The BEST episodes written by Akemi Omode

#1 - A New World
Tales of the Abyss - Season 1 - Episode 26
The battle with Van begins. Van utilizes the power of Lorelei and starts to defeat the heroes. Tear begins to sing the Grand Fonic Hymn. Van is defeated. Luke stays behind to use the Key. As everyone leaves, Luke promises Tear he will return. Hod begins to fall and Luke catches Asch. Two years later Tear and the others are at the Cove where the adventure begun as a memorial for Luke. In the distance, a man approaches the group and tells Tear that he came to the Cove to fulfill his promise to her. Everyone gathers around to greet the man. While the man appears to be a physical combination of both Luke and Asch, a final view of the man shows him carrying his sword in the same fashion as Luke.
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#2 - The Last Score
Tales of the Abyss - Season 1 - Episode 19
In Daath, Luke and Tear are reunited with Anise, who gets them an audience with Ion. Jade and Guy are already there, and Luke asks if Asch has been buy. They tell them about the Planet Storm's activity increasing, which was Van's original plan, and the missing sword. Jade and Luke reveal that Dist escape from prison and rescued Mohs from the ship carrying him to trial. Malkuth's troops was attacked by unknown forces carrying the Kimlascan banner. General Friggs was fatally wounded, but made it back to rport that the troops had empty eyes as if they were dead. The group agrees they should go to speak with King Inogbert about someone framing Kimlasca. Anise attempts to discourage him from going, then runs from the room and asks them to go on with out her. Outside, they run into Natalia who came to ask Ion to officially complain about Malkuth's forces attacking Kimlasca. They explain the apparent framing to her, and Jade believes they may be replicas to impersonate both kingdoms to restart the war. As they speak,Tear collapses from her worsening condition because of the miasma built up in her body. Ion says he could remove it, but that there is a problem. Before he can explain, Anise runs in and tells them miasma is everywhere then drags him from the room. Outside, Anise and Ion are gone, and they find Arietta who begs them to save Ion from Anise, explaining that Anise has taken Ion to the Sephiroth in the cathedral to read the Seventh Fonstone, which would kill Ion. The group finds them with Mohs where they learn that Anise has been spying for Mohs because he is holding her parents hostage. Mohs and Anise escape through a passageway with Ion, with Arietta managing to pass through the door before it closes. The others are confronted by a group of replicas of people they knew, including one of Guy's sister. Tear uses a fonic hymn to put them to sleep, but it causes her to get collapse again. On Anise's doll they find a letter from her apologizing and telling them how to
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#3 - Wagering Your Existence
Tales of the Abyss - Season 1 - Episode 25
Luke and the others arrive at Eldrant and prepare for the battle against Van, but on the way, they are informed by Ginji that Asch went to fight on his own. While running in to a room, the group encounters Asch who was killing Oracle Knight replicas and they fall for a trap, which Asch and Luke fall into another room. Tear and the others are left to fight Legretta and Sync. Tear and Jade fight Legretta and Anise and Guy fight Sync. They manage to defeat Legretta and Sync and look for Luke. Meanwhile Luke talks to Asch and tells him to fight Van which infuriates because Luke isn't doing anything to acknowledge himself. Asch challenges Luke calling him a replica and Luke wins and so Asch hands Luke the key of Lorelei. Asch stays behind in order to fight the Oracle Knights in the room. But Asch fights not as Asch the Bloody, but as the real Luke Fon Fabre. Luke finds the others and they go to fight Van. Asch manages to kill most of the knights but he suddenly had a pain in his chest because he was slowly dying and ends up getting stabbed from behind. Asch then kills all the replicas and dies. Luke senses Asch's death and informs them of it. Natalia becomes heartbroken, and Jade tells Natalia to get up and to know who was really suffering. Luke and the others go to fight Van for the final showdown.
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#4 - Forest Gravestone
Tales of the Abyss - Season 1 - Episode 20
Arietta challenges Anise to a battle because she blames Anise for Ion's death. In a flashback, Arietta's first meeting with Ion is shown, as well as their time together. She never knew that the real Ion had died, so she believed the replica was the same person. Anise agrees to the fight and they meet in the Cheagle woods. While Luke and the others fight Arietta's animal friends, Anise and Arietta battle. In the end, Anise wins, killing Arietta. Largo, who was acting as referee, carries Arietta's body away and swears to avenge her death.
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#5 - Ancient Tower
Tales of the Abyss - Season 1 - Episode 21
The miasma has reached nearly critical levels across the surface of Auldrant, and Kimlasca and Malkuth struggle to come to a solution. When they are unable to do so, however, Jade suggests that an amplified hyperresonance might be able to destroy the miasma, however, in order to affect the entire world, it would require both an amplifier such as the Sword of Lorelei and a large number of Seventh Fonons: approximately equal to those found in 10,000 living Seventh Fonists. Asch overhears this conversation and determines to use replicas as they too are composed of Seventh Fonons. The zombie-like replicas that formerly served Mohs have begun to gather at the Tower of Rem in the Qliphoth, and Asch has headed there in order to sacrifice their lives to fuel his hyperresonance. Realizing that Asch has overheard this and is likely to attempt this, Luke and the others race to the tower in pursuit and arrive moments after Asch, who has just begun his ascent up the tower.
