The BEST episodes written by J. C. Wilsher
#2 - Workers In Uniform
The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 13
Able and Susanne moan about ruined weekend, so do Turnham and Hollis. A street festival that had been thought to have been cancelled is going ahead and the relief have to work. Hollis meets with Brownlow about the relief working at the street festival. Dave uses the area car to deliver some files to another station and causes some damage which he covers up. Turnham is blamed for the damage.
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The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 66
June and Tony walk through a black community. Roach had raided a house selling intoxicating liquor. June and Tony are called to a disturbance at a house iwth white occupants. The father of the baby was nicked by Roach the night before. They are almost in a riot situation. The baby's mother is Roach's snout. Brownlow is at a role play for senior officers. It is about riots on the streets of London.
#4 - Cold Turkey (2)
The Bill - Season 7 - Episode 28
Dashwood talks to one of his snouts to find out the name of the man. June talks to the man on the phone after George left a phone outside the flat. Conway negotiates for the man to be shot if all options fail. Brownlow gives the go ahead to shoot the man.
#5 - Overdue
The Bill - Season 8 - Episode 84
Burnside talks to a snout in a bus queue about a delivery. Woods and Carver observe the delivery and CID raid the premises. The cartons contain bricks and motor parts instead of the stolen goods expected. Burnside goes to a promotions board and is passed over.
#6 - Riot City
The Bill - Season 16 - Episode 5
Ch. Insp. Conway and a team of Sun Hill officers undergo riot simulation training at the Met's training depot in Hounslow. Meanwhile, DC Glaze goes undercover at the Cockroft Estate and discovers two rival families battling for control of the estate, and stockpiling weapons for a showdown.
#7 - Fifty-Fifty
The Bill - Season 16 - Episode 69
The death of a colleague deeply affects Don Beech, prompting him to take the biggest gamble of his life.
#8 - Criminal Practice
The Bill - Season 17 - Episode 2
DC Webb and DC Riley wait outside a cafe, whilst inside DS Debbie McAllister is conducting a rather clumsy undercover sting on a suspected drug dealer. DI Cullen is furious when the suspect is released without charge following McAllister's poor handling of the case. Resentful of DS Singh's success in recruiting local informants, McAllister manages to coax some information from solicitor's clerk Jamie Ross, which eventually leads to a successful arrest when Ross's information blows apart a stabbing suspect's alibi. Pleased with her success, McAllister is determined to convince Ross to work as an informant for her. Meanwhile, DC Paul Riley meets up with his brother Joe, who seems to be in some trouble with the Nottingham police.
#9 - Collateral Damage
The Bill - Season 17 - Episode 32
DS McAllister is surprised to run into her former lover and informant Jamie Ross in a bar, when he returns to Sun Hill after the man who wanted him dead dies of a heart attack. Ross is in a new line of work: organising adventure holidays - but he still has plenty of inside knowledge, and when he and McAllister resume their relationship, he reveals the man responsible for a hit-and-run on a drug dealer and a schoolgirl. To McAllister's horror, she realises that Ross has used her, as he is deeply in debt to Brett Sadler who ordered the drug dealer killed. DI Cullen convinces Ross to help them catch Sadler, but Ross is shot and killed by a sniper.
#10 - Blood and Money
The Bill - Season 17 - Episode 75
Boyden meets up with an old acquaintance, ex-fighter Billy Briggs, who tells him about an illegal fight being organised by Kieron O'Shea, and offers his services as an informant. Boyden visits a gym, where Briggs' story is confirmed, but he also learns that Briggs is also taking part in the fight. Boyden transfers the case to CID, who show an interest and request further information. Briggs admits to Boyden that, despite medical advice, he is taking part in the fight, as he owes O'Shea money. Boyden goes undercover in attempt to catch O'Shea, but his cover is quickly blown and O'Shea is arrested. Briggs, however, is frightened into withdrawing his allegation, and the case looks on the verge of collapse.
#11 - Dust Thou Art (1)
Dalziel and Pascoe - Season 9 - Episode 7
Bodies pile up all over Yorkshire, but Dalziel and Pascoe are always led back to Wetherton Arts Centre's production of Oliver. Then one of their own goes missing.
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The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 5
Hollis is organising a blood bank at the station and Peters is not happy because Viv is lying down. She is sent to assist at an armed robbery and hits a radio black spot so no one at the station knows her whereabouts. Ken finds one of the robbers who shows him where she is but he also hits the black spot. Carver and Ted have a problem with their car. Tony feels unwell after giving blood and finds out why Hollis won't donate. Previously he started rumours about why ranging from STD to bovine TB.
#13 - Principled Negotiation
The Bill - Season 8 - Episode 38
D.I. Burnside and D.S. Roach look favourably on an ex-villain with a loan-shark problem, but they expect favours in return.
#14 - Dust Thou Art (2)
Dalziel and Pascoe - Season 9 - Episode 8
Is Dalziel to blame for Jackson's disappearance or could it be something to do with the mysterious art world?
Watch Now:Amazon#15 - In the Cold
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 86
Taffy and Tony go to a rail yard where a female body has been found. Burnside thinks the watchman fits the picture. It turns out she died of exposure.
#16 - Corkscrew
The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 34
Burnside is not happy about Wray talking to his snout. Wray interviews the suspect at Barton Street but he won't talk in the station. While in hospital he tells Burnside that the snout is being protected by a sgt. from Barton Street. Conway thinks the leak must be in CID. Frank thinks the snout stitched him up. Wray tells burnside he has been promoted and will be stationed at Sunhill.
#17 - Canley Fields
The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 39
A child is reported abducted. D.C. Lines interviews one witness and D.S. Roach the other. Three dog teams and TSG are joining in the search, although there is a possibility it is a hoax. After calling off the search, Roach says the witnesses should be charged with wasting police time, but there is a call reporting a child missing matching the witness's description.
