The BEST episodes written by Paul Robert Coyle

False Witness
5 votes

#1 - False Witness

Barnaby Jones - Season 8 - Episode 9

Betty's friend Leslie Jessup is raped near Webster House and identifies the first comer suspect, Eddie Tucker, as the culprit. As Betty believes Tucker is innocent she investigates, searching for more victims and witnesses. But the true rapist places more clues to incriminate Eddie.

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I Guess I'll Have to Change My Plan
7 votes

#2 - I Guess I'll Have to Change My Plan

Jake and the Fatman - Season 1 - Episode 22

An author who's a former cop literally kills for a best-seller, giving Jake and McCabe a plot that keeps them guessing.

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Be Deviled
79 votes

#3 - Be Deviled

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Season 6 - Episode 1

Sin came looking for Hercules in the guise of Serena. She said she needed Hercules' help to recapture Xerxos, a murderer who had escaped from her world of evil souls. In truth Sin was in league with Xerxos. She poisoned Hercules in hopes he would take a life in anger, which would condemn his soul to her domain. But Iolaus was able to keep Hercules from killing Xerxos. The murderer found his sister, the criminal Arciana, and encouraged her to reform before it was too late. Xerxos and Sin returned to their realm.

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More Than You Know
2 votes

#4 - More Than You Know

Jake and the Fatman - Season 4 - Episode 7

After a journalist is dumped by her lover, she murders his wife and makes it look like the work of a serial killer.

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The End of the Beginning
53 votes

#5 - The End of the Beginning

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Season 3 - Episode 19

Hercules was in the middle of a fight with bullies when Autolycus stopped time. Autolycus had stolen the Cronus Stone from King Quallius' palace museum. Suddenly he traveled five years back in time. Hercules witnessed the first meeting of Ares and Serena, the Golden Hind Hercules had married and lost. When Ares tried to kill her, Hercules forced the god of war to spare the Hind's human half. Later, when he and Autolycus returned to the present, Hercules encountered Serena, now a happy wife and mother. History had changed, wiping out everything they shared together.

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The Honorable Profession
11 votes

#6 - The Honorable Profession

The Streets of San Francisco - Season 4 - Episode 16

Robert Reed plays a fictitious doctor. During Act IV he packs up to leave town. The well-written episode begs the question whether Reed's character did more good than harm posing as a doctor.

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Ten Little Warlords
81 votes

#7 - Ten Little Warlords

Xena: Warrior Princess - Season 2 - Episode 8

Trapped in the body of Callisto, Xena must help a mortal Ares recover his sword and restore him as the god of war. If she doesn't mortals will not be able to control their anger and she'll never recover her own body.

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The Academy
76 votes

#8 - The Academy

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Season 5 - Episode 17

Hercules and Jason arrived at Cheiron's academy to find things greatly changed. The youths were out of control, and the headmaster left the school in Hercules' hands. Zylus, an upperclassman, had a secret plan to take over the school. When Hercules discovered Zylus and his friends were the masked attackers he had fought off earlier, he expelled the group. Zylus tried to burn down the school, but was no match for Hercules. After the fight, Hercules named Jason the academy's new headmaster, and Lilith -- Jason's first love -- promised to visit often.

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I Only Have Eyes for You
4 votes

#9 - I Only Have Eyes for You

Jake and the Fatman - Season 3 - Episode 1

Jake takes matters into his own hands when a woman is threatened and followed to Hawaii by the psychotic ex-convict who attacked her.

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The Inside Man
4 votes

#10 - The Inside Man

Barnaby Jones - Season 5 - Episode 23

When Ralph Alcott foils an armored car robbery he is celebrated as a hero and befriends Chris, the daughter of his boss. Barnaby is hired to find a possible inside man, who turns out to be Ralph. As Alcott kills one of his accomplices, the other one abducts Chris.

Death Is the Punchline
4 votes

#11 - Death Is the Punchline

Barnaby Jones - Season 8 - Episode 18

The appearance of comedian Lindy Powell, friend of J.R.'s, at the Caravan Club results in a big disappointment and a quarrel between him and club owner Chapman. When Chapman is murdered, Lindy is the prime suspect. Loan shark La Palma also had a motive for killing.

