The BEST episodes written by Eli Attie

#1 - Enemies List
Billions - Season 7 - Episode 10
Prince makes big changes in the wake of betrayal. Chuck forges unlikely alliances as part of his mission to take down Prince. Wendy finds herself in an impossible position, while Axe and Taylor work to dismantle Prince's sinister moves.
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#2 - La Palabra
The West Wing - Season 6 - Episode 18
Santos is campaigning in California during the last few days before the all-important "Super Tuesday" primary elections, but he is out of money and he trails both Russell and Hoynes in the polls. When even "La Palabra", a Latino voters group, is all set to endorse Hoynes instead of Santos, Josh urges Santos to take a stand on the new bill that denies driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. Meanwhile, Donna tries to figure out why Hoynes suddenly isn't campaigning in California, and advances her position in the Russell campaign by becoming the Vice President's official spokesperson.
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#3 - B-12
Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip - Season 1 - Episode 10
A virus threatens the staff while Matt has to cope with a reduced writing staff. Jordan tells Danny a little secret which could affect the whole NBS network.
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#4 - Freedonia
The West Wing - Season 6 - Episode 15
It's five days before the New Hampshire primary, and Josh is desperately trying to find a "silver bullet" that will get his candidate into the local debate between the two front-runners, Vice President Russell and former Vice President Hoynes. Then, Josh and Santos's disagreements over how to run the campaign come to a head when Santos hires Josh's ex-girlfriend Amy Gardner to help him prepare for the debate he may never be in. And Donna has a memorable encounter with a chicken.
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#5 - Third-Day Story
The West Wing - Season 6 - Episode 3
Leo is rushed into bypass surgery after suffering a massive heart attack; as Toby and Josh scramble chaotically to get votes after Haffley demands Democratic support for a tax cut in exchange for ratification of the peace plan, it becomes quickly apparent that Jed must overcome his reluctance to name a new chief of staff; C.J. works with the State Department on getting U.N. and NATO approval of the peace accord; Charlie drags his feet about completing some minor graduation requirements because he's reluctant to keep his promise that he'll resign as Jed's body man to seek a better position once he has his degree; Donna returns to work; C.J. gets on Josh's case about his unhealthy diet.
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#7 - Stirred
The West Wing - Season 3 - Episode 17
Hoynes and Bartlet each make an unexpected announcement about Hoynes' place on the ticket; fears of a terrorist attack arise when a truck carrying depleted uranium-fuel rods is involved in a head-on collision in an Idaho tunnel; Donna seeks a Presidential Proclamation to honor her high-school teacher/mentor who's retiring; and Bartlet's insistence on helping Charlie with his tax return sparks a discussion on the true nature of a tax rebate.
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#8 - Angel Maintenance
The West Wing - Season 4 - Episode 19
Air Force One is forced to keep aloft for almost 24 hours when an indicator light leads the flight crew to believe that the landing gear isn't functioning properly; Bartlet and Will have a spirited discussion on Colombian recertification, which is ultimately rendered moot when Air Force One doesn't land on time; the Black Caucus plays hardball with the Oval Office to gain a Congressional debate on the merits of reinstating the draft; legislation to clean up Chesapeake Bay is sacrificed to partisan politics; Will is unsuccessful in hiding his fear of flying from C.J. and Charlie; deaths in Kundu continue to mount.
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#9 - Duck and Cover
The West Wing - Season 7 - Episode 12
Bartlet must deal with the possiblity of a nuclear explosion in California, Kate is keeping a careful watch on the election in Kazakhstan and China's response, Will is acting as the government's voice this week, and Josh is trying to keep his political version of Tourette's in check.
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#10 - The Mommy Problem
The West Wing - Season 7 - Episode 2
Santos and Vinick have to deal with press fallout when it looks like the Bartlet White House is not going to continue the investigation into the press leaks.
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#11 - Opposition Research
The West Wing - Season 6 - Episode 11
Santos starts up his presidential campaign in New Hampshire, where he immediately disagrees with Josh on campaign philosophy: "No opposition research, no dirt on our opponents." Josh has an uncomfortable reunion with Russell campaign staffer Donna.