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#6 - Kite's Bracelet
.hack - Season 2 - Episode 2
Shu-go and Rena encounter Mireille, a Wavemaster intent on collecting rare items. At her invitation, the two participate in an event that has them figShugo logs in, and Rena immediately scolds him for being late. During this scolding, Mireille shows up ready to join the party and go out on an adventure. Instead of politely turning Mireille down, Rena grabs Shugo's hand and uses a Speed Charm and makes a run for it.When Rena and Shugo stop, they realize that there was a special event going on today involving trying to make the Cherry Blossoms bloom. Shugo is really interested in getting over to the field and winning a rare item, but Rena suggests that the field might be tough and they could use a wavemaster. Luckily Mireille just happens to be around and ready to lend a helping hand. At the field, Mireille does her best to try to get the trees to bloom, by casting healing spells. Realizing that doesn't work she wanders off thinking that a rare item might help. Shugo takes this t
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#7 - Sorrowful Parting
Tales of the Abyss - Season 1 - Episode 23
Natalia is told that her father is alive and that they know where he is. She is also told his name and that he was working with Fon Master Mohs. Her father is none other than Badaq, or as he is known as now, Largo the Black Lion. Luke and the others discovered from Spinoza that they can access Auldrant by using the jewel to absorb the seventh fonons at the absorption gate, but they also have to go to the radiation gate simultaneously. So Luke, Natalia, and Guy go to the radiation gate and Tear, Jade, and Anise go to the absorption gate. When Luke, Natalia, and Guy arrive they encounter Largo, and they fight to the death. Natalia shoots an arrow in order to prevent Largo from killing Luke and it hits Largo and he dies telling Natalia that she looks like her mother. Tear, Jade, and Anise arrive at the absorption gate and they encounter Fon Master Mohs, who brings Van back from the core in exchange for the seventh fonstone. Van tells them how he came back to life and Tear and the others prepare to fight Fon Master Mohs and Tear kills him with Holy Cross. Luke then fills the key with seventh fonons and opens the road to Eldrant.
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#8 - The Phoenix Feather
.hack - Season 2 - Episode 3
Late one night in the world, a reddish-brown haired girl asks another girl named Hotaru for a favor. She is going to be logged off for 3 days, and was hoping Hotaru would watch her Grunty. Although Hotaru knows nothing about raising Grunty's, she accepts.The next day, Shugo learns that since his bracelet is such a high level, his level must be higher in order to use it properly. Rena, Mireille, and Ouka convince Shugo that they should go train in an intermediate level area. This will help him level up faster and hopefully be able to control the powers of the bracelet. Balmung and Reki get together to talk about the Kite and Blackrose contest. CC Corp claims that they did not authorize the contest and that they know nothing about it. Balmung thinks that either they truly know nothing about it, or that they are refusing to talk. Balmung tells Reki to report is as a number one emergency claim. Hopefully then someone will decide to talk.On the field, Ouka, Mireille, and Rena te
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#9 - Tanabata Night
.hack - Season 2 - Episode 4
The episode starts with Sanjuro training Shugo about how to fight the monsters in ""The World"" When they are done, they teleport back to the city where Rena is waiting for them, and she tells Shugo the he has spent a lot of time playing with Sanjuro lately. Shugo replies that they were not playing they were training. Sanjuro chimes in and says that a warrior needs to train. Rena replies that Shugo is not a warrior and that she is feeling neglected that they should spend more time together.In Mac Anu, the Shugo and Rena learn about the Festival of the Weaver Maiden that will be held later that day. In the field Distant Azure River, where the festival of Tanabata is scheduled to take place, Shugo is already there waiting for the others to arrive. When Mireille shows up, she is wearing a rare yukata that she received as a rare item from a very tough battle. Shortly after, Hotaru, Ouka and Rena teleport in and they, too, are wearing yukatas. According to Tanabata tradition, everyone
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#10 - Water Metropolis
Tales of the Abyss - Season 1 - Episode 12
Luke and the others arrive in Grand Chokmah, where they are denied entry due to a security lock down. Jade, as a colonel of the Malkuth military, is allowed entrance, and the others are forced to wait outside where they are attacked by Largo. Guy's curse slot is then activated by Sync causing him to attack Luke. The Malkuth military intervenes; hence, prompting Largo and Sync to retreat. Ion reveals that the curse slot can only work if the person possessed a strong desire to kill their target, which makes Luke wonder how he had wronged Guy in the past. He asks Guy about this, and Guy reveals that he was initially from the Island of Hod, and Luke's father led the attack which destroyed the city. Luke and the others then meet with Emperor Peony, and Kimlasca officially declares war upon Malkuth. Desperate to stop the war, Luke and the others volunteer to go to St. Binah and rescue the citizens before the city sinks into the Qliphoth. Although Luke and the others manage to rescue the majority of the citizens, many are still on a portion of the land as it begins to sink. As Luke bemoans his inability to save them, an airship arrives to assist in the rescue.
