The BEST NickToons shows of all time

Every NickToons show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every NickToons show to compile this list of best shows!

120 votes

#1 - Kappa Mikey

Nineteen-year-old actor Mikey Simon is Japan's biggest anime star. The Ohio native wins a contest to star in Japan's once-popular TV show, "LilyMu." Mikey takes Japan by storm, and the show shoots back to the top of the ratings. But Mikey is still a fish out of water in Japan, and his off-screen antics reflect that fact.

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2315 votes

#2 - The Penguins of Madagascar

The penguins carry their missions in their habitat in Central Park. Julien, the king of the lemurs, and his subjects Maurice and Mort, his new neighbors, appear, who constitute the exhibition of lemurs at the zoo. Now the penguins must keep things under control, often despite the antics of the lemurs as well as helping out with unusual chores or out-of-the-ordinary adventures.

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2443 votes

#3 - The Ren & Stimpy Show

The show revolves around the lives of an angry, insane chihuahua named Ren Höek and his brain-dead "eediot" sidekick cat, Stimpy. Together the duo have lots of bizarre and outrageous adventures accompanied by George Liquor, Mr. Horse, Powdered Toast Man, Muddy Mudskipper, Mr. and Mrs. Pipe, Mrs. Buttloaf, and Svën Höek.

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206 votes

#4 - T.U.F.F. Puppy

Between The Chief (a hard-bitten flea), Kitty Katswell (a perp-popping perfectionist) and Keswick (a gizmo-generating genius), Turbo Undercover Fighting Force, aka T.U.F.F., is the slickest secret crime-crushing unit Petropolis has ever seen. Or anyway it was until Dudley Puppy showed up! Don't take that the wrong way. Dudley -- a mutt with the best of every doggie gene pool -- is a crime-fighting superstar. With the speed of a greyhound, the nose of a bloodhound and the punch of a boxer, he can't be stopped. But he's still a sloppy, excitable pup and he goes MAD for bones -- a weakness that is constantly landing Dudley and his purrfect partner Kitty Katswell in the claws of Verminious Snaptrap. Verminious is the wicked rat mastermind of the Diabolical Order Of Mayhem, or as cowering pets everywhere call it, D.O.O.M.! Along with such crusty comrades like Francisco the man-munching alligator, the shape-shifting Chameleon and feather-headed Bird Brain, Verminious keeps the streets of Petropolis crawling with evil schemes.

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1626 votes

#5 - Wolverine and the X-Men

After an attack on the mansion, Professor Charles Xavier and Jean Grey are missing. The X-Men disband and Scott begins to suffer from depression. Emma Frost is able to locate a comatose Charles on Genosha in the care of Magneto. Professor X telepathically orders Wolverine to lead the X-Men and set out to save the world from The Sentinel Project and prevent the Brotherhood of Mutants from taking over the world before the future ends up a bad one.

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894 votes

#6 - Iron Man: Armored Adventures

In this incarnation of Iron Man, Tony Stark is a teen who works alongside his brilliant father, Howard, at Stark Industries. After Tony's dad dies, Tony moves in with his friend Rhodey and starts going to school and other teenager-like stuff.

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2805 votes

#7 - The Fairly OddParents

After being tortured and humiliated by his babysitter, a ten year old boy is put under the care of two fairy godparents, who can grant him almost any wish, which leads to dire consequences.

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134 votes

#8 - El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera

As the youngest member of Miracle City's famous Rivera family, Manny comes from a long line of guys with some pretty super powers. His dad, a former superhero once known as White Pantera, wants Manny to grow up to be good and honorable just like him. Manny's Granpapi, the retired spervillian Puma Loco, thinks Manny should join him on the dark side. But Manny is a regular thirteen year-old kid who is having trouble deciding exactly how to use his powers as the masked warrior El Tigre. He WANTS to be good...but being bad is MUCH more fun!

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213 votes

#9 - Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Four turtle brothers with ninja powers encounter new allies and villains and discover a magical world they never knew existed beneath the streets of New York City.

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56 votes

#10 - Bunsen is a Beast!

A beast named Bunsen, who is the first beast in his human school, and Mikey Munroe, his human friend, try to navigate through school life when a girl named Amanda wants Bunsen gone so that his kind will suffer from extinction.

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289 votes

#11 - Breadwinners

Do you like riDUCKulous adventures? Sway Sway and Buhdeuce are a couple of super cool Breadwinners with a love for all loaves! These two quazy ducks fly a rocket van from the west to the yeast of Pondgea, making sure everyone gets some bread up in their beak. Yip-yip!

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