The BEST episodes written by David Lynch

Part 16: No Knock, No Doorbell
1372 votes

#1 - Part 16: No Knock, No Doorbell

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 16

Dougie's loved ones care for him in the hospital, and Mr. C heads towards the coordinates. Meanwhile, Diane makes a confession to the FBI.

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Part 17: The Past Dictates the Future
1249 votes

#2 - Part 17: The Past Dictates the Future

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 17

Cooper arrives in Twin Peaks.

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Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer
2543 votes

#3 - Zen, or the Skill to Catch a Killer

Twin Peaks - Season 1 - Episode 3

Ben Horne's brother, Jerry, arrives in Twin Peaks; James and Donna decide to be together; Ben & Jerry travel to One Eyed Jacks and meet with its madam, Blackie O'Rielly; Audrey leaves a clue for Cooper; Deputy Hawk finds a bloody towel near the crime scene; Cooper demonstrates a unique deductive technique; The cynical Special Agent Albert Rosenfield arrives to examine the body of Laura Palmer; Josie discovers Catherine has been keeping two ledgers; Leo takes his anger out on Shelly; Agent Cooper has a mysterious dream about the crime.

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Part 11: There's Fire Where You Are Going
1338 votes

#4 - Part 11: There's Fire Where You Are Going

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 11

The set-up involving the Mitchum brothers and Dougie reaches its climax while even stranger things start to happen to both the FBI team and the Twin Peaks Sheriff's Department.

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Part 14: We Are Like the Dreamer
1339 votes

#5 - Part 14: We Are Like the Dreamer

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 14

Gordon remembers an important moment from his past. Andy, Bobby, Hawk and Truman go to the forest. James hears a story about a glove on his birthday. An unknown facet of Sarah is revealed.

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Northwest Passage
3796 votes

#6 - Northwest Passage

Twin Peaks - Season 1 - Episode 1

The small northwest town of Twin Peaks, Washington is shaken up when the body of the Homecoming Queen, Laura Palmer, is discovered washed up on a riverbank, wrapped in plastic. Meanwhile, the rebellious Audrey Horne ruins a business deal for her father Benjamin.

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Part 7: There's a Body All Right
1483 votes

#7 - Part 7: There's a Body All Right

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 7

Cooper and Janey-E are in for a violent surprise at the Lucky 7 office. Meanwhile, Gordon and Albert try enlisting Diane to figure out the mystery of the man they believe to be Cooper in jail.

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Part 2: The Stars Turn and a Time Presents Itself
1586 votes

#8 - Part 2: The Stars Turn and a Time Presents Itself

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 2

Hawk searches for something in the woods while Cooper learns that his fate in the Black Lodge may not be sealed after all.

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Part 1: My Log Has a Message for You
2181 votes

#9 - Part 1: My Log Has a Message for You

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 1

A man observes a mysterious glass box, South Dakota Police discover a hideous crime and Hawk receives a cryptic message about Special Agent Dale Cooper.

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Part 4: ...Brings Back Some Memories
1642 votes

#10 - Part 4: ...Brings Back Some Memories

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 4

Coop assumes the life of Dougie Jones, as Gordon and Agents Rosenfield and Preston investigate the situation surrounding Coop's doppelganger.

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Traces to Nowhere
2834 votes

#11 - Traces to Nowhere

Twin Peaks - Season 1 - Episode 2

Agent Cooper enjoys the comforts of the Great Northern Hotel; Bobby Briggs and Mike Nelson are released from jail; Doctor Hayward hands over the autopsy report on Laura Palmer; Cooper and Truman interview Josie Packard; Audrey Horne and Donna Hayward vow to solve Laura's murder; Sarah Palmer has a vision of a grey-haird man; Doctor Jacoby conceals important information.

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Part 15: There's Some Fear in Letting Go
1273 votes

#12 - Part 15: There's Some Fear in Letting Go

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 15

Big Ed and Norma have a relationship breakthrough. Evil Cooper tries to reconnect with an old friend, while Dougie Jones reaches an electrifying discovery.

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Part 18: What Is Your Name?
1279 votes

#13 - Part 18: What Is Your Name?

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 18

Cooper and Diane drive 430 miles. Cooper attempts to help a troubled woman he believes to be Laura Palmer.

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Part 9: This Is the Chair
1313 votes

#14 - Part 9: This Is the Chair

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 9

More about Dougie Jones comes to light after an attempt on his life. Meanwhile, Gordon Cole discovers connections to Cooper concerning a Blue Rose case and Major Garland Briggs.

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Part 3: Call for Help
1745 votes

#15 - Part 3: Call for Help

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 3

Cooper calls for help; Agents Gordon Cole, Albert Rosenfield and Tammy Preston investigate the glass box murders.

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Part 13: What Story is That, Charlie?
1300 votes

#16 - Part 13: What Story is That, Charlie?

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 13

Dougie comes home bearing gifts while Anthony is sent on a risky mission, Evil Cooper wants revenge.

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Part 10: Laura Is the One
1322 votes

#17 - Part 10: Laura Is the One

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 10

The Mitchum brothers find out more about Dougie Jones. In Twin Peaks, Richard Horne's committing horrible acts, and Hawk gets more clues from the Log Lady.

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Part 6: Don't Die
1485 votes

#18 - Part 6: Don't Die

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 6

Gordon Cole instructs Albert to meet with an old contact. Hawk makes a discovery involving 'the missing piece' that will help him find Coop. Janey-E fixes Dougie's gambling debt, while Coop is still struggling to put what he knows about his past and the Black Lodge into words. Tragedy strikes after a drug deal takes place.

