The BEST episodes written by Marc Sotkin

The Festival (2)
2 votes

#1 - The Festival (2)

Laverne & Shirley - Season 4 - Episode 2

Frank tries to win the climbing the greased pole contest so he can win a trip to Italy for his mother.

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Camp Town Races Aren't Nearly as Much Fun as They Used to Be
23 votes

#2 - Camp Town Races Aren't Nearly as Much Fun as They Used to Be

The Golden Palace - Season 1 - Episode 11

When The Daughters of the Traditional South are set to arrive at the hotel, Blanche hangs a Confederate flag on the front counter, though this doesn't bode well with Roland. Meanwhile, Rose is outraged when a married man whom she knows checks in with his mistress.

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Ebb Tide
176 votes

#3 - Ebb Tide

The Golden Girls - Season 5 - Episode 11

Blanche is shattered after her father, Big Daddy, passes away. However, when she goes back to her childhood home, she gets into a big argument with her sister, Virginia and decides not to attend the funeral.

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The Festival (1)
4 votes

#4 - The Festival (1)

Laverne & Shirley - Season 4 - Episode 1

The girls go to New York to visit all of Laverne's relatives and to attend the Italian festival. Laverne's Grandmother, Frank's mother takes a liking to Squiggy and treats him like a son.

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The Monkey Show (2)
120 votes

#5 - The Monkey Show (2)

The Golden Girls - Season 7 - Episode 9

Dorothy discovering Gloria sleeping with Stan just adds to their sibling rivalry and Sophia has had it so she leaves just prior the the hurricane hitting.

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The Monkey Show (1)
244 votes

#6 - The Monkey Show (1)

The Golden Girls - Season 7 - Episode 8

A hurricane is brewing and it's not just outside after Dorothy gets a visit first from Stan with news that he's over her and moving on with his life. Dorothy quickly discovers who he's moving on with, her sister, Gloria. Meanwhile, Blanche and Rose hold a telethon to save a lighthouse.

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Ebbtide VI: The Wrath of Stan
206 votes

#7 - Ebbtide VI: The Wrath of Stan

The Golden Girls - Season 7 - Episode 18

It is the annual "Buy Sophia New Shoes" day, and Dorothy is forced to take her. Blanche also tags along, mentioning that it might be fun. Meanwhile, Uncle Angelo drops by and Rose is there. Since she is trying to find a good story to report on, she is more than happy to hear Angelo's story. Apparently, his apartment building is infested with huge bugs. When the ladies watch the news, Rose insists they watch the news story about the bugs. Dorothy then tells Rose she and Stan are the landlords. Rose then tells her she didn't realize there was a family side to the story. She won't give up on the story, and a minute later, the cops show up to arrest Dorothy. They have a trial, and Stan drops his attorney for a younger woman who knows nothing. The defense lawyer is unbeatable by giving compliments to the witnesses which makes them vulnerable to his advantage. Stan and Dorothy end up losing and are forced to live in a sleasy apartment building for a while.

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Ebbtide's Revenge
252 votes

#8 - Ebbtide's Revenge

The Golden Girls - Season 6 - Episode 12

Dorothy must give the eulogy at her brother (a cross dresser), Phil's funeral. Meanwhile, a feud between Sophia and Phil's widow reaches a peak leading Sophia to reveal her hidden feelings about her son's alternative lifestyle.

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Laverne & Shirley Go to Night School
3 votes

#9 - Laverne & Shirley Go to Night School

Laverne & Shirley - Season 4 - Episode 6

Shirley wants to become a medical assistant, and wants reluctant Laverne to go to night school with her.

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Rose Fights Back
178 votes

#10 - Rose Fights Back

The Golden Girls - Season 5 - Episode 4

When the company that Rose's husband worked for, cuts off their pension plan, Rose must face the fact that she's going to get a new job, one that pays more. However, she quickly finds herself dealing with something she never expected, age discrimination. Meanwhile, Sophia goes wild buying things in quantity at a Shopper's Warehouse.

