Emma makes life difficult for Daniel by accidently uploading some heavily photo shopped pictures of a property right before it's to be viewed by potential buyers.
When a flashy competitor sets his sights on Rosehaven will the locals be enticed by the bells and whistles over the local knowledge of McCallum Real Estate?
It's a time of change in Rosehaven, and while Daniel seems to be managing it best, it might be Emma, despite her playful misadventures, who offers the most grown-up advice.
Daniel tells Emma that he and his girlfriend Grace are leaving Rosehaven for good. This leaves Emma with the choice of staying on without him or going back to Melbourne to try and get her old job back.
Barbara has returned home & for the first time Mother & Son are working together. Daniel is determined to impress Barbara by expanding McCallum Real Estate's profile within the town by offering free door-to-door appraisals.
Daniel returns to his rural Tasmanian hometown to help his mother with her real estate business. To his surprise, his best friend Emma turns up on his doorstep, on the run from her marriage.
Barbara won't make a speech at the local primary school (or do tuckshop duty), and a reluctant Daniel steps in. But his resolve is put to the test when he and Emma are accused of stealing.
Daniel has been opening some of Barbara's mail and discovers that McCallum Real Estate is in real financial trouble. He tells Emma he has an idea on how to make some cuts.
Everyone's wishing Emma a happy birthday, but she's not a fan of celebrating. It's work experience week, and McCallum Real Estate haven't had any requests, until Gez from the op shop asks if she can learn.
Emma, Daniel and Barbara head to the Regional Realtors Association of Tasmania (RRAT) Conference, where Barbara is hot property among the other agents. Emma sees an opportunity for Daniel to meet someone.
Daniel's morning is set into a spin when he discovers a new attractive pharmacist at the chemist. Emma decides that it's time for them to get back out there as they go online to find love.
Emma is on thin ice with Barbara after allowing a bunch of random strangers to trash her house. Emma is determined to make amends by following Daniel's advice: be more professional.
Emma and Daniel try to prevent a tenant from moving house, after he finds out that the previous owner died in the house and the neighbours are eager to pay their respects. Emma and Daniel come up with a unique fix.
Grace organises a fun run that only Daniel and Emma turn up to. After they try to resolve a relationship problem, they work out a way to show Grace just how much the town cares.
It's a rare warm and sunny day in Rosehaven, as Daniel discovers there may be some karma involved in rejecting money from an old lady to buy ice-cream.
Can people change, or do they just stay the same? Barbara's sold her house and a visit from her sister, Jenny, leads to some uncharted territory for the McCallums.
Always looking for new ways to drum up business, Barbara tells Daniel and Emma to sign up for a cooking competition, which will hopefully result in a new dish on the pub menu with naming rights.
It's Valentine's Day and Emma is out at Farmer Dan's house. It's an early start and they're off to fix a fence. She's clearly out of place - farm life doesn't come naturally to her, nor is being up this early.
Emma has a new magic eight ball; Daniel has a health scare that leads to a confronting situation with his ex, Grace, and together they try to solve a problem with an overbearing landlord.
It's sales vs rentals as Daniel and Emma take sides in a neighbourly dispute. Daniel is desperate to hold on to the listing, so he agrees to help Steve, with an unusual complaint about an adornment on his neighbour's house.
Emma is at home, sick, and feeling very sorry for herself. Grace and Daniel go to check on her, but Daniel keeps his distance - after all, he doesn't want to get sick.