The BEST episodes written by Chiaki J. Konaka

#1 - Emergence Matrix
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 14
Miyako's dad takes her to Hirata for therapy and Miyako goes into her possessed state. On the way back to the shrine, the 4 boys, Miyako and her dad meet the Makoto's grandmother's handmaiden. She grabs Miyako and says that Miyako is the next miko. Miyako goes into a trance again and Makoto getting angry curses his grandmother. He runs back to his house and finds the grandmother dead.
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#2 - Stochastic Resonance
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 21
Makoto is staying at Tarō's house and his dad gave Makoto the guitar that was originally Makoto's dad's. Miyako's dad wakes up but he was threatened. Hirata and Reika Senseis meet up with the 4 kids, investigator Suzuki and Saruta at the shrine. Tarō vows to save Miyako.
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#3 - Toward an Abandoned City
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 15
Makoto and Tarō go to Kurata city for various reasons. They visit Kei's house and Tarō apologizes to Kei for messing up the yeast brewery process. Masayuki and Michio catch Suzuki the reporter whose been snooping around. He was sent to investigate the bio research facility for industry leaks. While listening to Tarō's recorded dreams, Hirata goes through Tarō's experience in the hospital.
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#4 - Affordance/T.F.T. -Thought Field Therapy-
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 10
In 2003, the phsycologists of Hertfordshire University, including Richard Wiseman assembled people in the concert hall in London. They had them listen to contemporary music, and meanwhile, they also played an etremely low-frequency noise using a seven-meter-long pipe. As a result, twenty-two percent of the audience reported that they experienced a strange feeling. Wiseman suggested that ghosts are hallucinations caused by such low-frequency noises. Can this theory be true?
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#5 - Holographic Paradigm
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 18
Suzuki talks with his superior about the links with the Ogami religious group, child kidnappings, illegal organ donations with the biotech facility. Miyako meets the handmaiden and her dad was found bleeding on the shrine steps. The truth about Makoto's father's death and Tarō's kidnapping comes to light.
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#6 - Existential Ghosts
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 9
At the place where Tourou was kidnapped some kids were cursed, they believe it was the man who kidnapped Tourou, they go and try to stop him but he put's up a fight, and Tourou changes into a wierd creature. Will they win against this ghost? What will happen to Tourou?
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#7 - Homeostasis Synchronization
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 12
Miyako's dad is called to Miyako's school. Later, he meets and starts consulting with Hirata about Miyako. Hirata is starting to suspect that the area has something to do with the supernatural occurrences. Meanwhile Tarō sees Miyako being possessed first hand.
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#8 - Revolution of Limbic System
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 8
Hirata goes over all he has found out about his patient Tourou. Then Tourou has another OBE where he see's strange creatures, he later on tells Hirata. But Hirata's conclusion is that they are things he is recalling from a book. But then as he is waiting for a taxi, something wierd happens to him. What could be? And could this change his opinion and conclusion about Tarou?
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#9 - Passage
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 22
Makoto and Masayuki help devise a plan to allow Taro to enter the shrine where Miyako is being held as the leader of the Ogami religious group. Only women and girls are allowed to enter, so the boys plan on dressing Taro up as a young female so that he may enter and rescue Miyako. Hirata and Reika also assist in carrying out the plan.
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#10 - L.T.P. - Long Term Potentiation
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 7
After returning to his body, Tarou has an accident and is rushed to the hospital and Tarou has another experience but it is different to his usual OBE. Masayuki later visit Tarou in hospital and they are joined by both Dr. Atsushi and Dr. Reika and they discuss various topics.
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#11 - Negentropy
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 19
Makoto rescued his mom from the fire but her lover, Masato, died. She had just woken up from a coma but her memory has regressed. Miyako's father is in the ICU but she didn't recognize Masayuki and Tarō. Kei reminisces about Masato and how she loved him from afar. Makoto reconciled with his mother.
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#12 - Phobia Exposure
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 3
Tarou is hanging out at Masayuki’s house, when Masayuki reveals to him that he has acrophobia (a fear of heights). Masayuki suggest to Tarou that he should go to the source of his fears, to expose himself to his phobia. Even after being told it is a bad idea, by his counsellor, Tarou still decides to go but Masayuki seems to have invited someone else.