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Ebbtide for the Defense
21 votes

#11 - Ebbtide for the Defense

The Golden Palace - Season 1 - Episode 5

Chuy meets an old friend with a grudge against him; the staff try to make it through the weekend incident free when they realize they don't have any insurance coverage.

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The President's Coming! The President's Coming! (1)
111 votes

#12 - The President's Coming! The President's Coming! (1)

The Golden Girls - Season 5 - Episode 25

An FBI agent investigates the girls' life's for a possible visit from President Bush. This leads the girls to reminisce about times they have spent together.

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Pressure from Grandma
7 votes

#13 - Pressure from Grandma

Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 16

Charles is in charge of the Pembroke children when their parents are off on a week's vacation in Jamaica, their first one without the kids. Grandma Irene also arrives to help take care of things. She brings with her a very innovative sample of merchandise, a new kind of pizza, which she plans to launch with Charles' assistance. The offer she makes him is very tempting and Charles almost accepts it but backs out in the end, realizing that he does not need a new job. He has one already that brings him enough money to go to school, which is really all he wants. Grandma Irene decides that it would give her more privacy if she moved into an apartment close by and that she also is more than capable to handle her new pizza-selling campaign by herself.

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Take My Plants, Please
7 votes

#14 - Take My Plants, Please

Laverne & Shirley - Season 3 - Episode 11

The girls get laid off so they go to work for themselves selling flowers and plants door to door.

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Charles' Spring Break (A.K.A.: The Last Resort)
8 votes

#15 - Charles' Spring Break (A.K.A.: The Last Resort)

Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 19

Charles and his friends, Buddy, Gwendolyn and others, save and scrape together as much money as they possibly can to spend a few days of rest and relaxation in sunny Florida. But unfortunately, as it often happens, all sorts of unexpected problems come up just before they leave and it seems that, once in Florida, Charles cannot get off the telephone with Douglas. The poor kid has fallen prey to a "junior blackmailer" and is in desperate need of money.

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A Chorus Line
2 votes

#16 - A Chorus Line

Laverne & Shirley - Season 4 - Episode 10

Laverne dreams of going to Broadway when she auditions for West Side Story in Chicago.

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Rose and Fern
18 votes

#17 - Rose and Fern

The Golden Palace - Season 1 - Episode 13

Miles contacts Rose again and wants them back together. Blanche advises Rose to date other people to get over him. Roland tells Blanche something is wrong in the books and he suspects someone may be stealing money from the hotel. Blanche swears she will not tell anyone while he investigates. A woman wants her wedding organized at the hotel and Rose wants it to be a cow-themed traditional wedding. Blanche suspects Sophia, then Chuy about the thefts. Rose decides to get back together with Miles until she finds out he is about to marry the very woman whose wedding she organized. Roland catches Blanche taking money from the cash drawer, not even realizing she is embezzling. Rose wants to attend the wedding so she can get on with her life.

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Jill's Decision
9 votes

#18 - Jill's Decision

Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 15

Charles has a million things to do before he meets Michelle Harris for coffee at the Lamplight. He hopes she will agree to have dinner with him soon -- maybe that night? Since Jill is suddenly called oh a special assignment that goes with the promotion to arts and fashion editor, Charles has to watch the children for the rest of the day. That means he will not be able to take Michelle out to dinner, but Buddy comes up with an excellent suggestion -- Buddy will pick up the seafood dinner at the restaurant, and Charles and Michelle can have an intimate dinner at home. Easier said than done - Jason is in a school play and has a problem with laughing when he comes to a certain line. Lila needs lessons in throwing a good softball - that is, not throwing like a girl. Douglas is invited to a party and just has to know how to dance. He doesn't want to look like a jerk. When Charles and Michelle finally sit down to dinner in the kitchen, the children come in and interrupt them...