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#11 - Closed Past
Tales of the Abyss - Season 1 - Episode 14
Natalia, Luke, Tear, and Guy flee Baticul and reunite with Jade and the others. They travel to Belken to try to find a way stop the fallen lands from sinking into the Qliphoth. There, they learn that the liquefaction is being caused by vibrations from Auldrant's core, caused by the use of the "Planet Storm" energy distribution system. As the system cannot be shut down without rendering fonic arts and fon machines useless, they find a text that describes away to stop the vibrations. While in Belken, Guy meets with Van, revealing that Guy was once Van's master. He asks Van to stop with his plan, but Van refuses and Guy dismisses him as his servant. Leaving the Belken researchers to work on the machine, they take a measuring device and travel to the cathedral in Daath to find another a standing Sephiroth tree that they can go to measure. They meet Anise's mother, but are attacked by Arietta and her two ligers. During the battle, Ion runs over to protect a child from one of the liger's blasts, but Anise's mother takes the blast instead to protect him. She's only mildly wounded, but the battle causes Guy to remember his families death, revealing the reason behind his fear of women: he was protected from the attacking soldiers by his dying sister and maids covering his body with their own. Ion reads the closed scored, revealing that the replica Luke was not part of the original score, and that they can find a tree in Tataroo Valley. As they travel to the core, Anise chases a rare butterfly and nearly falls off a cliff, but Guy saves her only realizing after that he had touched a female. When the group reaches the Sephiroth tree, they find the passage ring has stopped. Tear walks around the path circling the tree and it suddenly restarts. As Guy gets the measurements, Luke checks on Tear who is on kneeling on the ground seemingly in pain.
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#12 - Land of Glory
Tales of the Abyss - Season 1 - Episode 24
With Mohs and Largo dead and the Planet Storm stopped at last, the shield surrounding Eldrant has been brought down, but the raised city is still protected by heavy anti-aircraft artillery. While Kimlasca and Malkuth prepare for an attack, Luke and the others prepare themselves as well. Guy gives up his quest for vengeance, Natalia accepts her birth father's death, and Luke and Asch quarrel over the reason for their existence. Finally, the military forces of both countries create a diversion to draw the fire of Eldrant's anti-aircraft defenses, and as the city of Eldrant attempts to ram the Albiore, Ginji crashes the Albiore III into the side of the city, creating an opening. The party heads for the newly made entrance to Eldrant while Van awaits their arrival.
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#13 - Outbreak of War
Tales of the Abyss - Season 1 - Episode 13
Returning from their rescue mission, the group sees that war has broken out between Malkuth and Kimlasca. Wanting to halt the war, they split into two groups to approach the rulers of the two kingdoms, with Jade, Anise and Ion going to seem Emperor Peony in Malkuth. Luke, Natalia, Tear, Guy, and Mieu go to Kimlasca, but when they arrive at Baticul, Grand Maestro Mohs declares that Natalia is not the true princess. The real daughter of the king and queen died in childbirth, but to avoid grieving the queen, her attendant replaced the dead baby with her daughter's recently born child, Merle. Denouncing Natalia as a traitor to the kingdom for being a false princess and Luke for his role in the destruction of Akzeriuth, the group is lead away, with Guy and Tear put in the dungeon and Natalia and Luke put in a private room. They are brought poison to drink to end their shame in a "dignified" fashion, but Luke destroys the glasses. Ashe frees Tear and Guy who rescue Luke and Natalia from the room.
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#14 - The Initials Are G (Ginji) & B (Ban)
Getbackers - Season 1 - Episode 1
This episode introduces Ban Midou and Ginji Amano, aka the GetBackers. Their recovery service is "a near 100% rate", meaning they can't fail at recovering things. Things get wild when a schoolgirl named Natsumi loses her toy kitty when a cop sees her in the alleyway. The cop was giving "information" to some gangsters and he thought she took a picture of him (she was really taking a picture of an alley cat). Ban and Ginji accept the case. After failed plans, car tows, and parking tickets, the Getbackers finally retrieve the stolen object, but Natsumi has been captured by the cop and gangsters. The Getbackers rush to the scene. Now the Getbackers aren't just a pretty face, they obtain incredible powers. Ginji was once known as "Raitei" (The Lightning Emperor) at the Limitless Fortress (more on that on later episodes). He is able to summon lightning from his body, like an electric eel. Ban Midou has a few tricks: First, he has a 200 kilogram force grip and second, has a power called the Jagan. Ban's Jagan gives the recipient a horrible dream for one minute. Anyway, Ban uses the Jagan on the crooked cop. The dream contains the cop killing both Ban and Ginji, Natsumi faints, and the SWAT team arrives. The cop tries to tell them that he's a cop, but gets shot to death. Once he wakes up, Natsumi is with the Getbackers and the cop is arrested (supposedly). Later, Natsumi obtains a part time job at the Honky Tonk, a place where the Getbackers hang out, but can't eat because of their tab is too high.
