task ahead, gets tangled in the cat and mouse game in which he risks everything, including his life.
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#22 - Episode 7
My Father's Murderers - Season 1 - Episode 7
Aleksandar visited Jovan's wife and showed her some incriminating photos to get her to work for him. Peca told his father that he broke into the safe and gave all the papers to Aleksandar. In the meantime, Aleksandars connection wants to meet with him in private and tells him that Marjanovic is tied with Srle.
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#23 - Episode 4
My Father's Murderers - Season 3 - Episode 4
After the shooting, Marjanovic is aware that he has to keep Aleksandar away from everything. Thinks get too complicated. Zika is sick. Aleksandar is trying to help Mirko as much as he can. Bogdan is feeling Zoran for information abut Marjanovic. Jovan is preparing for trial with Natalia. Tijana is in danger and she knows that there is only one way for her to survive. Press conference is getting out of control and Mirko finally gets the call from Ruza.
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#24 - Episode 9
My Father's Murderers - Season 1 - Episode 9
Tijana informs Aleksandar that Nikola and Obradovic want to kill Marjanovic, his mother and himself. Kosta visited Natalija and found out that she sold her stocks in Cityland to Nikola Kovacevic. Kosta informs Jovana about this and they realize that Nikola is the source of all their troubles. Marjanovic tells Obradovic that he knew about her and Srle.
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#25 - Episode 6
My Father's Murderers - Season 1 - Episode 6
Aleksandar and Mirko agree to arrest Dejan. Aleksandar uncovers ties between chief of police, Jovan's wife and Nikola Kovacevic. Aleksandar, Mirko and Pera brake into the apartment of Marjanovic and find lots of photos of Aleksandar from his childhood, but non of his father, even though him and Marjanovic used to be best friends.
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#26 - Episode 8
My Father's Murderers - Season 1 - Episode 8
Aleksandar is arrested based on warrant from chief Obradovic because she knows that on the night of the shooting he was supposed to meet with Marjanovic. He was tortured to admit that he was with Marjanovic that night. Jelena and Sava forged the evidence in order to free Aleksandar from jail.
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#27 - Episode 4
My Father's Murderers - Season 1 - Episode 4
Aleksandar and Mirko found out that Milica's boyfriend, profesional tennis player. is involved in the murder more that they thought. They have found his French passport and it seems that he passed Bulgarian border using that passport on the night of murder. They also found out that the newest victim is Lidija, Milica's best friend and one of the witnesses in the case. Investigation showed that it is not a case of suicide and that these two murders are closely connected.
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#28 - Episode 2
My Father's Murderers - Season 2 - Episode 2
Aleksandar blames himself for Jelena's wounding and for consequences. This makes him even more determined to find the killer. The investigation leads in few directions and it becomes clear that it was ordered shooting. Missing Marjanovic shows up and becomes director of Police.
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#29 - Episode 3
My Father's Murderers - Season 1 - Episode 3
Even though Marjanovic and district atourney have blamed Strahinja, Aleksandar is convinced that he is not responsible for the murder. Uncovering new evidence he tries to reopen the case, but for Marjanovic, this case is done. In the meantime there is another corps and not by accident.
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#30 - Episode 1
My Father's Murderers - Season 2 - Episode 1
In spite of recent happenings, Aleksandar is gathering material proof about Milica's killer. Mirko is openly helping him even though his life is in danger. There are no more secrets between two of them. They work as a team to apprehend the suspect for the murder of and innocent girl.
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#31 - Episode 2
My Father's Murderers - Season 1 - Episode 2
Aleksandar and Mirko have taken Strahinja into custody. During the search of his apartment, they have found an interesting photo of an unknown person which may be a clue and which uncovers the relationship between Kosta and Natalija
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#32 - Episode 5
My Father's Murderers - Season 1 - Episode 5
Strahinja hung himself in the jail cell. Aleksandar found new evidence connecting Dejan and Nikola Kovacevic, who is a minister in government. Jovan found out about the relationship between Kosta and Natalija. District attorney Marija tells Aleksandar that she is pregnant with his child.
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#33 - Episode 1
My Father's Murderers - Season 1 - Episode 1
The young detective Jakovljević and his partner investigate the murder of a young girl who was burned in a cornfield. Investigation leads to a company owned by the victim's father, and it seems that the company is in debt.
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