The BEST episodes written by Johnny Byrne

Closing the Book
4 votes

#1 - Closing the Book

Heartbeat - Season 11 - Episode 12

A man dies of a heart attack on the village green. The police invesitgate a robbery of banknotes from the station. The theives hire & use a holiday caravan of Vernons, as a get away. However its not long before the caravan breaks down and the notes are discovered Craddocks wife, meanwhile, has turned up in Aidensfield and when he tells her that she matters more than his career, they decide to make up and leave Aidensfield together.

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4 votes

#2 - Consequences

Heartbeat - Season 10 - Episode 22

PC Bradley has been sent to investigate a break-in when he witnesses an explosion. It is the car of ambulance driver Frank Metcalfe which exploded when he turned on the ignition, and it looks like attempted murder because he has received anonymous phone calls and a threatening letter a couple of days earlier. The grocer Mr. Dale is attacked under similar circumstances. But they have nothing in common. The only lead is a blue Ford Transit van seen on both occasions and that the attacker has military training and access to the local arsenal. Pete Atkins fits these requirements, but he claims his innocence. Oscar Blaketon also receives anonymous phone calls. Is he the next victim? Rev. Meeks represents a foundation which offers Lord Ashfordly to finance the renovation St. Judes Church on his lands, and his lordship hires Vernon Scripps and David to do work for him. Meeks especially asks them to be on the lookout for a particular baptismal font from the church.

All in the Mind
7 votes

#3 - All in the Mind

Heartbeat - Season 8 - Episode 20

Blaketon loses focus on Greengrass because an even worse crook enters the area with some racing ferrets. Jackie Lambert visits Maggie Bolton to finish the paperwork on Dr. Bolton's death. An old woman witnesses a kidnapping. A young man annoys ordinary citizens intensely while presenting himself as PC Ventress.

The Beauty of the Beast
84 votes

#4 - The Beauty of the Beast

All Creatures Great and Small - Season 2 - Episode 4

As the tractor threatens to do away with a way of life in the Dales, James battles to save a dying shire horse.

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Tricks of the Trade
85 votes

#5 - Tricks of the Trade

All Creatures Great and Small - Season 2 - Episode 7

James gets a taste of the high life when he comes to the aid of a city vet, Granville Bennet, while Siegfried juggles the care of Mr. Wilkinson's awesome "colt" with the fine art of debt collecting.

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Nothing Like Experience
90 votes

#6 - Nothing Like Experience

All Creatures Great and Small - Season 1 - Episode 6

James musters the courage to visit Helen after she's seen him at his worst. Siegfried resorts to sorcery to aid a gypsy's ailing pony, and a wild ghost chase solves the mystery of the shrouded figure haunting Raine Abbey.

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Turn of the Tide
6 votes

#7 - Turn of the Tide

Heartbeat - Season 4 - Episode 4

Nick and Alf go on a fishing trip to Whitby. Alf is looking forward to a weeks holiday but Nick is there undercover to investigate smuggling. Nick finds out that a container dumped at sea contains counterfeit money. Alf teaches Nick about fishing and they organise a game of poker with some of the suspected smugglers. Nick takes this opportunity to force his opponent to hand over some of the counterfeit money. They are lodging with the Stirling's who own a sailing shop. Jake Stirling helps Nick and Alf set a trap for the smugglers and they are caught. Jake's girlfriend finds out she's pregnant and he wants her to have an abortion. Kate tells her its illegal. Blaketon is taking over Nick's patch while he's away which gives him a great opportunity to keep an eye on Greengrass. However he fails to find out that he's doing a very good trade in venison!

Attendant Problems
82 votes

#8 - Attendant Problems

All Creatures Great and Small - Season 2 - Episode 2

The return of lambing season brings a boost to Siegfried's spirits, but James, laid up in the surgery, is reminded of the harsher realities of a vet's life.

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Fallen Heroes
35 votes

#9 - Fallen Heroes

Heartbeat - Season 10 - Episode 9

A local cricket team volunteered at World War I and now their sole survivor of the battles refuses to pay taxes because their old club's house is to be demolished. A car is crashed in a single accident and lot of money disappears from the car, an soon a 'Robin Hood' helps the War Veteran and his mates' families.

Another Time, Another Place
191 votes

#10 - Another Time, Another Place

Space: 1999 - Season 1 - Episode 16

The people of Alpha are faced with a very strange phenomenon as they find themselves copied and encounter their future selves on Earth. The unspoken question is how long will this last and what does it mean for the Alphans..?

