The BEST episodes written by Michael Jelenic

#1 - Omens (1)
ThunderCats (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 1
Lion-O struggles with his destiny to become the next King of Thundera, as chosen by the Sword of Omens. Meanwhile, festivities are held to celebrate General Grune's return to the Cat Kingdom.
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#2 - The Day the Night Stopped Beginning to Shine and Became Dark Even Though It Was the Day - Chapter Four: The Night Begins to Shine
Teen Titans Go! - Season 4 - Episode 30
In a final epic battle, the Titans and their musician friends square off against the dragon for control of the Night Begins to Shine.
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#3 - Two Parter (1)
Teen Titans Go! - Season 3 - Episode 17
The Titans visit the Hall of Justice to use the pool, but then decided to check out the inside.
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#4 - The Day the Night Stopped Beginning to Shine and Became Dark Even Though It Was the Day - Chapter Three: Playing Hard to Get
Teen Titans Go! - Season 4 - Episode 29
The Titans return to the alternate reality to save Cyborg but will they be able to defeat the dragon?
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#5 - The Self-Indulgent 200th Episode Spectacular! (2)
Teen Titans Go! - Season 4 - Episode 45
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#6 - The Self-Indulgent 200th Episode Spectacular! (1)
Teen Titans Go! - Season 4 - Episode 44
When their world starts disappearing, the Titans must confront their creators. The Titans learn how difficult it is to make a cartoon when they try to animate Michael and Aaron.
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#7 - The Day the Night Stopped Beginning to Shine and Became Dark Even Though It Was the Day - Chapter One: I Saw You Dance
Teen Titans Go! - Season 4 - Episode 27
Cyborg becomes trapped in the alternate reality of Night Begins to Shine with a dragon who wants to steal the song for his own evil purposes.
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#8 - Real Orangins
Teen Titans Go! - Season 5 - Episode 9
Robin tries again to tell the real origin story of the teen titans.
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#9 - Think About Your Future
Teen Titans Go! - Season 3 - Episode 39
The future Teen Titans travel back in time to stop their young selves from ruining their lives financially and medically.
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#10 - Into the Astral Plane
ThunderCats (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 12
Tygra's jealousy boils over, leading to a clash with Lion-O.
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#11 - More of the Same
Teen Titans Go! - Season 2 - Episode 51
The Titans go over the basics for New Year's Eve parties to ensure a perfect one.
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#12 - The Cape
Teen Titans Go! - Season 3 - Episode 53
The Titans reminisce about the time they threw a surprise party for Cinderblock.
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#13 - Teen Titans Save Christmas
Teen Titans Go! - Season 4 - Episode 6
When Santa decides to quit, the Titans pitch in to save Christmas.
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#14 - The Masks of the Shadowkhan
Jackie Chan Adventures - Season 4 - Episode 1
Daolon Wong's failed attempt to escape from prison through the use of magic reawakens Tarakudo, the king of the shadowkahn who is bent on recovering all nine oni masks that imprison his generals. Tarakudo attempts to free himself and his minions so that they can unleash total darkness upon the earth.
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#16 - Quantum Fun
Teen Titans Go! - Season 5 - Episode 10
Robin takes the other Titans on a trip through the dizzying world of quantum physics.
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#17 - Laundry Day
Teen Titans Go! - Season 1 - Episode 8
Later, chores pile up while the team bicker, and soon their dirty uniforms go on the offensive.
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#18 - TV Knight 2
Teen Titans Go! - Season 4 - Episode 36
Batman and Commissioner Gordon have a slumber party and watch their favorite TV shows.
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#19 - Campfire Stories
Teen Titans Go! - Season 2 - Episode 47
In order to improve their time on a horrible camping trip, the Titans each tell a scary campfire story.