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#13 - O.B.E. Out of Body Experience
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 5
Following their out-of-body experience at the abandoned hospital, the three have been continuing on with their daily lives, as normal. Tarou’s counselor decides to visit his home, to meet his parents where he notices something weird about his mother. Later the guys have another out-of-body experience, into the unseen world.
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#14 - Syntax Error
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 11
If, for example, a region contained a river and lands rich in nutrients, the region would afford good conditions for people to live. The concept of affordance says that an individual, by using his intuition, can find something that he wishes to acquire, but what kind of affordance is offered by the current world?
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#15 - Altered States of Consciousness
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 4
Tarou, Masayuki and Makoto are all at the Kameiwa Village abandoned hospital, to check out the place, for various reasons. The gang explore the place, in search of the cursed chamber and the place where Tarou was held and it isn’t long before strange things start occurring.
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#16 - For the Snark was a Boojum, You See
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 13
Tarō had a long OBE sequence where he sees Miyako in bed with fever and meets Snark in the Unseen World. He goes with Masayuki, Makoto and Michio to her house. When he mentions what Miyako said in her possessed state, her dad becomes afraid and tells them to leave. At the bottom of the shrine steps is Makoto's grandmother's handmaiden.
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#17 - Shaman's District
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 20
The Ogami religious group is allowed to have care of Miyako. Biotech research has been published ahead in other countries ahead of Masayuki's dad's research. Makoto talk with Suzuki and find links with the Ogami group with an underground group. Tarō goes to the Unseen World to find Miyako's dad. Reika's tech made mutants using Masayuki's dad's research and released them in the dam. People are coming down from the mountain to the Ogami house.
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#18 - Implicate Order
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 17
The mountain wanderer, Saruta, notices that the spirits are afraid of something. He warns the shrine priest that there people out for Miyako's powers. Taro tells Miyako that he thinks that she is the reincarnation of his sister which really upsets her. Makoto still hasn't come back yet. Suzuki notices there is a suspicious group of men around the Ogami household.
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#19 - Hopeful Monster
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 16
At Kurata, Makoto and Tarō meet Makoto's mother and he failed at killing her. Tarō recognizes Makoto's mother's lover, Masato, as Snark. Meanwhile, Masayuki discovers spirits in the biotech research facility in an OBE. He sees his dad speaking with Reika about his research but then he's attacked by some spirit monsters called "hopeful monsters" by Reika's lab tech.
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#20 - Brain Homunculus
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 6
During their journey into the unseen world, Tarou and Masayuki stumble across a strange man who’s able to see them. The next day Makoto goes through his late father’s belongings and Masayuki tries to expose himself to his greatest fear. While Tarou goes through the mountain in search of the same man he met the previous night.
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#21 - Lucid Dream
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 1
Tarou is having his usual dream of him flying around and then ends up in a room where he sees his sister, who doesn’t wake up, however his dream ended when a girl spots him. It’s the start of a new school term and there are more transfer students, with one very peculiar one, Masayuki Nakajima. Tarou ends up falling asleep in class and this time he begins to remember more of his traumatic experience, 11 years ago.
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#22 - E.M.D.R. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
Ghost Hound - Season 1 - Episode 2
At school, Tarou is again approached by the new transfer student, Masayuki, when blunt asks him about his traumatic past. Masayuki then begins to dig into the events that occurred 11 years ago, when Tarou and his younger sister was kidnapped, meanwhile Tarou goes to check the shrine he saw in his dream but there something odd about it.
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#23 - Three Vessels: Hell Doctor vs. Hell Girl
Hell Girl - Season 3 - Episode 20
Yamawaro and Kikuri approach a large mansion belonging to a client but are unable to enter due to an encircling barrier. At night, the owner of that mansion accesses the Hell Correspondence website and types Tsugumi's name. Each sensing the request, Yuzuki, Ai, and Tsugumi make their ways towards the mansion. Once they gather, he explains that he yearned to meet Ai.
