The BEST episodes written by Jim Reardon

#1 - Test Stressed
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 4
Buster introduces the start of each segment. "Never Too Late to Loon": Plucky asks Shirley the Loon to turn him into Albert Einstein to help pass a math test, only to fail the test because Einstein had poor grades as a youth. "Li'l Sneezer": Sylvester the Cat tests Furrball by asking him to catch a mouse. The mouse, Sneezer, sneezes repeatedly and thwarts Furrball's attempts to catch him. "To Bleep or Not to Bleep": Fowlmouth tries to ask Shirley on a date, but she shuns him because of his profane language. Buster then tries to control Fowlmouth after discovering that he does not swear around young children.
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#2 - It's Buster Bunny Time
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 9
A parody of Howdy Doody with Buster as Buffalo Bob and Plucky as Howdy Doody. "Bag That Bunny": Elmyra pays Calamity Coyote to help her catch Buster. Despite several attempts, he fails to catch Buster, and is then taken home by Elmyra instead. "Lifestyles of the Rich and Rotten": In this parody of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, Buster and Babs attempt to interview Montana Max. "The Anvil Chorus": Anvils repeatedly fall on Plucky during the playing of Giuseppe Verdi's The Anvil Chorus. The finale features cannons shooting at Plucky to the tune of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.
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#3 - Looking Out for the Little Guy
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 10
Buster describes each episode as an example of the characters looking out for those smaller than they are. "Awful Orphan": Elmyra discovers Sneezer in a basket on her doorstep and cares for him as if he were a baby. "The Re-Return of the Toxic Revenger": When the water from Plucky's swamp is stolen by Montana Max to fill his pool, Plucky dresses as a superhero (The Toxic Revenger) and tries to return the water. "Dog-Bird Afternoon": Byron Basset tries to keep Furrball from getting to a nest with baby birds in it. After Furrball is thwarted, the birds rescue Byron from the top of the house.
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#4 - Life in the 1990s
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 15
Buster introduces each segment, describing them as examples of life in the 1990s. "Whining Out": Buster, Babs, Hamton and Plucky attend a fancy restaurant called Attitude, where they are treated poorly by the staff. "Paper Trained": While on his paper route, Buster demands subscription money from Montana Max. After Max finally pays, he reads in the paper that the last of his diminished funds was used to pay Buster. "Butt Out": Babs is annoyed by Roderick and Rhubella Rat, who are smoking next to her at a restaurant. She teaches them about the dangers of smoking by posing as a doctor.
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#5 - Rock 'n' Roar
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 16
The characters are playing soccer when Buster's ball falls down into a hole. In it, Buster finds what he believes to be hundreds of soccer balls, one of which he believes is his. Actually, it's a dinosaur egg that hatches, leading Buster to attempt raising the young dinosaur, whom he names Rover. After Rover destroys Acme Acres, Buster finds a passageway to the dinosaur world and returns him to his home.
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#6 - Psychic Fun-Omenon Day
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 33
It's time to visit that magical guru Shirley the Loon. See what her crystal ball has in store for you, and for Plucky, Hamton and Calamity Coyote. Piece of Mind: Calamity chases Little Beeper again and he ends up falling off a very tall building. As he falls to his doom, Wile E. Coyote appears to show him what his life was like before he comes ""street pizza"".
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#7 - Looniversity Days
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 42
Buster and Babs, in song, gives us a tour of a typical day at Acme Looniversity. The Learning Principal: Buster gets sent to the principal's office by Yosemite Sam, and his friends are afraid that he is going to be done for, all to get his brand new stereo system. Buster meets the principal, which is a big head and he discovers that Bugs was actually controlling the head. Bugs gives him some timely advice and he goes back to Sam's class and proves himself to be a good student.
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#8 - Here's Hamton
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 62
It's all about Hamton today. These introductions are inspired by the classic Tv shows That Girl, The Fugitive, and The Dick Van Dyke Show, complete with ottoman trips. Milk, It Makes a Body Spout: Buster and Plukcy try to prove who is the funniest when they try to make Hamton laugh. Hamton was busy thinking of a math problem, and makes Plucky and Buster laugh when he trips.
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#9 - Cinemaniacs!
