The BEST episodes written by Nicolas Dubois

#1 - Millennial Bugs
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command - Season 1 - Episode 43
Zurg nabs an exhibit of an extinct species of large, Alien (as per the movies)-esque insects, planning to resurrect the species in order to help him in (...what else...) take over the galaxy. Dr. Ozma Furbanna is roped into helping Zurg revive Alien-style bugs, by having her scientific morals preyed upon. Zurg sics the bugs on Capital Planet. Before things can get too out of hand, Team Lightyear discovers that the bugs can be stopped by belly-tickling ( over-rides their nervous system...), and with that they manage to save the day.
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#2 - Little Secrets
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command - Season 1 - Episode 4
After an inspection of planet Rhizome's bio-defenses, Team Lightyear are all given energy plants by Professor Triffid. Booster instead picks up a red one instead of a white one (the white ones pretty much just sit there and produce electricity via photosynthesis, the red ones convert the extra energy into advanced growth), and the plant is slowly taking over the ship, and then Star Command itself. XR has begun to give unauthorized tours for Buzz Lightyear fans behind everyone's backs. At the same time as Booster & Mira attempting to quell the swarming plants, and XR trying to keep Buzz from finding out about the tours, Buzz is attempting to locate and identify a conspirator that is somewhere on Star Command.
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#3 - Revenge of the Monsters
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command - Season 1 - Episode 38
After being bitten by NOS-4-A2 on the mysterious planet of Canis Lupus, Ranger Ty Parsec is transformed into a Wirewolf (...imagine a form of lycanthropy blended with either Star Trek's Borg techno-virus, or with Transformers' Key to Vector Sigma...) [this whole bit is shown in summary, as if it were reminding us of an earlier episode...except there IS no earlier episode about this as far as I can tell]. Even though the transformation only takes place when on or near Canis Lupus, Commander Nebula decides to boot Parsec from the Space Rangers for his own, and everyone else's, good. While this meeting is wrapping up, NOS-4-A2 and XL show up. They have a chunk of Canis Lupus, that causes Parsec to re-transform into a Wirewolf, and they kidnap the en-cursed Parsec. [...the ""Monster""-bit in the title refers to how Parsec is pretty much a robotic werewolf, XL is pretty much a robotic Frankenstein's monster, and NOS-4-A2 is a robotic vampire...] With Parsec, they oust Zurg from Planet Z
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