During a banquet hosted by the toads, Anne is reunited with a friend from home.
Toad Tower finds itself under attack by a pair of horrifying herons.
When a winter cold snap freezes all the frogs in Wartwood, Anne must protect the townspeople.
After one of the Plantars mysteriously runs out the charge on Anne's phone, the family embarks on a mission to try and recharge it.
To win a village cooking contest, Anne leads the family on a quest to make pizza.
Sprig takes Anne swimming in a nearby lake to help her feel less homesick.
To impress Sylvia Sundew, Hop Pop asks Anne to teach him to dance.
A scary mushroom adventure!
Sprig tries to capture a mysterious beast to prove that he’s responsible.
When a popular talent competition comes to Wartwood, Hop Pop goes overboard in training Sprig to win.