The BEST OCS shows of all time

Every OCS show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every OCS show to compile this list of best shows!

93 votes

#1 - Beautiful Loser

Suddenly a father at 31, eternal teenager Julien must learn to grow up and take responsibility in this French comedy series.

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204 votes

#2 - Lazy Company

Some days before Overlord Operations four soldiers will try to change destiny.

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352 votes

#3 - Missions

The first manned mission to Mars is now approaching the red planet. The crew includes top-flight scientists and a young female psychiatrist, responsible for their mental health. But just as they are about to land, something goes wrong.

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43 votes

#4 - 3615 Monique

In France, in the 1980s, students take advantage of the emergence of the Minitel to get into "pink messaging" (sex chat-line via Minitel) and imagine, without knowing it, the first social network in history.

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76 votes

#5 - Nude

In 2026, a radical change leads to everyone living naked in the peaceful land of France. A police inspector wakes up after eight years in a coma and must adapt to this new reality. This televisual UFO combines absurdity with a caustic critique of a transparency dictatorship.

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