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The Keeper of Traken (4)
117 votes

#11 - The Keeper of Traken (4)

Doctor Who - Season 18 - Episode 24

With the merciless Melkur in control of The Source, the Doctor and his allies have only a slim chance of deposing him, which also puts the peace of the Traken Union in severe jeopardy.

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Keep on Running
11 votes

#12 - Keep on Running

Heartbeat - Season 1 - Episode 10

There is an outbreak of sheep rustling and one of the victims who is renowned for naming his sheep accuses Greengrass of the crime. Greengrass ends up in court and is convicted, but Nick discovers holes in the evidence and realizes that Greengrass had been set up. Meanwhile Alan Maskell who is on bail does a runner to London. But unknown to him his wife Sandra suffers a miscarriage at the same time. Nick in the meantime is asked to go for an interview to join the drug squad team at Scotland Yard, which would guarantee a promotion to Sergeant. He decides to go for the interview despite Kate opposing the idea of returning to London. Whilst there he promises Sandra that he'll find and bring back Alan. Whilst in London Nick finds Alan in a night club, then there's a drugs raid by police and Nick sees them plant the evidence. Nick is arrested along with everyone else. Nick later files an official complaint about the officer in charge of the raid. He's then offered the job with the drug squa

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The Keeper of Traken (2)
175 votes

#13 - The Keeper of Traken (2)

Doctor Who - Season 18 - Episode 22

Tremas claims consular privilege to protect the Doctor and Adric from execution, though it binds his fate to theirs if they're found guilty of murder. Melkur strengthens his hold over Kassia while Seron decides to have rapport with The Keeper to learn truth, and Adric finds evidence of another TARDIS in the area.

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Something of Value
6 votes

#14 - Something of Value

Heartbeat - Season 6 - Episode 5

Alf has a serious problem with his gambling debts and is forced to ask Nick about Kate's insurance for a loan. Nick isn't impressed at first but the next day he has a chat with Alf and they arrange a plan to sort it out without Blaketon finding out. The man Alf owes money to (Charlie) has been dealing in thousands of pounds worth of stolen wine, but when the wine is found Alf tells Charlie, that no one else knows where its hidden and he won't tell anyone, in exchange for his IOU's. Nick and Alf set the thieves up and they are caught. Jo asks Nick what he intends to do in the future, and hints that she wants him to go for promotion, Nick says he's happy with what he's doing now. Lord Ashfordly is making Claude act as a game keeper without pay, because he caught him poaching his game birds! He tells Nick: ""It takes a thief to catch a thief Rowan!""

Changing Places
30 votes

#15 - Changing Places

Heartbeat - Season 1 - Episode 1

London policeman Nick Rowan and his recently qualified Doctor wife - Kate move away from the city and go to the rural surroundings of Aidensfield, a village in the heart of the North Yorkshire Moors, where Nick's the new village policeman. Whilst they are still settling in, Nick's new section Sergeant, a Sgt Blaketon calls for Nick and takes him to see the local Rogue - Claude Greengrass and insists that he charge him with livestock worrying after his dog, Alfred killed a budgie! Greengrass admits Alfred did kill the bird and offers compensation, but Blaketon insists Greengrass be charged, despite Nick's reservations. The case goes to Court, but due to insufficient evidence, the court can't charge Greengrass as a budgie isn't classed as livestock. Meanwhile a local woman, Georgina Fraser tells Nick that she has a prowler at her house and one night she calls Nick out when the prowler returns. She then see's him at the village pub, the Aidensfield Arms, and Nick goes to see the Landlord

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Practice Makes Perfect
83 votes

#16 - Practice Makes Perfect

All Creatures Great and Small - Season 1 - Episode 12

Having failed his exams, Tristan fears his brother's wrath. In a desperate effort to reform, Tristan shuns cigarettes, alcohol and women and adopts a rigorous routine of dawn runs and hard work.

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Out of Practice
92 votes

#17 - Out of Practice

All Creatures Great and Small - Season 1 - Episode 5

The veterinary practice goes from strength to strength, but James fears he has wrecked his chances with Helen after a disastrous first date. Tristan decides that a blind date is all James needs to hone his courtship skills.

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It Takes All Kinds
104 votes

#18 - It Takes All Kinds

All Creatures Great and Small - Season 1 - Episode 3

Sigfried declares that the business is in shambles financially, and his solution is Miss Harbottle, a meticulous secretary who rules the cash box with an iron hand. Amid a relentless succession of new faces - many gruff, some eccentric - James meets the lovely Helen Alderson.

