The BEST episodes written by Jeremy Carver

Turn This Mother Out
749 votes

#1 - Turn This Mother Out

Being Human (US) - Season 2 - Episode 1

Aidan deals with vampires; Josh prepares to reenter medical school; Sally's powers strengthen.

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Do You Believe in Miracles?
2861 votes

#2 - Do You Believe in Miracles?

Supernatural - Season 9 - Episode 23

Dean feels the effects of the First Blade, and Metatron makes his move against humanity. Meanwhile, Sam, Dean and Castiel face shocking consequences when taking the fight to Metatron.

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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Me Killing You
849 votes

#3 - A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Me Killing You

Being Human (US) - Season 1 - Episode 13

Nora finds out the truth about Josh; Sally misses her "door", but gains new powers; Aidan has a final showdown with Bishop, with surprising results. We also see how Aidan and Josh first met.

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Changing Channels
3900 votes

#4 - Changing Channels

Supernatural - Season 5 - Episode 8

When Sam and Dean find themselves living their lives on what appear to be TV shows, it makes for a whole new style of reality television and they wonder if the Trickster is to blame. From a sitcom to a soapy hospital drama to a Japanese game show to a crime procedural, each new experience they encounter is more bizarre than the next and they want out. But is the Trickster really the mastermind behind the madness?

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3413 votes

#5 - Sacrifice

Supernatural - Season 8 - Episode 23

With Crowley poised to undo all the good they’ve ever done as hunters, Sam and Dean find themselves cornered. But with Kevin's help, the Winchester brothers bound into one last play against The Demon King. Metatron initiates a plan with Castiel to take on Naomi and the bureaucracy of Heaven.

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In the Beginning
3346 votes

#6 - In the Beginning

Supernatural - Season 4 - Episode 3

Back to the future, Castiel sends Dean to 1973 Lawrence, Kansas, where he meets a nice young couple named John and Mary Winchester. Dean's parents. And Mary has a secret.

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Brother's Keeper
2263 votes

#7 - Brother's Keeper

Supernatural - Season 10 - Episode 23

Dean makes a shocking decision regarding the Mark of Cain that would change not only his life, but Sam’s too. Meanwhile, Crowley and Rowena face off and Castiel gets caught in the middle.

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It's My Party and I'll Die If I Want to
475 votes

#8 - It's My Party and I'll Die If I Want to

Being Human (US) - Season 2 - Episode 13

Sally's mother returns; Aidan wants to kill Mother; Josh intends to kill Ray.

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I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here
3101 votes

#9 - I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here

Supernatural - Season 9 - Episode 1

Dean is frantic after Sam collapses and the doctor tells Dean his brother won't make it. Desperate, Dean sends out an all points bulletin via prayer to every angel in the area, asking them to help his brother. In exchange, Dean will owe that angel a favor. Numerous angry angels race to find and kill Dean, but one, Ezekiel, gets to him first. Meanwhile, Sam fights for his life and must face some familiar demons to do so. Castiel struggles to survive without powers.

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Signal Loss
1210 votes

#10 - Signal Loss

Frequency - Season 1 - Episode 13

Raimy makes a discovery that stops her cold. She quickly reaches out to Frank on the ham and voices her concerns. Meanwhile, truths are revealed.

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Mystery Spot
3183 votes

#11 - Mystery Spot

Supernatural - Season 3 - Episode 11

Dean is killed after looking into a case about the disappearance of a man with Sam. The next morning, Sam is shocked to find Dean alive and is hit with the realization that he is reliving the day before.

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Mama Said There'd Be Decades Like These
679 votes

#12 - Mama Said There'd Be Decades Like These

Being Human (US) - Season 2 - Episode 6

Aidan is hounded by his past; Sally finds out her mother is dying.

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2607 votes

#13 - Pilot

Frequency - Season 1 - Episode 1

When Detective Raimy Sullivan discovers that she can communicate with her deceased father on an old ham radio, she warns him of events that will lead to his death so he can circumvent his fate.