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#15 - Their Decisions
Tales of the Abyss - Season 1 - Episode 15
The group returns to Belken with the measurements. Class I's Iemon and his partner Aston have arrived. They reveal that from the measurements it seems Sephiroth trees have all weakened and all of the land will fall into the Qliphoth. Jade asks the researches to build a device to stop the vibrations, and says they will use the Tartarus to drop it into the core. Then the lands can safely descend into the miasma without danger. The group goes to rest at the Inn, but Luke questions whether they should be making the decision on their own as it will drastically change the world. He feels they should speak with his Uncle and Emperor Peony first. Natalia is scared to return to Baticul and goes off alone to think, so the others go on to the inn to wait until she has time to think. That night, Luke sees her go out alone. He follows her to the coast where Asch surprises her. He overhears them talking, as Asch reminds her it isn't like her to be afraid and that the citizens are her allies. He repeats the promise they made long ago, that when they grow up, they would work together to change the country forever. As Luke leaves, Tear spots him. He expresses regret over being born and tearing them apart, but Tear comforts him and remind him that without his being born, Asch would have died in Azkeriuth and that he has his own life to live. In the morning, Natalia rejoins the others and they go to Baticul where Ion requests audience with Inogbert and threatens that Daath will not longer read Kimlasca's score if Natalia is barred from entering. Luke reminds his uncle that their seventeen years as a family is evidence that Natalia is his daughter, regardless of her birth. Natalia begs him to stop the war as does Ion. Mohs tries to interfer, but Ion orders him to be quiet and the others also speak up on Natalia's behave. Finally Natalia's words reach Ingobert and he agrees to the peace treaty with Malkuth and the plan to lower the lands. Mohs and his advisor try to change his mind, but
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#16 - The One Who Vanishes
Tales of the Abyss - Season 1 - Episode 22
Luke and the others race to the top of the tower to stop Asch from completing his plan of sacrificing himself with the Replicas in the tower to rid the world of Miasma. As they talk it over, Dist makes his appearance once more in another machine. The others fight, but Jade gets in the last blow with Mystic Cage and kills him. Debating continues on whether the Replicas have a place in the world or not afterward. Asch leaves it to them to decide to sacrifice themselves or not. At Kimlasca, Jade pointed out that with using Luke as the one to sacrifice the Replicas, they can save Asch, the original. Luke's friends, especially Tear, tries their best to talk him out of it, but Luke chose this for himself, despite the high chance that he won't survive it. The Replicas decide to go through with it as long as the ones that were not in the tower were to have a place in the world. Before Luke could begin, Asch tried to interfere, but Luke grabbed the Key of Lorelei and begun the transference. The Seventh Fonons began dispersing, so Asch stepped in to assist him. This little teamwork showed that Luke had the Jewel of Lorelei all along as it revealed itself while Luke's body was fading like the other replicas were. A bright light filled the world as the Miasma was completely removed from the surface. With the Jewel of Lorelei in Luke's possession, Asch leaves the group again. Jade suggests that Luke get an examination in Belkend before continuing on. Luke said he was ok, but Jade knew better and so Luke told him the truth, that he was slowly dying. Only two others heard this as they were right outside the room, Tear and Mieu.
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#17 - Tempest
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 20
First, Tsukasa takes Subaru to the place where the sleeping girl lays, only to find she isn't there. Then, Bear decides that the ""Key of the Twilight"" issue should be resolved. He calls BT, Crim, Subaru and Mimiru together to discuss what they should do. Meanwhile, Sora and BT are forming an alliance to find the Key first, apparently for selfish reasons. They enlist the help of Silver Knight, but only intend to use him as a pawn. They are probably after the forces that still follow him. Their plan is to take all the information BT will obtain from ""Bear's Party"", and then use it to try to get to the key first. Their logic is that they can move faster than Bear and co. Tsukasa returns to where the sleeping girl was. Suddenly he is picked up and held over the bed. He appears to be in pain. He asks if he is being punished for bringing Subaru, and a voice answers yes. He is raised over the bed, then a sort of explosion, then implosion occurs with Tsukasa as the epicenter. Then
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#18 - Party
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 11
Bear, Mimiru, and Tsukasa form a party in an attempt to complete a rare item quest. During the adventure, Tsukasa starts to get closer to Bear and Mimiru and eventually he learns to not rely on his guardian for protection but on his fellow party members.
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#20 - The Legendary Hero
.hack - Season 2 - Episode 1
A boy named Kunisaki Shugo checks his email to find that he has won a contest that allows him to play The World as the legendary .hacker Kite. Shugo calls up his twin sister to tell her the good news and she informs him that she too has won the contest and that her character will be remodeled after the character Blackrose (also a legendary .hacker). Shugo mentions that he never entered in any contest and that he does not even have the software to play the game. That is when Rena informs Shugo that she entered him in the contest and that just incase one of them won, she installed the world on his computer.When he logs in, he meets up with his twin sister Rena and they decide to go to a field. On the field, Rena and Shugo watch as a Level 1 class monster appears in front of them. Shugo attacks, but is easily knocked to the ground by the monster. Rena performs Calamity Cut to take out the monster and then she offers her brother a healing potion. After being reprimanded by Rena, Sh
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#21 - Catastrophe
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 25
The players leave the Net Slum and separate for a bit, but meet up again in the Church and safeguard Subaru and Tsukasa. Sora is sent after them by Morgana and is given help by her to defeat them. A great battle ensues, and Tsukasa decides to fight back and not run anymore. Maha starts to disobey Morgana, and is hit by one of her creations. Subaru, Tsukasa, and Mimiru are transported to an unknown destination.