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Arc of Infinity (4)
133 votes

#19 - Arc of Infinity (4)

Doctor Who - Season 20 - Episode 4

The High Council creates a distraction so the Doctor and Nyssa can find Omega on Earth and prevent his reentry into our universe.

Arc of Infinity (2)
169 votes

#20 - Arc of Infinity (2)

Doctor Who - Season 20 - Episode 2

With an anti-matter being trying to enter the universe through the Doctor, risking the destruction of everything, there is only one clear course of action for the High Council of Time Lords to take: execute the Doctor. Meanwhile, Tegan arrives in Amsterdam and hears about what's become of her cousin from his unscathed friend.

In the Bleak Midwinter
6 votes

#21 - In the Bleak Midwinter

Heartbeat - Season 14 - Episode 13

Veteran singer and keyboard player Alan Price guest stars in this festive episode of the rural drama, as the leader of a down-on-their-luck jazz band. Travelling to Aidensfield, where they've been booked by Vernon to play at the villagers' Christmas concert, the Rio Trio offer a lift to a young girl, unaware she's a single mum taking her baby home to see her parents for the holiday. However, the first the band know about the infant is when the girl disappears, leaving them to look after it. Meanwhile, as the concert gets into full swing, local barmaid Gina takes centre stage, hoping to impress all and sundry with her rendition of Winter Wonderland.

A Dog's Life
71 votes

#22 - A Dog's Life

All Creatures Great and Small - Season 2 - Episode 13

Despite Siegfried's insistence that he relax and "cultivate the inner man," James can't shrug off the irritations that often make his professions a dog's life. Siegfried's inner man is cramming for the annual quiz that pits the men of Darrowby against the fearsome Women's Institute.

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The Keeper of Traken (3)
173 votes

#23 - The Keeper of Traken (3)

Doctor Who - Season 18 - Episode 23

With Tremas falling under suspicion, due to his association with the Doctor, a new Keeper Nominate is named. Now, with everything in place, Melkur has only a short wait before his full malevolence can unfold.

Voyager's Return
204 votes

#24 - Voyager's Return

Space: 1999 - Season 1 - Episode 6

Grim danger emerges from the past as Alpha is threatened with destruction from an unmanned spacecraft. The ship was sent up from Earth many years earlier with tragedy in its wake. If this threat wasn't enough, victims from outer space threaten revenge.

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Force of Life
369 votes

#25 - Force of Life

Space: 1999 - Season 1 - Episode 2

A terrifying force from Outer Space brings freezing death to Alpha personnel. One man has been chosen as the instrument of destruction.

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Arc of Infinity (3)
161 votes

#26 - Arc of Infinity (3)

Doctor Who - Season 20 - Episode 3

Something seemed amiss about the Doctor's execution, so the Castellan has Commander Maxil discreetly but fully look it. Meanwhile, as the Doctor meets the anti-matter being inside the Time Lord Matrix, Tegan and her cousin's friend run afoul of a bird-like alien back on Earth.

Going Home
12 votes

#27 - Going Home

Heartbeat - Season 3 - Episode 4

A German American called Victor Kellerman arrives in the village with the intention of killing a local landowner, a Mr Lessor. He attacks Lessor but he cannot go through with it and leaves the area. Kellerman is later arrested and Nick is assigned to escort him back into the area. It is revealed that Lessor was a SS traitor and responsible for sending Kellerman and his family to Nazi concentration camps during WW2. Meanwhile Kate is treating Lessor for diabetes, and when he realises he will have to go to court he takes an over dose of insulin. Without him the evidence is incomplete and the charges are dropped. Tragedy strikes when Dr Alex Ferrenby drowns whilst fishing, he died of a brain hemorrhage. And Greengrass helps some gypsies organise some bare-fist fighting.

The Keeper of Traken (1)
204 votes

#28 - The Keeper of Traken (1)

Doctor Who - Season 18 - Episode 21

The planet Traken. The Traken union is a society living in perfect harmony, watched over by the powerful but benign Keeper. But now the Keeper is dying, and he senses a great evil within his protectorate. Can the Doctor help him discover the secret of the Melkur?

Matter of Life and Death
302 votes

#29 - Matter of Life and Death

Space: 1999 - Season 1 - Episode 13

Dr. Russell's long-lost husband, Lee, appears on an Eagle returning from an Earth-like planet. He warns that the planet is not for them and that a power greater than they can understand will destroy them if they go there. Koenig must decide whether to listen to Lee's warning or evacuate the Moon before it's too late.