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#24 - Layer:12 – LANDSCAPE
Serial Experiments Lain - Season 1 - Episode 12
Troubled by what she saw, Alice decides to visit Lain at home and find out what is going on. Meanwhile, the two MIB agents receive a terrible shock and Eiri reveals his real motive for removing the barrier between the real world and the WIRED.
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#25 - Layer:09 – PROTOCOL
Serial Experiments Lain - Season 1 - Episode 9
A documentary about Roswell gives Lain some valuable information about the pioneers of the WIRED. Later, at the Cyberia, J.J. tells Lain that she left something the day before and hands her an envelop with the Knight's logo on it. The envelop contains a chip. Believing this was the other 'Lain's' doing again, she decides to call Taro's bluff and go on a 'date'. Taking him to her room, Lain demands that he tell her what he knows. Together, with Taro's information and the mysterious chip, Lain finds out more then she expected.
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#26 - Layer:08 – RUMORS
Serial Experiments Lain - Season 1 - Episode 8
Still shaken by the information she received from the Men In Black, Lain discovers that she is being blamed for spreading an ugly rumor in the WIRED. Is what the MIB said is true; is she another person in the WIRED? Or is she doing it herself? Lain must find out or risk losing the one true friend she has.
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#27 - Total Destruction
Hellsing - Season 1 - Episode 12
All out war breaks out at the Tower of London and Integra's meeting with her majesty is cancelled. The remaining Hellsing members are at the decoy spot of the meeting, battling ghouls of the S.A.S. from Red House Vertigo. Due to the vast coverage of the "terrorist attacks" and the required secrecy of the undead, Hellsing organization is pinned by an unknwon source in the media as the terrorist organization itself. The British military is called in to stop these "terrorists." Fargason purposely gets himself killed so he looked like a terrorist, preventing the media from investigating the London Tower destruction any further, thus keeping both the vampires and Hellsing out of the public eye (for now). Seras Victoria is finally makes it to the tower only to see Fargason get shot. After paying her final respects, she grabs her Halkonnen and rushes into the tower area. While that is happening, Alucard was making his way through the tower to meet with Incognito for one big battle.
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#28 - Layer:05 – DISTORTION
Serial Experiments Lain - Season 1 - Episode 5
Lain receives cryptic messages about existence, God, and a coming prophecy. While she ponders the meaning of this, Mika is about to start a very strange day. While on her way to school, she sees Lain in the middle of traffic. Then, she sees the message "Fulfill the Prophecy" everywhere she turns. As reality distorts around her, Mika rapidly descends into a nightmare that she may not be able to get out of.
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#29 - Layer:10 – LOVE
Serial Experiments Lain - Season 1 - Episode 10
Lain struggles with her identity. Is she a human being, or just a hologram? And are the Knights responsible for the Evil Lain? Lain decides to deal with the Knights once and for all.
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#30 - Dead Zone
Hellsing - Season 1 - Episode 6
Picking up where Brotherhood left off. Luke and Jan, the Valentine Brothers, lay siege to the headquarters of the Hellsing organization, the Royal Order of Religious Knights. After numerous humans have been killed and eaten by an army of ghouls, Victoria, Walter, and Arucard finally get around to striking back. Victoria and Walter eliminate hundreds of ghouls with a combination of deadly threads and heavy artillery. The lead flies when Arucard and Luke face off, but Luke is devoured by a canine monster Arucard summons up. Jan sets himself afire rather than reveal the mastermind of their plot to Sir Integra Hellsing.
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#31 - Hellfire
Hellsing - Season 1 - Episode 13
This episode opens with the fierce battle between Incognito and Lord Alucard. Eventually, as the battle ensues, Incognito manages to "destroy" Alucard with his own "bullets that store the power of the human God". Near the beginning of this battle Ceras Victoria became injured and realizes she must drink blood to heal herself, she discovers her first taste of true blood from her fallen master. Disgusted at her display of ignorance, Incognito leaves the scene to summon a demon from Hell. Incognito manages to summon Set, a snake-like creature who is the Egyptian God of Evil and of Chaos, the Desert, and Foreign Lands, from which he plans to merge his body with and develop insurmountable levels of power. As Integra Hellsing flees, her servant and closest friend, Walter, sacrifices himself so that Integra might live. Unfortunately for Walter, his sacrafice seems to be in vein as Integra is captured by Incognito and used to assist in the summoning of Set. As her blood is drained by the No
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#32 - Layer:07 – SOCIETY
Serial Experiments Lain - Season 1 - Episode 7
As the Knights activities make the evening news, a strange man named Nazumi wanders the city with machines strapped to his body. People on the WIRED are asking: "Who is Lain?" Meanwhile, the two MIB agents take Lain to the Techibana offices where Lain's identity is challenged by a man; how well does she know her parents, her sister, herself? Can Lain answer him?