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#22 - Return
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 26
The Finale! Tsukasa, Subaru and Mimiru are separated in a special field, and encounter alternate versions of each other. After realizing the trickery, they are transported to Morganna's realm where they find Aura. Despite Morganna's protests, Tsukasa wakes Aura and they escape to NetSlum, only to to trapped by Skeith. Helba, taking extreme measures, deletes the field, and Tsukasa is finally able to log out.
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#23 - The Core Entry Operation
Tales of the Abyss - Season 1 - Episode 16
The device to neutralize the core vibration installed on the Tartarus, and the Albiore is loaded onto the ship as well so the group will be able to escape the core before being crushed by the pressure. As they prepare to leave, Major Legretta arrives and the Oracle Knights have taken over the port. The builders help them escape; Iemon and Tamara are killed by Legretta for their actions. At the port, the rest of the builders put the Oracle Knights to sleep to save the Tartarus. Van arrives, with Spinoza who was the one who told them about the plan. Van reveals that he knows humanity will die and that it was his plan all along, as he feels they are nothing but puppets living by the store. He will clear the entire world and recreate it all from "nothingness" using replicas. Jade and Tear argue that its impossible as replicas can't be maintained for long and that there are not enough Seventh Fonons, but Van says destroying Lorelei will fix that problem. Legretta and the rest arrive. The group runs away as Aston, Cathy, and Henken, the remaining builders, throw themselves in front of Van and are killed. On the Tartarus, the others mourn the deaths of the builders. Luke is angry that Tear says it isn't the time to cry, but Guy assures him she wants to cry too. After the group enters the core, they set up the device. As the flee to the Albiore, they are confronted by Sych, who used the distraction provided by Van and Legretta to get on board. During the battle, Luke, determined not to die, shatters his mask, revealing that he looks just like Ion. The group is shocked to that both Synch and Ion are replicas. Ion is the seventh replica of the original Fon Master Ion having been created two years ago. The original Ion was sick and dying, so Van and Mohs made replicas. The ones with the closest abilities were kept, while ones like Sync were considered trash and thrown away to be used by Van. Ion tries to convince him that his life has more meaning than that, but Sync, saying h
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#24 - Castle
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 14
Crim and BT go to a mysterious castle to search for the Key, followed by Sora. Thanks to the code that Helba gave them, Bear, Tsukasa, and Mimiru also reach the castle. But traps line the way, and there seems to be an evil atmosphere to the place.
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#25 - Overture to Collapse
Tales of the Abyss - Season 1 - Episode 17
The group reluctantly agrees that they must take Tear with them to lower the lands, as she is the only one who can activate the passage rings. Spinoza approaches them, expressing his regret that his desire to do his own research resulted in the deaths of his friends. Anise doesn't want to believe him and doesn't understand why Luke and the others agree to trust him. Jade asks Spinoza to help them with the mission. Luke visits Tear and she acts like she is fine with dying. He yells at her for not being honest, then refuses to leave as she begins shaking only agreeing to turn around so he doesn't "see" her. In the morning the group goes to the Meggiora Highlands, where Tear activates the passage ring and nearly collapses again. She insists on continuing and they go on to the desert ruins where she faints after activating its passage ring. By the end of the day, they have only one Sephiroth left to activate and Spinoza has confirmed that they can seal the miasma. At camp that night, they realize Van must have somehow found and read the Seventh Fonstone. Guy remembers Van taking him to a "secret place" in Hod as a child and realizes now that it contains something that may be the fonstone. That night, Van approaches Tear and asks her to stop activating the passage rings, revealing that his body is also being affected. He again asks her to join him, but reflecting on her friends, she refuses. Asch interrupts and attacks Van. The others arrive just as Asch is badly wounded by Van. Van asks why he wants to save a world that left him despair. While he hates the world and wants the score destroyed, Asch says he has something precious he wants to protect, which Natalia realizes is her. Van tells him still needs him, not Luke, then turns again to Tear. Tear tells him to kill her and make a replica, since all he wants is a world of them. Van retreats and tells Asch to meet him at the Absorption Gate. Asch runs after him, refusing to allow Natalia to heal his wound. At the camp,
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#26 - Absorption Gate
Tales of the Abyss - Season 1 - Episode 18
The group rest for the night in Keterberg as a snow storm has the Albiore grounded. Luke apologizes to Natalia for not knowing the words of Asch's promise to her. Natalia asks him to make the promise now, which he does. Afterwards she promises not to doubt him or who he is anymore, her dear childhood friend. Luke hestitates to go to Tears room, unsure of what to say to her, and instead talks with Guy about their conflicting feelings about having to fight Van. In the morning, Luke feels something calling him and goes out to find Asch. Luke asks him to join them, but he refuses due to his inury and makes Luke promise to kill Van. At the Absorption Gate, and earthquake breaks the path under their feet. Luke and Tear fall, waking up on a lower level. As they search for the others, Tear tells Luke about Van's raising of her and his being used to destroy Hod. When they reach the ring, they find Van playing an organ and confront him. Van demands to know why Luke is there instead of Asch, and Luke asks why he was made. Van