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Secrets and Lies
10 votes

#30 - Secrets and Lies

Heartbeat - Season 14 - Episode 2

The residents of Aidensfield are terrorised by a blackmailer and Sergeant Merton is less than impressed by the investigative methods of the handsome newcomer PC Rob Walker. Meanwhile, Vernon embarks on a venture in the prestigious world of publishing, with the help of David and Bernie.

Death Can Add
14 votes

#31 - Death Can Add

Tales of the Unexpected - Season 5 - Episode 10

Alan Corwin audits the books of a City investment firm where Oliver Platt is a whizz kid. Platt has taken huge risks, and for a high price Corwin agrees to keep quiet. All is safely covered up - but Platt has not foreseen the well-meaning interference of Leila, his secretary and girlfriend...

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End of Eternity
179 votes

#32 - End of Eternity

Space: 1999 - Season 1 - Episode 12

A terrifying power is unknowingly freed by the Alphans when they free a killer that seemingly can't be killed. How can Koenig and the others stop a psychopath that is virtually immortal?

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The Testament of Arkadia
146 votes

#33 - The Testament of Arkadia

Space: 1999 - Season 1 - Episode 23

In distant outer space, the Moon's random careening comes to a sudden halt as the Alphans discover what looks to be origins of life on Earth itself. Could this discovery spell the end of the Moon or the beginning of a new life for the Alphans?

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Dead Ringer
10 votes

#34 - Dead Ringer

Heartbeat - Season 3 - Episode 3

Phil goes to meet a girl while he should be on his beat, at the same time a pawn brokers in Ashfordly is broken into. Following a tip-off, Nick learns that the stolen goods are hidden in a lock up rented in Phil's name. Nick realises that someone is trying to frame Phil, but Blaketon suspends him pending further inquiries. Meanwhile Greengrass gets involved in a betting scam, which involves substituting one greyhound with another. A local man called Scarman is the instigator of this plan, and Nick discovers that Scarman's girlfriend is in fact the girl that Phil is seeing. Nick cannot prove that Scarman set Phil up, but there is enough evidence to let Phil off the hook and arrest Scarman. The woman confirms that Phil was with her on the night of the burglary.

Proof of Guilt
18 votes

#35 - Proof of Guilt

Tales of the Unexpected - Season 3 - Episode 3

Hard-bitten police inspector Walters has a murder on his hands that he can't crack. The prime suspect is George Stamford, who was alone in a locked room with the dead man when he was shot - but Stamford is admitting nothing, and there is no evidence against him...

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Mission of the Darians
162 votes

#36 - Mission of the Darians

Space: 1999 - Season 1 - Episode 9

A call for help reaches Moonbase Alpha from the survivors of a dying world. The world is one that has been flying through space for 900 years with contrasting inhabitants. Some have never changed while others have reverted to barbarism. Does this new planet represent hope to the Alphans or something potentially dangerous?

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The Troubled Spirit
138 votes

#37 - The Troubled Spirit

Space: 1999 - Season 1 - Episode 22

The Alphans find themselves encountering the ghost of a man who is still alive with horror and death being the result. Can Koenig stop the apparation or is the moonbase doomed?

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Warriors of the Deep (1)
157 votes

#38 - Warriors of the Deep (1)

Doctor Who - Season 21 - Episode 1

Seabase 4 is on alert as a strange craft approaches. But the crew has been infiltrated by the enemy, so Commander Vorshak's solutions are scuppered at every turn.

Warriors of the Deep (4)
148 votes

#39 - Warriors of the Deep (4)

Doctor Who - Season 21 - Episode 4

Earth's ocean floor, 2084. With two superpowers poised on the brink of a devastating photonic war, a missile base comes under attack from the reptilian Sea Devils and Silurians, intent on eradicating the upstart human race and reclaiming the planet...

Arc of Infinity (1)
159 votes

#40 - Arc of Infinity (1)

Doctor Who - Season 20 - Episode 1

On Gallifrey, someone on the high council is perpetrating a treasonous act - transmitting the Doctor's bio-extract from the space/time matrix to an anti-matter being. On Earth, two English lads spend their last night in Amsterdam sleeping in a crypt where they're attacked by an alien creature under the same anti-matter being's control.

Warriors of the Deep (2)
152 votes

#41 - Warriors of the Deep (2)

Doctor Who - Season 21 - Episode 2

The Silurians and Sea Devils send in the Myrka to spearhead their invasion of the Seabase. Meanwhile, Nilson and Doctor Solow work to bring the entire Bloc down...

