The BEST episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series season 2
Every episode of Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series season 2, ranked from best to worst by thousands of votes from fans of the show. The best episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series season 2!
As the name suggests, Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series is a dramatically shortened down version of the original series, cutting each episode down from its original twenty minutes. This includes episodes in two or more parts. All characters in the series are voiced by LittleKuriboh, even the female ones, adding to the comical effect of the parody.

#1 - A Tale of Two Tournies
Season 2 - Episode 13 - Aired 3/7/2009
In which LittleKuriboh attempts to abridge around 70 episodes in the space of seven minutes without losing his sanity. Will he make it? The proof, as they say, is in the pancakes. I think they say that, anyway. If not, they should. Mmm, pancakes.

#2 - Melvin'd
Season 2 - Episode 24 - Aired 1/6/2010
The Battle to end all battles. Right up there with Kirk vs. Picard, Creed vs. Balboa, and Kramer vs. Kramer - it's Melvin vs. Florence. Together they will quite literally duel to dictate the fate of the series. With 4Kids looming over them, will it be curtains for our animated companions? Or will the series be extended for another unnecessarily long list of children's card games? The answer lies within.

#3 - Requiem for a Nyeh
Season 2 - Episode 23 - Aired 12/9/2009
Ishizu explains Marik's tragic (and weird) past and Melvin tries to kill Odion (again) but is stopped by our favorite she-male.

#4 - Ishizu Explains It All
Season 2 - Episode 22 - Aired 10/25/2009
Melissa Joan Hart not included.

#5 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mai
Season 2 - Episode 21 - Aired 10/24/2009
Melvin goes bananas. B-A-N-A-N-A-S.

#6 - So Long & Thanks for All the Trading Cards
Season 2 - Episode 20 - Aired 8/26/2009
It's in the frakking blimp!

#7 - Chenquieh!
Season 2 - Episode 19 - Aired 6/25/2009
Joey vs Door - Round 2.

#8 - Final Deathstination
Season 2 - Episode 18 - Aired 6/17/2009
Whatever you do, don't say the forbidden word.

#9 - Card Games At 20,000 Feet
Season 2 - Episode 17 - Aired 4/25/2009
Oh, the humanity.

#10 - Magnum Farce
Season 2 - Episode 16 - Aired 4/10/2009
An egotistical actor who tries to force large-breasted women to marry him even if it means resorting to criminal abduction. But enough about Kroze, this episode revolves around the infamous martial artist Jean-Claude Magnum (who really should have been called Jean-Claude Van Darn) and his duel with somebody who has never won an on-screen card game in her entire career. Also, you and me? We're done professionally.
#11 - Single White Shemale
Season 2 - Episode 15 - Aired 3/27/2009
Graveyards? Zombies? BRITISH PEOPLE? Surely the end of days has come! Repent! REPENT!!! There is no stopping the end of times!

#12 - The Man Who Would Be Steve
Season 2 - Episode 14 - Aired 3/15/2009
Friendship is like an ointment, when you've been stung by fifty bees! Wherever you rub it, it always feels better, because it's a topical analgesic! Oh, and uh, Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged. There.

#13 - Yami of Darkness
Season 2 - Episode 1 - Aired 8/5/2007
Yugi's puzzle is stolen when the very force of evil itself tries to take over the world.

#14 - Dork Side of the Moon
Season 2 - Episode 12 - Aired 2/28/2009
Kidnappings galore as Marik unleashes Project Steve, whilst Yugi and Kaiba are distracted by a relatively meaningless duel atop a huge-ass building.

#15 - Harpoonshipping
Season 2 - Episode 11 - Aired 2/19/2009
Tonight, on a Very Special episode of Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series — two lovers divided! Will their story have a happy ending? Or will it all end in tears? Will Chad quit his job as lifeguard? And what of Harold and his love of stamp collecting? All these questions and more will be answered. Probably.

#16 - The Worst of Both Worlds
Season 2 - Episode 10 - Aired 12/31/2008
Card games: The final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Kuriboh. Its five year mission: To abridge strange and confusing duels. To seek out new gags and pop culture references. To boldly go where no limey has gone before. In this episode, Yami seduces another green-skinned alien chick. Or maybe he just duels a mime. It's hard to say.

#17 - Perfectly Ultimate Bunghole
Season 2 - Episode 9 - Aired 11/11/2008
Joey encounters an Underling-esque weeaboo, except without the mad photoshop skillz. Meanwhile, Marik takes up bird-watching, and Grandpa becomes a stuck record.

#18 - Sore
Season 2 - Episode 8 - Aired 7/12/2008
Yami is missing! It's up to you, taking on the role of his brother Luigi, to find him! Travel to four thrilling locations and solve tedious trivia questions to help rescue him from the evil clutches of Bowser! Purchase this thrilling time-waster today! Entertainment not included. Dinsdale...?

#19 - The Not-So-Super Roba Bros
Season 2 - Episode 7 - Aired 6/11/2008
While Tristan attempts to get to first base with Serenity, Joey duels an extremely loud character named Espa Roba whose entire family both look and sound exactly like him for no adequately explored reason. Apparently psychic powers are a byproduct of inbreeding.

#20 - Who's That Mokémon?
Season 2 - Episode 6 - Aired 5/20/2008
The Battle City Tournament starts off with a bang as Yugi goes head to head with a rather forgettable henchman, Joey feels the ANIMOSITY, and Mokuba starts down the treacherous journey into kidulthood. Also, John Zhang.

#21 - She Blinded Me With Card Games
Season 2 - Episode 5 - Aired 2/29/2008
Joey's estranged sister, Serenity, is finally going to have her eye operation. Unbeknownst to her, however, Joey has spent the money for the operation on children's trading cards.

#22 - Mo' Money, Mo' Card Games
Season 2 - Episode 4 - Aired 1/20/2008
As Yami learns of his origins as an Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh, Kaiba undertakes a potentially deadly videogame tutorial with the promise of confectionary delights as his only reward. Friendships are tested, blood is spilled, and cards are set in face-up position. Here we go again.

#23 - Dirty Dueling
Season 2 - Episode 3 - Aired 9/17/2007
Tea and Yami go on a date, with typically disastrous consequences. Ever see the movie 50 First Dates? Neither have we. But we imagine this episode is a lot like that movie. Except with just the one date. And no Adam Sandler. But that's a sacrifice we're willing to make.

#24 - Egyptian Exhibition Expo 2007
Season 2 - Episode 2 - Aired 9/17/2007
Kaiba receives a phone call from someone claiming to be Deep Throat... oh wait, that's All The President's Men. Kaiba gets a call from Ishizu Ishtar, promising to inform him of the show's plot. Cue lots an lots of expository dialogue. Can we make this funny? Only one way to found out...