#18 - The Night Watch
The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 40
Garfield and Young are called to a party at a squat. They call back and get attacked by the party goers. The man who answered the door the first time, is found in a cupboard. Roach offers Martella a drink. He gets a report of an attack. Viv takes the victim to the rape investigation suite. Roach and Viv clash over whether it was consensual
#19 - A Case To Answer
The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 45
Martella is in court. The case is the rape allegation. Marie wants to drop the case. Carver and Dashwood surprise Lines. Lines is asking about stolen scotch. Burnside offers Lines some overtime. Burnside and Roach help Dashwood and Carver catch the gang. D.C.I. Wray talks to Brownlow about how he is going to run CID.
#20 - Start With The Whistle
The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 100
After the court case Sgt. Penny resigns for health reasons.
#21 - Cold Turkey (1)
The Bill - Season 7 - Episode 27
Tony and Dave go to a sudden death. Monroe arrives and thinks it is a suspicious death. The man was a locum working at the doctors. Dave and Tony are called to a flat where arguments were heard. A man is holding a child hostage. June takes a mother to a chemist. While in the chemist a customer becomes abusive when his prescription is not filled. Greig thinks he might have killed once already. Reg talks to a doctor about a break-in at her surgery where prescription pads were missing. Conway is there to negotiate.
#22 - Feasting With Panthers
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 91
A special constable gaves a ticket to a motorist. Penny warns a car owner to move his car and tells the special constable to destroy the ticket for the car. Penny loses it after reading something on the toilet mirror. Dashwood goes to see a man about a burglary. Dashwood is suspious because there are no signs of forced entry. Turns out to be an ex-lover. Burnside won't help because of armed robbers on the manor. Tony and Tosh watch in a pub while the man is approached by his ex-lover.
#23 - Powers Of Exclusion
The Bill - Season 5 - Episode 103
The van brings in a Reverend with a sheath knife after a fight. Burnside has been after the Reverend for a long time. Reg recognises the law clerk send to represent the Reverend. He has to released and Burnside is not happy when he finds out. Taffy hears of an old lady possibly breaking in . The lady is concerned about a friend of hers who hasn't taken in his milk. It is a sudden death.
#24 - Citadel
The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 27
Brownlow is off to the Forward Planning Meeting. Brownlow is worried Sunhill could not cope in 10-20 with reduced resources. Sunhill is going to be refurbished and enlarged. Conway is given the job of overseeing the day-to-day refurbishment. Turnham is guarding a hole in the road and being harassed by an old man while his friends back at Sunhill are being questioned by a man from MI11 because of his application for a transfer to Special Branch.
#25 - Middleman
The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 33
Greig, Carver and Tosh arrest a man for burglary and drugs. Burnside recuits him as a snout and Operation Middleman is on. The operation to bust a crack house appears to be a stitch up for both Burnside and the suspects arrested. There is animosity between Burnside and the D.I. from the Drugs Squad.
#26 - Effective Persuaders
The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 88
DC's Carver and Martella, DS Grieg, WPC Ackland, PC Quinnan and DI Burnside go on an interview technique training course. During role-play, Frank has to act as a knicker thief, while Jim takes his domestic problems out on Dave Quinnan - violently. [Source: jimsgirl]
#27 - Now We're Motoring
The Bill - Season 7 - Episode 29
Reg helps a man tow away a car. The owner comes to complain about the towing. Reg comes across another towing. Lines talks to a man about welding his car to make the MOT. He is getting grief from Reed. He seems to be setting up a deal where he delivers a car across the channel.
#28 - Initiative
The Bill - Season 7 - Episode 50
George and Phil are talking to a lady about fireworks through her letterbox when they see a purse snatching. CID are working on a murder that might have occured during a street robbery. A man comes in after seeing a poster on the murder. His flat is later torched.
#29 - Out of The Blue
The Bill - Season 6 - Episode 101
June is late for work. Monroe notices her arrival. Her friendship with Wray is the subject of station gossip. June thinks Monroe grassed them up. She is not the only one. Greig talks to Wray about a case. Wray wants to talk to him about CID is working. Wray is being transferred sideways careerwise. Wray talks to Conway who tells him the new D.A.C. got him transferred. Smollett chats up Delia.
#30 - Targets
The Bill - Season 7 - Episode 54
The D.A.C talks about street robberies and taking the streets. D.C.I. Reid talks about her pilot project on street robberies. Tony is at a traffic depot by a cemetery and talks to a youth he suspects of criminal damage. The boy talks about being bullied so carries a knife for self defense. Jim talks to Reg about the bullies. Jim and Tosh get the go-ahead from Burnside to do surveillance on them.
#31 - Joey
The Bill - Season 7 - Episode 58
June is watching a p.e. class at a school before talking to them about theft and robbery. Loxton chases a boy who has stolen a lady's chain. The boy appears too frightened to tell his name.
#32 - Still Waters
The Bill - Season 11 - Episode 102
Conway's diving team finds a corpse in a dock. Deakin and Lines have a suspect in mind, before the body is even retrieved.
#33 - Crime Management
The Bill - Season 13 - Episode 27
DI Chris Deakin has a word to DS John Boulton about his team's informants. Boulton has done pretty well, but DC Tosh Lines hasn't recruited a snout for months. Under pressure, Lines tries to recruit Karen Walsh, the wife of the victim of a recent attack which he'd investigated, but she refuses to grass on her husband or his associates. Lines puts pressure on the Walshes' landlord Pat Beresford who he believes was responsible for the attack, and is delighted when Beresford contacts him offering information.
#34 - Going Public
The Bill - Season 16 - Episode 38
DC Webb investigates an assault but is rather taken with the victim's beautiful wife.