The BEST episodes written by Kevin Kaliher

#1 - The Old Switcharooms
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 2 - Episode 80
After Dexter and Dee Dee destroy Dad's bowling trophy, they are sent to each other's room.
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#2 - Down in the Dumps
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 2 - Episode 48
Dexter and Dee Dee go to the dumps to retrieve Dee Dee's lost teddy bear.
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#3 - Ocean Commotion
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 2 - Episode 31
While at the beach, Dee Dee (who's wearing a mermaid swimsuit) gets captured by a maniac sailor so Dexter must rescue her.
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#4 - RoboDexo 3000
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 3 - Episode 26
Dexter creates the ultimate robot (RoboDexo 3000) to replace his previous 200 model.
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#5 - Unfortunate Cookie
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 2 - Episode 49
Dexter and Dee Dee get trapped with a Finger trap.
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#6 - Dee Dee's Tail
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 2 - Episode 61
Dexter uses his science to turn Dee Dee into a horse.
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#7 - They Got Chops
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 4 - Episode 36
Dee Dee starts layin' down the Judo on Dexter, then Dexter learns how to fight back.

#8 - Head Band
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 4 - Episode 13
Dee Dee has a song stuck in her head. Literally.
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#9 - Mountain Mandark
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 4 - Episode 23
Mandark drops technology and starts being more in touch with nature.

#10 - Copping an Attitude
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 3 - Episode 7
Because of his exceptional grades Dexter's school and parents have decided that he can go to college. At first Dexter is happy to be there so he can fill his mind with college knowledge, but in the end the students influence on Dexter allows him to do college pranks sending him a one way ticket back to Huber Elementary School.

#11 - Framed
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 2 - Episode 86
After Dexter breaks his glasses, he starts a new fashion at school.

#12 - Ice Cream Scream
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 2 - Episode 39
Dexter will do anything to make the ice cream vendor stop to get some ice cream.

#13 - Let's Save the World You Jerk!
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 2 - Episode 69
Dexter and Mandark must team up in order to save the Earth from a meteor rain.

#14 - Dexter Vs. Santa's Claws
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 2 - Episode 105
Dexter must prove to Dee Dee that Santa Claus doesn't exist.

#15 - Remember Me
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 4 - Episode 2
Dexter is hit by a wrench while working on a device, and suffers amnesia, Dee Dee decides to mess with his head
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#16 - Height Unseen
Dexter's Laboratory - Season 4 - Episode 25
Dexter is tired of being short, since his old plan of growing himself didn't work, he decides to make everyone shorter than him.