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Part 5: Case Files
1561 votes

#19 - Part 5: Case Files

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 5

Coop is still trapped as Dougie, going through the motions, as his doppelganger schemes in jail. Meanwhile, new information on Major Garland Briggs turns up.

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Part 8: Gotta Light?
1601 votes

#20 - Part 8: Gotta Light?

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 8

Coop's doppelganger faces a life or death situation. In 1945, a bomb is dropped and modern man's evil is epitomized.

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Part 12: Let's Rock
1277 votes

#21 - Part 12: Let's Rock

Twin Peaks - Season 3 - Episode 12

An old FBI case gets new recruits after many years while well-known residents of Twin Peaks face problems.

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The Treadmill
6 votes

#22 - The Treadmill

DumbLand - Season 1 - Episode 2

While watching a football game on TV, Randy loses his temper when his wife disturbs him by running on a noisy treadmill. Randy attempts - with disastrous results - to destroy the treadmill. Meanwhile, an Abraham Lincoln-quoting door-to-door salesman finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, while Randy's son manages to present dead fowl for dinner.

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4 votes

#23 - Ants

DumbLand - Season 1 - Episode 8

Randy is plagued by an increasing stream of ants into his home. His frustrations rise to the point that he grabs a can of insect killer and attempts to eliminate his ant problem. In his haste and anger, he fails to realize that the nozzle on the bug killer is pointed not at the ants but at his own face. He is squirted in the face with the killer for several seconds. He then falls to the ground and experiences a vivid hallucination in which the ants are singing and dancing and offering gleeful taunts of "asshole", "shithead", and "dumb-turd". Randy eventually snaps out of his predicament and charges at the ants slapping at them on the floor, wall, and ceiling. He is later shown falling off the ceiling and suffering substantial injuries that require a full body cast. The final scene shows ants crawling over his incapacitated body and into an opening in the cast at his feet. Randy then screams helpless in agony as hundreds of ants march into his body cast.

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Get the Stick!
5 votes

#24 - Get the Stick!

DumbLand - Season 1 - Episode 5

A screaming man crashes through Randy's fence with a wooden stick wedged in his mouth. Sparky cheers his dad on as he tries to get the stick out. Randy breaks the man's neck and pokes out both of his eyes before finally pulling the stick through one of his eye sockets. The horribly mutilated man rolls out into the street and is run over by a truck. Randy notes, "The fucker never even said 'thank you'."

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The Doctor
5 votes

#25 - The Doctor

DumbLand - Season 1 - Episode 3

After Randy shocks himself while trying to fix a broken lamp, a doctor arrives to test the dazed man's pain threshold, using increasingly violent methods, until Randy finally regains his senses and decides to do some testing of his own.

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A Friend Visits
4 votes

#26 - A Friend Visits

DumbLand - Season 1 - Episode 4

Randy destroys his wife's new clothesline and throws it over the fence, causing a catastrophic car wreck. Then Randy's friend visits and the two talk about hunting and killing things, all the while drinking, burping, and farting.

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My Teeth Are Bleeding
4 votes

#27 - My Teeth Are Bleeding

DumbLand - Season 1 - Episode 6

Sparky is bouncing on a trampoline in the front room yelling that his teeth are bleeding, while the wife yammers until blood starts pouring out of her head. Outside on the street violent traffic accidents and shootouts occur. A noisy and bloody wrestling match is playing on TV. All is well until a fly interrupts Randy's serene existence.

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Uncle Bob
4 votes

#28 - Uncle Bob

DumbLand - Season 1 - Episode 7

Randy is given the charge from an intimidating figure (his mother-in-law), to stay home and watch after his "Uncle Bob" at peril of having his "nuts cut out" if he does not comply. Uncle Bob proceeds to tacitly engage in increasing types of self-abuse, coughing, and vomiting, and eventually punching Randy in the face from across the room. After several iterations of this behavior, Randy anticipates Uncle Bob's actions and preemptively strikes out at him. Almost simultaneously, the mother-in-law storms back into the room and knocks Randy through a wall. Randy spends the rest of the night up a tree until his son informs him that Uncle Bob has been taken to the hospital and Randy is now safe to come down. Bob bit his own foot off.

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The Neighbor
8 votes

#29 - The Neighbor

DumbLand - Season 1 - Episode 1

Randy makes small talk with a neighbor about the neighbor's shed. After the neighbor mentions that he has a false arm, they are interrupted by a passing helicopter. Randy swears and screams at the helicopter until it leaves, then mentions that he has heard the neighbor has sex with ducks. A duck emerges from the shed, and the neighbor admits that he is a "one-armed duck-fucker".

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The Lester Guy Show
0 votes

#30 - The Lester Guy Show

On the Air - Season 1 - Episode 1

The crew attempt to launch the first broadcast of The Lester Guy Show; however, bizarre events throw the whole show off balance. Mr. Zoblotnick, the network owner and the rest of the viewing public like the results and it's a hit.

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Episode 7
0 votes

#31 - Episode 7

On the Air - Season 1 - Episode 7

Lester demands that a beatnik (without a name) must be allowed to perform the on the show. Betty tries to remember her mother's first name. Lester invest in an inventor's device that will disintegrate Betty's voice. All he needs is a recording of her voice.

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