The BEST episodes written by Dottie Dartland
#1 - A Picture's Worth ... $9.95
Grace Under Fire - Season 1 - Episode 7
Grace and Russell make plans for a double blind date; Libby is harassing baby Patrick.
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Grace Under Fire - Season 1 - Episode 3
Grace and Nadine take a night out and flirt with some frat boys, while Russell and Wade try to steal Russell's dog which his ex-wife got as part of the property settlement.
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#3 - And the In-Laws Meet
Dharma & Greg - Season 1 - Episode 2
When Dharma and Greg throw a party to celebrate their union, a disapproving Kitty boycotts the event, and Dharma sets out to befriend her mother-in-law. But when the Montgomerys and the Finkelsteins finally get together to plan the details, the hostilities really begin.
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#4 - The Second Coming of Leonard
Dharma & Greg - Season 1 - Episode 15
When Dharma's charismatic old boyfriend, Leonard, suddenly re-enters her life after a year in India, Greg finds himself extremely uncomfortable around him—especially when it becomes clear that absolutely everyone else, from Greg's parents to even Marlene, absolutely adores Leonard. Weakened by battling a bad cold, Greg is thrown for a loop when Leonard reveals that he has been celibate since he left Dharma and Dharma decides that she and Greg should give abstinence a try as well. Finally, Dharma informs everyone that they should respect Greg's wishes and not see Leonard any more—then everyone simultaneously spots Greg on television enjoying Leonard's company and his benchside basketball tickets.
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#5 - Haus Arrest
Dharma & Greg - Season 1 - Episode 12
Dharma's free spirit and maternal instincts are challenged when Greg's rebellious teenage niece Jennifer visits for the holidays and soon abuses her newfound friendship with her aunt. When Dharma and Jane take her along on a wacky shopping trip pretending to be monolingual German tourists, they are upset to discover that she has used them as a cover for actual shoplifting. Later when Dharma discovers that Jennifer has invited a boyfriend over unannounced, she lowers the disciplinary boom—and Jennifer runs away.
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Grace Under Fire - Season 1 - Episode 15
A romantic weekend in the Windy City is blown away when Ryan fails to show up at the airport on time.
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Dharma & Greg - Season 1 - Episode 1
Free-spirited Dharma and straitlaced Greg break the news to their respective parents, none of whom are especially thrilled with the match.
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#8 - Caroline and the Critics
Caroline in the City - Season 2 - Episode 21
When Caroline learns that an obscure upstate newspaper has dropped her syndicated strip, she drives up with a reluctant Richard to find out why. Naturally Richard's car breaks down, and the two wind up playing marriage counselor to the only local mechanic and his on-the-point-of-leaving wife. Meanwhile, Annie recognizes an obnoxious diner at Remo's as the theater critic who gave her the worst review of her career, and hatches an elaborate revenge plot that involves Del, Charlie, and a cab driver/actor with his own ax to grind.
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#10 - A Closet Full of Hell
Dharma & Greg - Season 2 - Episode 6
A hilariously spooky Halloween episode finds the couple engaged in amorous horseplay (Dharma showing Greg how to do a strip-tease for her) on the eve of their house-warming party when the dogs sniff out something eerie in their new apartment: a hidden storage closet full of antique dolls. Although Dharma senses evil, Greg talks her into going ahead with the event while he cleans away the dolls, but in the middle of the party Dharma discovers the dolls have quietly returned to their former positions, together with two new dolls which bear an alarming resemblance to Dharma and Greg. Abbie intervenes with an exorcism (to Pete's amusement), then all seems well until the newlyweds hear heavy footsteps in the attic at midnight, and discover a single doll hung from the ceiling. Greg determines to spend all night in the attic to find out once and for all what is going on, joined by a reluctant Dharma, and they are both terrified when a trapdoor opens to reveal a screaming elderly woman who dem
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#11 - Caroline and the Bad Date
Caroline in the City - Season 1 - Episode 15
Del asks Richard to join him on a double date with two gorgeous models; Caroline meets a man buying a sweater, but he turns out to be a paranoid bore.
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#12 - The First Thanksgiving
Dharma & Greg - Season 1 - Episode 10
After Dharma, Larry and Abby give a farm-full of turkeys their freedom, Dharma volunteers to make Thanksgiving dinner for the whole family in Kitty's spacious kitchen, with Jane's help (while Kitty plays it safe with a restaurant reservation). But Greg is not offering up thanks when he's the last to know that Dharma might have more than just a bird in the oven.