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#20 - The Ox-Head Incident
Jackie Chan Adventures - Season 3 - Episode 12
Jackie and gang locate the Ox talisman powers in the Himalayan mountains. Hak Foo smashes his way into Daolon Wong's lair, and demands the Ox talisman from him. Daolon turns Hak Foo into a Dark Chi Warrior and transports them to the Himalayas. Uncle gets 'the willies' and begins a transfer of the talisman powers from the Ox to another vessel. Daolon ventures into the spirit relm to battle Uncle while HakFoo takes on Jackie. Daolon captures Uncle's essense, and discovers that Uncle's transfer spell worked. Jackie and gang return to the Ben-Shui temple, where Tohru and Jade work on a spell to locate the Ox talisman powers. Jackie goes to Daolon's lair to retrieve the orb containing Uncle's essence. Just as Jade and Tohru determine that Uncle's body contains the Ox talisman powers, Dark Chi Hak Foo smashes into the temple and takes Uncle. Jackie follows and confronts D.C. Hak Foo and Daolon. Uncle returns to his body just in time to use the Ox talisman powers to defeat the bad guys. The t
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#21 - Video Game References
Teen Titans Go! - Season 2 - Episode 39
The Titans immerse themselves into a variety of video game worlds.
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#22 - Monster Squad
Teen Titans Go! - Season 5 - Episode 8
The Titans want to be the scariest trick-or-treaters in town, so Raven casts a spell to turn them into real monsters.
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#23 - Kabooms (1)
Teen Titans Go! - Season 5 - Episode 3
The Titans are excited to see the movie version of their favorite show "Babies vs Dogs".
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#24 - The Fourth Wall
Teen Titans Go! - Season 3 - Episode 9
Control Freak informs the Titans that they are on a TV show he created and demands they earn him an award.
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#25 - And the Award for Sound Design Goes to Rob
Teen Titans Go! - Season 2 - Episode 48
Raven just wants some piece and quiet for once, and accidentally makes a magical deal that eliminates all sounds.
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#26 - The Day the Night Stopped Beginning to Shine and Became Dark Even Though It Was the Day - Chapter Two: The Story in Your Eyes
Teen Titans Go! - Season 4 - Episode 28
Without Cyborg, Beast Boy feels lost and sets out to find himself, but ends up meeting a music legend.
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#27 - Finally a Lesson
Teen Titans Go! - Season 3 - Episode 30
Robin is able to teach the other Titans a very valuable lesson.
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#28 - Mayhem of the Music Meister!
Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Season 1 - Episode 24
The Music Meister causes mayhem so Batman and Canary will have to stop him.
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#29 - Kabooms (2)
Teen Titans Go! - Season 5 - Episode 4
Inspired by the "Babies vs Dogs" movie, the Titans decide to make a big Hollywood film of their own.
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#30 - A Matter of Family
The Batman - Season 4 - Episode 1
After a young circus performer named Dick Grayson loses his parents to a criminal named Tony Zucco, Bruce Wayne adopts the young boy. Once Bruce's secret is revealed, Dick joins Batman as his new sidekick, Robin. Together, they set out to find Zucco and bring him to justice.
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#31 - The Fight
Teen Titans Go! - Season 5 - Episode 11
Robin tries to teach the other Titans about real estate, but they’re only interested in finding a villain to fight.
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#32 - Let's Get Serious
Teen Titans Go! - Season 2 - Episode 32
Robin attempts to make the Teen Titans to be taken more seriously by the real heroes from Young Justice.
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#33 - Cool School
Teen Titans Go! - Season 2 - Episode 40
Raven decides to hang out with Rose Wilson because she is cool; the others believe they are lame by comparison so they attend Cool School.

#34 - Berbils
ThunderCats (2011) - Season 1 - Episode 9
The ThunderCats meet the mysterious beings who had helped them during the night and they turn out to be the Berbils, or Ro-Bears. The Berbils treat the ThunderCats with great hospitality until the village is attacked and some of the Berbils are captured. The ThunderCats help their new friends and a battle for freedom ensues.
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#35 - Two Parter (2)
Teen Titans Go! - Season 3 - Episode 18
The Titans must save the members of the Justice League from the clutches of the supervillan Darkseid.
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#36 - The Shadow Eaters
Jackie Chan Adventures - Season 4 - Episode 8
After many failed attempts to acquire the power of an oni mask, Hak-Foo finally gets one. He is a disappointed in the small size of his shark like shadowkahn, but Hak-Foo soon discovers their monstrous appetite for devouring shadows.
