The BEST episodes written by Betsy Nadas

Planet Purple: Differences & Disabilities; a Blind Boy
1 votes

#1 - Planet Purple: Differences & Disabilities; a Blind Boy

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 31

Rogers continues to read from The History of Planet Purple, explaining that Lady Elaine's visit opened the populace to variety in life. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Paul and Pauline arrive looking for Purple Panda.

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Show 1329
1 votes

#2 - Show 1329

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 4

Bob Trow sets up a train display at his workshop, where he and Rogers discuss relative size. The potato train arrives with a package from the Owl Correspondence School for Harrite Elizabeth Cow. She is to help X the Owl learn about safety.

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Show 1326
1 votes

#3 - Show 1326

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 1

Rogers paints the walls of his television house. The Neighborhood of Make-Believe is preparing for a Sweethearts' Concert. X the Owl gets word that the Owl Correspondence School will send him a lesson.

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Show 1327
1 votes

#4 - Show 1327

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 2

Rogers has finished repainting the living room of his television house. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, a mischievous Prince Tuesday empties Miss Paulifficate's purse during the Make-Believe Sweethearts Concert.

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Show 1328
1 votes

#5 - Show 1328

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 3

Rogers sees how pizza is made by observing two guests at Brockett's Bakery. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Miss Paulifficate's pizza dough, thrown in the air, lands with an OCS lesson attached.

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Mixed-Up NOM (3)
1 votes

#6 - Mixed-Up NOM (3)

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 6 - Episode 58

Bob Trow demonstrates several tools. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, everyone is angry at Lady Elaine. Pilot Ito and Lady Aberlin do their best to remedy the rearrangements.

Planet Purple: Clowns Get into Make-up; Planet Purple Changes
0 votes

#7 - Planet Purple: Clowns Get into Make-up; Planet Purple Changes

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 35

Chef Brockett and Barbara Russell apply clown make-up at Betty's Little Theater. Rogers completes his reading The History of Planet Purple. Lady Elaine whisks herself and a panda from the circus for a weekend on Planet Purple.

Daniel Sleeps Away from Home
0 votes

#8 - Daniel Sleeps Away from Home

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 6 - Episode 64

Rogers talks about and draws different kinds of stars. Nighttime in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe sees Daniel Tiger and Grandpere making a star for Donkey Hodie.

A New Friend: Feeling Vibrations; Making Friends with Tim Scanlon
0 votes

#9 - A New Friend: Feeling Vibrations; Making Friends with Tim Scanlon

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 49

Rogers discusses facial expressions vibrations with musical instruments. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, King Friday XIII decides he likes X the Owl's teacher.

Abilities & Disabilities: Chrissy Rehearses Puppet Show; Help with Witch Fears
0 votes

#10 - Abilities & Disabilities: Chrissy Rehearses Puppet Show; Help with Witch Fears

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 63

Mister Rogers brings with him a collection of puppets from around the world (provided by the Lovelace Marionette Theatre). He then goes to Elsie Neal's shop to find Elsie Neal helping Terri and Chrissy Thompson for their upcoming puppet show. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Elaine is ready to do remote TV work. The first act is Lady Aberlin in a primitive witch costume, which scares Henrietta Pussycat.

Show 1305
0 votes

#11 - Show 1305

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 6 - Episode 45

Rogers has a juicer for Chef Brockett. Those in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe hold a concert to celebrate Queen Sara's recovery from illness.

Show 1332
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#12 - Show 1332

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 7

Sam Kamin, a balloon artist, visits the McFeelys to make animal balloons. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, one Oliver Circus Clown reunites with Purple Panda.

When People Leave: Seaplane Ride; Mixed Feelings about Going
0 votes

#13 - When People Leave: Seaplane Ride; Mixed Feelings about Going

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 8 - Episode 37

Reardon is homesick and must leave the Neighborhood of Make-Believe. Rogers helps the McFeelys make glider planes.

