The BEST episodes written by Mike Wafer

#1 - Delhi
Scam City - Season 1 - Episode 6
Nobody can call themselves a true world traveller until they’ve survived Delhi. For backpackers going to Delhi is like a rite of passage. But ask anyone and they’ll tell you, before you can find yourself, first you have to lose yourself... just be sure to watch out for all those quack doctors who will prescribe you anything and everything in order to line their pockets with your cash. With the help of secret cameras the crew follow Conor’s every move while he and George the fixer try to unearth some of the deadly scams that Delhi has to offer.
Watch Now:Amazon
#2 - Buenos Aires
Scam City - Season 1 - Episode 1
Buenos Aires is a fast moving city bringing in around 10 million tourists annually. But like the Tango with its themes of deception and trickery of love, Conor Woodman discovers that many visitors leave Buenos Aires with broken hearts, after being scammed by pickpockets, con-artists, and grafters. Conor sets out to discover that the most common scams involving tourists are pick pocketing, clip joints, vice girls, taxi scams and hotel scams. But prevalent throughout the whole of the city and running out of control is Buenos Aries’ problem with counterfeit money…
Watch Now:Amazon