The BEST episodes written by Judith Havas

#1 - ASK
Call My Agent! - Season 3 - Episode 6
With the traitor unmasked, the other agents race to find their own solution to Huppertgate. The 30th anniversary party causes tensions to boil over.
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#2 - Le joker connerie
Don't Do This, Don't Do That - Season 5 - Episode 8
Fraîchement débarquée du Québec, Fabienne voit Renaud embrasser Tatiana et le prévient : dorénavant, entre eux ce sera la guerre. À moins qu'elle n'utilise un "joker connerie" elle-aussi... Valérie craque pour un copain de Tiphaine. Denis a confiance. À tort ou à raison ? Freshly arrived from Quebec, Fabienne sees Renaud kissing Tatiana and warns him: now, it will be war between them. Unless she uses a "bullshit joker" too...Valérie falls for a friend of Tiphaine. Denis trusts. Rightly or wrongly?
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