Planet Purple: Eyeglasses; People Have Several Names
0 votes

#14 - Planet Purple: Eyeglasses; People Have Several Names

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 33

Myra Stone, a silversmith, displays her jewelry at Elsie Neal's Craft Shop. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Elaine is not pleased with the changes at Planet Purple until she discovers those changes came about from her.

Show 1322
0 votes

#15 - Show 1322

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 6 - Episode 62

Rogers tries on leg braces and works crutches before he visits Chrissie Thompson and Mrs. McFeely. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Mr. McFeely helps Donkey Hodie put the finishing touches on his invention.

A New Friend: Theater of the Deaf; Pantomimes
0 votes

#16 - A New Friend: Theater of the Deaf; Pantomimes

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 47

The National Theatre for the Deaf performs pantomime at Betty's Little Theater. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Henrietta and King Friday express their feelings for X's new teacher.

Show 1303
0 votes

#17 - Show 1303

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 6 - Episode 43

Susan Linn uses her Cat-a-lion puppet to express sad and happy feelings. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Handyman Negri announces the Queen's illness.

Abilities & Disabilities: Film of Chrissy's Mainstreamed Class
0 votes

#18 - Abilities & Disabilities: Film of Chrissy's Mainstreamed Class

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 61

Rogers shows his driver's license at the beginning of the program. As a favor for Mr. McFeely, he gives a delivery to Trow's workshop. Robert Trow is giving a lesson on silkscreening to a professional artist. The Neighborhood of Make-Believe has waited a weekend for the license for MGR-TV. A few hurdles still have to be cleared. X the Owl and Mr. McFeely have delivered to an empty studio. But Lady Elaine and King Friday arrive in haste, eager to get MGR-TV back on the air.

Show 1330
0 votes

#19 - Show 1330

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 5

Elsie Neal has brings a decoration she made from horse chestnuts. Later Ezra Jack Keats, returned from Japan, visits Rogers. In between, the Neighborhood of Make-Believe invites the circus from Westwood.

Abilities & Disabilities: Making Up Your Own Stories and Plays
0 votes

#20 - Abilities & Disabilities: Making Up Your Own Stories and Plays

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 65

In preparation for Chrissy and Terri's puppet show, Mister Rogers has made an "icebox cake" from chocolate wafers and whipped cream. Before the play, the Neighborhood of Make-Believe finds Lady Aberlin in search of the world's smallest talking witch.

When People Leave: Wanting People to Stay; Remembering
0 votes

#21 - When People Leave: Wanting People to Stay; Remembering

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 8 - Episode 36

King Friday XIII offers John Reardon a high office in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, but Reardon is not sure he wants to stay.

When People Leave: Uniforms; Hair Styling; Rules
0 votes

#22 - When People Leave: Uniforms; Hair Styling; Rules

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 8 - Episode 39

Betty Aberlin is at a beauty parlor, discussing with Rogers uniforms and the people who wear them. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Aberlin is ordered to put Lady Elaine Fairchilde under house arrest.

Show 1334
0 votes

#23 - Show 1334

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 9

Rogers sees the Shadow Box Theatre perform their puppets. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Daniel is afraid of the circus parade passing his Clock.

When People Leave: Baton Twirling; King Changes Rule; Bookmobile & Reading
0 votes

#24 - When People Leave: Baton Twirling; King Changes Rule; Bookmobile & Reading

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 8 - Episode 40

Rogers invites a baton twirler to his television house. Later Mrs. McFeely shows a film on her work with a bookmobile. In between, Everyone in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe has stayed inside. King Friday now realizes he must revoke his rule that no one leave without his permission.

Show 1335
0 votes

#25 - Show 1335

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 10

Ella Jenkins visits Rogers' television house to share songs and musical instruments. The Neighborhood of Make-Believe holds Circus Day. Purple leaves to rejoin the circus.

