The BEST Kids Station shows of all time

Every Kids Station show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every Kids Station show to compile this list of best shows!

154 votes

#1 - Princess Tutu

Ahiru, a young girl living in a small town, is an awkward girl enrolled in a ballet academy who has a crush on one of the most talented boys in the school - the emotionless Mythos. In essence, the story is about Ahiru's quest to find a way to reunite Mythos with his ability to feel. A cute, unique show that doesn't overdo the cuteness. While it looks like a kids show, and from the summary above sounds like a kids show, it's not. There is a melancholy feeling to the show, starting from the beginning theme song. Just what direction this show will go, is yet to be known.

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117 votes

#2 - Shadow Star Narutaru

Tamai Shiina, a cheerful girl, met a weird star-shaped creature during her visit to the island where her grandparents lived in the last summer of elementary school. "Because the star is round," Shiina gave a name: "Hohsimaru" the round star to that creature, which could fly to the sky. Starting with that, Shiina met other boys and girls who also befriended with Hoshimaru's friends. What exactly was the real shape of Hoshimaru's body? The world scale magnificent story begins.

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