The BEST episodes written by Korie Tomonaga

#1 - Hakone-chan and Hakone-sama
Hakone-chan - Season 1 - Episode 5
Hakone gets a level up!
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Saiyuki - Season 3 - Episode 12
The SI drives into a dusty town, so run-down it doesn't even have an inn. Goku can't wait till they reach the next village to eat, so Hakkai and Gojyo go off with him to locate snacks and pick up some cigarettes for Sanzo. The monk waits for them, leaning on Hakuryu and puffing one of his last remaining smokes. A lot of crows are about...the wind rises ominously... someone is sneaking closer and closer to the jeep--someone who looks oddly small--and then approaches Sanzo, whose eyes widen in alarm. When H, G&G return, both priest and jeep are gone, but Hakuryu's frantic kyuu-ing from above points the way...And we see a creepy Gothic-looking mansion on a hill, with rooms full of jointed dolls, mostly unfinished [the BJD Workshop from Hell!]. A blank-eyed Sanzo is sitting in a room gazing at a TV monitor which clicks through shots from a battery of surveillance cameras outside [huh? since when did the Saiyukiverse have this sort of technology?]. Behind him a finished doll appears--a silver-haired boy in traditional dress--, saying that Sanzo's face is beautiful, and he's sure many people loved him. [--Well, he's half right.] The doll's annoyed to hear the screech of brakes as Hakuryu and the trio pull up outside. Gojyo complains about Sanzo being the only one invited to the mansion. The gate creaks open by itself: Hakkai says grimly "looks as if they want us to come in", while Gojyo grumbles that this is no way to treat guests ("Self-service?" he complains in English. =) . --inside the gate they're greeted by rows and rows of Chinese mandarin dolls who stand silently watching them pass. If this has been written by someone who knew the series both Hakkai and Gojyo would have Chin Yisou flashbacks and be deeply creeped out, but *sigh* this is Tomonaga-san's first Saiyuki script, so Hakkai just chuckles and reassures Goku that they're only dolls. G&G are really uneasy, which isn't helped by Hakkai adding spookily "the dolls are laughing at you" [--evil 'Kai. =)], and
Watch Now:Amazon#3 - To The Limits Of Mourning ~death wish~
Saiyuki - Season 3 - Episode 15
A typical scene: guys driving along, Goku hungry, Hakkai says "next village soon", and sure enough it looks like a thriving town. Goku's happy at the prospect of restaurants but unnerved by the passing-by of a hoe-carrying villager; Hakkai observes that this is unlike him and Goku admits that having had to fight resurrected humans has rattled him. Enemies are enemies, whether demon or human, says Sanzo. Yeah, but...we're youkai, so being told to kill other youkai or really anyone... --Doesn't feel right, does it? agrees Gojyo. [This translation has got to be messed up somehow, since the SI has been dusting youkai for thousands of miles and Goku has had no such issues, but I'm not bilingual enough to repair so leave as is. Perhaps he means "this talk of killing all youkai"? ]--As they've been talking, a woman has come walking over the hill; she now snarls 'youkai, prepare to die!'and charges them with drawn blade. She's not an experienced swordfighter, and Goku easily disarms her and is ready to kick butt when he realizes the woman's eyes aren't yellow. You're not a corpse?--he startles... In a restaurant, we see the guys sitting at a table with their assailant and an older man. Please excuse my daughter-in-law's actions, he says, and she apologizes, saying she'd had no idea they were the famed Sanzo Party. Hakkai says it's fine and Goku happily chows down, but Sanzo = major misgivings; sure enough, the woman (her name's Fumika) then asks if Sanzo-sama will grant them the favor of killing a particular demon. In return, they can stay at the inn as long as they wish for free, she adds. Sanzo replies with a flat "Kotowaru" ('I refuse'), saying that they need to keep to their mission, which is not just to kill youkai. The guys think this harsh, and Hakkai asks the man to explain the request. Youkai killed my son, he says bitterly, and Fumika adds that it was on the very day she came here to be married. Flashback: youkai raiding the wedding ceremony, the groom (Taisho)
Watch Now:Amazon#4 - Return To Life ~sympathy~
Saiyuki - Season 3 - Episode 16
After the catch-up flashback: we see the guys pelting into the forest. They come to a halt, and Hakkai observes that the forest is full of youki (youkai's ki=demon energy); Gojyo reckons that'll make it harder to track the thief. Hakkai asks the blackly angry Sanzo "who would take your gun?"; he looks as if he's got a good idea who... And there's Fumika, still holding the shoreijuu trained on the scar-faced youkai; he and his cronies are much amused. She cries that she'd still be with Taisho if not for the demons, and they're even more amused, jeering that her man had cried like a baby and begged for his life; his last word was her name. Not too manly, huh? the scarred one taunts her. Fumika says they're unforgivable, but still doesn't pull the damn trigger because she has to make her speech. Taisho only begged for his life because he knew she was pregnant, she says; the baby died, so I've lost everything, but you demons wouldn't understand how that feels--The scarred youkai, as sick of her as we are, says "then why don't you die too?" and delivers a wicked slash with his claws. She drops the gun and falls. The demons are guffawing heartily when-- who should come walking through the woods but a grim-looking Hazel and Gat. Hazel unleashes the big guy, who fires at will. The gunfire draws the attention of the SI, who head for it at a run. Gat drops the last youkai, and Hazel spots Fumika's body lying among the fallen... When the ikkou comes running up, they find the clearing full of youkai corpses (I count 27) but no one else. (Specifically: though they of course don't realize it, Fumika's body is gone.) They were shot, but it can't have been with Sanzo's gun, as the shoreijuu only holds five rounds. It must have been them then, says Gojyo darkly [literally: "Hazel-tachi da"], and Hakkai agrees. --Goku finds the banishing gun lying on the ground, and returns it to its owner, who's not much appeased. Next morning: the ikkou heads down to the inn's dining room