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2715 votes

#14 - Black

Supernatural - Season 10 - Episode 1

Dean is a demon and running amuck with Crowley while Sam tries to figure out what happened to his brother. Meanwhile, Castiel is dealing with his diminishing grace.

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It Takes Two to Make a Thing Go Wrong
873 votes

#15 - It Takes Two to Make a Thing Go Wrong

Being Human (US) - Season 1 - Episode 6

Aidan receives a “video postcard” from an old friend. Sally takes Aidan up on his offer to “take care of her problem.” Josh’s sister moves in with them which causes problems for the roommates. Josh goes on a date with a nurse from the hospital.

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Death Takes a Holiday
3432 votes

#16 - Death Takes a Holiday

Supernatural - Season 4 - Episode 15

Reapers take a break from work, and that means no one can die. But the escorts to the next world aren't off getting some R&R, unless you call being held hostage by a demon restful and relaxing.

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Free to Be You and Me
3653 votes

#17 - Free to Be You and Me

Supernatural - Season 5 - Episode 3

Sam decides to stop hunting but has a hard time after he receives a surprise visit. Dean and Castiel try to find the Archangel Raphael in their bid to stop the Apocalypse.

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Point of No Return
4238 votes

#18 - Point of No Return

Supernatural - Season 5 - Episode 18

Dean begins to think the only way to stop Lucifer is to say yes to Michael, but the angels decide they don't need him anymore. Dean, Sam, and Castiel are horrified at the angels' new game plan and take on Zachariah to prevent an all out war on Earth. Meanwhile, a familiar face returns.

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The Rapture
3078 votes

#19 - The Rapture

Supernatural - Season 4 - Episode 20

The body Castiel walks around in isn't his. Instead, it belongs to a regular guy named Jimmy who wants his body - and his life - back. He gets the body. But the life may be a different story.

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I See Your True Colors... and That's Why I Hate You
874 votes

#20 - I See Your True Colors... and That's Why I Hate You

Being Human (US) - Season 1 - Episode 7

Josh has an odd and interesting homecoming. Sally attempts to protect Bridget from Danny but fails. Aidan deals with the aftermath of Marcus' attack.

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Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire
2600 votes

#21 - Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire

Supernatural - Season 11 - Episode 1

Picking up where the finale left off, Sam and Dean must deal with the Darkness that has been unleashed. Castiel deals with the effects of Rowena’s spell and recalls his brutal battle with Crowley.

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We Need To Talk About Kevin
3854 votes

#22 - We Need To Talk About Kevin

Supernatural - Season 8 - Episode 1

One Year Later Dean’s escaped from Purgatory, though Castiel is nowhere to be found. However, Dean isn’t alone. He’s returned with a mysterious comrade-in-arms whose reason for escape is perhaps more than Dean bargained for. Meanwhile, Sam finds himself reconciling the life he discovered while Dean was gone with Dean’s sudden reappearance. As the boys struggle with their unexpected reunion, they make a shocking discovery that could lead them on a deeply personal mission to settle old scores. If only they could agree – is this a “family business” or isn’t it?.

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Signal and Noise
2137 votes

#23 - Signal and Noise

Frequency - Season 1 - Episode 2

Raimy tells Frank, over the ham radio, that her mom will be murdered unless he can find a way to warn her; Frank gets bad news about Stan Moreno; Raimy follows a lead in the Nightingale case, while Frank and Satch follow the same lead in 1996.

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Dead Patrol
778 votes

#24 - Dead Patrol

Doom Patrol - Season 3 - Episode 3

After waking up in the tunnel of souls, the Doom Patrol must confront their own personal purgatories. Back at the manor, Dorothy and Larry consult a highly specialized detective agency to help reach their friends.

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A Very Supernatural Christmas
3050 votes

#25 - A Very Supernatural Christmas

Supernatural - Season 3 - Episode 8

In this Christmas-themed episode, Sam and Dean follow the trail of an "anti-Santa" that abducts its victims by using their chimneys. Dean tries to get Sam to celebrate Christmas like they used to but Sam doesn't want to accept that it could be the last one they'll spend together.