Love Me or Leave Me
10 votes

#12 - Love Me or Leave Me

Jake and the Fatman - Season 1 - Episode 10

Jake gets close to an aspiring rock star in order to catch a dirty cop who's involved in a million-dollar robbery

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Smoke Gets in Your Eyes
8 votes

#13 - Smoke Gets in Your Eyes

Jake and the Fatman - Season 1 - Episode 11

The man who attacked a blind woman is found dead, supposedly shot by the woman's cheating husband.

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It Had to Be You
9 votes

#14 - It Had to Be You

Jake and the Fatman - Season 1 - Episode 14

When Jake discovers that a serial rapist's weakness is cats, a victim agrees to help set a trap.

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Sky High
105 votes

#15 - Sky High

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Season 5 - Episode 12

When a volcano threatened to destroy the people of Mount Pelion, Hercules decided to blow a hole in the far side of the volcano, allowing the lava to flow into the sea. The Amazon Ephiny joined him, and for a third, Hercules enlisted Kurth, a young man condemned to die for murdering the Centaur Nagus' son. Hercules convinced Nagus to help pull the wagon of explosive crystals. Most of the crystals were lost in a mishap, so the remainder had to be deposited directly in the crater mouth. Kurth took care of this suicide mission, redeeming himself in the process.

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Baby Chase
28 votes

#16 - Baby Chase

Midnight Caller - Season 1 - Episode 15

Assisting an injured woman on the street, a young doctor is faced with every mother's nightmare when her infant daughter is abducted by a young woman whose grasp on reality is failing. Jack uses the show as a forum to track down the kidnapped child, who, on top of everything, is desperately ill and will die without her medication.

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War Wounds
48 votes

#17 - War Wounds

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Season 4 - Episode 19

Hercules' brother, King Iphicles of Corinth, was not with his wife when she died -- he was out controlling rioting soldiers. For this he blamed the vetern warriors led by Ajax and demanded they leave Corinth without dedicating a statue. Hercules and Iolaus, friends of Ajax, tried to intervene. But deadly battles broke out when Iphicles killed Phidias, the statue's designer. Ajax tried to kill Iphicles as retribution, but he ended up devoured by giant sand worms. Tired of the madness, Iphicles relented by officiating at the dedication of Phidias' statue and extending land to the veterns.

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Armageddon Now (2)
56 votes

#18 - Armageddon Now (2)

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Season 4 - Episode 14

While Hercules and his double, the Sovereign, were stuck in the Netherworld, Iolaus traveled back in time to protect young Alcmene. But he couldn't prevent Callisto from killing Hercules' mother. Callisto then found her own family and, through a series of instinctive actions, she killed her mother and father. As more events began to go wrong, Hercules sent Iolaus a telepathic message: Get the Chronus Stone from Xena's scepter to travel back in time without Ares' help. Using a makeshift lightning rod, Hercules joined Iolaus in the past and sent Callisto back into the vortex, setting the timeline right.

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State of Flux
2408 votes

#19 - State of Flux

Star Trek: Voyager - Season 1 - Episode 11

Stardate: 48658.2 When stolen Federation technology is found on a severely damaged Kazon Nistrim ship, Seska becomes the prime suspect. The evidence is further re-enforced when questions arise over her true heritage.

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Stranger in a Strange World
54 votes

#20 - Stranger in a Strange World

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Season 4 - Episode 5

A lightning bolt from the dying Zeus opened a vortex to a parallel universe, where Iolaus was a jester and Hercules was the malevolent Sovereign. This alternate Hercules and the alternate Xena were lovers, and they were attempting to kill Zeus with Hind blood. Ares, meanwhile, was the god of love, not war, and Aphrodite was a modest, sensitive goddess. When the vortex reappeared, Hercules, Iolaus, the Sovereign and the alternate Iolaus all wound up inside and fought a furious battle. Each managed to return to his proper universe except the Sovereign, who was trapped inside the vortex.

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A Necessary Evil
84 votes

#21 - A Necessary Evil

Xena: Warrior Princess - Season 2 - Episode 14

Xena, Gabrielle and the Amazons must battle an evil Amazon, who ate ambrosia and is now a god. She wants Gabrielle dead and in order to stop her, Xena and Gabrielle resort to asking for the help of the now immortal Callisto.

