The BEST episodes written by Chuck Kim

1878 votes

#1 - .07%

Heroes - Season 1 - Episode 19

Sylar and Peter face off. Linderman reveals his plans to Nathan, and enlists the aid of another Hero. Claire finally meets her real father, and Bennet, Matt and Ted attempt to escape from Thompson.

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Dying of the Light
2214 votes

#2 - Dying of the Light

Heroes - Season 3 - Episode 6

Villains Knox and Daphne are on a quest to recruit Hiro and others to the Pinehearst fold. Angela and the Company are paralyzed from recent events. Peter goes to Pinehearst searching for answers but is stunned to learn who the founder is. Claire and Sandra go on a mission to save Meredith from the clutches of Doyle, a villain with abilities to control people mentally and physically. Nathan and Tracy try to trace their origins with Mohinder's help.

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Freaky Gwen Ben
21 votes

#3 - Freaky Gwen Ben

Ben 10 (2016) - Season 1 - Episode 24

When Ben interferes with malicious magician Hex's quest for the earth-moving Titan Gloves at a swap meet, he switches bodies with Gwen forcing him to walk a mile in her shoes and vice-versa! Air date from Australia

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