The BEST episodes written by Matt Steinglass

Doug's Minor Catastrophe
2 votes

#1 - Doug's Minor Catastrophe

Doug - Season 5 - Episode 20

The new snack fad "Nic Nacs" is targeted at adults and kids are going crazy to try some. It soon turns into a negative snack that kids are not supposed to have, which just makes all of Doug's friends wanting some. Through Doug's research for an article for the school paper, he discovers that the snack has an unpleasant and temporary side effect. Also, Mr. Dink quits his job at Bluffco and tries to write his own book.

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Doug on First
4 votes

#2 - Doug on First

Doug - Season 3 - Episode 14

Doug and his friends are on the team Patti's Pulverizers, and they are on top when it comes to winning games. But all of the parents, including Doug's dad, think it's unfair that only Patti gets to pitch and they want their own kids to pitch. But after the parents have their way, they realize that it may not be a good idea.

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Doug Plays Cupid
2 votes

#3 - Doug Plays Cupid

Doug - Season 7 - Episode 26

Roger gets Doug to teach him how to be a gentleman in order to get Beebe to ask him to go to the Bumpkin Day Hoe-Down Dance with him where the girls ask the guys. Doug hopes Patti will ask him, but she's sick and Doug is afraid she'll ask someone else once she's better. Also, Skunky shows his friends that he has webbed toes which is distracting everyone in gym class, so Coach Spitz forces Skunky to cover up his toes at all times.

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Ain't Nothin' but a Pound Dog, part 1
1 votes

#4 - Ain't Nothin' but a Pound Dog, part 1

Martha Speaks - Season 1 - Episode 29

Martha loses her collar and winds up in the animal shelter. She leads an escape attempt, only to find that freedom isn't much without a family. (1st of two parts) Vocabulary (E) abandon, deserted, neglected, overlooked, fortunate (I) alone, forgot, harsh, lonely, tough, rough

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Doug Graduates
39 votes

#5 - Doug Graduates

Doug - Season 4 - Episode 23

Doug and his friends are getting ready for the end of sixth grade and are graduating from Bluffington School. Doug feels a bit sad about leaving so he tries to find Principal Buttsavitch to talk to him. But when he finds out that Roger is as reluctant to leave the school as he is, Doug convinces Roger (and himself) that the new school will be great.

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Doug on the Road
5 votes

#6 - Doug on the Road

Doug - Season 5 - Episode 26

Doug and his friends decide to meet at Funkytown and spend a day having fun, so Judy volunteers to drive him there. But before she drops Doug off, Judy wants to shop at Snord Grupen. After leaving the giant mall, Doug and Judy get lost on the way to Funkytown.

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Doug and the Little Liar
4 votes

#7 - Doug and the Little Liar

Doug - Season 3 - Episode 18

There's a new girl in town named Loretta Lequiqly who says she is from Yakestonia and can speak the language. Loretta catches Skeeter's eye and Doug is convinced that Loretta is a liar, and Skeeter is beliveing everything she says. So Doug asks Fentruck to try and catch Loretta in a lie.

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Doug's Bad Trip
6 votes

#8 - Doug's Bad Trip

Doug - Season 4 - Episode 24

As the summer begins, the Funnies plan to drive across the country to visit the Great Painted Gorge. Phil is committed to keeping to a schedule, but Doug and Judy convince him to stop at several tourist traps along the way. The family isn't having any fun on the trip, until they finally reach the stop that makes it all worthwhile.

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Doug & Patti Sittin' in a Tree
11 votes

#9 - Doug & Patti Sittin' in a Tree

Doug - Season 4 - Episode 4

Patti asks Doug to go with her to the movies, and now everyone at school is teasing them about dating. Even Doug wonders if it is really a date or not. In order to find out, Skeeter goes through dating scenarios from a book with Doug.

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Doug's Bum Rap
10 votes

#10 - Doug's Bum Rap

Doug - Season 4 - Episode 3

Doug is accused of cheating when he and Chalky score identical marks on a test. He is given one day to confess or he'll have to take a re-test. Doug knows he didn't cheat so he tries to talk about it with Chalky, but he keeps avoiding Doug.

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Doug's Math Problem
12 votes

#11 - Doug's Math Problem

Doug - Season 4 - Episode 1

Doug gets a letter from his school and panics when he sees it's addressed to his parents. Since he's doing poorly in math, Doug immediately assumes that it's a failing notice! So he does everything to find out what the letter says and avoid his parents from seeing it. If that wasn't enough, Patti is trying to tell Doug something and get her message to him.

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Doug's Big Feat
9 votes

#12 - Doug's Big Feat

Doug - Season 4 - Episode 2

It's the day of the big football game against Bloatsburg and Doug is snared by Coach Spitz, who mistakenly believes Doug has a "golden toe" for field kicking. Doug is then put into the next football game by Coach Spitz, and he is very nervous when he finds out that Percy Femur is on the other team.

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Doug's New Teacher
5 votes

#13 - Doug's New Teacher

Doug - Season 3 - Episode 13

While Mrs. Wingo is away, a substitute named Ms. Newberry takes her place. But Doug makes a bad first impression which places him as the class troublemaker and Roger as the nice guy. So Doug tries everything to change Ms. Newberry's image of him.

