The BEST Kan 11 shows of all time

Every Kan 11 show, ranked

We've compiled the average episode rating for every Kan 11 show to compile this list of best shows!

44 votes

#1 - Checkout

A mockumentary workplace comedy taking a behind-the-scenes look at the clash of cultures and characters in a dysfunctional supermarket. Each episode follows the store’s crazy staff and equally eccentric customers. The staff includes the ambitious store manager whose enthusiasm and unawareness are being taken advantage of; the cynical, lazy cashier with “the customer is never right” as her life motto; the religious supermarket’s butcher who loves to prank the employees; and the elderly security guard who reacts extremely slowly to every event.

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59 votes

#2 - Manayek

When Izzy Bakhar, a veteran IAD investigator nearing early retirement, discovers that his best friend Barak, an outstanding police officer, is a suspect in a severe case of corruption, life as he knew it is shattered to a thousand pieces.

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1335 votes

#3 - Tehran

Tamar Rabinian is a Mossad hacker-agent who infiltrates Tehran under a false identity to help destroy Iran’s nuclear reactor. But when her mission fails and she's trapped in a new life, Tamar must plan an operation that will place everyone dear to her in jeopardy.

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197 votes

#4 - Valley of Tears

On October 6th 1973, the Middle East was shaken by the biggest war it had ever seen. A war that should have been the last one, and that forever changed the region.

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