The BEST episodes written by Nickolas Barris

The Girl Who Signed Wolf
16 votes

#1 - The Girl Who Signed Wolf

Sue Thomas F.B.Eye - Season 2 - Episode 1

Sue meets Amanda, who tells her she saw a kidnapping. Everyone has trouble believing the story except Sue. Sue first met Amanda at Career Day some years ago. Myles meets Nora who wants to write a book on him. Sue learns someone died of Ricin poisoning by Castor Beans. To make sure her story is true, Amanda see the kidnappers again (after sneaking out of her home) she plants a tracking device. Tara gets a note that terrorists know where Amanda lives, Amanda's dad wants help in communicating with Amanda. Myles gives Nora an idea for her book, she wants to focus on Amanda and get to know Myles.

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The Fraternity
9 votes

#2 - The Fraternity

Sue Thomas F.B.Eye - Season 3 - Episode 9

Sue and the team get a highly sensitive case to solve. Senator Fenton requests that the death of his son Kyle be looked into. He tells the team that his son died due to drinking himself to death fraternity initiation. The medical examiner's report on Kyle rules out alcohol poisoning but states that he was allergic peanut oil. Now the team is looking at a homicide and not a simple hazing. Also Sue and Lucy let Amanda stay with them for the night they get an idea of what parenting is like. As the help Amanda deal with going on a date and then being rejected at school. Amanda gets a harsh lesson to learn. She finds out that friends are hard to come by because she is deaf.

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Homeland Security
13 votes

#3 - Homeland Security

Sue Thomas F.B.Eye - Season 2 - Episode 3

Sue thinks something is wrong with Charlie, when he doesn't remember needing to change the oil in her car. Sue changes her mind as to what she thinks is wrong with him when Charlie tells her he had to get rid of some things his late wife owned. Troy thinks Charlie may have a hearing problem, because Troy had seen Charlie yell at a customer. In order to find a suicide bomber Bobby & Sue meet a hacker who was told to hack websites on a dare.

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Boy Meets World
10 votes

#4 - Boy Meets World

Sue Thomas F.B.Eye - Season 3 - Episode 12

The team tries to figure out why restaurant was blown up by a bomb. As they continue to investigate this discover that Danny is lying to protect his father. They learn that Danny's father works for an organization linked with a terrorist organization.

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The Lawyer
11 votes

#5 - The Lawyer

Sue Thomas F.B.Eye - Season 2 - Episode 12

In this episode the team tries to stop a terrorist attack on Washington D.C. As Jack tries to stop the Al Qaida leader Jack learns that his methods come into question when a Civil Rights complaint is filed against him. Jack learns that his methods come into question. The suit against Jack claims that he used racial profiling to arrest the suspect. Now Jack faces the possibility that he will lose his job with the F. B. I. Jack meets with the suspects lawyer to warn her that if she reads her client's note she may open a sleeper cell that may trigger the terrorist attack. Tara begins a relationship with Stanley who will help Sue figure out the hidden messages the suspect is sending. Tara begins a relationship with Stanley who will help Sue figure out the hidden messages the suspect is sending Jack learns that the Office of Professional Responsibility or (OPR) is investigating Jack because the suspect he arrested feels that his Civil Rights were violated.

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The Mentor
8 votes

#6 - The Mentor

Sue Thomas F.B.Eye - Season 2 - Episode 14

Sue meets Jack and Bobby 's mentor who comes to Washington D.C. to ask for help in tracking a suspect whom Wes Kenner believes brought weapons grade uranium into Washington. Jack, Bobby, and Sue must try to track him down before the uranium is used to make a bomb. Dimitrius acts as a relief supervisor for Ted Garrett who is on vacation. Dimitrius gets in trouble for giving the go ahead to take over see case that began in Washington D.C. 's jurisdiction. Larson doesn't like the way Dimitrius is handling the case due to his lack of experience in dealing with the Russians. The team must go to court to make an appeal to have the case kept in Washington D.C. 's jurisdiction. Tara learns that Jack and Bobby's mentor faked his own death. The team must go to court to make an appeal to have the case kept in Washington D.C. 's jurisdiction. Tara learns that Jack and Bobby's mentor faked his own death. Jack soon figures out that was the only way to learn that help was needed.

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Planes, Trains & Automobiles (2)
8 votes

#7 - Planes, Trains & Automobiles (2)

Sue Thomas F.B.Eye - Season 3 - Episode 6

The Deputy Attorney General has a problem with Jack's handling of the latest case. Jack wants to transport someone who may have possible information on a terrorist attack from Malaysia to the United States. The deputy attorney general denies Jack's request because he fears Jack maybe bringing a terrorist into the United States. Meanwhile Adam Kinsey of " final flight gets unprecedented access to continue researching his role as an FBI agent. The unprecedented access gives the team problems when his personal gets in the way. Things get slightly more complicated for Tara when Stanley her old boyfriend returns to help crack the code of a possible terrorist plot from " the king of terror."

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Mind Games
10 votes

#8 - Mind Games

Sue Thomas F.B.Eye - Season 3 - Episode 17

Sue meets a woman who says she saw a murder but the only problem is there are sure whether Beth heard or saw the murder. Sue and Jack find out that their witness is schizophrenic and gives them clues in strange metaphors making the case all the more complicated to figure out. Also the team gets a new acting supervisor named Wayne. Their new supervisor begins to drive them crazy when one begins to color code all their cases. He places the current case as a low priority case. They soon find out that Wayne has never even solved an FBI case in his life.

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Diplomatic Immunity
23 votes

#9 - Diplomatic Immunity

Sue Thomas F.B.Eye - Season 1 - Episode 10

After Bobby saves a woman from an attack, Bobby realizes the attacker is a Sudanese Diplomat. The Sudanese Diplomat has Diplomatic Immunity. Bobby tries to talk the Diplomat into not pressing charges, which will cause Bobby to lose his job. Sue & the team now need to try to help Bobby keep his job. Sue is asked to find how the woman in the hospital is her connection to the Diplomat. Garrett tells the team that Bobby will be charged under The Foreign Officials Act Of 1978. Sue & Jack to check a shipment from Sudan Jack, Sue & Bobby find the shipment is slaves from Sudan. Darcy brings forensic Evidence to help them solve the case. Andre Roga tells Sue that she saved $2000 to buy her sister back.

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Bad Hair Day
13 votes

#10 - Bad Hair Day

Sue Thomas F.B.Eye - Season 2 - Episode 7

Tara decides to get her hair done, but soon a robber holds up the salon. Tara tries to go about business but has trouble dealing with what happened. Tara wonders if she should leave the FBI because she shot someone for the first time. Amanda (Sue's friend) finds a lost dog and wants to keep it.

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