Watch Now:Amazon#5 - Reanimated Man ~desperado~
Saiyuki - Season 3 - Episode 21
After the flashback: we see the ikkou-minus-3 (I-3) driving along. Goku gripes that he'd never thought Sanzo would be such an asshole; Hakkai diplomatically says "well, he's very stubborn" and Gojyo snaps that Hakkai shouldn't let the "self-centered, bald SoB" off so easy. It'll be great not having him around, says Gojyo, and angry Goku agrees. The saru wonders how the KT is. Flashback to their dropping Lirin off: the princess thanked them, and angrily swore to kill Hazel next time she saw him, for tricking her and hurting her brother and friends. Hakkai advised her to return home at once, as her brother must be worried; Lirin promised to help the SI defeat Hazel ("and afterward we'll beat you guys too!" --yeah right, bring it on, snorts Gojyo) and took off on dragonback.==Goku is still pensive; Gojyo remarks that he has too few brain cells to waste them on worrying, and Goku suddenly stands up in the back seat and lets out a howl that nearly startles Hakuryu into a wheelie. Gojyo upbraids Goku; the saru gripes that "just thinking of that baldy Sanzo makes me so mad!" (yeah, right.) --Hakkai laughs, and Gojyo tells him to pick up speed, so they can reach the West before Sanzo does. We're counting on you, Hakuryu! Goku tells the jeep, which kyuus in enthused response. Hakkai adds that there's no chance he'll get there ahead of them, as he's traveling on foot, and G&G break out in fresh chortles; he's so slow! and those sandals are hard to walk in! [Um, Goku ought to have noticed that he gave up wearing his temple sandals 2 series ago...] And he smokes too much, puts in Hakkai. Yet more chortles from the back seat. On the trail: Sanzo trips on a rock, stumbles and goes splat; he cusses, dusts off and walks on. Hazel observes that at this pace they'll be campin' out for the night, and Gato has been patiently gathering up Sanzo's chain-smoked cigarettes as he drops them--he has most of a can full. Hazel catches up as the monk lights yet another and asks if he doesn't
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#6 - Hakone-chan Has Descended!
Hakone-chan - Season 1 - Episode 1
While wishing to the shrine of the hot spring spirit that he would get closer to Haruna, Tohya drops a steamed bun into the water, and out pops a strange little girl.
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#7 - Hakone-chan and the Secret Box
Hakone-chan - Season 1 - Episode 2
Haruna's sister, Aki, doesn't believe is the spirit of the hot springs, but while they're taking a bath, she shows them her powers.
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#8 - Hakone-chan and the Box Cat
Hakone-chan - Season 1 - Episode 3
Hakone-chan shows off her talents and lands a job.
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#9 - Hakone-chan and the Tourism Ambassador
Hakone-chan - Season 1 - Episode 4
Hakone, the new tour ambassador for Yumoto, works a little too hard.
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#10 - Hakone-chan and Miya-chan
Hakone-chan - Season 1 - Episode 6
A new hotel opens up next to Shunjusou. The owner is a girl named Miki, another hot spring spirit.
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#11 - Hakone-chan and the Hot Spring Pool
Hakone-chan - Season 1 - Episode 7
Miya invites the gang to her hot spring pool. Something's fishy, but seeing Haruna in her swimsuit, Tohya goes along with it.
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#12 - Hakone-chan and Jigokudani
Hakone-chan - Season 1 - Episode 8
Tour ambassador Hakone goes to Jigokudani, where Aki gives her a scare by saying there are still demons there.
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#13 - Hakone-chan and Otamagaike
Hakone-chan - Season 1 - Episode 9
Hakone-chan and the ghost.
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#14 - Hakone-chan and Goura Park
Hakone-chan - Season 1 - Episode 10
Hakone and the gang visit Goura Parks, where they're attacked by the resident spirit.
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#15 - Hakone-chan and the Tekkosen
Hakone-chan - Season 1 - Episode 11
It turns out that there are more hot spring spirits out there.
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#16 - Hakone-chan and the New Hot Spring Spirits
Hakone-chan - Season 1 - Episode 12
Hakone and Miya, accompanied by Haruna, Aki, and Tōya, are returning to Motohakone via the Tekkosen. Miya tries using her Water of Servitude to deal with the crowds, but that left her open for Gōra to snatch her secret puzzle box. Hakone goes after them to retrieve it, making Miya realize (through Tōya) that Hakone does not see her as an enemy, but as a friend. Miya is then urged to help Hakone. Miya is able to lunge at Gōra and take her puzzle box back. She then unleashes its powers, making Gōra grovel uncontrollably. As the ship returns to Motohakone, everyone races back to the shrine.
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#17 - A New Day with Hakone-chan
Hakone-chan - Season 1 - Episode 13
For a moment Hakone and Miya regained their full powers upon reaching the shrine. Hakone mentions that no hot spring spirit can warm the soul with stolen powers. Sensing wisdom in her words Gōra tells Ashinoko to stop. Ashinoko turns on Gōra as a result, but that is because Ashinoko, being still too young, cannot fully handle her powers yet. Hakone and Miya return to their weakened states because of using too much power, but Hakone manages to neutralize the enraged Ashinoko, causing her to disappear. They fail to find her, but managed to return to her well a few seasons later. Gōra and Ashinoko started working around Haruna's family-owned resort, and things return to normal.
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