The BEST episodes written by Hannibal Coons
#1 - Dennis' Garden
Dennis the Menace - Season 1 - Episode 6
Dennis mistakes Mr. Wilson's dahlia bulbs for sweet potatoes, and, after his bedtime, he switches the sweet potatoes for dahlia bulbs.
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#2 - Charley Abandons the Cannonball
Petticoat Junction - Season 1 - Episode 31
Feeling neglected, Charley quits his job as engineer of the Cannonball.
Watch Now:Amazon#3 - Cousin Itt's Problem
The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 48
Cousin Itt is in danger of losing his job as a shampoo spokesman when he starts to lose hair.
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The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 27
Christmas is coming. The happiness of it horrifies the family, but the gift-giving and holiday spirit is still there. Pugsley sees his belief in Santa dashed, and the family enlists Fester to dress up as Santa for him...what a sight!
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Family Affair - Season 3 - Episode 3
Cissy is asked by a boy in Vienna to be his bride. Cissy likes the idea at first, but reality comes in and snaps some sense into her.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#6 - Morticia, the Sculptress
The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 37
In need of artistic fulfillment, Morticia takes up sculpting. Gomez, who won't have Morticia's heart broken, gets Sandy Warhol, a seedy art dealer, to buy it with Gomez's own money. When Warhol commissions more sculptures, Morticia spends all of her time chiseling away and completely neglects her family.
Watch Now:Amazon#7 - Morticia, the Playwright
The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 49
Disturbed by the fairy tales her children are about to perform at school, Morticia decides to write her own play. It's Gotcha week, so Fester and Gomez are competitively pulling practical jokes on each other.
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#8 - Morticia's Romance (2)
The Addams Family - Season 2 - Episode 3
Wednesday and Pugsley refuse to go to sleep until they are told the rest of the story of their parents' romance.
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#9 - Cousin Itt and the Vocational Counselor
The Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 32
Cousin Itt is trying to decide on a career, and they call in Mr. Phelps, a vocational guidance expert.
Watch Now:Amazon#10 - Betty Jo's First Love
Petticoat Junction - Season 1 - Episode 23
Betty Jo's first crush is more interested in tinkering with cars than romance.
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#11 - Ophelia Finds Romance
The Addams Family - Season 2 - Episode 20
Ophelia needs help with her latest romance, Horatio Bartholomew, whom she met at a Lonely Hearts' Club, but Grandma Frump objects to him, and Gomez and Morticia both think he's a phony, and try to convince Itt to marry Ophelia instead.
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#12 - The Addams Family in Court
The Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 21
Grandma's been telling fortunes as Madame Bovary, helped by Thing. She's even set up a tent in the living room. Morticia is appalled and wants her to stop. It's too late, though, as the police arrest her.
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#13 - The Addams Policy
The Addams Family - Season 2 - Episode 28
Morticia has a new flame thrower, which Fester tests, setting their polar bear on fire. They make a claim to their insurance company, infuriating Mr. Henson, the manager, because his clerk, Joe Digby, had forgotten to cancel the Family's coverage.
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#14 - Last Chance Farm
Petticoat Junction - Season 1 - Episode 20
Uncle Joe tells two plump ladies that the Shady Rest is a reducing farm.
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#15 - The Hooterville Flivverball
Petticoat Junction - Season 1 - Episode 28
Uncle Joe tries to start his own railroad, powered by Orville Miggs' broken-down car.
Watch Now:Amazon#16 - Top Secret
My Three Sons - Season 4 - Episode 15
Steve has to fly to Washington and is given a top secret military project. Steve tells the Pentagon brass that he would attract the least attention by just doing the work at home. While Bub is just beside himself with curiosity, Chip suddenly becomes the target for security men.
Watch Now:Amazon#17 - The Addams Family Tree
The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 9
Wednesday gave Harold Pomeroy a black eye at school after he said his family was better than hers. His smug father, Cecil Pomeroy comes to the Addams family house for an apology. Cecil and Harold get to ""enjoy"" the family Addams. But with their interest now aroused in their own genealogy, the family hires professor Sims to do some research for them.