tells him he was born to be a dispoable pawn to mess up the score, but it didn't work and the he says the score is continuing on to its major events despite the disruption. As Van refuses to listen to them, Luke and Tear begin battling him, but Luke hestitates to make a killing blow and is disarmed. As Van is about to kill him, the others arrive and attack. Luke regains his feet and slices Van across the chest, defeating him. Van, laughing at his being defeated by a "failure" throws himself backwards off the platform and into the core. Jade asks Luke to use his hyperresonance to stop the ring. Asch helps him from a distance and the ring is successfully reversed. Loreli contacts them both and tells them that he is sending them a key to set him free. Luke collapses afterwards. A month later, a bored Luke is back in Baticul with Mieu. The war has ended and the lands safely lowered into the Qliphoth. Everyone has returned to their own homelands, Guy has retur
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#27 - Captured
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 5
In a desert region, a male long arm is running through the area shouting that he is back. Tsukasa is sitting alone in the dungeon, when the male long arm introduces himself as Crim and asks if Tsukasa needs any help. Tsukasa denies Crim’s help and teleports out of the area. Back in the root town, Mimiru waits for Bear to arrive, when he does, she asks him why are there wanted posters out for Tsukasa’s arrest if this is a game. Bear explains that there are rules, and that Tsukasa broke them. In a field with dark clouds, BT waits for Sora to arrive. When he does, she tells him she wants to exchange some information with them. He replies by saying unless the information he receives is of equal value, then it is not a trade. She tells him that she has a plan to lure Tsukasa out of hiding. As Subaru and Silver Knight walk about the city, Sora appears and asks them if they have found a way to lure him out. Sora says that he has a plan and proceeds to ask if they are interested. She te
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#28 - Epitaph
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 9
A girl meets Tsukasa and tells him that she will be out of town for a little while and that she would like him to help take care of her Grunty. While taking care of the Grunty it eventually becomes sick and the only cure is a hard to find purple cherry. While Tsukasa is searching for the cherry all the other characters are discussing the Key of the Twilight. Sora mentions that he may know someone that might be able to help them in their search...the great hacker Helba.
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#29 - Compensation
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 10
After denying his son money for a new car, Bear talks to B.T. and she suggestions that the reason he is so protective of Mimiru and of Tsukasa in ""The World"" is because he feels that he isn't being a good father. By looking out for them, he is providing the fatherly role which he can't provide to his own son. Meanwhile, Subaru tells Silver Knight to contact her immediately if anybody wants to talk to her. Silver Knight agrees, but when Tsukasa wants to contact Subaru, Silver Knight tells him that she doesn't want to see him. Not much later we see Tsukasa sulking on the Bridge in Mac Anu. When Subaru seems him, she leaves the boat and tries to get closer, Tsukasa teleports away before Subaru could ever reach her and she returns to her boat with a saddened look on her face. All the while, BT and Crim continue to search for clues regarding The Key of the Twilight.
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#30 - Depth
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 16
Tsukasa suffering from his attack awakes in Aura's domain, he seems to be fine and learns he cannot die in this place, but will come back. The other players know not of what happened to Tsukasa, but want to find him. Tsukasa meets up with Subaru and they have a small talk where she reassured him of his situation. Mimiru recalls Tsukasa's reaction to something the broken man said and wants to find him to know what.
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#31 - Conflict
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 17
BT is wandering around the world looking for someone to rely on but can't find anybody. She goes to Crim to see if he would like to meet in the real world, but he turns her down. BT later gets called by Subaru, but instead of helping Subaru out, BT ends up insulting and putting her down. BT later goes with these two guys on a treasure hunt, but it turns out they tricked her and only want to kill her for her experience. BT ends up getting saved by Tsukasa, and Tsukasa and BT end up bonding with each other.
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#32 - Entanglement
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 12
The episode starts out in the real world with a man standing over the coma victim debating whether or not the plug should be pulled on life support. In the game, Mimiru talks to Tsukasa about how she wishes she could trade items in The World for real world items. Shen proceeds to talk about a handbag that she would like to get from Shimakita and Tsukasa inquires if it was the store at the southern exit? Mimiru is a bit surprised and asks him if he is from Tokyo. In Tsukasa's secret place, large thorny vines entangle Aura. As he tries to free Aura, the vines tighten their hold around her. It seems the harder he tries to free Aura, the thicker the vines grow back. The mysterious voice asks Tsukas if he knows the story of the Little Mermaid. He then realizes that as long as he stays there, Aura will be fine. However if he leaves the world, Aura may be hurt.
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#33 - Recollection
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 19
We learn about the past of Subaru and how she founded the Scarlet Knights. Later, Subaru is wandering the world and word of her disbanding the Knights has spread. She is attacked by another character, and comes to find Tsukasa badly beaten. They bond even closer and we see a glimpse of the real life Subaru.
