The BEST Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) shows of all time

Every Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR) show to compile this list of best shows!

124 votes

#1 - Feuer & Flamme (DE)

For the WDR documentary series ‘Feuer & Flamme’, firefighters from various fire brigades were accompanied for months in their gruelling day-to-day work. The firefighters were equipped with recording units attached to their bodies (so-called ‘bodycams’), which enable viewers to follow the rescuers' work from their perspective and experience it up close.

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312 votes

#2 - Ein Herz und eine Seele

Extremly popular 1970s sitcom referring to many political and social issues through the eyes of an average German family. Alfred Tetzlaff is a narrow-minded, reactionary patriarch living together with his naive wife Else, their daughter Rita and her husband Michael, who emigrated from communist East Germany,...and constantly arguing with them.

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180 votes

#3 - Dittsche - Das wirklich wahre Leben

Olli Dittrich plays the unemployed Dittsche who ponders life in flip-flops and sweatpants at the bar of a Hamburg snack bar. As with a bar talk in real life, the program from the Eppendorfer Grill Station can do without a script. While Dittsche exchanges his empty beer bottles from the previous day for new ones, he discusses current topics from the world with snack bar Ingo and regular guest Schildkröte. In doing so, he loudly reveals his opinion, which is not always based on specialist knowledge, and from which he can usually not be dissuaded.

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98 votes

#4 - Familie Heinz Becker

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148 votes

#5 - Berlin Alexanderplatz

Berlin Alexanderplatz, originally broadcast in 1980, is a 14-part television series adapted and directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder from the Alfred Döblin novel of the same name, and stars Günter Lamprecht, Hanna Schygulla, Barbara Sukowa, Elisabeth Trissenaar and Gottfried John. The complete series is 15½ hours long.

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