The BEST U+ Mobile TV shows of all time
Every U+ Mobile TV show, ranked
We've compiled the average episode rating for every U+ Mobile TV show to compile this list of best shows!
269 votes
#1 - Night Has Come
Trapped in the deadly cursed "Mafia Game," the students of Yoo Il High must play the game to survive, while unraveling the mysteries behind the curse.
View Episode Rankings6.52
51 votes
#2 - Branding in Seongsu
A relentless marketing executive and a warm-hearted intern are always at odds with each other but everything takes a wild turn when their souls switch after an unexpected kiss.
View Episode Rankings0.00
0 votes
#3 - Friendly Rivalry
Seul-gi was "no.1" in her old suburban school. Now, having transferred to the prestigious Chaehwa Girls’ High in Seoul, she must engage in fierce, friendly competition with her rich and talented rival Jae-yi.
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