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#33 - Layer:04 – RELIGION
Serial Experiments Lain - Season 1 - Episode 4
A disturbing net game called PHANTOMa has deadly consequences for its players. As Lain investigates the deaths, her growing interest in the WIRED has her Father, Mika and Alice concerned.
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#34 - Layer:06 – KIDS
Serial Experiments Lain - Season 1 - Episode 6
Young children are acting strangely, arms outstretched and silently staring at the sky. A shocking vision suddenly appears in the skies; it looks like Lain! Determined to get to the bottom of this, Lain's investigations finally bring her to the creator of KIDS – but what she discovers is not what she hoped for.
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#35 - The Undead
Hellsing - Season 1 - Episode 1
Integra Hellsing takes command of a small Hellsing unit in Cheddar after reports of people in the village going missing by a seemingly normal priest reaches the authorities. After D11 teams were deployed to investigate with several deaths, Alucard is deployed. Seras Victoria, a female D11 operator, is fighting her ex-D11 colleagues that turned into zombies after getting into a previous fight with ghouls. Alucard eliminates the ghouls and the priest, who was the vampire, when Seras was wounded in the gunfight. Alucard turns her into a vampire after he bites her neck to save her life.
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#36 - Layer:11 – INFORNOGRAPHY
Serial Experiments Lain - Season 1 - Episode 11
Alone and frightened, Lain immerses herself in the WIRED, processing the events of the past few weeks and searching for the truth of who she is.
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#37 - Duel
Hellsing - Season 1 - Episode 7
More than half of the members of the Royal Order of Religious Knights were massacred due to the last attack on them that was conducted by the Valentine Brothers. Sir Integra Hellsing, Arucard, and Seras must now hunt down the perpetrators. The suspects include the Vatican's Iscariot Organization. Arucard must do battle once again with the notorious Alexander Anderson.
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#38 - Master of Monster
Hellsing - Season 1 - Episode 10
Almost commiting suicide, Integra is being operated on to save her life. While the operation is going on, we see the history of Integra's ascension to power. We learn that her uncle tried to take her father's place as head of the Hellsing organization, and in attempt to assume power, tried to kill off Integra while Walter was away (presumably on duty). Integra recalls her father's words of her going to a prison cell on the bottom floor if she ever found herself in a moment of insurmountable peril. There she finds Arucard, while at the same time found and attacked by her uncle and associates. After being shot in the shoulder, her blood awakens Arucard, who quickly takes care of her uncle's goons, and recognizes her as her father's successor. As her first encounter with Arucard concludes, she awakens from her state to find that the operation was a success... Walter has already set up her afternoon tea for her.
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#39 - Layer:02 – GIRLS
Serial Experiments Lain - Season 1 - Episode 2
While out at The Cyberia, Alice, Julie and Reika are surprised to see a girl that looks remarkably like Lain toss a man. However, this girl's personality is exactly opposite from the Lain they know. Curious, Alice decides to invite Lain to come with them the next time they go to the club. Lain declines at first, but after some gentle prodding from Alice she reluctantly agrees. Once there a man high on Accela goes on a rampage, shooting people. What Lain does surprises everyone.
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#40 - Brotherhood
Hellsing - Season 1 - Episode 5
Seras is still having a hard time dealing with the fact that she's a vampire, but is slowly adapting. However, the real bad news is the violent and crazy Valentine Brothers who decide to take out the Hellsing crew once and for all by means of infiltrating their headquarters with their Ghoul Army.