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Dog Eat Dog
846 votes

#26 - Dog Eat Dog

Being Human (US) - Season 1 - Episode 10

Josh is forced into "dog" fighting. Aidan is forced to play the good "son," while the elders are in town, and Sally has to act as a mediator between the two.

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Ezekiel Patrol
1747 votes

#27 - Ezekiel Patrol

Doom Patrol - Season 1 - Episode 15

In the wake of the Chief's revelation, the members of the Doom Patrol go their separate ways. When Mr. Nobody hatches a new plan, the team must reunite to help the Chief with a new, unexpected and weird threat to the world.

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The Trip
994 votes

#28 - The Trip

Prodigal Son - Season 1 - Episode 5

Malcolm searches the depths of his mind to unravel the mystery of 'the girl in the box', but with his night terrors and lack of sleep increasing, his real life becomes more and more of a blur. When the NYPD investigates a homicide they assume is linked to a drug cartel, Malcolm discovers a secret about Dani’s past that draws them closer together.

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Sin City
2980 votes

#29 - Sin City

Supernatural - Season 3 - Episode 4

The brothers investigate the death of a man who committed suicide in a church. However, Sam is forced to team up with an unexpected ally when Dean disappears with a female demon who is interested in him personally.

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There Goes the Neighborhood (1)
1719 votes

#30 - There Goes the Neighborhood (1)

Being Human (US) - Season 1 - Episode 1

Josh is miserable after his latest full moon transformation resulted in him waking up next to a bloody dead deer in the woods. Aidan suggests that he and Josh should live together so they can watch out for each other. When they've found the perfect apartment, they realise the place comes with its own ghost, Sally

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Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
4060 votes

#31 - Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid

Supernatural - Season 5 - Episode 15

Sam and Dean investigate Bobby's home town where the dead are rising from the grave but instead of attacking humans, they are happily reuniting with their families. The brothers turn to Bobby for help but he tells them not to worry about it and to leave town. Suspicious, Dean investigates and comes face to face with Bobby's dead wife, who has no memory of what happened to her. Once the zombies start turning evil, the boys tell Bobby he has to kill his wife but he refuses.

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Fun Size Patrol
1313 votes

#32 - Fun Size Patrol

Doom Patrol - Season 2 - Episode 1

The Doom Patrol (along with Niles & his daughter) are still mini-sized after their last adventure. Ultimately, Niles will have to sacrifice something precious to save the team.

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Something to Watch Over Me
1160 votes

#33 - Something to Watch Over Me

Being Human (US) - Season 1 - Episode 3

Sally meets a ghostly new friend who teaches her how to cross physical boundaries like the apartment. Josh gets roped into the Neighborhood Watch against his wishes. Aidan is recognised by the son of one of his past victims, who is determined to confront Aidan about his father's murder.

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2929 votes

#34 - Pilot

Doom Patrol - Season 1 - Episode 1

The team, tired of being stuck in Doom Manor, decides to visit the local town while The Chief is away. However, this seemingly harmless field trip leads to some grave consequences, including an encounter with the mysterious and powerful Mr. Nobody.

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There Goes the Neighborhood (2)
1440 votes

#35 - There Goes the Neighborhood (2)

Being Human (US) - Season 1 - Episode 2

Sally begs the guys to call Danny over so she can try to make him see her presence somehow. Aidan, while trying to fight off Cara's unwanted admiration, receives some shocking news about someone who he thought was dead. Josh discovers Aidan's involvement in the Rebecca incident and confronts him about it; at the same time, Josh is also struggling with whether to tell his sister the truth about himself.

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Family Remains
3392 votes

#36 - Family Remains

Supernatural - Season 4 - Episode 11

Dad, Mom, two kids and a dog. An all-American family doesn't stand a ghost of a chance against the bloodthirsty force that turns their new home-sweet-home into a haunted house.

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