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#18 - The Addams Family and the Spacemen
The Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 27
There have been sightings of UFOs, and when Mr. Hinckley and Mr. Gilbert, investigators from the MSO (Mysterious Space Objects), comes across the Family on a moonlight picnic and snail hunt, they think that Lurch and Cousin Itt are aliens.
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#19 - Morticia, the Matchmaker
The Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 12
Cousin Melancholia comes to seek solace at the Addams home. Melancholia's fiancee, Fred, has left to join the Foreign Legion. Morticia is determined to find her a new man and phones up Hasty Marriage.
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#20 - Art and the Addams Family
The Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 14
Morticia has taken up painting and Gomez has art critic Bosley Swain evaluate her.
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#21 - Halloween... Addams Style
The Addams Family - Season 2 - Episode 7
It's Halloween and, despite salamander sandwiches and a fresh porcupine taffy, Wednesday's upset.
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#22 - The Great Treasure Hunt
The Addams Family - Season 2 - Episode 19
In the attic the Family discovers Great-Grandfather Pegleg' s old sea chest, and there's a treasure map in it. Morticia wants to search for the treasure, but half the map is missing, so the search for the second half begins.
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#23 - Morticia's Romance (1)
The Addams Family - Season 2 - Episode 2
On Morticia and Gomez's thirteenth wedding anniversary, Morticia tells the children a bedtime story of how she and Gomez met.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#24 - Dennis' Tree House
Dennis the Menace - Season 1 - Episode 14
Mr. Wilson attempts to teach Dennis about bird watching. Dennis takes care of a sick bird, which proves to be the first of its species ever found in their region, prompting a visit by an excited bird club official.
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#25 - Lurch and His Harpsichord
The Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 25
Lurch' s harpsichord turns out to be a rare survivor of an extinct make, so Gomez is persuaded to donate it to the local museum. Lurch is left inconsolable, so the Family attempts to get him interested in other pursuits.
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#26 - Christmas with the Addams Family
The Addams Family - Season 2 - Episode 15
Uncle Fester is chosen to slide down the chimney dressed as Santa Claus to prove the existence of St. Nick to the children. Fester gets stuck in the chimney, so Gomez, Lurch, Cousin Itt, and even Morticia and Grandmama each don a red suit and appear to the children.
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#27 - Wednesday Leaves Home
The Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 10
Wednesday packs up her spider and runs away after being scolded for using Uncle Fester's blasting caps instead of her own.
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#28 - Have Library, Will Travel
Petticoat Junction - Season 2 - Episode 3
Uncle Joe has grown extremely fond of pretty librarian Phyllis Marsh, who has set up a traveling library in the baggage car of the Hooterville Cannonball
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#29 - Gomez, the Politician
The Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 4
Sam Hilliard, the ex-truant officer, is running for city council. This puts Gomez in the campaign mood, and he decides to offer financial support.
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#30 - Pugsley's Allowance
The Addams Family - Season 2 - Episode 21
Pugsley wants some money and offers to work for it. This horrifies his parents, Addams don't work! They agree to let him work to teach him a lesson.
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#31 - The New Neighbors Meet the Addams Family
The Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 9
Hubert and Amanda Peterson are newlyweds, and they have leased the house next door. Their bliss starts to erode immediately when they see the Family washing their pet octopus and Fester testing dynamite caps.
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#32 - Uncle Fester's Toupee
The Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 31
Fester's pen-pal Madelyn Cavendish Beauregard Faversham Firestone Smith, from Paris, Illinois, is coming to visit him, and he's told her he's a handsome, romantic type with a lot of hair.
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#33 - Morticia, the Sculptress
The Addams Family - Season 2 - Episode 9
Morticia wants to do something to add to life artisticaily, so she decides to take up sculpting.
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#34 - Morticia and the Psychiatrist
The Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 2
Gomez and Morticia are shocked when Pugsley joins the boy scouts, begins playing baseball and gets a puppy. Fearing something is wrong, they turn to a psychiatrist.
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#35 - The Addams Family Tree
The Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 5
Pugsley and Wednesday get into a fight over families, with their friend Harold, who says that his family is better than their family. This prompts the Addams family to look back in their family tree.