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#13 - Death and Violins
Dharma & Greg - Season 2 - Episode 13
Edward's mother Beatrice is dying and knows it, despite the efforts of everyone around her to deny the fact except Dharma, who argues for honesty and gets a priceless Stradivarius as a keepsake, much to the horror of Kitty who believes it belongs in a museum -- especially after everyone has heard Dharma trying to learn ""Three Blind Mice"" on the instrument. Then Dharma learns something very surprising: Edward and Kitty's marriage was a whirlwind courtship bitterly opposed by Beatrice, who has never forgiven her ""free-thinking"" daughter-in-law and refuses to pass on the family heirloom engagement ring to her. Dharma tries to help mend fences before it's too late -- then tries to respect Beatrice's dying wish to pass on the ring when it is much, much too late. In a coda, Greg is more than happy to let Dharma's violin teacher borrow the Strad for a recital, then learns Dharma has taken up the trombone instead.
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#14 - Caroline and the Mugger
Caroline in the City - Season 1 - Episode 2
Richard is mugged and robbed of his wallet and portfolio - containing Caroline' s drawings.
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#15 - Dharma and Greg on a Hot Tin Roof
Dharma & Greg - Season 2 - Episode 14
Role playing at a golf shop, the couple put on fake Southern accents and wind up endearing themselves to a genuine Southerner -- who turns out to be the federal judge before whom Greg must argue a cast the next day. After an evening's panic, he decides to tough it out and wins the case hands down (while mystifying Pete). But he discovers he has succeeded only too well: Judge Harper becomes the couple's best friend and constant companion, and Greg despairs at having to keep up the pretence forever -- especially when the judge comes to meet the entire extended family.
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#16 - Brought to You in DharmaVision
Dharma & Greg - Season 2 - Episode 9
Dharma is surprised when both Jane and her parents accuse her of having changed because she is busy attending a society fundraiser with Kitty then alarmed when Kitty congratulates her on having changed to the extent that young socialites thinks she's ""a hoot and a half."" Her identity crisis is confirmed by a visit from the spirit of her Indian friend, George, who directs her to retreat to the Redwoods to find herself and conveys a cryptic message to ""save the young one."" An uncomprehending Greg reluctantly lets her go, persuading her to take Jane with her; then, upon seeing George in a dream, rushes to the woods in Larry's van to save Dharma and Jane, who have adopted a bear cub while remaining oblivious to the nearby presence of its angered mother. Best lines: George to Dharma: ""You might have mentioned that you moved. I scared some skinny guy in the shower half to death!""; Larry, fleeing from the mother bear, slips on something in the woods and mutters, ""That answers that question!""
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#17 - Ringing Up Baby
Dharma & Greg - Season 2 - Episode 1
A new path in life opens suddenly at the newlyweds' feet when Donna, the express checkout girl at their local supermarket, reveals that she has been dumped by her boyfriend just as she is about to bear his child. When Dharma brings her home for the night, Donna gets a bright idea: why doesn't she give the baby to Dharma and Greg? Greg is dead against the idea but.... you can guess the rest except maybe the fact that the baby turns out to be black.
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#18 - Caroline and the Long Shot
Caroline in the City - Season 2 - Episode 15
Richard wins a chance to make his dreams come true by sinking a $100,000 three-pointer during a Knicks game.
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#21 - Call Me Irresponsible
Cybill - Season 1 - Episode 6
Dateless on Valentine's Day, Cybill and Maryann feel unappreciated and bored unitl Maryann comes up with a plan - a trip to Vegas to max out her ex's credit card. Meanwhile, Ira has to look after Jeff in ways he'd rather not when Jeff gets his hands covered with poison oak.
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#22 - Pilot
Caroline in the City - Season 1 - Episode 1
Caroline hires Richard as her new colorist, and takes Annie's advice to try getting a date by throwing fruit out her window.
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#24 - The Cat's Out of the Bag
Dharma & Greg - Season 1 - Episode 20
The pretense that everything is fine with Greg's parents finally proves too much for Dharma, who snaps during dinner at a Chinese restaurant and has the bad news served to Greg in a fortune cookie (to the absorbed interest of the Chinese family sharing their table). Trying to help the Montgomery's non-existent sex life, Dharma takes Kitty to her local neighborhood erotica store, where they naturally run into Abby and Larry. Greg and Pete take Edward for a drink to commiserate, and Edward demonstrates his ace in pick-up lines: ""Excuse me, young lady, do you have change for a million?"" Meanwhile, Jane has gone off to a Star Trek convention (""I like middle-aged men who are virgins""), leaving her pet Mr. Boots with Dharma and Greg; but Greg freaks out when he discovers that Mr. Boots is not exactly a cat.

#25 - Caroline and Richard's Mom
Caroline in the City - Season 1 - Episode 21
Richard faces some childhood traumas when his mother (Ashley) makes a surprise visit: it seems she is given to claiming to know celebrities personally, and Richard has never quite gotten over her promise to have Salvador Dali look at his paintings. But Caroline doesn't know this when Natalie promises to get her own NBC Saturday morning cartoon show.
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#26 - Caroline and the Opera
Caroline in the City - Season 1 - Episode 7
Caroline is annoyed that Del refuses to accompany her to the opera; then her interfering Aunt Mary arranges a blind date with an old high school classmate of Caroline's, who turns out to be handsome, successful and rich.
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