Warriors of the Deep (3)
149 votes

#42 - Warriors of the Deep (3)

Doctor Who - Season 21 - Episode 3

As Vorshak's crew are cut down by Sauvix's Sea Devil Warriors, the Doctor is running out of ways to broker a peace between the opposing species.

The Metamorph
161 votes

#43 - The Metamorph

Space: 1999 - Season 2 - Episode 1

Alpha needs titanium to repair its life support system and traces of it are located on the planet Psychon that is near to the moon. However, Koenig and the others soon learn of a sinister mining operation operating beneath Psychon's surface and what it may spell for the Alphans.

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Wishing Well
11 votes

#44 - Wishing Well

Heartbeat - Season 5 - Episode 1

There is a village dance, everyone is having a good time until a group of rockers start to cause trouble, and throw what they think is a piece of lead through the window. But this ‘lead' turns out to be gold, which was part of a large amount that was stolen 7 years ago. Kate isn't feeling well and starts to get worried about her symptoms, but doesn't voice her concerns. One of Kate's patients Nettie Pickard has a wishing well in her garden, and Kate , suddenly feeling superstitious, makes a wish. Nettie's house is later trashed. The man responsible was a local councillor who was searching for the rest of the gold because he knew it was Nettie's husband who found it originally and thought it must have been hidden in the house. He is later caught digging the gold out of the well. Kate is willing the baby to arrive.

Lost and Found
10 votes

#45 - Lost and Found

Heartbeat - Season 4 - Episode 14

A man comes to Aidensfield who has mislaid his suitcase on a train.. The suitcase contained his wife's ashes. His purpose for his visit was to try and make peace with his mother in law after a fierce misunderstanding years ago.. There is a village fete with everyone involved, whilst the police uncover some weapons from a hot dog stand. Alfred is supposed to enter the Lurcher Challenge Cup race but unfortunately George lets him loose on the ale.

Double Trouble
4 votes

#46 - Double Trouble

Heartbeat - Season 13 - Episode 24

A large sum of money is reported stolen and the subsequent investigation leads to surprising revelations. Meanwhile, Ventress and Blaketon team up to locate a pair of twins, and Jenny becomes increasingly frustrated at the amount of time Dennis spends at work.

She's Leaving Home
7 votes

#47 - She's Leaving Home

Heartbeat - Season 11 - Episode 2

The boy who caused damage to the police property runs off with his 16 year old girlfriend. The girlfriend falls ill after drinking contaminated water. Vernon eventually persuades Oscar to try a slot machine in the pub. He says he will pay for the winnings himself. Vernon doesnt realise the machine has been fixed by a friend of Bernie's, meaning Oscar enjoys a busy night of trade, eventually the man who fixes the machines foots the bill.

Over the Hill
10 votes

#48 - Over the Hill

Heartbeat - Season 2 - Episode 5

A black soldier called Ken Marston who is on exercises in the area has been getting bullied by his racist Sergeant - Sgt Nicholls. Nicholls follows Marston during the exercise and intends to shoot Ken as he's reported Nicholls to his superiors. However on top of a cliff face Nicholls and Kenget in a confrontation and Nicholls falls. Ken then goes on the run thinking he's killed him. Meanwhile Nick investigates a break in at a farm and suspects Claude is responsible. and is on the run after he thinks he has killed him. He starts to search for a childhood friend who lives in the area. He finds his friends wife and son, only to discover his friend is dead. Meanwhile Kate is treating his window whose son is seriously disturbed by his fathers death, may have to be taken into care. The widow blames Kate for this, believing that she contacted the authorities, when in fact it was Ferrenby. The situation is sorted out eventually, with the help of Alex and Kate and the boy is able to stay with h

The Dorcons
68 votes

#49 - The Dorcons

Space: 1999 - Season 2 - Episode 24

The Dorcons are a race of conquerors who can live forever by transplantation of a Psychon brain stem. Maya, the last known Psychon, is traced to Moonbase Alpha by the Dorcons, who threaten the Alphans with destruction unless Maya is handed over.

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The Immunity Syndrome
66 votes

#50 - The Immunity Syndrome

Space: 1999 - Season 2 - Episode 23

The Alphans hopes of resettling on a planet of their own seem to be within reach when a seemingly uninhabited and life sustaining planet is located. But when they learn that the planet is already inhabited by a powerful immortal being, it quickly becomes a fight for survival where only the victor may escape alive.

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