Mixed-Up NOM (2)
0 votes

#26 - Mixed-Up NOM (2)

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 6 - Episode 57

Rogers takes a wallpapered container to the McFeelys, who have finished wallpapering their house. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, everyone is confused over the rearranged locales.

Planet Purple: Waterfalls & Faucets, Controlling Water; An Oboist
0 votes

#27 - Planet Purple: Waterfalls & Faucets, Controlling Water; An Oboist

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 26

Rogers shows a film of his visit to New York to see Francois Clemmons. Later Rogers visits an oboist at Negri's Music Shop. In between, some in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe look for X the Owl's OCS lesson. King Friday shows concern that his waterfall remain off most of the time.

Planet Purple: "The Owl and the Pussycat"; a Real Owl
0 votes

#28 - Planet Purple: "The Owl and the Pussycat"; a Real Owl

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 32

Rogers reads The Owl and the Pussycat. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Aberlin is surprised to see Paul and Pauline with variety in their lives.

Show 1321
0 votes

#29 - Show 1321

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 6 - Episode 61

Morrie Turner, a cartoonist, shows Rogers pictures of several neighbors. Mr. McFeely announces that his grandchildren will visit the neighborhood soon.

Planet Purple: Feelings about Winning and Losing; Voting
0 votes

#30 - Planet Purple: Feelings about Winning and Losing; Voting

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 34

Rogers discusses voting and sees a voting machine at Trow's Workshop. Most in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe oppose the vote to add "Fairchilde" at the end of the territory's name.

Show 1302
0 votes

#31 - Show 1302

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 6 - Episode 42

Rogers visits Mrs. McFeely. In the process, both express their feelings about her illness. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Elaine and Bob Dog show off their bravery.

A New Friend: Tim Scanlon, Deaf Visitor; Communication
0 votes

#32 - A New Friend: Tim Scanlon, Deaf Visitor; Communication

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 46

Tim Scanlon and Elaine Bromka, from the National Theatre of the Deaf, perform a pantomime of Mary Had a Little LamLamb. X the Owl gets word that a new professor at Owl Correspondence School will teach him a new lesson soon.

Show 1323
0 votes

#33 - Show 1323

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 6 - Episode 63

Audrey Roth shows Rogers a new game she created. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Grandpere compliments Donkey Hodie for his potato crop.

A New Friend: It Can Be Hard to Understand Deaf People
0 votes

#34 - A New Friend: It Can Be Hard to Understand Deaf People

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 48

Rogers dyes some Easter eggs. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, X prints all sorts of signs after Professor Scanlon's lessons.

A New Friend: Hearing Aid; Deaf Child at Play; Photography
0 votes

#35 - A New Friend: Hearing Aid; Deaf Child at Play; Photography

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 50

Tim Scanlon is at Bob Trow's workshop enlarging photographs. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, King Friday wishes to hold a dinner for Professor Scanlon.

Barbershop Quartet
0 votes

#36 - Barbershop Quartet

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 6 - Episode 65

Rogers hears a barbershop quartet at Negri's Music Shop. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Elaine starts a vocal chorale with Harriet Elizabeth Cow and Lady Aberlin.

Abilities & Disabilities: A Television Camera; Chrissy Plans Surprise
0 votes

#37 - Abilities & Disabilities: A Television Camera; Chrissy Plans Surprise

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 62

Negri's Music Shop has a display of television equipment. Rogers and Negri take turns working the camera and performing music on-screen. Before leaving the shop, Rogers encounters Terri and Chrissy Thompson, who are arranging a puppet show. MGR-TV is still emerging at the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, creating program ideas on the spot. To help a tiring camera operator (Lady Aberlin), Handyman Negri provides a rolling camera attachment.

Show 1304
0 votes

#38 - Show 1304

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 6 - Episode 44

Those in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe decide to play music to help Queen Sara get well.

