The BEST yes shows of all time

Every yes show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every yes show to compile this list of best shows!

299 votes

#1 - Shtisel

Akiva and Shulem Shtisel, father and son, sit on a little balcony overlooking streets of the Geula neighborhood of Jerusalem. A year has passed since the mother died. All the other children have left the nest, and only Shulam and Akiva remain—quarreling, making up, and laughing about themselves and the rest of the world. All will change when Akiva meets Elisheva.

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1538 votes

#2 - Fauda

A top Israeli agent comes out of retirement to hunt for a Palestinian militant he thought he'd killed, setting a chaotic chain of events into motion.

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66 votes

#3 - Charlie Golf One

A series taking place in an army medical center located in a remote military base and following the bizarre characters and occurrences in the center.

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