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#12 - Election Day (2)
The West Wing - Season 7 - Episode 17
Abbey is in New Hamphire with Liz Bartlet-Westin and they are awaiting the results of Doug Westin's campaign for a seat in Congress. Members of both the Santos campaign and the Vinick campaign must decide how to handle a tragedy, as the voters around the country continue to cast their votes for the next President of the United States.
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#13 - The Al Smith Dinner
The West Wing - Season 7 - Episode 6
Donna is back and she's working for the Santos/McGarry campaign, but not for Josh. An attack ad on Santos by a pro-life group puts Vinick in a corner when Santos demands Vinick renounce it but Vinick knows that if he does it will offend the G.O.P. leadership.
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#14 - Constituency of One
The West Wing - Season 5 - Episode 5
Will Bailey receives an offer to become Vice President Russell's top aide. Amy Parker does some skillful lobbying for domestic violence prevention which gets the wrath of Bartlett. A conservative democratic senator switches parties.
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#15 - Slow News Day
The West Wing - Season 5 - Episode 12
Toby gets Jed's support to seize a controversial window of opportunity to save Social Security, but is hampered by Jed's mandate to keep the operation under wraps; desperate to feed the press corps beast on a glacially slow news day, C.J. meets with an attache to discuss cabbage imports, and has a little fun with a particularly dense reporter; Josh's brainstorm to help Will burnish Bob Russell's presentation problems and a persistent reporter endanger Toby's attempts to broker a deal on the Hill; Rina finds a friend in Donna, and Josh isn't too happy about it; Toby is saved from having to fall on his sword when Josh and Jed devise a plan to rescue his deal from certain disaster.
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#16 - Chase
House - Season 8 - Episode 12
Chase's religious faith bubbles to the surface when he treats a young nun. In addition, he and House reach a fundamental disagreement about the patient that may finally end Chase's reputation as House's "yes man" but also bring's House's methods, reputation and objectivity are given more serious scrutiny.
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#17 - Last Resort
House - Season 5 - Episode 9
A man seeking the right diagnosis for his illness is willing to take on the hospital and the SWAT team to get it. He takes thirteen and several patients from the waiting room and puts them in Cuddy's office. To put an end to the crisis they must come up with the right diagnosis, treat the wounded, and hold off a SWAT team.
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#18 - Guns Not Butter
The West Wing - Season 4 - Episode 12
Josh, determined to make sure a foreign aid bill passes even though it's a hopeless cause, sends Donna out to track down a reluctant senator; in an attempt to impress Zoey's new boyfriend, Charlie unwittingly gets over his head with the Department of Defense; Danny continues to pursue the Shareef matter; a Bartlet photo op with Heifer International creates unexpected opportunities -- for C.J. to perfect her spin-doctoring techniques, and for the staff once again to test Will's mettle and sense of humor.

#19 - Requiem
The West Wing - Season 7 - Episode 18
Former series regulars, including Marlee Matlin, Mary-Louise Parker, Tim Matheson, Anna Deavere Smith and Gary Cole, make guest appearances as Bartlet, Santos and their staff members attend a funeral for one of their own. Also, Josh cautions Santos about getting involved in the vote for Speaker of the House.
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#21 - Dying Changes Everything
House - Season 5 - Episode 1
In the aftermath of personal tragedy, Wilson resigns from the hospital... and from his friendship with House. Meanwhile, Thirteen struggles with her personal medical problems while helping treat an executive assistant with a similar situation to her own.
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#22 - Bogeyman
Backstrom - Season 1 - Episode 5
In the Special Crime Unit's most harrowing case yet, the team has three days to save a teenage girl who has been abducted by a slippery online predator. The team soon learns that this is a deeply personal case for Backstrom, who is jolted by the girl's resemblance to the victim of an unsolved case that he was assigned seven years ago. Meanwhile, Detective Sergeant John Almond's church faces eviction when he neglects to pay rent three consecutive months.
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#24 - Saviors
House - Season 5 - Episode 21
Cameron postpones her vacation with Chase in order to ask House to accept the case of an environmental radical who collapsed at a protest with unexplainable symptoms. Although suspicious of her motives, House agrees. Since she pushed him to take the case so emphatically, House forces Cameron to take the lead and run many of the tests on the patient. Meanwhile, House is unsure of Wilson’s new healthy diet.