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#36 - Ophelia's Career
The Addams Family - Season 2 - Episode 30
Ophelia arrives in tears as usual, as she's been jilted again. Morticia thinks she should take up a career to distract her from her bad track record with men.
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#37 - The Addams Family Meets the Undercover Man
The Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 16
Hollister is an undercover operative who's been picking up odd radio signals from the Addams house. Convinced they're spies, he recruits the postman, Briggs, to help.
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#38 - Fester Goes on a Diet
The Addams Family - Season 2 - Episode 18
Pugsley has been exercising, much to his parents' disapproval, when Fester gets a letter from his French pen-pal, Yvette, who is coming to visit. So he decides he has to get into shape, with the help of TV fitness guru Jack La Grann.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#39 - Dennis Becomes a Baby Sitter
Dennis the Menace - Season 1 - Episode 27
Dennis winds up babysitting a little boy who is a guest of the Wilsons after his father and Mr. Wilson mistakenly both cancel their respective sitters.
Watch Now:Amazon#40 - Fester Goes on a Diet
The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 13
Uncle Fester finds a female friend on the Internet who is coming to visit. He tries to get into shape before his new love arrives.
Watch Now:Amazon#41 - Morticia, the Matchmaker
The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 8
Cousin Melancholia's fiancee ran out and left her, so she shows up at the Addamses house all despondent. They try to find her another suitor - the mailman who zooms off, Lurch wouldn't agree, Fester only dates criminals, and Thing fingers off. But the unwilling Ralph Harvey, trying to save his Law Firm's account with the Addamses, is coerced into dating and getting engaged to Melancholia.
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#42 - Morticia, the Writer
The Addams Family - Season 2 - Episode 8
Morticia disapproves of the books the children are assigned from school, since they portray giants, goblins, and ghouls, as the bad guys.
Watch Now:AmazonApple TV#43 - New Neighbors Meet the Addams Family
The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 5
Newlyweds, Hubert and Amanda Peterson move in to the house they leased next door, owned by the Addamses. As they find out about their new neighbors and landlords, they try desperately to get out of the lease
Watch Now:Amazon#44 - Morticia's Romance (2)
The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 15
Wednesday and Pugsley ask to hear the rest of the story about how Gomez and Morticia met. The story continues with the complications that arose when Cousin Itt and Cousin Vlad became involved.
Watch Now:Amazon#45 - Wednesday Leaves Home
The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 16
Wednesday unleashed 20 starving alligators in the sewers. The police came after her. Gomez and Morticia ground her for a week for cruelty to animals. She would not be allowed to play with her weapons, start any fires, or torture here brother. So Wednesday runs away.
Watch Now:Amazon#46 - Uncle Fester's Toupee
The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 19
Ginger, a girl Fester has been e-mailing is coming to meet him. But Fester lied to her about himself, and wonders what he's going to do about his hair, which he told her he has. So a toupee salesman is called. Fester's grand appearance in front of Ginger is stumbling at best!
Watch Now:Amazon#47 - Morticia's Romance (1)
The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 14
Gomez and Morticia are celebrating their 13th Anniversary. Wednesday and Pugsley ask them how they met. So they are told the story. Gomez was pre-ordained to marry Morticia's sister Ophelia for whom he had no affection. But he and Morticia were love at first sight.
Watch Now:Amazon#48 - Morticia and the Psychiatrist
The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 21
Pugsley joined the Junior Troopers so Morticia called a psychiatrist who suggests that Pugsley just wants their attention.
Watch Now:Amazon#49 - Art and the Addams Family
The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 11
Wednesday comes back from school after painting a black rainbow and she got an ""F"" on it. Her teacher, Miss Crank, says she may fail art if she doesn't use color. So Gomez tries to hire the world famous artist Leopold DaMinci as an art Tutor, but gets Leo DaMinci, an Italian Pizza delivery man instead. Meanwhile, Mama falls in love with the postman, and Fester helps her try to trap him.
Watch Now:Amazon#50 - Melancholia Finds Romance
The New Addams Family - Season 1 - Episode 22
Cousin Melancholia and her fiancee Digby Henson arrive at the Addamses house but Fester is suspicious of Digby so spies on him!
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