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#34 - Twilight Eye
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 13
Everyone is getting anxious about finding the Key of the Twilight and with Tsuaksa gradually becoming more involved in wanting to log out of the world, they feel that now is the best time to act. However no one knows exactly where to go. However Sora mentions that he is able to contact the great hacker Helba. After contacting Helba, he says that she wishes to talk to Bear and that he wishes to meet him. Bear sets off to the dungeon described by Helba and when Bear gets to the bottom dungeon, Helba teleports in and relays the message that she might be able to help find the key of the twilight. After their visit, Bear, Mimiru, and Tsuaksa get ready to head to find the Key of the Twilight, however, it seems that Crim and BT are also heading off on the same adventure. At the church where Tsukasa often hides out, and Crim are talking. Crim wonders how they can open the Twilight Eye. BT smiles and then proceeds to use her magic on the field. As she casts the spell, the clouds part and
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#35 - Winding Road
Gravitation - Season 1 - Episode 5
When Hiro and Shuichi are taking a walk in the park after there rehearsal, they notice that two older men and trying to have there way with a young lady, and they save her with some cocky insults etc. After wards she tells both of them shes looking for someone very important to her. Hiro offers to get her in a hotel, and Shuichi decides to leave to go to Yuki's. Although, when he gets there, he does not find Yuki, but his brother, Tatsuha. They both get along very well, because they both have a huge obsession with the Lead Vocalist from Nittle Grasper. Then Tatsuha gets a little to teasing and gets to close to Shuichi, and Yuki walks in. Later on Shuichi finds out that Ayaka is Yuki's fiancee!. It only gets worse when the Bad Luck concert is coming very soon. When at the concert Shuichi see's Yuki and Ayaka in the crowd, and cant help but scream in between the song, YUKI IS MINE! after seeing that Shuichi does have self courage after all, he tells Shuichi he will be his lover.
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#36 - Despair
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 21
The episode opens with Mimiru and Bear waiting in Dun Loireag for Subaru. Mimiru wonders why Subaru is late, and Bear says she is most likely looking for Tsukasa. Subaru arrives, and Bear asks if she was able to meet with Tsukasa. She responds that she hasn't been able to contact him and is worried it is her fault. Bear says that beating herself up won't do any good , and that they have to start looking for him. Subaru says she will look for him by herself. Mimiru says that they have all ready looked everywhere he could be. Subaru says they haven't looked where the sleeping girl (Aura) was. There is a brief flashback to when Tsukasa took Subaru there and Aura was missing. Mimiru says they need Tsukasa's power to get there. Subaru says she will use the message boards to try to find someone that knows something about the place. They all agree to search for Tsukasa. Subaru leaves to talk with B.T. , and Mimiru comments on how tired Subaru looks. Tsukasa is shown leaning against the bed. H
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#39 - Encounter
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 6
In a root town, Mimiru, Bear and BT are all together talking about the events that just took place. Mimiru asks BT why she set up Tsukasa to be captured. BT says she heard the information from another source and it must have somehow gotten to the Crimson Knights. Bear point out that should focus on what is going on right now and Mimiru replies that they should rescue Tsukasa. In the prison where Tsukasa is being held captive, Subaru approaches saying she wishes to speak with him alone. The knights reluctantly agree. When Subaru sees Tsukasa, he is sitting alone in a dark room. Subaru apologizes for everything that has happened to him and all she wanted was to speak to him. While she is talking, Tsukasa sees a bug fly by and says that it smells nice. Subaru is surprised he can smell inside a game. Tsukasa replies that he can also feel pain. Tsukasa asks Subaru if she thinks he is lying and she tells him no. She asks him what he intends to do now and that as long as he abides
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#40 - Wanted
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 4
Mimiru teleports into the main area, and she overhears some players talking about a person who can summon a monster and have it attack monster for you Back in the city Subaru and Silver Knight have met up with Bear, she tells him she has checked the log. She tells him that if they log is correct that Tsukasa has been on for the last 10 days. Tsukasa is again alone with the little floating girl, and he asks what will happen when she awakens. Finally the voice speaks to him and tells him something wonderful will happen when she awakes. ""You and I, and he, the three of us will be able to live on peacefully, undisturbed by anyone else. In a world devoid of any harm or discomfort."" Tsukasa says that there are no worlds like that In the real world, a grown man stands in the rain and tries to light a cigarette, as the man walks down the rainy street, we can see a hospital in the background. In a forest area Bear sits alone waiting for Mimiru. When she appears, she tells him how horrible
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#41 - The Eve
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 23
All the players are coming together to meet Helba, and go through her special gate, even Tsukasa. He meets up with Crim beforehand and is scared to go. The gate appears and one by one they go through- save Subaru who is determined for Tsukasa to show up.
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#42 - Declaration
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 18
Silver Knight and the other Crimson Knights want to go after Sora, for being a player killer. Subaru is against it saying that is not the purpose of the Crimson Knights. They go back and forth about the purpose of the Knights, and finally Silver Knight tells Subaru he had contacted the system admids and they wrote back to Subaru. After rethinking a lot of what the Knights have become Subaru decides to disband them.