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Doug's Patti Beef
4 votes

#14 - Doug's Patti Beef

Doug - Season 5 - Episode 9

Patti eyes the snooty club, The Junior Daughters of the Founding Mothers and Fathers where no boys are allowed and Doug is surprised she's interested in it. Doug worries if Patti joins the club, she'll change and won't have time for him anymore. Also, Skeeter has his eye on Muffy Silverson who is part of the club, so Doug and Skeeter dress up as girls to find out all about the snooty place. Meanwhile, Ned, Willy and Boomer accidenally save the oldest tree in town and are treated as public heroes.

Quailman VII: Quaildad
3 votes

#15 - Quailman VII: Quaildad

Doug - Season 7 - Episode 4

Doug, Patti and Guy are invited to see The Beets recording a new record in Bluffington, but Doug promised to clean his grandma's attic with his Dad. As he cleans, Doug escapes into a daydream about how goofy Quailman's Dad is against the Golden Salmon. Back to reality, Doug finds out that his Dad was in a band in the 70's and when he drops Doug off at the recording studio, they learn that the Beets need a replacement drummer for a song. When Phil steps up to take the job, Doug just hopes he won't be embarassed.

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Doug's Great Beet War
5 votes

#16 - Doug's Great Beet War

Doug - Season 3 - Episode 25

When the Bluffington School float for the upcoming Beet parade goes missing, Doug is accused of helping the Moody School students steal it. So Doug and Porkchop must sneak into the Moody School to see for themselves.

Doug's Hot Property
3 votes

#17 - Doug's Hot Property

Doug - Season 3 - Episode 17

Some tough high schoolers offer to sell Doug the very rare first issue of Man-O-Steel Man comic book, the issue he is missing. That same issue turns out to be missing from Sully's comic book store, and Doug feels guilty that he owns the only copy around. But when Mr. Sully only lets one customer into his shop at a time for security reasons, Doug decides what is right for everyone.

Quailman vs. the Annoying S.T.U.A.R.T.
2 votes

#18 - Quailman vs. the Annoying S.T.U.A.R.T.

Doug - Season 7 - Episode 12

The S.T.U.A.R.T. corporation's faulty products are making citizens in Megalopolis uncharacteristically short-tempered. Quailman has had enough of the faulty products, so he and Silver Skeeter set out to find the leader.

Doug's Magic Act
4 votes

#19 - Doug's Magic Act

Doug - Season 3 - Episode 26

Doug tries to impress Patti with a magic trick from his new magic set, but it backfires and they end up handcuffed together, without the key, for the entire afternoon. This does not sit well with Patti as it makes her miss planned activites. After many attempts to get the key, they realize the magic store owner may have a solution.

Judy, Judy, Judy
1 votes

#20 - Judy, Judy, Judy

Doug - Season 6 - Episode 5

Judy helps out with Gwen Gauntlet, her favorite actress and teen role model, while she is in town to shoot an entertainment show. Judy hopes she can get a recommendation from Gwen for Vole University. However, Gwen is so self-absorbed that it tests the limits of Judy's patience. Meanwhile, Doug and Skeeter think they've shot proof of the monster on Judy's video camera and Judy won't let them see the tape.

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Doug: Beebe Goes Broke
0 votes

#21 - Doug: Beebe Goes Broke

Doug - Season 7 - Episode 20

Beebe Bluff's family is penniless due to heavy investments in the Yakestonian snoozegraffle crop, which gets completely destroyed due to a storm. Also because of the destroyed crop, Fentruck's family can't support their son overseas and will have to send him back home if he doesn't raise enough money. Doug, Patti and Skeeter try to save Fentruck from leaving and show Beebe that you don't need a lot of money to have a good time.

Martha in Charge
0 votes

#22 - Martha in Charge

Martha Speaks - Season 1 - Episode 26

Helen comes down with laryngitis, and she's sent to bed to recuperate. Martha decides to use her powers of speech to take care of the patient and find a cure. So why are a police car, fire engine, pizza delivery van, and chimney sweep truck all blocking the road in front of Helen's house? Vocabulary: (E) remedy, recover, recuperate, cure, medicine (I) hoarse, rest, well, sick

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Ain't Nothin' but a Pound Dog, part 2
0 votes

#23 - Ain't Nothin' but a Pound Dog, part 2

Martha Speaks - Season 1 - Episode 30

When Martha's family comes to take her home, she decides she can't leave her shelter friends behind. Adopting that many dogs is out of the question, so Martha, Helen, and T.D. cook up a plan to find families for the pound pooches. (2nd of two parts) Vocabulary (E) adopt, affection, devoted, embrace, loyal (I) adore, belong, care, dream, hope

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Martha vs. Robot
0 votes

#24 - Martha vs. Robot

Martha Speaks - Season 1 - Episode 57

Alice's family gets a robotic pet called Dynamo who can do everything a real dog can do and help you with your math homework. Martha decides to show that she's even more perfect than the perfect pet, so Helen won't replace her with a mechanical mutt. If that fails, can she work with Nelson to get rid of Dynamo? Vocabulary (E) command, function, manual, mechanical, program (I) robot, charge, fetch, alive, button

Martha Treads the Boards
0 votes

#25 - Martha Treads the Boards

Martha Speaks - Season 1 - Episode 67

Helen's mom and dad are starring in the community theater production, and Helen's the stage manager. Even Martha gets a part... as a bull. When the big night finally comes, Mom and Dad get trapped in their dressing room. The play must go on, but now the bull is the bullfighter and the bullfighter is... her sister? What will they do for an encore? Vocabulary (E) tradition, custom, culture, generation, annual (I) family, different, community, theater, marry