The BEST episodes written by Kimberly Morris

8 votes

#1 - Flashback

SilverHawks - Season 1 - Episode 40

A SilverHawk from the future named Flashback goes back in time to prevent the SilverHawks' destruction at the hands of the mob.

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10 votes

#2 - Sky-Shadow

SilverHawks - Season 1 - Episode 9

Frustrated by the constant surveillance of the SilverHawks, Mon-Star gets a hold of a deadly bird, Sky-Shadow. Then after capturing, and analyzing Tally-Hawk the mob is able to create their own cyborg spy bird. Can the SilverHawks stop Mon-Star and his gang before Tally-Hawk`s time is up? Or will the Sky-Shadow destroy them all?

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The Fighting Hawks
6 votes

#3 - The Fighting Hawks

SilverHawks - Season 1 - Episode 24

The mob programs the machines of the planet Automata to produce fearsome copies of Sky-Shadow. The twins work franticly to produce a counter-weapon, the Fighting Hawks. Will the Fighting Hawks save Limbo from Mon-Star's mass-produced mayhem?

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Small World
6 votes

#4 - Small World

SilverHawks - Season 1 - Episode 58

Hardware shrinks Automata in an attempt to take it past the light year limit to change its function so as to make all the money the Mob wants. It is up to Hotwing, Flashback, Condor and Moonstryker to stop them.

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The Star of Bedlama
6 votes

#5 - The Star of Bedlama

SilverHawks - Season 1 - Episode 43

When PokerFace gets his hands on a million dollar diamond he'll try anything to keep it including a double cross that sends BlueGrass right into an ambush.

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The Telepathy Beam
76 votes

#6 - The Telepathy Beam

ThunderCats - Season 3 - Episode 9

Vultureman creates a device that plays around with Cheetara's sixth sense. She begins to see images that aren't real, and she soon begins to lose faith in herself. Meanwhile, the Lunataks enslave Panthro with a mind control device, and tell him to make the Sky-Tomb able to fly to Thundera. When the Thundercats are looking for Panthro, Vultureman makes Cheetara see images of him being captured by Mumm-Ra, being stuck on Hook Mt., and being held at Castle Plundarr. Lion-O goes to Mumm-Ra's pyramid, and is ambushed by Luna and Amok, who capture him. Tygra goes to Plundarr and is captured by Red Eye. The Thunderkittens also get captured on Hook Mountain. Cheetara is about to go crazy, but Lynx-O tells her to listen to her heart instead of her mind. She turns into a huge ball of energy that shoots out and destroys Vultureman's device and frees Panthro and the other Thundercats.

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46 votes

#7 - Frogman

ThunderCats - Season 4 - Episode 7

Wily Kit and Kat are constructing a well for the New Cat's Lair on New Thundera. The Thundercats on New Thundera receive a distress signal from Thunderian refugees trying to find their way to New Thundera. The Kittens are left alone with Snarf on at the New Cat's Lair, and Lion-O and Snarfer are out constructing an early warning device (I guess for weather purposes). The rest of the Thundercats seek out the refugees in space. When Wily Kit and Kat strike water, they accidentally unleash a monster that Jaga trapped in the underground lake centuries ago. Frogman, with aquatic powers, tries to sink the New Cats Lair. Lion-O however re-traps Frogman in his watery prison.

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Day of the Eclipse
48 votes

#8 - Day of the Eclipse

ThunderCats - Season 2 - Episode 14

Third Earth is experiencing a total lunar eclipse and Mumm-Ra uses this eclipse to cast a spell that will cause Cats Lair and everything in it to malfunction. The Thundercats first notice this when things start falling apart and fail. Lion-O and Panthro must fight the Mutants while having problems running the Thundertank. They still manage to defeat the Mutants, but crash the Thundertank. Lion-O realizes that this must be Mumm-Ra's evil work and goes to the pyramid to stop Mumm-Ra. Meanwhile Cats Lair is getting worse as Cheetara and Tygra rush to fix things in the lair but are attacked by the Lunataks. They defeat the Lunataks temporarily, but the Lunataks return to finish off the Lair. In order to break the spell, Lion-O must use the Sword to block out the sun

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The Mad Bubbler
51 votes

#9 - The Mad Bubbler

ThunderCats - Season 2 - Episode 9

The Madd Bubbler, an ancient creature of third earth who lives in an old Thundrilium mine on hook mountain has the power to turn all creatures into evil beings, and making people accept his modo - "destroy, or be destroyed". He manages to seduce the Luna-tacs to fight against each other, and afterwards Panthro, Tygra, and Cheetarah. They fall under the bubblers power and begin fighting each other to the death. Lion-O, observing these occurrences through the sword of omens finds out from Jaga that snarfs are not capable of evil. He summons Snarf and Snarfer and tell them to retrieve the Thundercats from the mine so that they can be returned to their normal selves.

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The Formula
46 votes

#10 - The Formula

ThunderCats - Season 3 - Episode 13

Aluro invents a ""booster"" potion in hopes that it can make Sky Tomb able to fly to Thundera. It doesn't work, and he throws the potion into the forest. Then he notices everything in the forest has grown huge. He and Luna give the potion to the Mutants, who sprinkle it around Cats Lair. The Mutants also capture Lynx-O and Snarf. But while the Mutants are preparing to transfer Lynx-O and Snarf from their cell, a mouse in the cell who Snarf had befriended gets some of the potion and attacks the Mutants. That lets Lynx-O and Snarf analyze the potion and come up with an antidote. Meanwhile, Lion-O, Pumyra, and the Thunderkittens are fighting off huge bugs in the forest that has grown around Cats Lair. Lynx-O and Snarf arrive, sprinkle the antidote over the forest, and then watch as everything turns back to normal.