Abilities & Disabilities: Chrissy Talks about Her Braces, Crutches, and Shows
0 votes

#39 - Abilities & Disabilities: Chrissy Talks about Her Braces, Crutches, and Shows

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 64

Chrissy Thompson tells a story of how a girl had despised her braces and crutches, but changed her mind thanks to Chrissy's television visits. X the Owl and Lady Aberlin help to comfort Henrietta Pussycat by telling her in song, Witches Aren't Real.

Show 1331
0 votes

#40 - Show 1331

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 6

Elsie Neal presents circus miniatures. Purple Panda returns to the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, but misses the circus and the friends he has there. King Friday tries to get the circus to the NOM.

Planet Purple: Things Don't Go On & Off by Magic; Zitar Music
0 votes

#41 - Planet Purple: Things Don't Go On & Off by Magic; Zitar Music

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 27

Audrey Roth's daughter Holly shows some of her crafts at Rogers' television house. Later Rogers hears a Vietnamese musician at Francois Clemmons' studio. In between, the Neighborhood of Make-Believe is the perfect place for a magic switch to turn the Castle fountain on or off.

Mixed-Up NOM (4)
0 votes

#42 - Mixed-Up NOM (4)

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 6 - Episode 59

Rogers talks to a glassblower at Elsie Neal's Craft Shop. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Elaine moves all the locales back where they belong. King Friday commissions a Festival of Mad Feelings for the next day.

Planet Purple: Firefighting; Small Fire in Make-Believe
0 votes

#43 - Planet Purple: Firefighting; Small Fire in Make-Believe

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 28

Rogers talks of turning things on and off, such as a flashlight and a water faucet. Later he goes to Elsie Neal's Craft Shop where two people are making a papier-mâché tunnel. In between, the Neighborhood of Make-Believe witnesses a fire at Henrietta Pussycat's house. Prince Tuesday lets Handyman Negri use his squirt bottle to put it out.

When People Leave: Anne Pelowski, Storyteller; Wanting Control
0 votes

#44 - When People Leave: Anne Pelowski, Storyteller; Wanting Control

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 8 - Episode 38

King Friday declares no one may leave the Neighborhood of Make-Believe without his permission. Lady Elaine defies the rule, thanks to her leaf mat. Later in the program, Rogers visits Anne Pellowski, who tells one African folk tale and one Turkish story.

Show 1333
0 votes

#45 - Show 1333

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 8

Mrs. McFeely is looking after a Capuchin monkey at her house. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, the King and Oliver Circus Clown reach a compromise by which Purple Panda can rejoin the circus.

Mixed-Up NOM (1)
0 votes

#46 - Mixed-Up NOM (1)

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 6 - Episode 56

Bob Trow helps the McFeelys wallpaper their kitchen. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Lady Elaine uses her boomerang-toomerang-soomerang to rearrange the buildings.

Planet Purple: Julia Child Makes Spaghetti; Smokey Bear & Safety
0 votes

#47 - Planet Purple: Julia Child Makes Spaghetti; Smokey Bear & Safety

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 29

Julia Child makes spaghetti Marco Polo at Brockett's Bakery. Smokey Bear visits the Neighborhood of Make-Believe to console Henrietta Pussycat.

Show 1301
0 votes

#48 - Show 1301

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 6 - Episode 41

Rogers hears that Mrs. McFeely is ill. In the Neighborhood of Make-Believe, Queen Sara begins to fall ill.

Festival of Mad Feelings
0 votes

#49 - Festival of Mad Feelings

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 6 - Episode 60

Rogers visits a drummer in Negri's Music Shop. The Neighborhood of Make-Believe holds its Festival of Mad Feelings.

Planet Purple: Everything's the Same on Planet Purple
0 votes

#50 - Planet Purple: Everything's the Same on Planet Purple

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Season 7 - Episode 30

Mike Taylor, a bass player, performs at Negri's Music Shop. Later Rogers begins reading The History of Planet Purple. In between, Handyman Negri and others in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe are surprised to see people from the Planet Purple wearing different colors.