The BEST episodes written by Hiroshi Nishikiori

#1 - End of Second Term and Christmas
Azumanga Daioh - Season 1 - Episode 17
81 - Osaka's Horror Story Chiyo and Osaka talk about pandas. Plus, Osaka describes a different kind of horror. 82 - Change of Pace Yukari gets bored with teaching English, so she decides to try something different. 83 - Yule Christmas is coming and everyone's getting merry! Plus, Tomo and Kagura discuss the mystery of Santa Claus. 84 - Amazing Santa Christmas wishes, reindeer... fact or fiction, and the year of the adder. 85 - Christmas Party The girls go out for a little fun and karaoke.

#2 - Aika-sama Has a Lot of Friends
Shomin Sample - Season 1 - Episode 8
While having their fortunes told by Kimito's phone, the girls discover that it can also predict their compatibility with members of the opposite sex. After Kimito asks Kujo to stop waking him in her usual manner, she is reluctant.
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#3 - Last Sports Fest in High School
Azumanga Daioh - Season 1 - Episode 23
111 - Chewed The Sports Fest returns! ...But why is Osaka so excited? 112 - Cheerleader Her and Tomo's rough-housing leads to a crisis for Kagura. 113 - I Didn't Think Osaka is pumped up and ready, but there is one possibility she hadn't considered... 114 - We'll Run Together Kaorin gets to see Sakaki in a way she's never seen her before. Plus, the relay race begins. 115 - United It all comes down to this... In the relay race, the girls are going to have to work together if they're going to win.
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#4 - Summer Break
Azumanga Daioh - Season 1 - Episode 5
21, "Summer Break" Summer Break arrives. Nyamo visits Yukari at home to instill some motivation in her. 22, "Welcome to Chiyo's Room" Yomi, Tomo, and Osaka go to visit Chiyo at her home... and are surprised by what they find! 23, "Invitation" The girls head to Chiyo's Family's summer home to enjoy their vacation together at the beach. Also, Chiyo and Osaka learn the true meaning of horror, courtesy of... the Yukari-mobile!!! O_o 24, "Someone With Experience, Speak" The group tries to pass the evening with scary stories and fireworks, with mixed results. 25, "Done For" The group returns home as Summer Break comes to an end. Also, Kaorin gets the shock of her life!
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#5 - Fate
Jyu-Oh-Sei - Season 1 - Episode 1
Thor and his twin brother Rai come home one day to find their parents murdered. They were sent away to a completely new planet with no idea why their parents were killed, or what the new planet was. The twins quickly learned that this new place was much different from where they had been before, much different.
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#6 - Osaka's Day
Azumanga Daioh - Season 1 - Episode 2
6, "Osaka Today As Well" We learn more about Ayumu (now known as "Osaka") and her unfortunate habit of spacing out at inopportune moments. 7, "P.E. - Volleyball" During Kurosawa-sensei's gym class, we see how athletic (and unathletic) the girls can be. 8, "Hiccups" After sampling some of Yomi's spicy lunch, Osaka gets a bad case of the hiccups. 9, "The Brain..." Hours have passed, school is over, and Osaka's hiccups still have not gone away! The girls do everything they can to help her, but can the cure be worse than the disease? 10, "Brand New" We get a small glimpse into Osaka's imagination, where anything can happen, and reality as we know it ceases to exist.
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#7 - A Child High School Student
Azumanga Daioh - Season 1 - Episode 1
1, "A Child High School Student" We first meet 10-year-old prodigy Chiyo Mihama on her first day of high school. Meanwhile, English teacher Yukari-sensei is also on her way to school, and nothing seems to be going her way. 2, "A Genius" We learn that, in spite of being very smart for her age, Chiyo is far from perfect. Nonetheless, Chiyo quickly becomes a featured member of the class. 3, "Scary, maybe?" Chiyo is helping out in class when she meets Miss Sakaki, the tall quiet girl that everyone idolizes. But, upon reviewing Sakaki's pick of career choices, Chiyo wonders if their might be more to Miss Sakaki than meets the eye. 4, "The Rampaging Tomo-chan!" We meet Tomo, the hyperactive girl, as she challenges both Sakaki and Chiyo and generally gets herself into trouble. 5, "An Osakan Girl" A new transfer student, Ayumu, arrives from Osaka. Now, poor Ayumu must try to deal with her classmates' preconceived notions about Osaka natives.
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#8 - Challenge
Jyu-Oh-Sei - Season 1 - Episode 4
Thor asks Third to take him and Tiz to see Colin. There he figures out who could be the responsible for their parents's death, and has a shocking revelation about his future.
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#9 - Yukari and Nyamo
Azumanga Daioh - Season 1 - Episode 3
11, "Nyamo" We get to see more of P.E. teacher Minamo Kurosawa, a.k.a. "Nyamo," esp. her relationship with Yukari. 12, "Factional Rivalry" Envious over Nyamo's unmatched popularity with the students, Yukari shanghais the girls into basketball game. Only, Yukari doesn't play fair... 13, "Yukari's Here" When Yukari visits Nyamo at home, we get to see just how dysfunctional their relationship can be. 14, "Not My Fault" Yukari and Nyamo go out for a drink and end up running into *gasp* a foreigner! Meanwhile, Tomo, Yomi, and Osaka end up sharing in a little philosophy. 15, "Forever And Ever" Yukari shows her wild(er) side while knocking back glasses of sake, much to Nyamo's shagrin.
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#10 - Pool, Pool, Pool!
Azumanga Daioh - Season 1 - Episode 4
16, "A Fun Profession" We meet Kimura-sensei, the girls' creepy Classical Lit. teacher. 17, "Pool, Pool, Pool" As the girls gather at the school pool for gym class, we get to see more of their physical limitations, as well as a few personality quirks. 18, "Ribbon" Nyamo is trying to teach swimming technique to her class at the pool, when Yukari (naturally) rudely interrupts. 19, "Just the Two of Them" At Yukari's insistence, she and Nyamo face off in a pool relay race. 20, "A Good Person?" The aftermath of the class relay race. Also, the girls spot Kimura in the park after school and start wondering what kind of person he really is.
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#11 - Ochre Ring
Jyu-Oh-Sei - Season 1 - Episode 2
An unconscious Thor is taken to Ochre Ring, and after waking up he finds out that he was saved by Tiz, a female member of the Sun Ring who chose him as her husband.
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#12 - Companion
Jyu-Oh-Sei - Season 1 - Episode 3
Chen, the Top of the Sun Ring, approaches the Ochre Ring to take Tiz back; meanwhile, Thor and Tiz go in search of a wise man named Colin.
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#13 - Independence
Jyu-Oh-Sei - Season 1 - Episode 7
The true identity of the White Wolf Demon is Zagi, the one who protected the Klein brothers when they were first sent to Chimera. He tells Thor that the myth of the Beast King is a lie. He proposes that they should join together to wage a war of independence.
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