The BEST episodes written by Laura Beaumont And Paul Larson

#1 - Castles and Kings
Fireman Sam - Season 10 - Episode 3
Mandy, Norman and the Twins play castles and kings and Norman wanted to build a fire breathing dragon, but the dragon catches fire and later crashes into Bessie's shed which causes the fire to spread on the back of the shed.
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#2 - Runaway Horse
Fireman Sam - Season 10 - Episode 1
Sam, Elvis, Arnold and Penny are on their way to rescue Lizzie Sparkes from the Veterinary Clinics roof only to find that it's Woolly that needs rescuing. Meanwhile, James, Sarah, Norman and Mandy are having a race to the hills and Norman is not happy that James and Sarah are ahead of them. Back at the Veterinary clinic, Arnold is attempting to get Woolly to come to him and Sam advises him to talk to Woolly calmly, but in the end it's Arnold who manages to fall onto the safety pad below and Sam ends up rescuing Woolly. Norman, angry that Sarah and James are winning, suggests riding a horse to win, but Mandy does not like this idea. Suddenly, the horse speeds off and ends up getting stuck in some mud. Sam, Arnold and Ellie respond to the rescue call along with their new multi purpose 4x4 Phoenix. Once they arrive Sam and Arnold change into their animal rescue gear and rescue Norman and the Horse from the mud, with Arnold keeping the horse calm. Later as Norman rants about not winning the race, Sam advises Arnold that there is someone else who needs calming down as well.
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#3 - Pizza Pandemonium
Fireman Sam - Season 10 - Episode 4
James makes Sam, Sarah and Hannah a Pizza which was one of Bella Lasagne's recipes. Since Hannah never knew who she was, Bronwyn told her that she had her own Café once in Pontypandy (still seen opposite from Dilys shop) and had since moved to Newtown. Gareth turns up at the Wholefish Café asking for help with food at a party down at the railway station and James volunteers to help. At the Ocean Rescue Centre, Arnold and Ellie are proceeding with their fire service training by changing into their ocean rescue uniforms as quickly as possible. However, Elvis manages to get the zip on his life jacket stuck. At the Cafe, James, Sarah and Hannah have made lots of pizzas but are struggling to fit them in the oven so Sarah suggests cooking them in the oven upstairs and cooking some at Hannah's house. Back at the fire station, Arnold and Ellie are now changing into their animal rescue uniforms whilst Station Officer Steele is trying to get the Ocean rescue uniform off Elvis. After that Elvis quickly changes into the Animal rescue uniform and gets that stuck too. Sarah James and Hannah arrive back at the Cafe only to find that it's on fire. Station Officer Steele sends Sam, Penny, Arnold and Ellie to fight the fires whilst Elvis gets out of his uniform. Once the fires are out, Hannah forgets that there's pizza's in the oven at her house and worries that they could be on fire too, so a late Elvis rushes there on Mercury and puts out the last fire. With the pizza's all burnt, there's no food left, so Sam fetches 2 surprises: 1. Fresh pizzas and 2. The return of Bella Lasagne who everyone is surprised to see.

#4 - Sam's Birthday
Fireman Sam - Season 10 - Episode 2
While trying to get Sam's birthday organised, Sam's present goes out of control and James, Hannah and Dilys fall into the quay.