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2001: A Comedy Odyssey
3 votes

#19 - 2001: A Comedy Odyssey

Laverne & Shirley - Season 3 - Episode 22

Laverne dreams she and Shirley are in their 80's still living together and still single. Laverne and Shirley are old and single but so are Lenny and Squiggy which leads to them going to marry each other finally so they can have some fun.

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New Year's Eve 1960
4 votes

#20 - New Year's Eve 1960

Laverne & Shirley - Season 3 - Episode 12

It is New Years Eve and Laverne is dumped by her date and Shirley has a cold. Squiggy does his human fly stunt as the countdown to the new year, 1960, arrives.

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Señor Stinky Learns Absolutely Nothing About Life
20 votes

#21 - Señor Stinky Learns Absolutely Nothing About Life

The Golden Palace - Season 1 - Episode 16

The Golden Palace is being sued by the owner of another hotel : he says part of the girls' parking lot is on his property. Blanche challenges herself and tries to deal with this as a business woman instead of seducing the man so he drops his charge. Chuy is mad because Roland, who is the captain of the volleyball team, will not let him play but lets Rose on the team even though she is not better than he is. Blanche finally finds a solution to the problem without getting romantically involved with the hotel owner even though he flirts with her. Rose decides to be a cheerleader instead of playing but one of the player hurts himself so Roland asks Chuy to play. However they loose because of him and Roland gets upset which he later regrets. Once the business chapter is closed with the hotel owner, Blanche accepts a date.

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Accidental Puppy
10 votes

#22 - Accidental Puppy

Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 12

Charles, Buddy, and Gwendolyn have just returned from two days camping out in line for tickets to a Bruce Springsteen concert. They feel that it was a worthy life experience spending the night with fifteen thousand people sleeping with their heads on the curb, but it did not get them tickets to the concert. They still would give a lot to get tickets but how? Charles is still occupied with his problem when Jason and Douglas come in the back door carrying the dog. They blame each other for 'killing' the dog. All the while, the dog is very much alive, and both boys want Charles' permission to keep it. Charles agrees that they may-- just long enough until the rightful owner has been found. In the meantime, Jill and Stan have to go to a wedding, Charles has to make decisions on how to sort dirty laundry, and what to do with the two Bruce Springsteen tickets he just won by phoning a local radio station.

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Ski Show
2 votes

#23 - Ski Show

Laverne & Shirley - Season 7 - Episode 17

Laverne and Shirley decide that they must change their usual habits for meeting guys because they're not getting anywhere going around the single bars. Rhonda comes in and shows the girls her new ski outfit. This gives Laverne the idea that they should go to a ski resort to meet new guys. Shirley reluctantly agrees. Next we see them trying to ski and failing miserably, especially Shirley. Along comes a chairlift guy who Laverne wants to impress so she lies about being a novice and pretends she knows how to get on the ski lift. Of course she doesn't and the next few scenes are pictures of the girls trying and failing to mount the ski lift. Eventually they manage only to have the ski lift breakdown while they're half way up a mountain. The girls are up there for hours, but eventually they get back to the ground. We find them sitting on a rock, shivering and hugging among themselves about whose great idea it was to come skiing when along comes two mountain rescue guys Bob and Bennett.

44 votes

#24 - War

Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 4

The Wilsons would like to hire a young lady to take care of their children. Mrs. Pembroke suggests that she spend some time with Charles to see if she's up to it. Much to Charles' embarrassment, Jane (Meg Ryan) turns out to be a very pretty girl who has heard many great things about him. The kids do not usually manage to get into big fights. But because Jane believes that they should settle their differences their own way, things get completely out of hand. This time their fight escalates into clothes swiping, chemical warfare and mental torture. All this action is being taped by Lila who has a very important school assignment. When Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke return from their trip, they find Jane in the kitchen, thinking. She realizes that children are capable of much more than she ever dreamed possible and that a "normal job" would probably be a better idea.

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