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 19
Buster and Babs "theater hop" at a multiplex while being chased by usher Montana Max. "Superbabs": A parody of the Superman film franchise with Babs in the role of Superman and Montana Max as "Wex Wuthor". Superbabs tries to thwart Wex's plot to destroy Acme Acres by pouring ink all over it. "Duck Trek": A parody of Star Trek with Hamton, Plucky, Furrball (in a rare speaking role) and other characters as the crew members. They land on a planet in search of a toupee for Plucky, but are chased by a hair monster. However, they manage to escape the clutches of the planet's hairs when Hamton worries the planet bald. "Pasadena Jones": A parody of Indiana Jones with Buster as Indiana Jones. Buster enters a secret temple to find the Secret of Life, which is revealed to be friendship.
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#10 - Brave Tales of Real Rabbits
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 59
Babs hosts a humorous parody of the famous ""Masterpiece Theatre"" when she tells of the famous rabbits in history.
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#11 - Rainy Daze
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 29
Today's episode features three shorts on things to do when the rain hits. Rent-a-Friend: Montana Max loses five friends and calls up Rent-a-Friend to send up another kid to torment. Of course, Buster is the next customer and Max tries to obliterate him, but Buster has a few tricks up his sleeve to show Max the error of his ways.
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#12 - Pollution Solution
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 57
The Good Fairy Babs hosts today's show, but is faced with garbage and pollution. She tries to use her magic, but Buster tells her that magic won't solve this one, and gives her a trash bag. As they spend the episode cleaning up Acme Acres, Babs presents three shorts about the environment. No Deposit No Return of the Trash Bad Dispenser: Plucky is enjoying a nice dip in his pond when he is pelted by cans thrown by Elmyra. He then turns into the Trash Bag Dispenser and teaches her a thing of two about how to recycle, if she can only keep her hands off him long enough.
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#13 - Mr. Popular's Rules of Cool!
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 48
This is just like Episode 46, except Mr. Popular teaches people how to be cool about themselves, crazy fads and not disrespecting people. Mr. Popular's Rules of Cool: Hamton is having a hard time fitting in because he is not cool. Mr. Popular shows Hamton how to fit in, win lots of friends, and how to get in the coolest clubs. He is put to the test when Mr. Popular and Babs take him to the coolest club in town. Arnold then shuts the door on Hamton, and he starts swaying around and unknowingly starts a conga line with the crowd. After that, Babs and Mr. Popular try to get rid of his record collection, but he starts doing some fresh DJ scratch mves that makes him even more cooler with the studio audience. The audience then leaves with Hamton, leaving Mr. Popular and Babs with an empty set and running cameras!
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#14 - Fairy Tales for the '90s
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 49
Babs as a fairy tries to display the Fairy Tales of the 90's even if it kills her. This is a great homage to the openings of ""Farctured Fairy Tales"" on the classic Rocky and Bullwinkle series. Bunnochio: The Acme Toy Company is in a bit of a slump, and they call on Mr. Gepetto to make a new toy. Gepetto makes an old fashioned drumming bunny and is ostrasized by the executives. That night Gepetto wishes that his toy would come to life. Coincidently, Buster burrows his way into Gepetto's factory and Geppetto thinks that his wish had come true. The next day, Buster is displayed and tells everyone off. Everyone thinks that he is a great toy, and Buster keeps telling them that he is not a toy. This gives way into a chase scene, where Buster has the executives fall into a toy-making vat. Pretty soon, the Executive wind-up toy is the hottest toy to hit toy store and Gepetto and Buster are both reaping the rewards.
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#15 - Son of the Wacko World of Sports
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 56
The Wacko World of Sports strikes again! Buster at the Bat: This episode is a parody of the famous ""Casey at the Bat"" poem with a twist ending. Buster makes a home run at the end of the game.
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#16 - Gang Busters
Tiny Toon Adventures - Season 1 - Episode 21
Montana Max and his gang frame Buster for stealing a slushie machine, and Plucky Duck acts as Buster's lawyer to prove him innocent. However, Plucky and Buster end up imprisoned together and are commended for capturing escapees Rocky and Mugsy in the process of breaking out. To get his revenge on Monty, Buster and company rap until Monty confesses to the crime.
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#17 - Day of the Mice
The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse - Season 2 - Episode 1
Petey Pate forms a rebellion to overwhelm cats. Shocked by the mice's bullying Pearl protests and Mighty comes to her rescue and restores order.
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#18 - Still Oily After All These Years
The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse - Season 2 - Episode 2
The Cow bails out Oil Can Harry, who wastes no time pursuing Pearl, but his visit to Pearl becomes stressful and he wishes to go back to prison.
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