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Armageddon Now (1)
59 votes

#22 - Armageddon Now (1)

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Season 4 - Episode 13

Hope, the treacherous daughter of Dahak and Gabrielle, went to the Ixion Caverns and freed Callisto. Hope gave the warrior-goddess a mission: rid the world of Hercules. Callisto joined forces with Ares, and the two reopened the vortex to the alternate universe. When the Sovereign appeared, Ares snatched his pendant of Hind's blood -- the only substance that can kill a god. But Callisto ripped the pendant from Ares' neck and used the blood to kill Strife. Hope then sent Callisto back in time to kill Hercules' mother, so Iolaus convinced Ares to send him back as well.

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1374 votes

#23 - Whispers

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Season 2 - Episode 14

O'Brien returns from an away mission to discover that he has been locked out of every security system on the station, and that everyone has turned against him, including his wife.

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Genies and Grecians and Geeks, Oh My
108 votes

#24 - Genies and Grecians and Geeks, Oh My

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Season 5 - Episode 4

Salmoneus and Autolycus obtained a Sultan's lamp and released Jinni the genie, who gave them three wishes to share. Autolycus asked to be invisible. Instead Jinni made him intangible, so he couldn't grab anything. Salmoneus, meanwhile couldn't decide whether to ask for more sensitivity or more ruthless energy, so Jinni gave him both in the form of two clones -- Cry Baby Sal and Hyper Sal. Forfeiting their third wish, they were returned to normal and imprisoned inside Jinni's lamp. But they escaped, and Autolycus used the third wish to give the lonely genie a roomful of clones.

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Pressure Point
67 votes

#25 - Pressure Point

CHiPs - Season 2 - Episode 16

A rich businessman and his granddaughter become the target of an unscrupulous security firm. Ponch and Jon are placed on security detail.

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The Fatal Dive
6 votes

#26 - The Fatal Dive

Barnaby Jones - Season 5 - Episode 4

The members of Trident Diving School hire Barnaby to investigate the death of their colleague. Barnaby meets Carl Everett and his assistant Alice Caldwell who claim to be searching for a sunken treasure. J.R. who is certified in scuba makes dives and searches for clues underwater while Barnaby and Betty do the same on land.

Highway Robbery
82 votes

#27 - Highway Robbery

CHiPs - Season 1 - Episode 10

A down-and-out vet lifting purses from women in traffic jams turns out to be a former classmate of Jon's; Ponch convinces Getraer to introduce him to the Easy-On Suntan Lotion model.

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Two Against the Rock
5 votes

#28 - Two Against the Rock

Space Precinct - Season 1 - Episode 12

While transporting a prisoner to the space prison known as the Rock, Officers Haldane and Castle come across a plot to release a notorious ganglord.

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Regrets...I've Had a Few
55 votes

#29 - Regrets...I've Had a Few

Hercules: The Legendary Journeys - Season 4 - Episode 3

Celestra -- also known as "Death" -- came for Jaris, Hercules old friend. The goddess' appearance prompted Hercules to remember the time when, as a cocky youth, he met Celestra for the first time. It happened when young Hercules accidentally killed Jaris' brother, Bartoc. Hercules had kept the truth from Jaris and his family family for a while, but finally revealed his secret when a teenage gang attacked. But that was all in the past; now Hercules had to stop his friend from a rampage against the evildoers of his town. Celestra finally took Jaris, leaving Hercules with his memories.

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The Execution
70 votes

#30 - The Execution

Xena: Warrior Princess - Season 2 - Episode 17

Xena and Gabrielle have only one day to determine what really happened when Gabrielle's friend, Meleagor, is sentenced to death for a murder he didn't commit.

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After You've Gone
6 votes

#31 - After You've Gone

Jake and the Fatman - Season 1 - Episode 13

Jake discovers a murder plot and takes the place of a dead hit man whose target happens to be McCabe.

4 votes

#32 - Metamorphosis

The Adventures of Superboy - Season 4 - Episode 20

A gym owner is using the blood of his younger customers, along with a gold derivative, to keep himself young. This results in an acceleration in the victims' aging process. Lana also falls prey to the man.

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Send in the Clones
64 votes

#33 - Send in the Clones

Xena: Warrior Princess - Season 6 - Episode 16

In modern times, a mysterious woman and three fans of Xena, use hair samples to create clones of Xena and Gabrielle, who face a familiar enemy from their past.