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#26 - Parents
House - Season 8 - Episode 6
A teenage boy attempting to follow in his late father’s footsteps as an entertainer is admitted to Princeton Plainsboro with partial paralysis. As the team searches for a bone marrow match, they uncover a disturbing family secret. Meanwhile, House looks for creative ways to remove his ankle monitor so that he can attend a boxing match in Atlantic City, and he treats a patient who is convinced he is suffering from diabetes. Also, Taub faces a tough decision when his ex-wife Rachel tells him that she wants to move across the country with their infant daughter.
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#27 - The Man in the Olive Drab T-Shirt
Billions - Season 7 - Episode 6
Axe turns to Chuck for a favor involving a common adversary. Prince maneuvers to raise his public profile. Chuck seeks counsel from an out-of-the-box business mind. Wendy works to run employee feedback rounds, even at the cost of Prince's pride.
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#28 - Sudden Death & Shades Deep
Rosewood - Season 1 - Episode 19
Despite each being at the top of their fields, Villa and Rosewood are stumped when a local musician and king of catchy jingles suddenly keels over in his studio with no discernable cause of death. Meanwhile, Donna enlists Mitchie to investigate Erica’s “missing year”.
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#29 - Talking Points
The West Wing - Season 5 - Episode 19
Hail the conquering hero. Josh returns after nailing down details for a trade agreement. But the devil in the detail, including information kept from Josh. C.J. fights megamedia ownership of local TV.

#30 - Changes
House - Season 7 - Episode 20
The team takes on the case of a lottery winner (Donal Logue) suffering from paralysis and multiple types of cancer, and they must figure out if it his new millionaire lifestyle that is making him sick. Meanwhile, Cuddy's mother threatens to sue the hospital over her treatment, and Foreman and Chase make a bet over who is repressing the uglier side of their personality more.
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#32 - 18 Miles Outside of Roanoke
For the People (2018) - Season 1 - Episode 3
Sandra and Kate go head-to-head on a high-profile case involving a young woman accused of leaking classified information, but they learn to find common ground in their fight for justice and pursuit of the common good. Allison struggles to make a case for her client as the courts look to new technology to avoid bias, and Leonard seeks professional legitimacy at the cost of a personal relationship.
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#33 - Lockdown
House - Season 6 - Episode 16
When a newborn disappears from the nursery, Princeton Plainsboro goes on lockdown, preventing anyone from entering, leaving or moving within the hospital. While House and his team members are trapped in various parts of the building, new insights about the team’s personal histories, relationships and regrets surface.
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#34 - The Inescapable Truth
Backstrom - Season 1 - Episode 9
A key witness in a drug investigation is found dead after escaping from his court-mandated rehab program, and Backstrom must figure out how he escaped and who killed him. However, when the S.C.U. learns that the victim is member of a band and all his bandmates dislike him, they start to believe that the killer may be someone closer than they expected. Meanwhile, Backstrom has reason to believe that Valentine may be more than just his tenant.
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#35 - Succession
Billions - Season 6 - Episode 11
Prince's plan is put in jeopardy when Chuck unleashes a new kind of attack. Meanwhile, a discovery sets off chaos at Michael Prince Capital. Prince makes an announcement that pushes the tension between Philip and Taylor to the boiling point.
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#36 - Minimum Continuing Legal Education
For the People (2018) - Season 2 - Episode 3
Seth becomes committed to taking an immune international diplomat to trial so he can get out of general crime and onto a more senior unit. Sandra works on a kidnapping case and is convinced the kidnapping was an accident. Meanwhile, Jay is certain that taking a different route to work will determine how successful he will be in the courtroom.
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#38 - Swiss Diplomacy
The West Wing - Season 4 - Episode 9
The 15-year old son of an Iranian leader needs a heart transplant in the U.S. Problem is, the only man who could do it is an enemy of the Iranian government; The Senate minority leader threatens to thwart the President's legislative agenda when he believes that Hoynes is doing some political maneuvering for the next Presidential election; Toby offers a Congresswoman a Cabinet position but is forced to take back the offer.

#39 - Teamwork
House - Season 6 - Episode 7
After House’s medical license is reinstated, he reclaims his role as Head of Diagnostics in time to treat Hank Hardwick, an adult film star admitted to Princeton Plainsborough for pulsating eye pain. Meanwhile, Cuddy is reminded that Princeton Plainsborough is not conducive to healthy personal relationships.
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