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#43 - Folklore
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 3
In Mac Anu, Subaru meets with Silver Knight to discuss what has been happening with Tsukasa in “The Worldâ€. She tells him that they are not system moderators and that they are just players. Subaru then says that they will resume the conversation later, but first she must meet someone. In another area, BT asks Bear how it is possible for Tsukasa to move freely between the fields and have a guardian protect him. The only explanation Bear can think of is that Tsukasa has somehow risen above the system. BT then suggests that Bear should meet Tsukasa in real life, but Bear replies that if he can’t log out here, he must be in pretty bad shape out there. BT suggests that Tsukasa might not be a normal player, but merely a character developed by CC Corp. In another field, Subaru meets with Sora and he wants to discuss the Key of the Twilight. Subaru says that does not exit and begins to leave. Sora then draws his weapon and forces her to stop. Eventually Subaru returns to the city follo
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#44 - Role Play
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 1
The show starts with a wavemaster (named Tsukasa) lying on the ground, when he gets up, he is unsure of his surroundings. Soon a female heavy blade introduces herself as Mimiru and comments on the fact that very rarely do you see a wavemaster working alone. She assumes that he is very strong. As she looks at his staff, he teleports out of the area. Back in the field, Tsukasa is sitting alone against a well. He talks to himself saying that he did not know what he was doing, or where he was in fact. From the horizon three knights approach and they are investigating the fact that he was seen with a character that looked like a cat. Instead of supplying the warriors with information the wavemaster teleports out of the area. Now in Mac Anu (the city of water) a young female heavy axeman (named Subaru) is talking to one of the Crimson Knights. They are discussing recent issues in ""The World"" and problems that keep arising. As she moves down toward the center of the boat, they pass Tsu
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#45 - Phantom
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 22
Bear, Mimiru and Subaru are planning on returning to the broken man and encounter another unbeatable monster, yet are saved by an old friend of Subaru's. We hear more of Morgana's intentions. Our hero's learn more from the broken man, and Tsukasa starts to show signs of coming to. Sora discovers the realm of Morgana and gains knowledge from her.
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#46 - Guardian
.hack - Season 1 - Episode 2
In a field, Tsukasa runs into Bear (the guy he met at the spring of myst). Bear asks him if he has read the message boards. Tsukasa just shrugs him off and proceeds to leave the area. Mimiru meets up with Bear and tells him that he might be in trouble with the knights and that they should look out for him. Bear agrees and says he will call Mimiru if he knows anything. A female wavemaster named BT is now in a desert region being chased by someone, when she is cornered he jumps her asks for her member address. When she says no, he proceeds to kill her. Tsukasa now alone again in an open desert filed contemplates on what he should do, when Maho appears floating above him. Tsukasa wants to get away from everywhere but he knows that there is no place for him to go. Maho nods and then speaks to him, prompting him to say, ""is there really such a place?"" Tsukasa is now in a dimly lit dungeon, and he is being followed by Sora (the person who player killed BT). When Tsukasa meets a dead
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#47 - Live in Soul
Gravitation - Season 1 - Episode 2
When Shindou is taken out of his band practice, Yuki's sister asks a favour from him, if he can get Yuki to spend more time with his family, they will give his band more commercial access. Yuki finds out and asks Shindou why he did it, but Shindou demands that he didn't do it for the commercial access, he wanted to know more about Yuki, will Yuki accept it or will he suspect?
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#48 - Heads or Tails
Gravitation - Season 1 - Episode 10
When Hiro quits the group, he says hes decision is final. No matter what Shuichi does, Hiro is not coming back. Shuichi refuses to go along without Hiro, after all, him and Hiro were the original members, and hes his best friend. Ayaka Chan gets told by Hiro that he likes him, even though Hiro thinks she will never return the feelings. And Yuki takes a surprise visit to Kyoto.
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#49 - Stray Heart
Gravitation - Season 1 - Episode 3
After the performance they had given last night, Mr. Touma decided that there should be another member added to the Band because he felt that there was something strongly lacking in their performance. And Sakano was fired as the Band's manager, but later in the episode he is told that he can become the bands producer. Shuichi can't understand why they aren't good enough and can't accept another member in the band which he and Hiro have been members of for a while, He believes that a new member would mess up what they already have. Hiro and him get in a fight when Hiro believes that a new member would improve them and Shuichi runs away into the park. Ryuichi and K ("Nittle Grasper's" previous manager, he now currently the manager of Ryuichi) find him crying and try to calm him down. Shuichi goes to see Hiro but confronts a little boy on the way that claims to be the new member in Bad Luck. That night Shuichi tells Yuki all his problems and Yuki tells him he's being very foolish and childish and tells him to leave. The next day he finds out that Fujisaki Suguru, the new member in the band ends up being very talented. Shuichi suddenly lost confidence in him, and even worse! The new guy is trying to change his song! This hurts Shuichi's pride and leaves him depressed... at least until Hiro goes and tells Yuki to give Shuichi some confidence. Can Shuichi accept the new member? Can Yuki convince him? Who's to know; you have to find out yourself!!!
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#50 - Wave Shock
Gravitation - Season 1 - Episode 4
When Shuichi invites himself into Yuki's home, Yuki gets rather mad, although he does not decide to chuck him out. In the morning Shuichi goes to band practice, but cant leave because K has gotten the band a gig on Tv! It actually turns out its a game show, but they do not want the money, so they ask if they win, can they perform there song. They agree and when Shuichi answers the last question correctly (the last question was fixed by Tohma), they perform on set. Later on, Shuichi and Hiro here some fan girls talking about Yuki, and Shuichi wonders, does he deserve Yuki?
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