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#41 - Transcend Force
Hellsing - Season 1 - Episode 11
With the freak problems getting much worse, the Royal Knights arrange a meeting at Westminster with Integra to discuss the matter. In addition, the Queen will be meeting with them so they can conduct a ceremony with Integra. Because of the danger that the freaks may pose, the media is told that the meeting will take place at the Tower of London while in truth Integra's ritual is at the Hellsing castle. What is at the tower are Fargason and his men waiting for the freaks. However, it is they who are being waited on as Incognito and his freaks attack the tower. While waiting for the Queen, Alucard butts in and says that her queen isn't coming and heads off to fight.
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#43 - Layer:13 – EGO
Serial Experiments Lain - Season 1 - Episode 13
The world is crumbling, people are dying and Alice's sanity is threatened. To save humanity, there is only one thing Lain can do; she must make the ultimate personal sacrifice.
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#44 - Innocent as a Human
Hellsing - Season 1 - Episode 4
The Hellsing Organization sets out to investigate a series of ""snuff films"" floating about the Internet, after footage of one of their own being killed begins to make the rounds. Meanwhile, Seras deploys with her unit, now under the command of a former SAS officer who seem to have a particularly distasteful attitude towards her, to silence an apartment building crawling with ghouls. As the raid unfolds, the secrecy surrounding the very existence of the Hellsing Organization is thrown in jeopardy when a mole broadcasts footage of the assault on live television. Seeking answers, Seras sets out on her own to investigate the scene of the previous night's raid for clues about what transpired. During her investigation, she manages to uncover clues about the origin of the snuff films and goes to put a stop to it. Seras isn't the only one on the trail, as Arucard and the Hellsing Organization are also on the scene to attend to the vicious vampire behind the camera, and the TV investigative rep
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#45 - Sword Dancer
Hellsing - Season 1 - Episode 3
Something odd is happening - vampires seem to be growing in number. And when an Italian college student is found to have a computer chip, which has apparently made him into an 'artificial' vampire, it raises more than a few eyebrows. Even though the chip is removed, the student revives, killing many on his search for his lover, who he was caught in the act of making one of his own. Hellsing moves to put a stop to this, but there seems to be more than one person interested in the boy. Hellsing's agents are killed, and Seras is severely wounded. Not by the student, but by a man called Alexander Anderson, a member of the Vatican's section 13 - the Iscariot organization. Though having the same mission as Hellsing, the two organizations are sworn enemies, and when Arucard shows up, a heated battle takes place. One would think a human would be no match for the likes of a vampire, Anderson proves to have more than one trick up his sleeve.
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#46 - Layer:03 – PSYCHE
Serial Experiments Lain - Season 1 - Episode 3
The events from Cyberia make the girls minor celebrities in their class. But for Lain, more mysterious events continue to occur. She receives a Psyche chip from a mysterious benefactor, strange Men In Black are following her, and it appears there is another 'Lain' on the WIRED.
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#47 - Layer:01 – WEIRD
Serial Experiments Lain - Season 1 - Episode 1
13-year-old Lain Iwakura is a shy, quiet schoolgirl who pretty much kept to herself. Then one day, she receives an email from a schoolmate who just committed suicide. Instead of being horrified, she is curious. Soon, she is seeing visions and her life begins to change.
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#48 - Club M
Hellsing - Season 1 - Episode 2
Seras' new life in the Hellsing organization is a bit tough. Having been counted as 'lost' at the Cheddar incident, she now serves for a group dedicated to the eradication of vampires. Though she seems to have trouble adjusting, many are tolerant of her, and her new life, though the tolerance only goes so far. And she'll soon have a chance to prove herself, when a new threat is discovered, in the form of Rafe and Jessica. The two lovers are having a lot of fun! Killing families, using their blood to write obscenities and blasphemy on the wall - it's all good fun. That is, until their actions catch the eye of Hellsing, and particularly Arucard, who has no tolerance for the 'low-class' vampires. Seras' chance to prove herself becomes apparent when she's ordered to shoot Jessica, though she hesitates - Jessica's only a young girl. Would killing her make her any better, or make her worse than the monsters Hellsing hunts?
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