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#37 - Batgirl Begins (2)
The Batman - Season 3 - Episode 2
After a chemical accident transforms her into a half-human half-plant being, Pam Isley takes the name Poison Ivy and sets out to destroy Gotham's environmental polluters.
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#38 - The Academy
Teen Titans Go! - Season 4 - Episode 39
Robin creates the Teen Titans Awards in an effort to get his teammates to clean up the tower.
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#39 - Truth, Justice, and What?
Teen Titans Go! - Season 2 - Episode 36
Pizza is the source of the Titans' goofy humor.
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#40 - Head Fruit
Teen Titans Go! - Season 2 - Episode 42
When Beast Boy's head starts to rattle, Robin suggests that he should find a hobby so that his brain will stop shrinking.
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#41 - The Return of Slade
Teen Titans Go! - Season 2 - Episode 50
After defeating Slade in an epic battle not seen, Beast Boy and Cyborg want a clown for the celebration, only to find it boring.
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#42 - Kicking a Ball and Pretending to Be Hurt
Teen Titans Go! - Season 2 - Episode 41
The Titans learn about the magic of soccer.
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#43 - Attack of the J-Clones
Jackie Chan Adventures - Season 3 - Episode 17
The J-Team attends the re-dedication of the San Francisco Museum's collection of Jade (the stone, not the niece) and when the collection disappears again, Viper is accused of the theft. El Toro is later caught in the act of stealing more jade. Jackie chases the masked man and Jade discovers that the theif is A CLONE! Capt. Black interviews Chang (who is in prison) and they discover that Chang is also a clone. The real Chang, and his alchemist Yip, watche from a hidden lair, sending the Jackie clone into Section 13. Jackie-Clone is not able to subdue and replace the real Jackie and flees before being captured. Uncle creates a magic power that will determine who is a clone and who is not - and they discover that Paco is a clone! Impersonating their clones, the J-Team infiltrates Chang's hideouts to rescue Paco. Detected, the J-Team is attacked by the J-Team-clones but Uncle finds a way to over-ride the magic clones and turn them on Chang and Yip.
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#44 - The Power of Shrimps
Teen Titans Go! - Season 5 - Episode 7
Aqualad uses shrimps and prime rib to try to win back Raven.
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#45 - Oil Drums
Teen Titans Go! - Season 2 - Episode 38
Cyborg is looking forward to a marathon of '80s television shows, but the remote appears to be missing.
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#46 - The Groover
Teen Titans Go! - Season 5 - Episode 12
Robin takes the Titans on an educational trip to the Grand Canyon.
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#47 - Batgirl Begins (1)
The Batman - Season 3 - Episode 1
While The Batman faces off against Temblor, a villain possessing seismic powers, we meet Commissioner Gordon's teenage daughter, Barbara.
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#48 - The Rise of the Blue Beetle!
Batman: The Brave and the Bold - Season 1 - Episode 1
Batman and Blue Beetle go on a mission to destroy an asteroid heading for a space station, only to go up against the deadly Kanjar Ro.
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#49 - The Laughing Bat
The Batman - Season 2 - Episode 4
The Joker decides to take on the role of Batman and doses Bruce with Joker Venom to create an arch-rival of his own.
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#50 - Rabbit Run
Jackie Chan Adventures - Season 3 - Episode 7
Jackie tracks the Rabbit Talisman power to Douglas, Wyoming, Jackalope Country USA! Jade befriends Chip, a third string quarterback who wants to play in the big game that night. She discovers that the team mascot is the talisman rabbit they're looking for, but looses him in the process. Just as they catch up with the whiley rabbit, Daolon and the Dark Chi Enforcers arrive. Chip stumbles upon the group and inadvertenly allows Jade to grab the rabbit. Daolon takes Chip prisoner and demands the rabbit in exchange. Durring the 'exchange' Chip realizes the power of the rabbit and manages to grab it from Jade and take off. Chip arrives at the game just in time to be sent in. Chaos ensues as Jackie goes into the game to retrieve the rabbit while Uncle performs chi spells from the sidelines. Daolon is defeated and the rabbit is sent to Section 13.
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