The BEST Telewizja Polska S.A. shows of all time

Every Telewizja Polska S.A. show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every Telewizja Polska S.A. show to compile this list of best shows!

313 votes

#1 - Four Men and a Dog – In a Tank

The adventures of a tank crew and their T-34 tank in the 1st Polish Army during World War II.

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123 votes

#2 - 07 Come In

07 zgłoś się (07 come in) is a very successful Polish criminal TV series. Directed by Krzysztof Szmagier, it centers around the investigations of Police (Milicja Obywatelska) lieutenant Sławomir Borewicz, played by Bronisław Cieślak. The series has 21 60-minutes Polish language episodes, divided into 5 seasons - as the series was filmed in 1976, 1978, 1981, 1984 and 1987.

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145 votes

#3 - The Rate is Larger than Life

The series about Polish-Russian spy in the Germany during the WWII.

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105 votes

#4 - Zmiennicy

The story is basically about a young women that wishes to become a cab driver.She soon find out that personal clerk in the cab company thinks that women is not fit to be a cab driver.But she doesn't quit there she assumes a false identity of men.There is also a drug smuggling back story with 50 000$ hidden in a Polski Fiat 125p cab. Its the last work of a legendary polish director Stanislaw Bareja.

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