The BEST episodes written by Judy Pioli
#1 - We're in the Army Now (2)
Laverne & Shirley - Season 5 - Episode 10
Laverne & Shirley regret joining the Army.
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#2 - Meet Grandpa
Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 22
As usual, the Pembroke house is buzzing with activity. Charles and Buddy are trying very hard to find themselves summer jobs and are ecstatic when their summer job applications are accepted by a hotel at a summer resort in Pennsylvania. Jason, in the meantime, is brought home by his parents after undergoing knee surgery. At the hospital all he did was watch soap operas, which now affects his life in a very dramatic way. Douglas is trying to change his image of "skinny kid" by putting on some weight and is eating everything in sight. And, in the middle of all this coming and leaving, Jill's father "drops in" from Alaska, announcing to everyone that he is thinking of retirement, and for some reason he is having a very difficult time recognizing all the children in the Pembroke household.
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#3 - Charles' Spring Break (A.K.A.: The Last Resort)
Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 19
Charles and his friends, Buddy, Gwendolyn and others, save and scrape together as much money as they possibly can to spend a few days of rest and relaxation in sunny Florida. But unfortunately, as it often happens, all sorts of unexpected problems come up just before they leave and it seems that, once in Florida, Charles cannot get off the telephone with Douglas. The poor kid has fallen prey to a "junior blackmailer" and is in desperate need of money.
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The Hogan Family - Season 2 - Episode 4
Mark and Willie are intrigued by a slumber party that Annie's daughter is having next door. Tempted, they both decide to sneak a peak, however, Willie gets a peak at something he never expected when he sees, Annie's daughter naked.
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#5 - Jill's Decision
Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 15
Charles has a million things to do before he meets Michelle Harris for coffee at the Lamplight. He hopes she will agree to have dinner with him soon -- maybe that night? Since Jill is suddenly called oh a special assignment that goes with the promotion to arts and fashion editor, Charles has to watch the children for the rest of the day. That means he will not be able to take Michelle out to dinner, but Buddy comes up with an excellent suggestion -- Buddy will pick up the seafood dinner at the restaurant, and Charles and Michelle can have an intimate dinner at home. Easier said than done - Jason is in a school play and has a problem with laughing when he comes to a certain line. Lila needs lessons in throwing a good softball - that is, not throwing like a girl. Douglas is invited to a party and just has to know how to dance. He doesn't want to look like a jerk. When Charles and Michelle finally sit down to dinner in the kitchen, the children come in and interrupt them...
Watch Now:Amazon#6 - Shotgun Wedding
Laverne & Shirley - Season 5 - Episode 1
The girls get engaged to Richie and Fonzie to avoid a shotgun wedding.
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Laverne & Shirley - Season 8 - Episode 3
Laverne gets depressed and then angry after she finds a very short note from Shirley saying that she has left to go overseas with her husband who was just transferred there. Laverne just can't believe that Shirley would leave and only write a few words to say goodbye. To try and help cheer her up, each of the gang tries to find Laverne a new roommate. But things turn out okay after Laverne finds the rest of Shirley's note which had fallen under the bed.
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#8 - Accidental Puppy
Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 12
Charles, Buddy, and Gwendolyn have just returned from two days camping out in line for tickets to a Bruce Springsteen concert. They feel that it was a worthy life experience spending the night with fifteen thousand people sleeping with their heads on the curb, but it did not get them tickets to the concert. They still would give a lot to get tickets but how? Charles is still occupied with his problem when Jason and Douglas come in the back door carrying the dog. They blame each other for 'killing' the dog. All the while, the dog is very much alive, and both boys want Charles' permission to keep it. Charles agrees that they may-- just long enough until the rightful owner has been found. In the meantime, Jill and Stan have to go to a wedding, Charles has to make decisions on how to sort dirty laundry, and what to do with the two Bruce Springsteen tickets he just won by phoning a local radio station.
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Laverne & Shirley - Season 5 - Episode 11
Lenny and Squiggy fix Laverne and Shirley up with computer dates, who turn out to be midgets.
#10 - The Defiant One
Laverne & Shirley - Season 7 - Episode 5
Shirley finds herself mistakenly handcuffed to a bankrobber who is forced to take her with him when he escapes from the police.
#11 - Ski Show
Laverne & Shirley - Season 7 - Episode 17
Laverne and Shirley decide that they must change their usual habits for meeting guys because they're not getting anywhere going around the single bars. Rhonda comes in and shows the girls her new ski outfit. This gives Laverne the idea that they should go to a ski resort to meet new guys. Shirley reluctantly agrees. Next we see them trying to ski and failing miserably, especially Shirley. Along comes a chairlift guy who Laverne wants to impress so she lies about being a novice and pretends she knows how to get on the ski lift. Of course she doesn't and the next few scenes are pictures of the girls trying and failing to mount the ski lift. Eventually they manage only to have the ski lift breakdown while they're half way up a mountain. The girls are up there for hours, but eventually they get back to the ground. We find them sitting on a rock, shivering and hugging among themselves about whose great idea it was to come skiing when along comes two mountain rescue guys Bob and Bennett.
#12 - The Baby Show
Laverne & Shirley - Season 8 - Episode 13
Sgt. Plout once again shows up on Laverne's doorstep. This time she is pregnant and looking for a place to stay. Plout and Laverne enter a mothers-to-be contest and then go to a funeral home to pay their respect to one of Frank's buddies. While at the funeral home, Sgt. Plout goes into labor and delivers her baby.
#14 - Boston Tea Party
The Hogan Family - Season 2 - Episode 11
While heading to Bermuda to meet Michael, Valerie is mistaken for a purse snatcher by airport security and David misses a concert when he's forced to take care of Mrs. Poole's four-year-old niece, Pamela.
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#15 - Burned Out
The Hogan Family - Season 3 - Episode 3
While moving in some of Sandy's belongings, the boys dig up old stuff in the attic, one of which is an old lamp David made as a gift for Michael. However, unaware to anyone, the lamp sparks a fire causing the house to go up in smoke and the Hogans to temporarily move in with the Pooles next door.
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The Hogan Family - Season 3 - Episode 9
The boys are all set for an evening of terror, watching a horror movie. However, when it's over each one of them is scared stiff and go on to experience their own version of ""Nightmare at Zombie High.""
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The Hogan Family - Season 2 - Episode 1
Valerie has a rough morning and the rest of the day doesn't prove to be any better when she gets a call from the school with news that Mark mooned the student body while up on stage accepting a citizenship award. Meanwhile, Valerie also finds herself dealing with David, who is grounded for breaking curfew and Willie who suddenly has in his possession a pair of num-chucks.
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The Hogan Family - Season 2 - Episode 19
David takes his dad's new Italian sports car out for a spin to impress a young woman and ends up wrapping it around a tree. Meanwhile, the twins are feeling cooped up with the chicken pox.
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The Hogan Family - Season 2 - Episode 20
Willie's wanton destruction of his brothers' personal belongings leads David and Mark to give him the silent treatment. Meanwhile, Valerie's dieting failures lead to an exercise in self loathing.
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#20 - War
Charles in Charge - Season 1 - Episode 4
The Wilsons would like to hire a young lady to take care of their children. Mrs. Pembroke suggests that she spend some time with Charles to see if she's up to it. Much to Charles' embarrassment, Jane (Meg Ryan) turns out to be a very pretty girl who has heard many great things about him. The kids do not usually manage to get into big fights. But because Jane believes that they should settle their differences their own way, things get completely out of hand. This time their fight escalates into clothes swiping, chemical warfare and mental torture. All this action is being taped by Lila who has a very important school assignment. When Mr. and Mrs. Pembroke return from their trip, they find Jane in the kitchen, thinking. She realizes that children are capable of much more than she ever dreamed possible and that a "normal job" would probably be a better idea.
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The Hogan Family - Season 2 - Episode 18
When Mark's pet lizard dies while in David's care, Mark decides to haul David into small-claims court.
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The Hogan Family - Season 4 - Episode 1
College freshmen David, Rich and Burt have been feeling a little left out of the college social scene and decide to spark some attention by stealing a rival school's mascot, a wolverine, but when the fierce creature gets loose, it's every Hogan for himself. Meanwhile, Mark and Willie enroll Sandy in a computer dating service and she discovers this just as her date knocks on the front door.
Watch Now:Amazon#23 - The Rivals
The Hogan Family - Season 5 - Episode 5
Mark is all excited when he gets a date with a popular girl in school, however, his high comes to an abrupt stop when he discovers Willie has a date with her and soon it becomes a battle of brothers. Meanwhile, David does his best to put together an exercise bike that Sandy had ordered.
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